%% This is file `thesis.drv',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% thesis.dtx  (with options: `driver')
%% Copyright (C) 1991, 1996 by Wenzel Matiaske, mati1831@perform.ww.tu-berlin.de 
%% You are not allowed to distribute this file without the 
%% original source thesis.dtx. For distribution of the 
%% sources see the copyright notice in the file thesis.dtx. 
\typeout{* Documentation for LaTeX styles `thesis' & `thema'   *}


               Die kursiv gesetzten Seitenzahlen
               verweisen auf Beschreibungen der Makros,
               unterstrichene Programmzeilennummern
               auf deren Definitionen.}
    \GlossaryParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces}%
\DocInput{thesis.dtx} \newpage \PrintChanges % \newpage \PrintIndex
%% End of file `thesis.drv'.