% $Id: typeface.sty 904 2012-06-16 13:32:38Z Geoffrey $
% typeface.sty Copyright (C) 2012 Geoffrey Jones
% This package (typeface.sty and optional configuration file, typeface.cfg)
% simplifies setting up rmdefault, sfdefault, ttdefault, symbols and math type1
% format (postscript) fonts. It is designed to allow users the widest latitude
% in mixing and matching whatever combination they might desire from these.
% Recommendations:
%  1. Compile with pdflatex or variants like lualatex for best results
%     (although since fontspec is a mainstay in lua, you might prefer to
%     stick with that package -- see lualatex-doc in your installation or
%     from internet download). Some type1 fonts do not render properly in
%     pdfxelatex compiled documents. Compiling to dvi rather
%     than directly to pdf can prove an `interesting' idea.
% Requires:
%  1. Requires e-TeX.
%  2. Ensure that microtype is already loaded if (and only if) text figures
%     substitute font letter spacing is desired (advanced usage). However,
%     note that microtype generally doesn't partner well with bitmap fonts,
%     especially if any scaling is involved. Should you select bitmap fonts
%     (concrete, cmbright, etc.), microtype will very likely throw "auto
%     expansion is only possible with scalable fonts" errors. Bottom line:
%     either avoid bitmap fonts (for example, install hfbright to configure
%     a type1 variant of cmbright), or avoid microtype.
% Restrictions:
%  1. This package is most suited to pdfLaTeX, and not particularly to
%     other TeX formats where, in any event, it would be swimming against
%     their particular tides. However, it has been demonstrated to work
%     (depending on your definition of `work') in LuaTeX and in more
%     restricted circumstances under XeTeX. If using XeTeX, the
%     fontspec package would make far and away the better choice.
% Programming conventions:
%  1. All commands in this package begin with `\tf@', `\TF@', usw. As far
%     as I know, of all the usual packages, classes, etc., only LaTeX's
%     math text size macro (\tf@size) and table files (`\tf@EXT' where EXT
%     is toc, lof, lot, etc) co-claim this namespace.
%  2. \TF@XXX is a constant (of sorts, since users can redefine many of these).
%  3. \TF@Xxx overrides standard mixed-case commands, e.g., \TF@PackageInfo
%     wrappers \PackageInfo.
%  4. Many internal commands can be overridden by pre-defining them in the
%     package configuration file (\TF@CONFIGFILE, usually `typeface.cfg').
%  5. \tf@@xxx commands are, if not strictly local to a command, volatile
%     across the scope of this package.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at
% your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in
% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of
% all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Original Author of this work is Geoffrey Jones.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Geoffrey Jones.
% =============================================================================


  [2012/06/11 (prerelease) Type1 font load management pkg (GJ)]


\RequirePackage{etexcmds}  % renames e-tex \unexpanded to \etex@unexpanded
\RequirePackage{etoolbox}  % used extensively throughout this package
\RequirePackage{ifthenx}   % ifthen package plus extensions

\RequirePackage{iftex}                                                         % TODO: have we properly incorporated this?

% Package-wide constants
% User-reconfigurable constants

% Defaults used whenever the user either 1) does not explicitly define a
% typeface option or 2) explicitly specifies `default' (or whatever
% \TF@DEFAULT happens to be). Users can specify site specific defaults
% by including statements like:
%   \renewcommand*\TF@DEFAULTRMFONT{kpfonts:veryoldstyle:light}, or
%   \renewcommand*\TF@DEFAULTFONTENCODING{T5}
% in their configuration file \TF@CONFIGFILE. See the bundled configuration
% file for further examples.
\newcommand*\TF@DEFAULT{default}          % this pair should almost
\newcommand*\TF@DEFAULTPRINTNAME{Default} % certainly never be redefined!

\newcommand*\TF@DONTLOAD{dontload}        % generally synonyms




% Non-reconfigurable constants -- see after aux file load,
% below, for especially constant constants.

% Package-wide variables and pre-initialised commands
% Global macros -- stubs created here, code populated further below
\newcommand*\tf@fontencodingchoices{}    % package option choice lists are
\newcommand*\tf@inputencodingchoices{}   % initially empty; they are configured
\newcommand*\tf@textcompchoices{}        % below, or via configuration file
\newcommand*\tf@cmapchoices{}            % \TF@CONFIGFILE

\newcommand*\tf@loadrmtypeface{}         % created here, populated by
\newcommand*\tf@loadsftypeface{}         % expansions of \newtypeface font
\newcommand*\tf@loadtttypeface{}         % definitions below and in user
\newcommand*\tf@loadmathtypeface{}       % customisation file \TF@CONFIGFILE


\newcommand*\tf@rationalisefontnames{}   % typeface aliases management command
\newcommand*\tf@empty@sfcnt@hook{}       % empty font size function hook

% Volatiles
\newcommand*\tf@@listseparator{}         % for lists constructed on the fly

% Helper commands (heaps of them)
% ===============================

% Info messaging commands







  \PackageError{\TF@PACKAGENAME}{Unexpected option `#1=#2' ignored}{}%

% etoolbox command wrappers
    {\TF@PackageInfo{Patched \string #1}}
    {\TF@PackageError{Failed to patch \string #1}{}}


% globally undefine each command in a list of commands

% \usepackage wrapper command for (and only for) loading font packages
% in \newtypeface commands (below and in extension file \TF@CONFIGFILE)
    % Note that we often pre-pass options to packages using
    % \PassOptionsToPackage. Thus, we can't just test for
    % empty options ([#1]==[]) and proceed if so. Given that,
    % we stop in all cases of the target package already being
    % loaded.
      Package `#2' is already loaded. You should\MessageBreak
      probably sort this out before  proceeding. Did\MessageBreak
      you load `#2' before this package? Do you\MessageBreak
      need to revise your `fontloadorder' suboptions?\MessageBreak
      What would you like to do?}

% A few little throwaway helpers
% Discard all but the six leftmost characters of a string

% Round up the provided floating point number and truncate to, at most,
% six characters (including minus sign and/or decimal point)


% Colon-separated value list commands
% Helper test: \tf@ifsuboption tests whether item #1 is a member of
% colon-separated list #2. #2 will generally be \tf@XXfontoptions, where
% XX is one of rm, sf, tt, math, symbols or textfigures. Example usage:
%   \tf@ifsuboption{light}{\tf@sffontoptions}{<true part>}{<false part>}
% The list item immediately following #1 is saved in \tf@nextsuboption.
\DeclareListParser{\tf@doColonSeparatedList}{:}  % refer etoolbox package

  % #1 item name, #2 item list
  % side effects: 1) sets boolean tf@suboptionfound,
  %               2) sets \tf@nextsuboption to next suboption in #2

% Replace first #1 (to-be-replaced item) with #2 (new item) in #3 (item list)
% (Note, no parm safety checking or messaging on failure.)
    \TF@PackageDebugInfo{Replaced item `\string#1' with item `\string#2'
                         in list [\tf@originallist]}%

% Count the number of times item appears in the colon-separated item list
  % #1 item name
  % #2 item list
  % side effect: sets counter tf@suboptioncount

% Count the number of non-empty items in the colon-separated item list
  % #1 item list
  % side effect: sets counter tf@suboptioncount

% Auxiliary file management
% =========================
      \TF@PackageDebugInfoNoLine{Opening auxiliary file \TF@AUXFILENAME..}%
      \TF@PackageWarningNoLine{Auxiliary file output disabled,\MessageBreak
                               `\TF@AUXFILENAME' not written}%

        Writing `#1' to auxiliary file \TF@AUXFILENAME..}%

\tf@newbool{tf@sffontdirty}{false}     % set these two if we need second run
\tf@newbool{tf@ttfontdirty}{false}     % to ensure they are accurately scaled
        Auxiliary file `\TF@AUXFILENAME' has changed.\MessageBreak
        You need to recompile `\jobname.tex' again}

      \TF@PackageDebugInfoNoLine{Closing auxiliary file \TF@AUXFILENAME..}%

% \newtypeface typeface definition command. This is this package's central
% customisation command. Users can use this command to a) extend the range of
% typeface package managed fonts or b) override the font definitions set out
% below. User font (re)definitions should be placed in customisation file
% \TF@CONFIGFILE (see example customisation file provided with this package).
% ===========================================================================
  % #1: [<optional comma-separated list of aliases for typeface name>]
  % #2: {<typeface name>}
  % #3: {<typeface human-readable print name>}
  %     NB, #3 can be empty, in which case the user must explicitly define
  %     the font's print name macro (e.g., \tf@rmprintname) in the code in #5
  % #4: {<typeface family: rm, sf, tt, math, symbols or textfigures>}
  % #5: {<typeface initialisation code>}, e.g.,
  %       {\renewcommand*\rmdefault{ppl}} or {\tf@usefontpackage{helv}...}
  % Note that, for better integration and debugging, users should load
  % font packages using \tf@usefontpackage rather than \usepackage (however,
  % continuing to use \usepackage for loading non-font packages outside
  % \newtypeface definitions).

    \def\do{}  % pre-initialised stub

      % Add any (optional #1) fontname aliases to the list of valid typeface
      % package choices. Also, build helper macro \tf@rationalisefontnames
      % (invoked once, further below).
        \expandafter\g@addto@macro\csname tf@#4typefacechoices\endcsname{##1,}
          % fyi, \tf@#4font is created by \tf@parsefontname, defined way below
          % e.g., \tf@rmfont is created by \tf@parsefontname{rm}
          \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname tf@#4font\endcsname}{##1}}{
            \expandafter\def\csname tf@#4font\endcsname{#2}
      \docsvlist{#1}  % iterate \do over each typeface alias in #1

      % Add #2 to the \tf@#4typefacechoices comma separated list
      \expandafter\g@addto@macro\csname tf@#4typefacechoices\endcsname{#2,}

      % Add #2 to the \tf@load#4typeface command
      \expandafter\g@addto@macro\csname tf@load#4typeface\endcsname{
        \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname tf@#4font\endcsname}{#2}}
          {\csname tf@#4font@#2\endcsname}

      % Construct \tf@#4font@#2, the font initialisation command
      % invoked by \tf@load#4typeface, just defined above
      \expandafter\providecommand\csname tf@#4font@#2\endcsname{#5}

      % Prepend some debug code to the macro
      \expandafter\pretocmd\expandafter{\csname tf@#4font@#2\endcsname}
        {\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Loading #4 typeface `#2'...}}{}{}

      % Prepend the font print name to the macro (so long as #3 the print
      % name isn't empty, otherwise whatever code invokes \newtypeface
      % will explicitly need to take care of this itself)
        \expandafter\pretocmd\expandafter{\csname tf@#4font@#2\endcsname}
          {\expandafter\def\csname tf@#4printname\endcsname{#3}}{}{}

      % Restore \DeclareSizeFunction if we redefined it in
      % \tf@initialisetextfiguresfont (defined below)
        \expandafter\apptocmd\expandafter{\csname tf@#4font@#2\endcsname}{

      % Record our package-managed \rmdefault, \sfdefault, \ttdefault
      \expandafter\apptocmd\expandafter{\csname tf@#4font@#2\endcsname}{

      % Have the macro register itself as and whenever it happens to be invoked
      \expandafter\g@addto@macro\csname tf@#4font@#2\endcsname{%
        \expandafter\def\csname tf@#4fontloadcommand\endcsname{tf@#4font@#2}%

      % Finally, ensure our macro is restricted to the document preamble
      \expandafter\@onlypreamble\csname tf@#4font@#2\endcsname
      % User has included their own definition for standard typeface #2
      % in the #4 family (or they included multiple definitions for one
      % of their own typefaces) in their config file.
          Encountered multiple definitions for `#2' in\MessageBreak
          the `#4' family. This is OK, however note that the\MessageBreak
          first definition takes precedence while subsequent\MessageBreak
          definitions are ignored}
    \TF@PackageError{user configuration error: second\MessageBreak
      mandatory argument to \string\newtypeface\ should\MessageBreak
      be one of [rm,sf,tt,math,symbols,textfigures]}{}

% User typeface scale command -- useful in the body of the initialisation
% code passed to the \newtypeface command (see examples below)
  % #1: sf, tt or textfigures
  % #2: any scaling code recognised by the font definition (.fd) file
  \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname tf@#1scalemethod\endcsname}{\TF@FX@SCALE}}{

% Load package configuration file \TF@CONFIGFILE. This file may contain
%   1) user-defined fonts specifications (\newtypeface commands), and
%   2) overrides of constants in the code block immediately above.
  \TF@PackageInfoNoLine{Loading configuration file `\TF@CONFIGFILE'...}
  \TF@PackageInfoNoLine{...completed loading configuration file
    User typeface definition file `\TF@CONFIGFILE'\MessageBreak
    cannot be found (`\TF@CONFIGFILE' not loaded)}

% Non-reconfigurable enums -- (re)defined after config file load
\newcommand*\TF@IMPLICITDEFAULT {0} % pkg option kv unspecified
\newcommand*\TF@EXPLICITDEFAULT {1} % pkg option kv explicitly = \TF@DEFAULT
\newcommand*\TF@EXPLICITOTHER   {2} % pkg option kv explicitly = something else

\newcommand*\TF@OSF@LF{0}   % lining figures
\newcommand*\TF@OSF@NF{1}   % native font -- do nothing
\newcommand*\TF@OSF@JF{2}   % native OSF 'j' (or equiv) font family
\newcommand*\TF@OSF@XF{3}   % substitute font
\newcommand*\TF@OSF@TS{4}   % TS1 encoding
\newcommand*\TF@OSF@SC{5}   % small caps

\newcommand*\TF@UNSCALED{1} % unitary scaling factor -- must be 1, not 1.0 etc.

