% TITLEREF.STY ver 3.1 2001-04-05 Donald Arseneau <asnd@triumf.ca> % This is free unsupported software, released to the public domain. % % This package provides a "\titleref" command to cross-reference the titles % of sections. The "\label" command is changed to remember the title for % such a reference. Use "\titleref" just like "\ref" and "\pageref". % % Titles for numbered sectioning units and for floats with captions are % the same as the respective TOC, LOF, or LOT entry (even when no TOC is % printed). When a short title is provided ("\section[short]{long}") % it will be used for the "\titleref". This is especially useful for % figure captions. Unnumbered sections take their title reference from % the printed title. Beware! This turns the title into a moving argument % when it normally is not, and will cause weird errors if there are % `fragile' commands present. % % Enumerated lists do not have titles and simply inherit the title of % their section. % % The format of the title reference is controlled by the command % "\theTitleReference", which can be redefined with "\renewcommand". % It takes two parameters: the number and the title. The number is % just the regular "\ref" and it is WRONG in unnumbered sections. % Beware! The default definition is the unadorned title. You could % do, for example, "\renewcommand{\theTitleReference}[2]{#1\ \emph{#2}}". % % The title of the current section is also available without "\label": % Use the command "\currenttitle" to generate a "\titleref" to the current % section. If you have redefined "\theTitleReference" to print the number % with the title, be aware that the two may not correspond: In a numbered % list the number will show the current item but the title will show the % current section, but in an unnumbered section the number will show % some previous section number. % % Options: [usetoc] and [nostar] % % In the default operation, the titles are recorded by a command inserted % into the various sectioning commands ("\@sect", "\@ssect", "\@chapter", % "\@schapter", "\@part", "\@spart", and "\@caption"). If this creates % conflicts with some other package, you can use an entirely different % method by specifying "\usepackage[usetoc]{titleref}". As the name % implies, this option records the titles from the table-of-contents % entry without redefining the sectioning commands. (This is the method % used in older versions.) % % Since there are no TOC entries for the `star' versions of sectioning % commands, they are still redefined. The additional option "[nostar]" % ("\usepackage[usetoc,nostar]{titlerrf}") prevents the redefinitions, % but then "\section*" will not generate a title reference. If you try % to refer to the title of an unnumbered section while "[nostar]" is in % effect, you will get the title of the previous section. % % Under the "[usetoc]" option, the current title will always be overridden % by an "\addcontentsline" command before the "\label", even for starred % section commands under the "[nostar]" option. % % The big problem with the "[usetoc]" method is that "\titleref" will % not refer to a "\label" which was given in the title or caption itself; % the label must be placed after the sectioning command or the caption. % If you make a title-reference to a label given in a title, you will get % a warning message. % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{titleref}[2001/04/05 v3.1 \space Cross-references with titles.] \newcommand{\theTitleReference}[2]{#2} % \let\TR@old@label\label % % This redefinition of \label is intended to work with other redirections % of \label, if they record extra information in a similar way. \def\label#1{\@bsphack\begingroup \protected@edef\@currentlabel{\protect\TR@TitleReference {\@currentlabel}{\TR@currentTitle}}% \TR@old@label{#1}% \endgroup \@esphack}% % \def\TR@gettitle#1{\begingroup \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect \let\label\TR@nestwarn \let\index\@gobble \let\glossary\@gobble \let\markboth\@gobbletwo \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo \let\markright\@gobble \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\def\noexpand\TR@currentTitle{#1}}% \expandafter\endgroup\@tempa} % \let\TR@nestwarn\@gobble % \let\TR@TitleReference\@firstoftwo % % Allow aux file to be used after titleref is removed: \AtBeginDocument{\immediate\write\@mainaux{\string\let \string\TR@TitleReference\string\@firstoftwo}} % \DeclareRobustCommand{\titleref}[1]{\begingroup \let\numberline\@gobble \let\TR@TitleReference\TR@theTR % interrupt recursion of \ref \ref{#1}\endgroup} % \DeclareRobustCommand{\currenttitle}{\begingroup \let\numberline\@gobble \theTitleReference\@currentlabel\TR@currentTitle\endgroup} % % \def\TR@theTR{0} \DeclareOption{usetoc}{\edef\TR@theTR{1\TR@theTR}}% \DeclareOption{nostar}{\edef\TR@theTR{\TR@theTR 1}}% \ProcessOptions\relax % % Put hooks in "star" commands if not [usetoc,nostar] \ifnum\TR@theTR<100 % \AtBeginDocument{\let\TR@old@ssect\@ssect \def\@ssect#1#2#3#4#5{\TR@gettitle{#5}\TR@old@ssect{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}% \@ifundefined{@schapter}{}{\let\TR@old@schapter\@schapter \def\@schapter#1{\TR@gettitle{#1}\TR@old@schapter{#1}}} \@ifundefined{@spart}{}{\let\TR@old@spart\@spart \def\@spart#1{\TR@gettitle{#1}\TR@old@spart{#1}}} } % \fi % % Put hooks in other commands if not [usetoc] \ifnum\TR@theTR<9 % \AtBeginDocument{% \let\TR@old@sect\@sect \def\@sect#1#2#3#4#5#6[#7]{\TR@gettitle{#7}% \TR@old@sect{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}[{#7}]}% \@ifundefined{@chapter}{}{\AtBeginDocument{\let\TR@old@chapter\@chapter \def\@chapter[#1]{\TR@gettitle{#1}\TR@old@chapter[{#1}]}}} \@ifundefined{@part}{}{\AtBeginDocument{\let\TR@old@part\@part \def\@part[#1]{\TR@gettitle{#1}\TR@old@part[{#1}]}}}% \let\TR@old@caption\@caption \long\def\@caption#1[#2]#3{\TR@gettitle{#2}% \TR@old@caption{#1}[{#2}]{#3}} } % \else % [usetoc], hook into \addcontentsline and prohibit labels in titles % \DeclareRobustCommand\TR@nestwarn[1]{\PackageWarning{titleref}% {Label \string"#1\string" was put in a title,\MessageBreak so the \noexpand\titleref is incorrect}} % \let\TR@old@addcontentsline\addcontentsline % \def\addcontentsline#1#2#3{% \TR@old@addcontentsline{#1}{#2}{#3}% \TR@gettitle{\relax#3}} % \fi % \let\TR@currentTitle\@empty % % proper definition: \def\TR@theTR{\let\TR@TitleReference\@firstoftwo \theTitleReference} % \endinput % the end