% Copyright 2003 Sascha Herpers
% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
% 2003-05-22
% Sascha Herpers
% herpers@wiso.uni-koeln.de
% History
% (mm/dd/yy) change
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%  05/26/03  + added new options trim and notrim
%              If 'trim' is set, each first token is stripped from leading and
%              trailing spaces. 'notrim' is the default and leaves the token as
%              is.
%            + added new public command \TrimSpaces{<Token>}

% local variables
\def\SH@true{true}                       % used with trim/notrim
\def\SH@false{false}                     % used with trim/notrim

% Options
\DeclareOption{trim}{\edef\SH@trimtokens{\SH@true}}     % trim tokens
\DeclareOption{notrim}{\edef\SH@trimtokens{\SH@false}}  % do not trim tokens

% \SH@GetTokens<Token1>,<Token2>
%     Saves <Token1> and <Token2> in two commands. The names of the commands
%     are derived from the value of \SH@FirstArgName and \SH@SecondArgName.
       \ifx\SH@trimtokens\SH@true        % strip spaces if requested

% \SH@CheckTokenSep<Token1>,<Token2>
%     Checks the arguments for the existence of a token separator.
%     This Command must be called with a trailing comma!
%     If a comma was found \SH@TokenValid is set to true, false otherwise.
%     Example 1: <t1>,<t2>,
%        This is split into <t1> and <t2>, and because the second token is
%        not empty \SH@TokenValid is set to true.
%     Example 2: <t1>,
%        This is split into <t1> and an empty second token and thus evaluates
%        to false.
%     Remark: If you omit the trailing comma when calling \SH@CheckTokenSep
%             example 2 will fail to compile.

% \GetTokens{<Target1>}{<Target2>}{<Source>}
%     Splits <Source> into two tokens at the first encounter of a comma.
%     The first token is saved in a newly created command with the name passed
%     as <Target1> and the second token likewise.
        % save the names of the commands to receive the separated tokens
        % check for the token separator
            % separator found, split the source string
            % there was no separator, return the complete source string as
            % first token
            \ifx\SH@trimtokens\SH@true   % strip spaces if requested

% \DefineCommand{<Name>}{<Value>}
%     Creates a new command \<Name> with the value passed as second parameter.
  \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{#2}%

% \TrimSpaces{<Token>}
%     This command removes leading and trailing spaces from <Token>. I found
%     the original code on the web. The original author was Michael Downes, who
%     provided the code as an answer to 'around the bend' question #15.
  \expandafter\trimb\expandafter\noexpand#1Q Q}%
\def\trimb#1 Q{\trimc#1Q}
\def\trimc#1Q#2{\afterassignment\endgroup \vfuzz\the\vfuzz#1}