\newcommand*\TF@ER@SCALE{0} % user error
\newcommand*\TF@NO@SCALE{1} % don't scale font; equiv, scale to \TF@UNSCALED
\newcommand*\TF@FX@SCALE{2} % scale font to fixed positive real number
\newcommand*\TF@EX@SCALE{3} % scale font to rm font ex height
\newcommand*\TF@LC@SCALE{4} % scale font to rm font lowercase letters height
\newcommand*\TF@UC@SCALE{5} % scale font to rm font uppercase letters height
\newcommand*\TF@FG@SCALE{6} % scale font to rm font figures height


% Package options processing
% ==========================

% Roman (default body text) typeface selection.
% Save <string> in \tf@rmfontname, given user options:
%   `typeface=<string>' or `rm=<string>'

    % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below

% As above but using synonym `rm=' instead

% Sans serif typeface selection
% Save <string> in \tf@sffontname, given user options:
%   `sanstypeface=<string>' or `sf=<string>'

    % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below

% As above but using synonym `sf=' instead

% Monospaced (typewriter) typeface selection
% Save <string> in \tf@ttfontname, given user options:
%   `monotypeface=<string>' or `tt=<string>'

    % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below

% As above but using synonym `tt=' instead

% Math typeface selection
% Save <string> in \tf@mathfontname, given user options:
%   `mathtypeface=<string>' or `math=<string>'

    % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below

% As above but using synonym `math=' instead

% Symbols typeface selection
% Save <string> in \tf@symbolsfontname, given user options:
%   `symbolstypeface=<string>' or `sym=<string>'

    % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below

% As above but using synonym `sym=' instead

% Text figures (aka old style figures, aka lowercase roman numerals).
% Depending on your body text typeface, you can choose to source text
% figures from its old style font or from one of a limited number of
% entirely different substitute typefaces.

    % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below

% Font encodings. Note that fontenc is one of only a rare number of
% packages that can be loaded multiple times.
% Typeface package option `fontencoding=<encs>' where <encs> is:
%   1) <empty>, in which case typeface will load the fontenc package
%      with option \TF@DEFAULTFONTENCODING (as defined above or redefined in
%      \TF@CONFIGFILE). This value is implied if the user does not explicitly
%      set the this package's `fontencoding' option.
%   2) `ignore' or `dontload' (or whatever the values of `\TF@IGNORE' or
%      `\TF@DONTLOAD' happen to be). In which case typeface does not load
%      fontenc.
%   3) a colon-separated list of items drawn from comma-separated list
%      \tf@fontencodingchoices (reader, are you listening up? <encs> is, like
%      all all other multi-valued package options that can be passed to this
%      package, colon-separated; \tf@fontencodingchoices is an internally
%      coded list, thus comma-separated). The allowable set of <encs> choices,
%      \tf@fontencodingchoices, is initialised below with possible additions
%      in defined in \TF@CONFIGFILE. Font encoding choice items are passed to
%      fontenc in the order that they appear in <encs>.
%      Special value `default' (or whatever the value of \TF@DEFAULT happens
%      to be), gets translated in the process to \TF@DEFAULTFONTENCODING
%      (defined above or in \TF@CONFIGFILE).
%      Note that the ***last*** (or most recently processed) item passed to
%      fontenc becomes the current default font encoding. So, e.g., T1 is
%      assigned to \encodingdefault when typeface is passed option
%      `fontencoding=LGR:T1'.
% NB, the cause of LaTeX compiler error:
%      LaTeX Error: Unknown option `YYY' for package `typeface'
% is forgetting that multi-valued package options (suboptions) are
% colon, NOT comma, separated. Instead of writing package option
%      ...,fontencoding=XXX,YYY,...
% the user should instead have written
%      ...,fontencoding=XXX:YYY,...

  % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below

% List of common font encodings drawn from around the place, e.g.,
% from `encguide.pdf'.  You can add your own options to this list
% by including:
%     \renewcommand\tf@fontencodingchoices{<choice,...>}
% in configuration file \TF@CONFIGFILE. It won't hurt if you repeat
% any choices here.

% Inputenc package options -- see comments with fontencoding

  % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below


% Textcomp package options -- see comments with fontencoding

  % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below


% Cmap package options -- see comments with fontencoding

  % only partially initialised here -- complete initialisation below


% Font load order. Default font load order is:
%    textfigures -> symbols -> math -> rm -> sf -> tt
% (or as specified in \TF@DEFAULTFONTLOADORDER, above)
% 1. package option loadorder allows users to indicate (albeit strongly
%    indicate) their preferred font load order. We do our best to honour
%    the user's preference, but may occasionally choose to disregard it.
% 2. users should do their best to avoid using this option lest doing so
%    lead to brittle code (seemingly innocuous changes to document code
%    leading to unexpected problems). However, this option might prove
%    useful, especially in cases where math/symbols load ordering can
%    strongly affect results.


% Output extra info in log files and coloured text when debugging


% Enabling print info commands will pull in packages we generally don't use


% Finished declaring package options -- process them
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Processing package options...}

% Set default options; reset or complain about those that don't make sense
% ========================================================================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Reconfiguring and error-checking user options...}

% Package options validation -- typeface/rm, sanstypeface/sf, monotypeface/tt,
% mathtypeface/math, symbolstypeface/sym, textfigures
  % Set font defaults if a) user did not explicitly specify a desired font
  % or b) explicitly specified `default' (or whatever \TF@DEFAULT is defined
  % to be) instead.
  % #1 is rm, sf, tt, math, symbols or textfigures
  \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname}{}}{
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname{\TF@DEFAULT}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1fontdefaultstatus\endcsname

  \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname}{\TF@DEFAULT}
    \AND\equal{\csname tf@#1fontdefaultstatus\endcsname}{\TF@EXPLICITOTHER}}{
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1fontdefaultstatus\endcsname

  \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname}{\TF@DEFAULT}}{
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname

% Shared fontencoding, inputencoding, textcomp, cmap options validation
% routine. Apologies for the jabberwocky code -- it was this or repeat
% the entire block several times.
  % #1: fontencoding, inputencoding, textcomp or cmap
  \expandafter\def\csname tf@#1\endcsname{}
  \edef\tf@@optionstring{\csname tf@#1string\endcsname}

  % Set (preliminary) defaultstatus depending on what the user specified
    \expandafter\def\csname tf@#1defaultstatus\endcsname{\TF@IMPLICITDEFAULT}
     {\expandafter\def\csname tf@#1defaultstatus\endcsname{\TF@EXPLICITDEFAULT}}
     {\expandafter\def\csname tf@#1defaultstatus\endcsname{\TF@EXPLICITOTHER}}

  % Ensure each suboption in option string matches an item
  % in the relevant options choices list


      \expandafter\def\csname tf@#1\endcsname{\TF@DONTLOAD}
      \xdef\tf@@options{\csname tf@#1choices\endcsname}
          % translate user suboption \TF@DEFAULT (usually `default')
          % to appropriate value, setting default status accordingly
          \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1\endcsname{%
            \csname tf@#1\endcsname\tf@@listseparator\TF@@DEFAULTOPTION}
          \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1primary\endcsname
            {\TF@@DEFAULTOPTION}% fontenc only
          \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1defaultstatus\endcsname
          \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1\endcsname{%
            \csname tf@#1\endcsname\tf@@listseparator##1}
          \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1primary\endcsname{##1}% fontenc only
          \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1defaultstatus\endcsname
          Suboption `##1' in `#1=\tf@@optionstring'\MessageBreak
          is not valid. Setting `#1=\TF@@DEFAULTOPTION'}{}
        \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1string\endcsname{}

  \ifthenelse{\value{tf@#1suboptionscount} > 1}{
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1defaultstatus\endcsname{\TF@EXPLICITOTHER}

  % Option-specific error handling
            \AND\value{tf@fontencodingsuboptionscount} > 1}{
        #1 suboptions `\TF@DONTLOAD' and `\TF@IGNORE'\MessageBreak
        do not mix with other suboptions. Package option\MessageBreak
        `#1=\tf@@optionstring' is not valid.\MessageBreak
        Setting `#1=\TF@@DEFAULTOPTION'}{}
      \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1string\endcsname{}
  }{% inputencoding, textcomp and cmap options
    \ifthenelse{\value{tf@#1suboptionscount} > 1}{
        Package option `#1=\tf@@optionstring' is\MessageBreak
        not valid. `#1' does not accept multiple\MessageBreak
        suboptions. Setting `#1=\TF@@DEFAULTOPTION'}{}
      \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1string\endcsname{}

  \edef\tf@@optionstring{\csname tf@#1string\endcsname}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1\endcsname{\TF@@DEFAULTOPTION}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1primary\endcsname{\TF@@DEFAULTOPTION}

% Package options validation -- fontloadorder
\xdef\tf@fontloadorder{\tf@fontloadorder:} % <-- insert guard
\def\tf@stripguard#1:\@empty#2\relax{#1}    % <-- strip guard

  {\xdef\tf@fontloadorder{\TF@DEFAULTFONTLOADORDER}}{} % NB, not \newcommand

% Check whether the font load order list is under or over complete
    \ifthenelse{\thetf@suboptioncount > 1}{
      \TF@PackageError{Suboption `#1' appears more than once in\MessageBreak
                       Setting `fontloadorder=\TF@DEFAULT'}{}
      \xdef\tf@fontloadorder{\TF@DEFAULTFONTLOADORDER} % NB, not \newcommand!
    \TF@PackageError{Suboption `#1' missing in package option\MessageBreak
                     Setting `fontloadorder=\TF@DEFAULT'}{}
    \xdef\tf@fontloadorder{\TF@DEFAULTFONTLOADORDER} % NB, not \newcommand!

% check for typos, weird entries in the font order list
\renewcommand*\do[1]{  % see etoolbox package docs
    \TF@PackageError{Unexpected suboption `#1' in package option\MessageBreak
                   Setting `fontloadorder=\TF@DEFAULT'}{}

% Package options validation -- cmap
% -- cmap accepts a faux option which, after validation, we can now remove

% Load and process auxiliary file
% ===============================

% Ensure our auxiliary parameters have not been pre-defined...

% ... read them from our aux file if defined there ...
  {\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Loading auxiliary file `\TF@AUXFILENAME'...}}
  {\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Could not locate auxiliary file `\TF@AUXFILENAME'}}

% ... or define them safely if they are not



%--- Begin rebuilding the aux file anew ---------------------------------------
\tf@writeauxfile{\string\relax} % reset aux file contents
\tf@writeauxfile{\string\ProvidesFile{\TF@AUXFILENAME}[<\TF@PACKAGENAME package auxiliary file>]}

% Shared typeface loading commands
% ================================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring shared typeface load commands...}

% Some fonts may be called on by multiple typeface loading commands. In
% these cases, common code is factored out to assist font load management
% and to reduce code duplication.

