# Package timbreicmc # Typeset documents with [ICMC/USP S��o Carlos-SP, Brazil](http://www.icmc.usp.br) watermarks. Author: Miguel V. S. Frasson [mvsfrasson@gmail.com](mailto:mvsfrasson@gmail.com) This material is subject to the [LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c](https://ctan.org/license/lppl1.3) ## Simple usage ## For basic watermark of the institute, just include ``` TeX \usepackage{timbreicmc} ``` For watermarks of the departments (`scc`, `sma`, `sme`, `ssc`) and sectors of ICMC (`ccex`, `ci`, `cg`, `comunic`, `congreg`, `cpg`, `cpq`, `cqp`, `cta`, `dir`, `sbab`, `scapinst`, `sti`), include one of these acronyms in lowercase as package option, like ``` TeX \usepackage[sme]{timbreicmc} ``` ## Documentation ## Full documentation on [timbreicmc.pdf], with ICMC watermark, in Portuguese only, sorry :-)