%% This is a LaTeX style package for technical documents.
%% Version 1.0  Joachim Nilsson <crash@vmlinux.org>
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the
%% License, or any later version.


% The following four rows are neccesary to be able to use Swedish.
\usepackage{a4wide}           % A4 dimensions
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}      % Output of Latin 1 fonts.
%\usepackage[swedish]{babel}   % Swedish t.o.c. and other stuff.
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % Understand the ISO Latin 1 key set (eg. ������)

% Font setting.
%\usepackage{helvetic}         % Original, default, font.



% Paragraph indentation

%\addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headheight}	% No header, so compensate
%\addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headsep}	% for header height and separation


\setlength{\mywidth}{(\textwidth/2) - 5mm}
\newcommand{\doctitle}{Lord of the Rings}
\newcommand{\preparedby}{Christopher Tolkien}
\newcommand{\approvedby}{J.R.R. Tolkien}
\newcommand{\companyname}{Fellowship of the Ring}

\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[b]{\mywidth}
\scriptsize Internal information \normalsize     \\
\normalsize \companyname 
\end{minipage}                                   \\
              &                                  \\
\begin{tabular}{|p{\mywidth}|p{\mywidth}|} \hline
\scriptsize Prepared by           & \scriptsize Document                \\
\normalsize \preparedby           & \normalsize \doctitle               \\ \hline
\scriptsize Approved by           & \scriptsize Date                    \\
\normalsize \approvedby           & \normalsize \today                  \\ \hline

%\lfoot{\copyright \copyrightyear \companyname}
\fancyfoot[LO]{\copyright\ \copyrightyear\ \companyname}
\fancyfoot[RE]{\copyright\ \copyrightyear\ \companyname}

\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4 pt}
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.0 pt}