% NB, because they contain shared/refactored code, many (if not most) of
% these commands ignore user-specified changes in fontloadorder.

% Adobe Minion Pro -- shared code
\newcommand*\tf@mp@printname{Adobe Minion Pro}

% Minion Pro load helper command
  % #1 is either \tf@rmfontoptions or \tf@mathfontoptions


  % unlike math where we allow many lf/osf aliases for configuring
  % math figures, we only allow `mathlf' or `mathosf' in rm
  % options to configure math figures




        \figureversion{lining}%  % Adobe Minion Pro specific command
        \boolfalse{tf@liningnums}% these lines are unnecessary,
        \figureversion{text}%    % but let's be explicit anyway

    \let\oldoldstylenums\oldstylenums  % before MinionPro hijacks this
      % restore the hijacking if rm font is neither adobeminionpro nor default
    % Sidestep a pesky message from fontaxes, a package loaded by MinionPro.
    % This message is generated whenever fontaxes tries to manage fonts that
    % don't provide all the features that it requires -- in general, almost
    % any font. In these cases, fontaxes will complain (a lot) that "I don't
    % know how to decode family `X' on input line...", where (in our case) X
    % is either \rmdefault (resp. \sfdefault, \ttdefault) or \tf@substosffont,
    % our text figures substitute font.  Note that the name of the fontaxes
    % warning command depends on whether fontaxes has been installed via
    % MinionPro package installation (\fa@warn@undecodable) or via a more
    % recent fontaxes package update (\fontaxes@warn@undecodable).
        \TF@PackageInfoNoLine{Silenced fontaxes command %
        \TF@PackageInfoNoLine{Silenced fontaxes command %

% Antykwa Torunska -- shared code
  % #1 is either \tf@rmfontoptions or \tf@mathfontoptions

    \newcommand*\tf@at@printname{Antykwa Toru\'nska}

      \renewcommand\oldstylenums[1]{{\scshape ##1}}


      {\edef\tf@at@subprintname{\tf@at@subprintname\space Light}}{}
      {\edef\tf@at@subprintname{\tf@at@subprintname\space Condensed}}{}

% CM Bright -- shared code
% CM Bright is a raster rather than an outline (scalable) font unless the
% hfbright remappings of cmbright have been installed at the user's site.
  % Load math/rm/sf/tt CM Bright as applicable, additionally loading
  % rm/sf/tt (but not math) if any of these happen to be default
      \tf@mathfont@cmbright  % housekeeping, e.g., sets math print name
      \tf@rmfont@cmbright    % housekeeping, e.g., sets rm print name
      \tf@sffont@cmbright    % housekeeping, e.g., sets sf print name
      \tf@ttfont@cmbright    % housekeeping, e.g., sets tt print name

% Concrete -- shared code
% Math - Concrete.  NB, concrete math is a bitmap font. Likewise
% concrete roman with OT1 fontencoding; T1 fontencoding loads
% cm-super outline fonts instead.
  % Load math/rm concrete as applicable, additionally loading
  % rm if user option typeface (rm) is set to \TF@DEFAULT
      % The documentation discusses `sansbold' option; the style file only
      % accepts `boldsans'. Might as well make things easy for end users.
      \tf@usefontpackage{concmath}  % preferable to ccfonts
      \tf@mathfont@concrete  % housekeeping, e.g., sets math print name
      \tf@rmfont@concrete    % housekeeping, e.g., sets rm print name

% Kepler Project fonts -- shared code
    \edef\tf@@lfn{jkp}  % lining figures fontname: jkp[l,x][k][f]


      {\renewcommand*\tf@rmprintname{KP Fonts}}{}
      {\renewcommand*\tf@mathprintname{KP Fonts}}{}


      % NB, rmx trumps light in the kpfonts package. Also note
      % that rmx might not be available under all installs.
        \edef\tf@@lfn{\tf@@lfn x}
        \edef\tf@@lfn{\tf@@lfn l}
        \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\ Light}
            \edef\tf@@lfn{\tf@@lfn l}
            \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\ Light}
        \edef\tf@@lfn{\tf@@lfn k}
        \edef\tf@@lfn{\tf@@lfn f}

        \xdef\tf@mathprintname{\tf@mathprintname\ Light}
            \xdef\tf@mathprintname{\tf@mathprintname\ Light}

      {\renewcommand*\tf@sfprintname{KP Fonts}}

      {\renewcommand*\tf@ttprintname{KP Fonts}}


% Lucida Bright fonts -- shared code
% (TODO: switch for lucimatx package if some kind soul could give me a copy)   % <-- TODO

  % Note: no attempt is made to check for incompatible user options here


  \ifthenelse{\equal{\tf@@lbscale}{nolucidascale}}{% strictly redundant






    % Process options. Note that we don't care whether the user requests these
    % through rm or math suboptions -- it's all the same to us. E.g., the user
    % can request mathitalic1 in rm suboptions. Equally, no attempt is made to
    % check for incompatible user options, e.g., whether the user has
    % simultaneously specified expert and noexpert. It's up to users to do the
    % right thing (otherwise lucidabr.sty would already be coded against this
    % sort of problem).
         uprightgreek,vargreek,% these might, or might not, cause trouble
         uprightgreek,vargreek,% these might, or might not, cause trouble


    % Allow preloading amsmath (new -- not one of lucida's native package
    % options). For examples, see lucida-amsmath.pdf in lucidabr package.



  \ifbool{tf@@lbrm}{\renewcommand*\tf@rmprintname{Lucida Bright}}{}
  \ifbool{tf@@lbmath}{\renewcommand*\tf@mathprintname{Lucida Bright}}{}




% Mathpazo (aka palatino with pazo math fonts) -- shared code

    % ward off possible clash of glyphs

    \let\oldoldstylenums\oldstylenums  % before mathpazo hijacks this
      % Experimental mathpazo old style figures. Covers
      % normal and italic but not bold or bold italic.
      % Probably best to avoid.
      \DeclareSymbolFont{operators}     {OT1}{pplj}{m}{n}
      \SetSymbolFont{operators}{bold}   {OT1}{pplj}{b}{n}
      \DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathit}     {OT1}{pplj}{m}{it}
      \SetMathAlphabet{\mathit}{bold}   {OT1}{pplj}{b}{it}

% TX Fonts (including New TX) -- shared code
  % Precondition: at least one of \tf@mathfont and \tf@rmfont equals `txfonts'

    % determine whether we should  load (standard) tx or new tx fonts

        % Use ptmx font's quite differently kerned italic/slant math letters.
        % See van Bevern's discussion at:
        % http://rvb.mytanet.de/times-with-normal-mathcal-and-summation-sign.shtml



% Text figures typeface -- unlike other typeface families, text
% figures configuration is not sensitive to font load ordering
% =============================================================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring text figures load commands...}

% Configure textfigures method and associated values
% `\tf@osf@method' resolves to one of the following values:
%   TF@OSF@LF: normal typesetting, \textstylenums command and textnums
%              environment => lining figures
%   TF@OSF@JF: normal typesetting, \textstylenums and textnums => old style
%              figures sourced from `j' family
%   TF@OSF@XF: normal typesetting => lining figures
%              \textstylenums and textnums => old style figures sourced from
%              substitute font (\tf@textfiguresfont contains the name of the
%              substitute font)
%   TF@OSF@TS: normal typesetting => lining figures
%              \textstylenums and textnums => old style figures sourced from
%              TS1 font mappings
%   TF@OSF@SC: normal typesetting => lining figures
%              \textstylenums and textnums => old style figures sourced from
%              SmallCap family
%   TF@OSF@NF: use native font -- do nothing


% Default -- no-op

% Lining style text figures
            {Lining Style Figures}

% Old style text figures
            {Old Style Figures}
  \renewcommand*\tf@osf@method{\TF@OSF@JF} % \tf@osf@method is often set to
                                           % \TF@OSF@TS or \TF@OSF@SC later on

% Substitute OSF font name (literal) used in text figures font declarations

% \newtypeface textfigures preamble (see examples, below)
  % #1 is the substitute osf font encoding to use (T1 in all likelihood)
  % Redefine \DeclareSizeFunction (restored in \newtypeface, defined
  % above). And, no, we can't apply  `s*' in \tf@s in this case.

% Substitute OSF \DeclareFontShape helper
    {#1}{#2}{ <-> \tf@s #3}{}

% Adobe Minion Pro text figures
\newtypeface{adobeminionpro}{Adobe Minion Pro}{textfigures}{

  % proportional vs tabular OSF (don't do tabular -- it would be bad!)
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {n} {MinionPro-Regular-\tf@@mpsuffix}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {it}{MinionPro-It-\tf@@mpsuffix}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {sl}{MinionPro-It-\tf@@mpsuffix}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {sc}{MinionPro-Regular-\tf@@mpsuffix}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{mb}{n} {MinionPro-Medium-\tf@@mpsuffix}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {n} {MinionPro-Bold-\tf@@mpsuffix}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {it}{MinionPro-BoldIt-\tf@@mpsuffix}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {sl}{MinionPro-BoldIt-\tf@@mpsuffix}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{n} {MinionPro-Bold-\tf@@mpsuffix}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sb}{n} {MinionPro-Semibold-\tf@@mpsuffix}

% Day Roman text figures -- here for completeness only
\newtypeface[dayrom]{dayroman}{Day Roman}{textfigures}{

% KP Fonts text figures
\newtypeface[kp,kepler]{kpfonts}{KP Fonts}{textfigures}{                       % TODO: condensed
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {n}    {jkplosnmn8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {it}   {jkplosnmit8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {sl}   {jkplosnmsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {sc}   {jkplosnmsc8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {scsl} {jkplosnmscsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {n}    {jkplosnbn8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {it}   {jkplosnbit8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {sl}   {jkplosnbsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {sc}   {jkplosnbsc8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {scsl} {jkplosnbscsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{n}    {jkplosnbxn8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{it}   {jkplosnbxit8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sl}   {jkplosnbxsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sc}   {jkplosnbxsc8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{scsl} {jkplosnbxscsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {n}    {jkposnmn8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {it}   {jkposnmit8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {sl}   {jkposnmsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {sc}   {jkposnmsc8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {scsl} {jkposnmscsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {n}    {jkposnbn8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {it}   {jkposnbit8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {sl}   {jkposnbsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {sc}   {jkposnbsc8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {scsl} {jkposnbscsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{n}    {jkposnbxn8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{it}   {jkposnbxit8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sl}   {jkposnbxsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sc}   {jkposnbxsc8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{scsl} {jkposnbxscsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{l} {n}    {jkplosnmn8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{l} {it}   {jkplosnmit8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{l} {sl}   {jkplosnmsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{l} {sc}   {jkplosnmsc8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{l} {scsl} {jkplosnmscsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sb}{n}    {jkplosnbn8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sb}{it}   {jkplosnbit8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sb}{sl}   {jkplosnbsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sb}{sc}   {jkplosnbsc8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sb}{scsl} {jkplosnbscsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sbx}{n}   {jkplosnbxn8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sbx}{it}  {jkplosnbxit8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sbx}{sl}  {jkplosnbxsl8t}
    \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{sbx}{sc}  {jkplosnbxsc8t}

