TengwarScript package for LaTeX
version 1.3.1, July 2014
Author: Ignacio Fern��ndez Galv��n (Jellby): jellby@yahoo.com
Homepage: http://djelibeibi.unex.es/tengwar


The TengwarScript package aim is to provide a mid-level access to
tengwar fonts while still generating good output by default. Each
tengwar sign has an individual command, wich should place the sign
nicely with relation to the preceding signs. So, to write the word
"quetta" in Quenya mode one would write:


For long texts, all this typing would be too cumbersome, so it is
advised to use an automatic transcriber. The recommended one is "ptt"
(Perl tengwar transcriber), which can be found in the above homepage.

Note: This package needs a tengwar font to work properly. Which fonts
are supported and how to install them can be found in the documentation.
ENC, VF, TFM and MAP files are included in the package.


(These steps work in tetex 3.0, [TEXMF] is preferably the local or
user texmf tree)

1. "latex tengwarscript.dtx" to get the documentation.

2. "latex tengwarscript.ins" to get the package files.

3. a) Move *.sty and *.cfg into [TEXMF]/tex/latex/tengwarscript/.
   b) Move *.tfm into [TEXMF]/fonts/tfm/tengwarscript/.
   c) Move *.enc into [TEXMF]/fonts/enc/tengwarscript/.
   d) Move *.vf into [TEXMF]/fonts/vf/tengwarscript/.
   e) Move tengwarscript.map into [TEXMF]/fonts/map/dvips/.

4. Download the tengwar fonts (see documentation). You may need to
rename some files to match the names in the .map file. You can use
the included script install-tengwar-scripts.sh to automate the
download and rename.

5. Move *.ttf into [TEXMF]/fonts/truetype/tengwarscript/ or *.pfb
   into [TEXMF]/fonts/type1/tengwarscript/.

6. Add "Map tengwarscript.map" to updmap.cfg.

7. "texhash" to refresh the database.

8. "updmap" or "updmap-sys" to update the configuration.


This package is distributed under the LaTeX Proyect Public License
(LPPL), see http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for the details or the
included file COPYING.