\ProvidesPackage{threeparttablex}[2013/07/23 v0.3 by daleif]

%% This package can be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Lars Madsen (daleif@imf.au.dk).





% length to store the longtable width in
% macro to store the optional argument for tablenotes
% wrapper env used to collect the tablenotes for later use
% the macro used to store the tablenotes contents
  % first we need to know the width of the longtable, remember that it
  % will only settle after a few compilations
  \renewcommand\LT@entry[2]{\global\advance\TPTL@width by ##2}
  % then add the table notes inside a \parbox of the required width
        \let\TPT@hsize\@empty% otherwise the width is not reset
                             % correctly as \TPT@hsize messes with 
                             % \@parboxrestore

% the alternative threeparttable env, it only enables \TPToverlap


% we only come here if we need to make tablenotes referable

% define an extra \tnote command that table a label instead of a string


% if hyperref is loaded we activate a starred version

  \providecommand{#1}{}% just to make it exist

  \providecommand{#1}{}% just to make it exist
    \TPTLnotesnamefontcommand{##1: }%



% \makelabel (i.e. \item) hides its argument inside a group, making it
% difficult to set \@currentlabel, so we locally overload \item to get
% the argument and set \@currentlabel AFTER \item[...]


% this is a copy from threeparttable, since adding to it failed
   \prevdepth\z@ \TPT@hsize
   \parindent\z@ \pretolerance 8
   \linepenalty 200
   \renewcommand\item[1][]{\relax\ifhmode \begingroup
       \advance\hsize 10em % \hsize is scratch register, based on real hsize
       \penalty -45 \hskip\z@\@plus\hsize \penalty-19
       \hskip .15\hsize \penalty 9999 \hskip-.15\hsize
       \hskip .01\hsize\@plus-\hsize\@minus.01\hsize 
       \hskip 1em\@plus .3em

% just in case it is not already there


The End