% Latin Modern text figures
\newtypeface[lm,lmodern]{latinmodern}{Latin Modern}{textfigures}{
  % This is a bit dodgy since we're referring to TS1 tables regardless of
  % our font encoding. Nevertheless, for numerals (and only numerals)
  % substitution it should work out well enough.
    <-5.5>    \tf@s ts1-lmr5   <5.5-6.5> \tf@s ts1-lmr6
    <6.5-7.5> \tf@s ts1-lmr7   <7.5-8.5> \tf@s ts1-lmr8
    <8.5-9.5> \tf@s ts1-lmr9   <9.5-11>  \tf@s ts1-lmr10
    <11-15>   \tf@s ts1-lmr12  <15->     \tf@s ts1-lmr17 }{}
    <-7.5>    \tf@s ts1-lmri7  <7.5-8.5> \tf@s ts1-lmri8
    <8.5-9.5> \tf@s ts1-lmri9  <9.5-11>  \tf@s ts1-lmri10
    <11->     \tf@s ts1-lmri12 }{}
    <-8.5>    \tf@s ts1-lmro8  <8.5-9.5> \tf@s ts1-lmro9
    <9.5-11>  \tf@s ts1-lmro10 <11-15>   \tf@s ts1-lmro12
    <15->     \tf@s ts1-lmro17 }{}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{sc}  {ts1-lmcsc10}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{ui}  {ts1-lmu10}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{n}   {ts1-lmb10}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{it}  {ts1-lmbo10}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{sl}  {ts1-lmbo10}
    <-5.5>    \tf@s ts1-lmbx5  <5.5-6.5> \tf@s ts1-lmbx6
    <6.5-7.5> \tf@s ts1-lmbx7  <7.5-8.5> \tf@s ts1-lmbx8
    <8.5-9.5> \tf@s ts1-lmbx9  <9.5-11>  \tf@s ts1-lmbx10
    <11->     \tf@s ts1-lmbx12}{}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{it} {ts1-lmbxi10}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sl} {ts1-lmbxo10}

% Libertine text figures -- NB, see comments with libertine (legacy) rm
  % NOTE! read the comments next to libertine in the Roman fonts section
  % ***proportional*** (not tabular) old style figures
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{ic}  {fxlric-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{it}  {fxlri-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{n}   {fxlr-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{sc}  {fxlrc-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{sl}  {fxlro-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{ic}  {fxlbic-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{it}  {fxlbi-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{n}   {fxlz-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{sc}  {fxlbc-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{sl}  {fxlbo-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{ic} {fxlbic-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{it} {fxlbi-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{n}  {fxlz-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sc} {fxlbc-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sl} {fxlbo-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{d}{it}  {fxldro-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{d}{n}   {fxldr-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{d}{sc}  {fxldrc-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{d}{sl}  {fxldro-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{z}{ic}  {fxlzic-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{z}{it}  {fxlzi-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{z}{n}   {fxlz-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{z}{sc}  {fxlzc-\tf@substosffontencoding os}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{z}{sl}  {fxlzo-\tf@substosffontencoding os}

% Lucida Bright text figures
\newtypeface[lucidabr,lucida]{lucidabright}{Lucida Bright}{textfigures}{
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{n}   {hlhr8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{it}  {hlhri8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{sl}  {hlhro8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{sc}  {hlhr8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{n}   {hlhb8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{it}  {hlhbi8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{sl}  {hlhbi8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{sc}  {hlhb8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{n}  {hlhb8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{it} {hlhbi8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sl} {hlhbi8c}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sc} {hlhb8c}

% Palatino text figures
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {it} {pplri9d}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {n}  {pplr9d}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {sc} {pplrc9d}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m} {sl} {pplri9d}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {it} {pplbi9d}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {n}  {pplb9d}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b} {sl} {pplbi9d}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{it} {pplbi9d}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{n}  {pplb9d}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sl} {pplbi9d}

% Times Roman text figures (txfonts)
\newtypeface{times}{Times Roman}{textfigures}{
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{n}   {tcxr}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{sc}  {tcxr}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{sl}  {tcxsl}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{it}  {tcxi}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{m}{ui}  {tcxi}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{n}   {tcxb}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{sc}  {tcxb}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{sl}  {tcxbsl}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{it}  {tcxbi}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{b}{ui}  {tcxbi}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{n}  {tcxb}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sc} {tcxb}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{sl} {tcxbsl}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{it} {tcxbi}
  \tf@DeclareOsfFontShape{bx}{ui} {tcxbi}

% Symbols typeface -- highly sensitive to font load ordering, particularly
% to math -> symbols / symbols -> math font load order
% =======================================================================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring symbols load commands...}

% Default -- no-op

% AMS symbols
       Package option `symbolstypeface=\tf@symbolsfontname' conflicts
       \MessageBreak with option combination:\MessageBreak
       \space\space`typeface=\tf@rmfontname', and\MessageBreak
       Option `symbolstypeface=\tf@symbolsfontname' ignored}
         Package option `mathtypeface=\tf@mathfontname'\MessageBreak
         conflicts with `symbolstypeface=\tf@symbolsfontname'.\MessageBreak
         Option `symbolstypeface=\tf@symbolsfontname' ignored}
      \renewcommand*\tf@symbolsprintname{AMS Symbols}
        \usepackage{fixmath}  % Italic uppercase Greek. May be overridden by
                              % some maths packages later in the load stream

% FD Symbol
\newtypeface[fd]{fdsymbol}{FD Symbol}{symbols}{
  % bypass a few commonly troublesome namespace collisions





  % FD Symbol loads AMS Math. Preload amsmath here to ensure
  % we can load it without package options clashes. This
  % reverses the usual symbols/math loading order.


% Mathabx. Standard mathabx (ported from mf) is a bitmap/raster font, and
% therefore is not scalable out-of-the-box. Accordingly, you might see
% several font size rescaling warnings. Additionally, mathabx does not
% always play peacefully with other packages, potentially leading to
% symbol already defined issues. Still, it offers a good number of math
% symbols not easily found elsewhere.
\newtypeface[abx]{mathabx}{Math abx}{symbols}{

% Adobe Minion Pro compatible symbols

  % MnSymbol loads AMS Math and textcomp. Preload amsmath here
  % to ensure we load it without options clashes. This reverses the
  % usual symbols/math loading order.
  % We don't provide MnSymbol cmsy and abx package calligraphic font
  % options here since they tend to be too fine grained, too unlikely
  % to produce noticeable typographic differences and too problematic
  % for ordinary users. Advanced users will almost certainly not want
  % to select these options for those same reasons.

% Adobe Myriad Pro compatible symbols




  % MdSymbol loads AMS Math. Preload amsmath here to ensure
  % we can load it without package options clashes. This
  % reverses the usual symbols/math loading order.


% Math typeface -- highly sensitive to font load ordering, particularly
% to math -> symbols / symbols -> math font load order
% =====================================================================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring math load commands...}

% Default -- no-op

% Math -- AMS Math
\newtypeface[ams,amsmath]{amsfonts}{AMS Math}{math}{
    % avoid a bunch of possible symbols namespace collisions

% Math -- Antykwa Torunska

% Math -- Arev Sans (Bitsream Vera Sans tuned for maths)
\newtypeface[arev]{arevmath}{Arev Math}{math}{

% Math -- CM Bright
\newtypeface{cmbright}{CM Bright}{math}{

% Math -- Concrete
\newtypeface{concrete}{Concrete Math}{math}{

% Math -- Euler

% Math -- European Modern
% To obtain: svn checkout files from:
%   `http://yytex.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/fonts/em'
% From there, you're on your own!  Hint: compile the .ins file.
% FYI, European Modern is a CM clone/extension. Blurb from the readme.txt:
%     "The European Modern (EM) font set consists of 57 text fonts that are
%     vastly extended versions of Computer Modern (CM) text fonts.  Each EM
%     text font contains 310 glyphs compared to the 128 in CM text fonts (of
%     which eleven are upright Greek letters).  Each EM text font has over 90
%     accented characters, including the 58 `standard' ones found in most
%     fonts in Type 1 format."
% For what it's worth, European Modern tt was used for typesetting keywords
% in The Latex Companion 2nd ed. Look there for that.
\newtypeface[em]{europeanmodern}{European Modern}{math}{
    \renewcommand*\rmdefault{cmr} % remapped by em.sty
    \tf@rmfont@europeanmodern     % housekeeping, e.g., sets rm print name
    \renewcommand*\sfdefault{cmss}% remapped by em.sty
    \tf@sffont@europeanmodern     % housekeeping, e.g., sets sf print name
    \renewcommand*\ttdefault{cmtt}% remapped by em.sty
    \tf@ttfont@europeanmodern     % housekeeping, e.g., sets tt print name

% Math -- Fourier
  % undefine a few problem symbols that might have
  % sneaked in via a previously loaded symbols font


      {\def\tf@fouriermathfont{adobeutopia}}{}% not redundant if \rmdefault==nc

        % NB, user must ensure utopia expert fonts are properly installed.
        % Otherwise LaTeX will compile but fail to construct the output file,
        % e.g., complaining about missing `put..x.pfb' font file.
          Suboption `##1' in package option\MessageBreak
          will be ignored while `newcenturyschoolbook'\MessageBreak
          is in effect}

    \tf@usefontpackage{fourier}  % loads [T1]{fontenc} and textcomp
      \tf@define@liningfigures{futs} % see comment about expert fonts, above

% Math -- GFS Artemisia
\newtypeface[artemisia]{gfsartemisia}{GFS Artemisia}{math}{
  % Unlike GFS Didot, GFS Artemisia does not set up math to any
  % worthwhile extent. It's only included here for completeness's sake.
    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@mathprintname\  (Euler)}
    \tf@usefontpackage{gfsartemisia}  % math symbols from txfonts

% Math -- GFS Bodoni
% NB, if you run into problems when using T1 font encoding, replace the line:
%     \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{bodoni}     % <-- missing {}
% with:
%    \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{bodoni}{}    % <-- reinstated {}
% in file t1bodoni.fd
\newtypeface[bodoni]{gfsbodoni}{GFS Bodoni}{math}{
  % Unlike GFS Didot, GFS Bodoni does not set up math to any
  % worthwhile extent. It's only included here for completeness's sake.

% Math -- GFS Didot
\newtypeface[didot]{gfsdidot}{GFS Didot}{math}{

% Math -- GFS Neohellenic
\newtypeface[neohellenic]{gfsneohellenic}{GFS Neohellenic}{math}{
  % Unlike GFS Didot, except for its oddly shaped digits, GFS
  % Neohellenic does not set up math to any worthwhile extent. It's
  % only included here for completeness's sake.

% Math -- Iwona. NB, the Iwona package sets \rmdefault to Iwona. Specify
% another font in your typeface option if this behaviour is not desired.
    \xdef\tf@mathprintname{\tf@mathprintname\ Light}
    \xdef\tf@mathprintname{\tf@mathprintname\ Condensed}

% Math -- Kerkis
  \tf@usefontpackage{kmath}  % kmath on its own loads txfonts
  \tf@usefontpackage{kerkis} % loads kerkis serif and sans, plus courier mono

% Math -- Kurier. NB, the Kurier package sets \rmdefault to Kurier. Specify
% another font in your typeface option if this behaviour is not desired.
    \xdef\tf@mathprintname{\tf@mathprintname\ Light}
    \xdef\tf@mathprintname{\tf@mathprintname\ Condensed}

% Math -- Kp-Fonts

% Math -- Latin Modern
\newtypeface[lm,lmodern]{latinmodern}{Latin Modern}{math}{

% Bigelow and Holmes Lucida Bright (purchase from CTAN)
\newtypeface[lucidabr,lucida]{lucidabright}{Lucida Bright}{math}{

% Math -- LX Fonts. Extension of Computer Modern Sans Serif Quotation mainly
% as a math enhancement for overhead slides, e.g., with beamer package.
\newtypeface[lx]{lxfonts}{LX Fonts}{math}{
  \ifthenelse{\equal{\tf@symbolsfont}{\TF@DEFAULT}}{ % LX Fonts overrides some
    \renewcommand*\tf@symbolsprintname{LX Fonts}     % but not all symbols
  \renewcommand*\tf@ttprintname{\tf@rmprintname}% depends on font encoding T1/OT1

% Math Design
\newtypeface{mathdesign}{Math Design}{math}{

  \def\tf@mdrmfont{charter}% default; available on all PSNFSS-compliant systems


  % Of the three rm fonts accepted by mathdesign (charter, garamond and
  % utopia), utopia alone provides old style figures, and this only through
  % utopia's smallcaps collection (see below). However, mathdesign hijacks
  % smallcaps for its own ends. Rather than 'unhijacking' smallcaps back
  % from mathdesign, potentially upsetting anyone who relies on mathdesign's
  % smallcaps behaviour, as a design decision, we turn textnums off instead.
  % NOTE: mathdesign redefines \scdefault in order to provide faked smallcaps
  %       whenever expert is not in force. This creates problems should the
  %       user load a non-mathdesign rm font. In which case, we try to
  %       recover smallcaps as best we can, noting that users should access
  %       mathdesign (maths mode) smallcaps through its \fscshape command.
  % Also please note: Native URW Garamond does not provide smallcaps.

