% titlepic.sty is a LaTeX package to show a picture on the cover produced by \maketitle.
% By Thomas ten Cate <ttencate@gmail.com>. Free software, no warranty of any kind.
% Version history:
% 1.2: works without titlepage as well
% 1.1: now more self-contained, comes with a PDF manual
% 1.0: first release
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

% No idea whether it works on older LaTeXes.

% Package identification and version number.
\ProvidesPackage{titlepic}[2017/03/14 1.2 Package to display a picture on the title page]

% Declare the options.
\DeclareOption{tt}{\gdef\@tptopspace{}\gdef\@tpsepspace{\vskip 3em}}
\DeclareOption{cc}{\gdef\@tptopspace{\null\vfil}\gdef\@tpsepspace{\vskip 3em}}

% Define the sole command introduced by this package.
% Very similar to the definition of \title, etc.
\def\@titlepic{\@empty} % default: no picture

% If a title page was requested from the document class (article/report/book),
% override \maketitle to show our picture.
			\let \footnote \thanks
				{\LARGE \@title \par}%
				\vskip 3em%
					\lineskip .75em%
				\vskip 1.5em%
				{\large \@date \par}%       % Set date in \large size.
		\vskip 2em%
			\let \footnote \thanks
			{\LARGE \@title \par}%
			\vskip 1.5em%
			\lineskip .5em%
			\vskip 1em%
			{\large \@date}%
		\vskip .5em%
		\vskip 1.5em}