% Math -- Mathpazo (aka palatino with pazo math fonts)

% Math -- Math Time Pro 2
% Michael Spivak's MathTime Pro2 fonts are essential should you plan on using
% Times (or Gyre Termes) body text fonts. Do not for one instant dream of
% using AMS fonts (although you may still need a symbols font, depending on
% your work, for which amssymb or mnsymbol might do). A free (Lite) subset of
% MathTime Pro2 can be downloaded from www.pctex.com (useful for those with
% limited or occasional math requirements for their work). The cost for the
% full set is not especially great compared to the benefits received.
% Trust me.
  % prevent the clash of glyphs (hmm, nice name for a band)

\newtypeface[mtpro]{mathtimepro}{MathTime 2 Professional}{math}{
  % Option subscriptcorrection makes the underscore character '_' active
  % which can break other packages. E.g., url typesets \url{a-b} as 'a-_b'.
  \tf@ifsuboption{lite}{\tf@mathfontoptions}{  % NB, 'lite', not 'light'
    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@mathprintname\  Lite}
    \tf@undefinecommands{\Bbbk} % prevent the clash of glyphs

% Math -- Adobe Minion Pro
\newtypeface{adobeminionpro}{Adobe Minion Pro}{math}{

% Math -- MathPTMX
\newtypeface[ptmx]{mathptmx}{Math PTMX}{math}{

% Math -- PXFonts
\newtypeface[px]{pxfonts}{PX Fonts}{math}{

% Math -- TXFonts
\newtypeface[tx]{txfonts}{TX Fonts}{math}{

% Roman family typeface -- somewhat sensitive to font load
% ordering, particularly if loaded via font packages rather
% than by directly setting \rmdefault
% =========================================================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring rm load commands...}

% Default -- no-op

% ADF Baskervald
\newtypeface[baskervald]{adfbaskervald}{ADF Baskervald}{rm}{

% ADF Berenis -- sets font encoding to LY1 -- might have
%                consequences for sf/tt/math typeface choices
\newtypeface[berenis]{adfberenis}{ADF Berenis}{rm}{
  \tf@ifsuboption{tab}{\tf@rmfontoptions}    % default is proportional figures
    {\PassOptionsToPackage{tab}{berenis}}{}  % otherwise, use tabular numbers
    {\PassOptionsToPackage{lig}{berenis}}{}  % oldstyle extra ligatures
  % ADF Berenis (without lm above) loads latin modern

% ADF Electrum
\newtypeface[electrum]{adfelectrum}{ADF Electrum}{rm}{
    {\PassOptionsToPackage{lig}{electrum}}{} % oldstyle extra ligatures

% ADF Romande
\newtypeface[romande]{adfromande}{ADF Romande}{rm}{
  \TF@NativeOSFError   % Romande's figures are a sort of hybrid LF/OSF

% ADF Venturis -- including ADF Venturis 2 and ADF Venturis Old
\newtypeface[venturis]{adfventuris}{ADF Venturis}{rm}{


    \TF@PackageError{Incompatible typeface suboptions:\MessageBreak
                     Removed `old' suboption}{}
    \renewcommand*\tf@rmprintname{ADF Venturis 2}
    % ADF Venturis loads venturis sans
      \renewcommand*\tf@rmprintname{ADF Venturis Old}
      % ADF Venturis loads venturis sans

% Adobe Minion Pro
\newtypeface[minionpro]{adobeminionpro}{Adobe Minion Pro}{rm}{

% Adobe Utopia
\newtypeface[utopia]{adobeutopia}{Adobe Utopia}{rm}{
    % \rmdefault was configured in \tf@mathfont@mathdesign
    \renewcommand*\tf@rmprintname{Math Design Utopia}
      % \rmdefault was configured in \tf@mathfont@fourier

% AE -- "Almost European" Computer Modern
    \renewcommand*\rmdefault{laess} % ``sans roman'' with slides
    \renewcommand*\tf@rmprintname{AE Sans}

% Antykwa Poltawskiego
\newtypeface[antpol,poltawski]{antykwapoltawski}{Antykwa P\'o\l tawskiego}{rm}{
    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\ Light}

% Antykwa Torunska

% Augie

% Auriocus Kalligraphicus -- decorative script
% Provides the fonts: Auriocus Kalligraphicus, Lukas Svatba (plus
% Amici variant) and Jana Skrivana, accessed via the \Fontauri,
% \Fontlukas, \Fontskrivan and \Fontamici commands
                                     {Auriocus Kalligraphicus}{rm}{
  \TF@NativeLFError   % rare!

% Bera Serif
\newtypeface[bera]{beraserif}{Bera Serif}{rm}{

% Bitstream Charter
\newtypeface[charter]{bitstreamcharter}{Bitstream Charter}{rm}{
    % \rmdefault was configured in \tf@mathfont@mathdesign
    \renewcommand*\tf@rmprintname{Math Design Charter}

% Computer Modern (the `fix-cm' proxies -- font encoding dependent)
\newtypeface[cm,cmr]{computermodern}{Computer Modern}{rm}{
  %-- NB, from `fixltx2e' documentation (which we ignore) -----------------
  % The package should be loaded before \documentclass, using the command
  % \RequirePackage{fix-cm}, rather than the normal \usepackage. Rationale:
  % If the package is loaded in the preamble, a preceding package or even
  % the code of the document class may have used any of the CM fonts
  % already. However, the definitions of those fonts, that are already in
  % use, cannot be changed any more.
  % Rationale for our not observing this guideline: we don't have
  % programmatic control over the user's code writing. The best we can
  % do is load `fix-cm' here then issue some advice about the matter.
      If you must set typeface to Computer Modern, please\MessageBreak
      include \string\RequirePackage{fix-cm}\space before the\MessageBreak
      \string\documentclass\space line in your code. See `fixltx2e'\MessageBreak
      package documentation for an explanation. Doing so\MessageBreak
      will make this warning go away. (Note that it is\MessageBreak
      \string\RequirePackage{fix-cm}, not \string\usepackage{fix-cm}.)%

% CM Bright (sans serif as a Roman font)
\newtypeface{cmbright}{CM Bright}{rm}{

% CM Dunhill
\newtypeface{cmdunhill}{CM Dunhill}{rm}{

% CM Fibonacci
\newtypeface{cmfibonacci}{CM Fibonacci}{rm}{

% Concrete

% Day Roman
\newtypeface[dayroman]{dayrom}{Day Roman}{rm}{
    % with `long s' and additional c-t ligature
    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\ S}
  \TF@NativeLFError   % rare!

% DejaVu
  % NB, scaling DejaVu does not affect baselineskip
      {\renewcommand*\tf@rmscale{0.95}}  % DejaVu package default

    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\ Condensed}

% Droid

% % Epigrafica -- not yet ready for prime time
% \newtypeface{epigrafica}{Epigrafica}{rm}{
%   \tf@usefontpackage{epigrafica}
%   \tf@TSencodedosf
% }

% European Modern
% European Modern presents a problem by encapsulating its font declarations
% alongside math declarations within the style file rather than in separate
% fd files. Given our default math -> rm -> sf -> tt font loading order, we'd
% be in trouble if the user wanted, say, sf European Modern together with some
% arbitrary non European Modern math. To sidestep this, we extract and
% execute only the font declarations from the European Modern package.
\newtypeface[em]{europeanmodern}{European Modern}{rm}{
  % TODO: errmsg non-T1 encoding
    % our europeanmodern math font handler has already done the required work
    \expandafter\let\csname T1/cmr/m/n/10\endcsname\@undefined
      <-6>   emr5   <6-7>   emr6     <7-8>   emr7     <8-9> emr8
      <9-10> emr9   <10-12> emr10    <12-17> emr12    <17-> emr17    }{}
      <-9>   emsl8  <9-10>  emsl9    <10-12> emsl10   <12-> emsl12 }{}
      <-8>   emti7  <8-9>   emti8    <9-10>  emti9  <10-12> emti10 <12-> emti12}{}
      <-9>   emcsc8 <9-10>  emcsc9   <10->   emcsc10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmr}{m}{ui}{<->    emu10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmr}{b}{n} {<->    emb10}{}
      <-6>   embx5  <6-7>   embx6    <7-8>   embx7    <8-9> embx8
      <9-10> embx9  <10-12> embx10   <12->   embx12}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmr}{bx}{sl}{<->   embxsl10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmr}{bx}{it}{<->   embxti10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmr}{bx}{ui}{<->   emu10}{}

% GFS Artemisia
\newtypeface[artemisia]{gfsartemisia}{GFS Artemisia}{rm}{
    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\  (Euler)}
  % GFS Artemisia loads txfonts, which sets \sfdefault and \ttdefault

% GFS Bodoni
% ----------------------------------------------------
% See the comment with math gfsbodoni, if you run into
% problems when using T1 font encoding
% ----------------------------------------------------
\newtypeface[bodoni]{gfsbodoni}{GFS Bodoni}{rm}{

% GFS Didot
\newtypeface[didot]{gfsdidot}{GFS Didot}{rm}{
  % GFS Didot loads pxfonts, which sets \sfdefault and \ttdefault

% GFS Neohellenic
\newtypeface[neohellenic]{gfsneohellenic}{GFS Neohellenic}{rm}{
      \renewcommand*\tf@symbolsprintname{GFS Neohellenic}
  % GFS Neohellenic loads sets \sfdefault

% Gyre Bonum
\newtypeface[bonum,tgbonum]{gyrebonum}{Gyre Bonum}{rm}{

% Gyre Pagella
\newtypeface[pagella,tgpagella]{gyrepagella}{Gyre Pagella}{rm}{

% Gyre Schola
\newtypeface[schola,tgschola]{gyreschola}{Gyre Schola}{rm}{

% Gyre Termes
\newtypeface[termes,tgtermes]{gyretermes}{Gyre Termes}{rm}{

% Iwona
    \xdef\rmdefault{\rmdefault l}
    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\ Light}
    \xdef\rmdefault{\rmdefault c}
    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\ Condensed}

% Journal d'Analyse Mathematique expanded Times Roman font.
% NB, while JAM Times generates a more spacious and consequently rather
% attractive rendition of Times Roman, it cooperates poorly with (non-Belleek)
% maths and symbols fonts, leading to many compile time warnings, especially
% the innocuous but annoying 'LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `xxx' will be
% scaled' (even when compiling jamtimes' own mathsample.tex file).
\newtypeface[jam]{jamtimes}{JAM Times}{rm}{

% Kurier
    \xdef\rmdefault{\rmdefault l}
    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\ Light}
    \xdef\rmdefault{\rmdefault c}
    \xdef\tf@rmprintname{\tf@rmprintname\ Condensed}

% Kerkis (the latin parts are essentially URW Bookman,
% of which, also consider Gyre Bonum)

% Kp-Fonts

% Latin Modern
\newtypeface[lm,lmodern]{latinmodern}{Latin Modern}{rm}{
  % lm doesn't supply bold smallcaps, provide an
  % option to source them from cm instead
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{lmr}{bx}{sc}  % NB, T1 only                          % TODO: other lm encodings
        {<->ssub*cmr/bx/sc}{}           % Note, no scaling (should be v. close)

% Libertine
% NOTE! Around December 2011, the package author deprecated type1 libertine
% fonts in favour of otf format. To use type1 libertine (this might be wrong
% -- be sure to read the the latest libertine documentation if in any doubt):
%  i.  if you also want to access libertine otf,
%        a. install the latest version of the libertine package,
%        b. rename (or delete) the new libertine.sty (dummy) file,
%        c. then re-texhash your system.
%  ii. uninstall the libertine package, install the libertine-legacy package
%      (containing the type1 font files as well as the version of the
%      libertine.sty file that we want to use).
% NB, loads in biolinum (sf) font with matching OsF configuration. This will
% only be noticeable if (a) the `sanstypeface' option is implicitly or
% explicitly set to default, or (b), in the rare event of configuring option
% `fontloadorder=...sf...rm...'
% If case (a), you can override the matching OsF behaviour by explicitly
% setting option `sanstypeface=biolinum' --> lining figures, or
% setting option `sanstypeface=biolinum:osf' --> OsF.  The joy.
  \renewcommand*\tf@sfprintname{Biolinum} % included in libertine package

% Bigelow and Holmes Lucida Bright (purchase from CTAN)
\newtypeface[lucidabr,lucida]{lucidabright}{Lucida Bright}{rm}{

% New Century Schoolbook
\newtypeface[nc,newcentury]{newcenturyschoolbook}{New Century Schoolbook}{rm}{
    % \rmdefault was configured in \tf@mathfont@fourier
    \tf@usefontpackage{newcent}  % loads pnc, pag, pcr

% Palatino

% Paratype PT Serif
\newtypeface[pt,paratype]{ptserif}{PT Serif}{rm}{
  % don't take this approach if tt is not specified since PTMono
  % is unlikely to be installed. If it is and that's what's
  % wanted for tt, then users can explicitly say so by including
  % monotypeface=ptmono among their package options.

% PXFonts
\newtypeface[px]{pxfonts}{PX Fonts}{rm}{
  % PX Fonts sets \sfdefault and \ttdefault

% Times Roman (faked smallcaps & oldstyle figures only if txfonts gets loaded)
\newtypeface{times}{Times Roman}{rm}{

% TXFonts
\newtypeface[tx]{txfonts}{TX Fonts}{rm}{

% Uncial -- for 6th to the 10th century manuscripts
% NB, requires B1 font encoding (i.e., you also need to have
% installed: b1enc.def, b1cmr.fd, and maybe TeXB1.enc)
\newtypeface{uncial}{Artificial Uncial}{rm}{

% URW Antiqua
\newtypeface[antiqua]{urwantiqua}{URW Antiqua}{rm}{

% URW Bookman
\newtypeface[bookman]{urwbookman}{URW Bookman}{rm}{

% URW Garamond -- NB, does not natively provide smallcaps
\newtypeface[garamond]{urwgaramond}{URW Garamond}{rm}{
    % \rmdefault was configured in \tf@mathfont@mathdesign
    \renewcommand*\tf@rmprintname{Math Design Garamond}

% URW Nimbus
\newtypeface[nimbus]{urwnimbus}{URW Nimbus}{rm}{

% Zapf Chancery
\newtypeface[chancery,zapf]{zapfchancery}{Zapf Chancery}{rm}{

% Sans serif fonts -- somewhat sensitive to font load ordering,
% particularly if loaded via a font package in the code below
% =============================================================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring sf load commands...}

% Default -- no-op

\newtypeface[libris]{adflibris}{ADF Libris}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling
  \RequirePackage{nfssext-cfr}% see libris doc for \swashstyle & \textswash
  \renewcommand*\tf@sfprintname{ADF Libris}

\newtypeface[venturis]{adfventuris}{ADF Venturis Sans}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling
    \renewcommand*\tf@sfprintname{ADF Venturis 2 Sans}

\newtypeface{ae}{AE Sans}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

\newtypeface[arev]{arevsans}{Arev Sans}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

\newtypeface{avantgarde}{Avant Garde}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

\newtypeface[bera]{berasans}{Bitstream Vera Sans}{sf}{


% Biolinum aka Libertine sans
% NOTE: read the comments with libertine in the roman fonts section
% NB1, the biolinum ex font metrics in all tested versions of libertine (as of
% writing, from v5.1.2 2011/06/06) is faulty. The bug report, again, as of
% writing is still open (see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&
% aid=3397220&group_id=89513&atid=590374). Consequently, ex based scaling
% produces incorrect results. The easiest way out is to avoid setting typeface
% option sanstypeface=ex. Try sanstypeface=xxx, where xxx is uppercase,
% lowercase, figures or a floating point number instead. Alternatively, until
% the bug is fixed, advanced users can hack their biolinum font description
% (*fxb*.fd) files.  Add this code:
%    \fontdimen5\font=\fontcharht\font`\x
% to the last parameter in each \DeclareFontShape command in all *fxb*.fd
% files.  E.g.,
%    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{fxb}{m}{n}{ <-> \fxl@@scale fxbr-t1}
%      {\fontdimen5\font=\fontcharht\font`\x}
% NB2, biolinum and libertine SHARE the same loadtime scaling command (the
% horror!). Consequently, there's a good risk that scaling one will
% inadvertently scale the other, the risk depending on the order in which (i.e.,
% when) LaTeX reads the respective rm/libertine and sf/biolinum .fd files.
    % Oddly enough for sans, biolinum has an OSF variant (and its quite nice!)
    \xdef\tf@sfprintname{\tf@sfprintname\ OSF}
  % TODO: pdfglyphcorrection is probably unnecessary here

\newtypeface{cmbright}{CM Bright Sans}{sf}{


\newtypeface[cm,cms]{computermodern}{Computer Modern Sans}{sf}{
  % Warning: CM Sans Quotation is a rather dubious font. Bold, italic, slant
  % fontsizes do not match normal fontsize. No smallcaps. Best avoid.
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

\newtypeface{dejavu}{DejaVu Sans}{sf}{
    \xdef\tf@sfprintname{\tf@sfprintname\ Condensed}

\newtypeface{droid}{Droid Sans}{sf}{

\newtypeface[em]{europeanmodern}{European Modern Sans}{sf}{
  % TODO: errmsg non-T1 encoding
  % TODO: we can source sf osf from TS1
  % See comments with rm \newtypeface declaration
    % our europeanmodern math font handler has already done the needed work
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emss}{m}{n}  {
      <-9> emss8  <9-10> emss9  <10-12> emss10  <12-17> emss12  <17-> emss17}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emss}{m}{sl} {
      <-9> emssi8 <9-10> emssi9 <10-12> emssi10 <12-17> emssi12 <17-> emssi17}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emss}{sbc}{n}{<-> emssdc10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emss}{bx}{n} {<-> emssbx10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emss}{m}{it} {
      <-9> emssi8 <9-10> emssi9 <10-12> emssi10 <12-17> emssi12 <17-> emssi17}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emss}{m}{sc} {
      <-9> emcsc8 <9-10> emcsc9 <10-> emcsc10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emss}{m}{ui} {<-> emu10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{emss}{bx}{ui}{<-> emu10}{}

\newtypeface[neohellenic]{gfsneohellenic}{GFS Neohellenic}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling
  % NB, .fd file contains scaling paraphernalia, however fixes scale to 1.225!
      \renewcommand*\tf@symbolsprintname{GFS Neohellenic}

\newtypeface[adventor,tgadventor]{gyreadventor}{Gyre Adventor}{sf}{

\newtypeface[heros,tgheros]{gyreheros}{Gyre Heros}{sf}{


  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

    \xdef\sfdefault{\sfdefault l}
    \xdef\tf@sfprintname{\tf@sfprintname\ Light}
    \xdef\sfdefault{\sfdefault c}
    \xdef\tf@sfprintname{\tf@sfprintname\ Condensed}

\newtypeface[kp,kepler]{kpfonts}{KP Fonts Sans}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling
    % Oddly enough for a sans font, KP has an OSF variant
    \xdef\tf@sfprintname{\tf@sfprintname\ OSF}

\newtypeface{kerkis}{Kerkis Sans}{sf}{
  % <enc>maksf.fd hard codes its scale factor. This code rolls that back.
  \providecommand*\tf@kerkismagicnumber{0.90} % change if <enc>maksf.fd changes
    % Rewind 0.90 fixed scale factor in .fd file

\newtypeface{kurier}{Kurier Sans}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling
    \xdef\sfdefault{\sfdefault l}
    \xdef\tf@sfprintname{\tf@sfprintname\ Light}
    \xdef\sfdefault{\sfdefault c}
    \xdef\tf@sfprintname{\tf@sfprintname\ Condensed}

\newtypeface[lm,lmodern]{latinmodern}{Latin Modern Sans}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling
    \xdef\tf@sfprintname{\tf@sfprintname\ Extended}


\newtypeface[lucidabr,lucida]{lucidabright}{Lucida Bright Sans}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling
  % (unfortunately, redefining \DeclareLucidaFontShape won't work
  % effortlessly since it is shared between rm, sf and tt fonts)

\newtypeface{opensans}{Open Sans}{sf}{

\newtypeface[pt,paratype]{ptsans}{PT Sans}{sf}{

\newtypeface[px]{pxfonts}{PX Fonts Sans}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

\newtypeface[tx]{txfonts}{TX Fonts Sans}{sf}{
%% NOTE: for users that want to use newtx's sf fonts definitions,
%% copy this macro to typeface.cfg, uncommenting the commented text
%% below. However, please check that it functions as intended before
%% relying it in earnest. Particularly check italic and bold shape
%% scaling to roman-relative size (sf scale options ex, uppercase,
%% lowercase, figures and implicit/default).
%   \tf@newbool{newtx}{false}
%   \ifthenelse{\equal{\tf@sffont}{\TF@DEFAULT}}{
%     \ifthenelse{\equal{\tf@rmfont}{txfonts}}{
%       \tf@ifsuboption{new}{\tf@rmfontoptions}{\booltrue{newtx}}{}
%     }{}
%     \ifthenelse{\equal{\tf@mathfont}{txfonts}}{
%       \tf@ifsuboption{new}{\tf@mathfontoptions}{\booltrue{newtx}}{}
%     }{}
%   }{
%     \tf@ifsuboption{new}{\tf@sffontoptions}{\booltrue{newtx}}{}
%   }
%   \ifbool{newtx}{
%     % Michael Sharpe's newtx
%     \scaletypeface{sf}{\xdef\ntx@helvscaled{s*[\tf@sfscalefactor]}}
%     \renewcommand*\sfdefault{ntxss}
%   }{
    % <enc>txss.fd hard codes its scale factor. This code rolls that back.
    \providecommand*\tf@txfontsmagicnumber{0.95}% change if <enc>txss.fd changes
      % Rewind 0.95 fixed scale factor in .fd file
%   }

\newtypeface[arial]{urwarial}{URW Arial}{sf}{

\newtypeface[classico,optima]{urwclassico}{URW Classico}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

\newtypeface[grotesq]{urwgrotesq}{URW Grotesq}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

\newtypeface[nimbus]{urwnimbus}{URW Nimbus Sans}{sf}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

% Typewriter fonts -- somewhat sensitive to font load ordering,
% particularly if loaded via a font package in the code below
% ============================================================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring tt load commands...}

% Default -- no-op

\newtypeface{ae}{AE Mono}{tt}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

\newtypeface[bera]{beramono}{Bitstream Vera Mono}{tt}{
  \tf@usefontpackage{beramono} % contains no font load order side effects

\newtypeface{cmbright}{Computer Modern Mono Light}{tt}{
  \tf@loadcmbright % contains math/symbols font load order side effects

  % requires reworked .fd files to accommodate load time scaling
    \renewcommand*\tf@ttprintname{Computer Modern Mono Light}
      \renewcommand*\tf@ttprintname{Computer Modern Mono Proportional}
            \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{lcmtt}{m}{n}{<-> cmtt8}{}
        \renewcommand*\tf@ttprintname{Computer Modern Mono L}
        \renewcommand*\tf@ttprintname{Computer Modern Mono}


\newtypeface{dejavu}{DejaVu Mono}{tt}{

\newtypeface{droid}{Droid Mono}{tt}{

\newtypeface[cursor,tgcursor]{gyrecursor}{Gyre Cursor}{tt}{

\newtypeface[em]{europeanmodern}{European Modern Mono}{tt}{
  % TODO: errmsg non-T1 encoding
  % TODO: we can source tt osf from TS1
  % See comments with rm \newtypeface declaration
    % our europeanmodern math font handler has already done the required work
    \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{cmtt}{\hyphenchar \font\m@ne}
      <-9> emtt8  <9-10> emtt9  <10-12> emtt10 <12-> emtt12}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmtt}{m}{it} {<-> emitt10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmtt}{m}{sl} {<-> emsltt10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmtt}{m}{ui} {<-> emitt10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmtt}{bx}{n} {
      <-9> emtt8  <9-10> emtt9  <10-12> emtt10 <12-> emtt12}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmtt}{bx}{it}{<-> emitt10}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{T1}{cmtt}{bx}{ui}{<-> emitt10}{}


\newtypeface[kp,kepler]{kpfonts}{KP Fonts Mono}{tt}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling
    {\renewcommand*\ttdefault{jkpttosn}} % KP mono has an OSF variant

\newtypeface[lm,lmodern]{latinmodern}{Latin Modern Mono}{tt}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling
    \xdef\tf@ttprintname{\tf@ttprintname\  Proportional}
    \renewcommand*\tf@ttprintname{Latin Modern Mono Proportional}

\newtypeface[lucidabr,lucida]{lucidabright}{Lucida Bright Mono}{tt}{
  % We follow lucidabr (see \tf@loadlucidabr, above) by defaulting
  % to sans tt unless serif tt is specified. This breaks with the
  % sans vs serif tt pattern established with other tt fonts throughout
  % this package (which default to serif tt unless `sans' option is provided).
  % Note also that we require reworked .fd file to accommodate load time
  % scaling (unfortunately, redefining \DeclareLucidaFontShape won't work
  % without knottiness since it is common to rm, sf and tt fonts).
        Incompatible suboptions `sans' and `seriftt' (or\MessageBreak
        `serif'). Check for conflicts in your `typeface',\MessageBreak
        `mathtypeface' and `monotypeface' package options}
    \renewcommand*\tf@ttprintname{Lucida Bright Sans Mono}

\newtypeface[luxi]{luximono}{Luxi Mono}{tt}{
  % While the luximono package is available via MiKTeX package manager, it is
  % not through TeXLive package manager where instead you'll need to download
  % and install by hand

\newtypeface[pt,paratype]{ptmono}{PT Mono}{tt}{
  % PT Mono is not installed with the paratype package and must
  % consequently be manually installed using the truetype variant
  % (instructions in paratype's docs)

\newtypeface[px]{pxfonts}{PX Fonts Mono}{tt}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

\newtypeface[tx]{txfonts}{TX Fonts Mono}{tt}{
  % requires reworked .fd file to accommodate load time scaling

%== End \newtypeface font definitions =========================================

% Unpack and validate typeface font options
% Typeface name options (typeface/rm, sanstypeface/sf, monotypeface/tt,
% mathtypeface/math, symbolstypeface/sym and textfigures) can include
% colon-separated lists of suboptions, e.g.,
%    typeface=iwona:light,
%    sanstypeface=kepler:light:osf,
%    monotypeface=latinmodern:proportional
%    textfigures=kepler:light:scale:ex:spacing:-20:lkern:-20:rkern:-10
% At this stage, each user supplied <fontname[:option]*> string has already
% been set up in \tf@XXfontname, where XX is rm, sf, tt, math, symbols or
% textfigures. We store the <fontname> part in \tf@XXfont and the <[:option]*>
% part in \tf@XXfontoptions (discarding the first colon), then validate
% that \tf@XXfont is a legitimate font name, complaining otherwise.

  % split & save the string in #1 into \tf@#2font and \tf@#2fontoptions, where
  %   #1 is the <fontname(:option)*> user-supplied option string, and
  %   #2 is one of textfigures, symbols, math, rm, sf, or tt

  \tf@split@fontname #2:#1\@empty:\@empty\relax%

\def\tf@split@fontname#1:#2:#3\@empty#4\relax{%         % split and save to:
  \expandafter\def\csname tf@#1font\endcsname{#2}%      % eg, \tf@rmfont
  \expandafter\def\csname tf@#1fontoptions\endcsname{#3}% eg, \tf@rmfontoptions

  % #1 is one of textfigures, symbols, math, rm, sf, or tt
  \edef\tf@@fontname{\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname}

  % check that the fontname part we saved in \tf@#1font matches one
  % of the entries in the \tf@#1typefacechoices comma separated list
  \edef\tf@@font{\csname tf@#1font\endcsname}
  \renewcommand*\do[1]{      % refer etoolbox package
  \edef\tf@@typefacechoices{\csname tf@#1typefacechoices\endcsname}

    % NB, no allowance is made in the following error message that the user
    % might have used one of the options aliases, e.g., instead of
    % typeface=..., s/he wrote rm=...  Hopefully if the user is smart enough
    % to use options aliases, s/he's smart enough to interpret the error.
      Package option `\tf@@XXtypeface=\tf@@fontname' is\MessageBreak
      invalid. Setting `\tf@@XXtypeface=\tf@@XXdefaultfont'}{}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname{\tf@@XXdefaultfont}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1font\endcsname{\tf@@XXdefaultfont}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@rmfontdefaultstatus\endcsname{\TF@IMPLICITDEFAULT}

% Configure sf, tt, math and textfigures font scaling
% ===================================================
% Options include: ex, lowercase, uppercase, figures, true (synonym for ex),
% false, or a literal constant (e.g., 0.82), allowing authors to match the
% ex-height, the baseline ascender height of lowercase letters, the ascender
% height of uppercase letters, or the ascender height of figures for the
% target fonts with respect to the \rmdefault (reference) font size. Special
% values 0, false, 1, 1.0, etc. all produce unity, that is, no scaling.

% Typeface family scale command names, e.g., ex, 0.98, false, uppercase,...

% Typeface family scale factors (+ve real numbers only)

% Track whether user explicitly defines scale or whether we implicitly set it

% Determine target font scaling methods


% Validate and set the math font family (0..15) for use with rm-relative
% font scaling (used in \tf@initialise@fontscaling and in printinfo)
\newcommand*\tf@mathfontfamily{0} % default



            \OR\(\tf@mathfontfamily > 15\)}{
      Invalid `\tf@@temp:nn' suboption argument in package\MessageBreak
      option `mathtypeface=\tf@mathfontname'.\MessageBreak
      Integer `nn' must be between 0 and 15\MessageBreak
      (not `\tf@mathfontfamily'). Setting math font family = 0%

% Determine sf, tt, math and textfigures font scaling methods
    \TF@PackageError{Internal error in \TF@PACKAGENAME.sty\MessageBreak
      Illegal parameter [#1]\MessageBreak
      in \string\tf@configure@fontscalingmethod}{}
      \edef\tf@@fontoptions{\csname tf@#1fontoptions\endcsname}

          % Test "normalised" numbers, i.e., test 0 instead of 0.00,
          % 1 instead of 001, ...
          \edef\tf@@scalefactor{\strip@pt\dimexpr\tf@nextsuboption pt\relax}
            \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname{\tf@@scalefactor}
        \edef\tf@@scalemethod{\TF@EX@SCALE}  % default: scale to rm ex height

      % Error handling
          Invalid `scale:nnn' suboption argument in\MessageBreak
          #1 parameters `\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname'}{}
              Invalid `scale:\tf@nextsuboption' suboption argument in\MessageBreak
              option `textfigures=\tf@textfiguresfontname'}{}

      % Initialise \tf@#1scalefactor if we can at this stage (generally not yet
      % possible if \tf@@scalemethod == \TF@EX@SCALE, \TF@LC@SCALE, etc.)
        \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname{\TF@UNSCALED}
          \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname
            {\strip@pt\dimexpr\tf@nextsuboption pt\relax}

      % We can apply fixed (constant literal) value scaling with rm-relative
      % scaling if we managed to save the computed scale factor in the aux file
      % during the previous run and user options haven't changed significantly
      % since then.
              \AND\equal{\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname}
                        {\csname tf@aux@#1fontname\endcsname}
          \AND\NOT\equal{\csname tf@aux@#1scalefactor\endcsname}{}}{
        \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname
          {\csname tf@aux@#1scalefactor\endcsname}
        \edef\tf@@scalefactor{\csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname}
        \edef\tf@@scalefactor{\strip@pt\dimexpr\tf@@scalefactor pt\relax}
      \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1scalemethod\endcsname{\tf@@scalemethod}
      \TF@PackageInfo{#1 scale method = \csname tf@#1scalemethod\endcsname}

% Initialise sf, tt, math and textfigures font scale factors
  % This macro assumes that \tf@configure@fontscalingmethod{#1} has already
  % been executed, i.e., that \tf@#1scalemethod is properly configured
    \TF@PackageError{Internal error in \TF@PACKAGENAME.sty\MessageBreak
      Illegal parameter [#1]\MessageBreak
      in \string\tf@initialise@fontscaling}{}
    \edef\tf@@scalemethod{\csname tf@#1scalemethod\endcsname}

      % User error. Error message was raised when detected. Do nothing here.
      % By this stage, \tf@#1scalefactor has already been set to \TF@UNSCALED
      %--- Aux file -----------------------------------------------------------
      % By this stage, \tf@#1scalefactor has already been set to
      % the correct fixed value
      %--- Aux file -----------------------------------------------------------
                       \csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname}}
      \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname{\TF@UNSCALED}


      % For reference font (rm) relative scaling purposes, select (and
      % therefore load) an exceedingly unlikely user fontsize close to
      % \normalsize font size
      \edef\tf@@temp{\strip@pt\dimexpr\f@size pt + 0.027182pt\relax}%

       % note that with many fonts, lc, uc & fig scaling methods
       % are not particularly reliable
      % note that we scale to rm font figures size, even if a
      % substitute osf is in force

          {\usefont{\encodingdefault}{\rmdefault}{m}{n}}  % redundant
          % handled below
          % sf and tt
          \usefont{\encodingdefault}{\csname #1default\endcsname}{m}{n}

          \setbox0=\hbox{$x$} % to ensure font is selected
         % lc, uc and fig math scaling are ridiculously unreliable

        {\strip@pt\dimexpr \p@ * \@tempdima / \@tempdimb\relax}

          INTERNAL PACKAGE ERROR: flag `tf@#1scaledatloadtime'\MessageBreak
          tested true in command `\tf@initialise@fontscaling',\MessageBreak
          Please report this error to the package maintainer}{}
        % Font wasn't scaled at load time, most likely because we haven't
        % configured the font for load time scaling and/or we haven't
        % saved the scale factor and reloaded it from the aux file yet.
        \expandafter\xdef\csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname{\tf@@scalefactor}
        %--- Aux file ---------------------------------------------------------
          \csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname}}
        \ifthenelse{\NOT\equal{\csname tf@#1scalemethod\endcsname}{\TF@FX@SCALE}}{
            % math and (generally) text figures do not require
            % two pass font scaling
  \TF@PackageInfo{#1 scale factor = \csname tf@#1scalefactor\endcsname}

% Initialise math size declarations
      \csname ##1\endcsname
      \csname S@\f@size\endcsname

      \expandafter\xdef\csname S@@tf\f@size\endcsname{\tf@size}
      \expandafter\xdef\csname S@@sf\f@size\endcsname{\sf@size}
      \expandafter\xdef\csname S@@ssf\f@size\endcsname{\ssf@size}

      \expandafter\gdef\csname S@\f@size\endcsname{%
        \xdef\tf@size{\csname S@@tf\f@size\endcsname}%
        \xdef\sf@size{\csname S@@sf\f@size\endcsname}%
        \xdef\ssf@size{\csname S@@ssf\f@size\endcsname}%
        \TF@PackageDebugInfoNoLine{Math size \string\S@\f@size: %

% Text figures spacing (tracking). User configurable by setting `spacing:nnn'
% suboption in `textfigures' package option.  E.g.,
%   textfigures=kpfonts:light:spacing:-20
% nnn may be any integer from -1000 to 1000. Given value n, the substitute
% text figures font will be kerned nnn/1000em. Requires the microtype package
% -- complains if not already loaded.

            \AND\(\tf@nextsuboption > -1001\)
            \AND\(\tf@nextsuboption <  1001\)}{
          Invalid `spacing:nnn' suboption argument in your\MessageBreak
          package option `textfigures=\tf@textfiguresfontname'.\MessageBreak
          Integer `nnn' must be between -1000 and 1000}{}
        Ignoring package suboption `spacing:nnn' in\MessageBreak

  % set textfigures=...:spacing:1... suboption to take the <true> branch
  % (microtype won't apply outer kerning if spacing == 0, we just follow
  % along with that)
              Invalid `lkern:\tf@nextsuboption' suboption value\MessageBreak
              (`\tf@nextsuboption' should be an integer)}{}
              Invalid `rkern:\tf@nextsuboption' suboption value\MessageBreak
              (`\tf@nextsuboption' should be an integer)}{}
        \SetTracking[outer kerning={\tf@MTtrackingL,\tf@MTtrackingR}]
          {encoding=*, family=\tf@substosffont}
          The microtype package must be loaded before\MessageBreak
          loading the typeface package if suboption\MessageBreak
          `spacing:nnn' in `textfigures=\tf@textfiguresfontname'\MessageBreak
          is to have any effect. Ignoring suboption `spacing'}{}
  %--- Aux file ---------------------------------------------------------------

% Load remaining Required Packages
% ================================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Loading remaining required packages...}


  \@ifpackageloaded{xcolor}{\relax}  % colour font substitutions when debugging

% More housekeeping: additional configuration if debugging
  \TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring extra debug routines...}
  \listfiles % list the names of files read during this job run

% Encodings management
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring encodings...}

  % #1 package name (e.g., inputenc)
  % #2 typeface option name (e.g., \tf@inputencoding)
  \edef\tf@@optionname{\csname tf@#2\endcsname}
  \edef\tf@@optionstring{\csname tf@#2string\endcsname}
      \TF@PackageDebugInfo{Loading `#1' with parameters [\tf@@optionname]}
        The `#1' package is already loaded. Please\MessageBreak
        check that its load-time options correspond with\MessageBreak
        your needs. Package option `#2=\tf@@optionstring'\MessageBreak
        ignored. (Set `#2=\TF@DONTLOAD' to make\MessageBreak
        this warning go away)}

% Even with cmap loaded, some pdf readers (notably including Adobe Acrobat)
% are unable to search for or copy ligatures and oldstyle nums from
% certain fonts. This macro provides a fix that often works. It depends
% on the availability of `glyphtounicode.tex' in your TEXMF tree.
% It is not guaranteed to work always since other factors might intervene,
% e.g., an odd fontencoding (try T1 instead), the actual pdf reader being
% used to view the document, which way the wind is blowing, etc.
        Correction applied to fix #1 font\MessageBreak
        ligatures and old style figures search\MessageBreak
        and copy problems. It might or might\MessageBreak
        not work, depending on your pdf reader}
        `glyphtounicode.tex' not found. Correction to\MessageBreak
        #1 font ligatures and old style figures search\MessageBreak
        and copy problem has not been applied}

  % Sneaky fontenc disappears itself from LaTeX's loaded packages
  % record. Check for the existence of \@ifl@ter@@ rather than trying
  % \@ifpackageloaded{fontenc}
      The `fontenc' package does not appear to be loaded,\MessageBreak
      yet you have elected not to load it at this time.\MessageBreak
      Are you certain that this is a good idea?}
  \TF@PackageDebugInfo{Loading `fontenc' with parameters [\tf@fontencoding]}

% Namespace initialisation
% ========================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Initialising namespaces...}

% Rationalise typeface options namespace (typeface aliases)
\tf@rationalisefontnames   % constructed by \newtypeface commands

% Zero out the font name strings

% Zero out the self-registered macro names saved whenever a font is loaded
% (see the \newtypeface command, above, to see how these are constructed)

% Discard any previously defined math symbols fonts, more or less

% Text figures management
% =======================
% Lowercase (text) numerals -- you almost certainly won't use these unless
% your font natively provides old style figures. If it does, then all you need
% do is to include `textfigures' in your package options. If your selected
% font includes old style figures, to turn them on throughout your document
% (except if set in the `liningnums' environment). If your font does not
% natively provide old style figures, specifying `textfigures=xxx' (where xxx
% is `palatino`, `adobeminionpro' or any other font configured for this) will
% attempt to use the old style figures from the xxx font instead. The catch is
% that to use the (non-native) substitute text figures font, you have to place
% your numbers in a `textstylenums` environment, e.g.,
%   \begin{textstylenums}1234\end{textstylenums}
% or pass them to the `\textstylenums' command. Unlike LaTeX's standard
% `\oldstylenums' command, you can include some punctuation characters
% alongside figures, e.g., you can include `$', hyphen, en dash, em dash,
% full stop, comma, etc., depending on the font. However, since the success of
% this is font-dependant, you probably should avoid this writing style.
% WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE \begin{textstylenums}....\end{textstylenums}
% Note that if a substitute font is specified, `textnums' substitutes one font
% family for another, whereas `oldstylenums' does not (it uses the old style
% figures from the currently selected font if they are available, or typesets
% little black rectangles otherwise). Converting your document to use the
% `textnums' environment or `\textstylenums' command needn't require much
% effort if you write a wildcard based search and replace routine in your
% document editor to automate this for you (making sure to avoid numbers in
% TeX command parameters, etc).
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Initialising textfigures commands...}

% Useful author-level boolean expressions that can be used in
% \ifthenelse tests. E.g., \ifthenelse{\NOT\isliningnums}{...}{...}

% Provide the default (stub) version of liningnums environment that (when
% fleshed out on a per font basis in the font commands below) switches to
% lining (uppercase) figures whenever the environment is in effect.
\tf@newbool{tf@liningnums}{false}                                              % TODO: should we make this nestable?

% Helper routine to redefine liningnums environment when using native osf
  % #1 is the font family name for lining figures, e.g., pplx (vs pplj)

% Helper routine to define the \oldstylenums command for selected font families
  % #1 is the font family name for old style figures, e.g., pplj (vs pplx)
  \renewcommand\oldstylenums[1]{{\fontfamily{#1}\selectfont ##1}}

% Access old style figures via TS1 font encoding

% Access old style figures by switching to small caps

% Advise users that their selected font does not support old style figures
    \TF@PackageError{Option `typeface=\tf@rmfontname' does not\MessageBreak
       support `textfigures=\tf@textfiguresfontname'.\MessageBreak
       Setting `textfigures=false'}{}

% Advise users that the selected font ONLY supports old style figures (rare!)
    \TF@PackageError{Option `typeface=\tf@rmfont' does not\MessageBreak
       support `textfigures=\tf@textfiguresfontname' (default).\MessageBreak
       Setting `textfigures=oldstylefigures'}{}

% Advise users that their selected math font kills support for old style figures
    \TF@PackageError{Option `typeface=\tf@rmfontname' does not\MessageBreak
       support combining `mathtypeface=\tf@mathfontname'\MessageBreak
       and `textfigures=\tf@textfiguresfontname'.\MessageBreak
       Setting `textfigures=false'}{}

% Set up our INTERNAL \tf@textstylenums declaration and the
% AUTHOR textnums environment and \textstylenums command
  % Access old style figures via TS1 font encoding
    % Access old style figures via small caps
    % Access old style figures via substitute font
    \providecommand*\lsstyle{}  % create no-op if microtype isn't loaded
                    \AND\value{tf@enable@textnumspacing} = 0}%
          {\lsstyle}{}%  % microtype-based text figures spacing
    % Otherwise, access old style figures natively (i.e., deliver
    % whatever the loaded font provides, which is either text
    % figures or not)

  % Define AUTHOR-LEVEL textnums environment

  % ... and AUTHOR-LEVEL \textstylenums (syn: \tsf) command


  % ... and AUTHOR-LEVEL \liningstylenums (syn: \lsf) command


  % AUTHOR-LEVEL commands to enable/disable textnums letterspacing
  % (uses a counter for reentrancy)

% Typeface selection
% ==================
\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Loading typefaces in load order [\tf@fontloadorder] ...}

% Font loading commands are (generally) processed in this order:
%   textfigures, symbols, math, roman, sans serif, teletype
% Where possible, fonts are loaded using std packages (\tf@usefontpackage{...}),
% otherwise they are loaded via direct commands (\renewcommand\rmdefault{...}).
% Many packages load "matching" fonts, e.g., one might load courier tt
% alongside the rm font that it specifies. The typeface package attempts to
% reverse this when it can in order to ensure that when users specify
% particular fonts, that is in fact what they get, rather than, for example,
% getting the "matching" font decided by a font package author some long time ago.
% Note that when loading multiple font packages one after the other, glyph
% definitions can potentially collide. When this happens, later loaded
% glyphs can (often silently) override earlier definitions or in other case
% simply trigger errors. You should (must) always thoroughly check your output
% pdf document to ensure that the body text, math, symbols and (potential) text
% figures substitution fonts work together to produce desired results. Not all
% combinations will produce satisfactory output.
% The "textfigures, symbols, math, roman, sans serif, teletype" font
% load order should not be wholly relied upon. To obviate the "clash of
% glyphs" problem as best we can, this package will, for example, load the
% roman font family before loading math where a particular math package
% requires the standard load ordering to change. We might even, in extreme
% cases, load the roman font, then math, then to counteract a certain side
% effect, reload roman to re-establish its original configuration. Specific
% behavioural rules for individual situations are set out in the code above.
% Bottom line, however: we try to achieve the combination of typefaces as the
% end-user most likely intended.
% Construct and execute font load commands macro in specified font load order
    {\g@addto@macro{\tf@loadfonts}{\csname beforeloading#1\endcsname}}{}
  \g@addto@macro{\tf@loadfonts}{\csname tf@load#1typeface\endcsname}
    {\g@addto@macro{\tf@loadfonts}{\csname afterloading#1\endcsname}}{}

% After loading fonts, set up font scaling ...

% ... and math size declarations ...

% ... and textfigures font spacing ...

% ... and text figures author-level commands

% Finally, hook our work into LaTeX's font selection machinery
% ============================================================

\TF@PackageDebugInfo{Hooking font scaling into LaTeX commands ...}

% Guard against the (presumably exceedingly unlikely) event where sf and
% tt are 1) the same font, yet 2) are being scaled by different amounts
  \ifthenelse{\NOT\lengthtest{\@tempdima = \@tempdimb}}{
      Requested sans serif and teletypewriter fonts are\MessageBreak
      identical except for differing scale factors\MessageBreak
      [sf=\tf@sfscalefactor, tt=\tf@ttscalefactor].\MessageBreak
      **** This isn't going to work. Please help\MessageBreak
      **** me out. I don't know what to do}{}

  % Subclass LaTeX's default font size function, inserting sf/tt               % TODO: confirm this works with lua, xetex
  % scale factors into \optional@arg if it is empty at the time
  % Last chance for font load functions to affect load-time scaling
  % So long as it's empty, set \optional@arg to appropriate scale factor
        Scaling sf font `\curr@fontshape' (\tf@sfscalefactor*\f@size pt)}%
        Scaling tt font `\curr@fontshape' (\tf@ttscalefactor*\f@size pt)}%
  \@tempdimb \f@size\p@%
    \@tempdimb \optional@arg\@tempdimb%
    \tf@@sizeinfofunction{Font\space shape\space `\curr@fontshape'\space
    will\space be\MessageBreak
    scaled\space to\space size\space \the\@tempdimb}%
  \edef\external@font{\mandatory@arg\space at\the\@tempdimb}%


  \enablefiguressubstitution%      % we enable text figures substitution
  \tf@oldrmfamily%                 % even if user has changed \rmdefault



% Provide AUTHOR level read-only access to several internal values

% Package info and typeface testing commands
% ==========================================

  \TF@PackageDebugInfo{Configuring print info commands...}


  \providecommand*\tftext{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz %
    ct st th ff fi fj fl ffi ffl ft ij \ae\ \oe\ \"o\ \~e\ wavaw %
    {\large large} {\footnotesize footnotesize}}
    Ct St Th Ff Fi Fj Fl Ffi Ffl IJ \AE\ \OE\ \"O\ \~E\ WAVAW}
  \providecommand*\tfpunctuation{\$ \% . , : ; ? \& ! \# = ( \_ ) + - -- ---}


  \newcommand*\tf@@printfontname[1]{%            % helper command
      \equal{\csname tf@#1fontdefaultstatus\endcsname}{\TF@IMPLICITDEFAULT}}{%
        <\TF@DEFAULT> \tf@@printfontname@@helper{#1}%
      \equal{\csname tf@#1fontdefaultstatus\endcsname}{\TF@EXPLICITDEFAULT}}{%
      \equal{\csname tf@#1fontdefaultstatus\endcsname}{\TF@EXPLICITOTHER}}{%
        \csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname%

  \newcommand*\tf@@printfontname@@helper[1]{%    % helper of helper command
      \ifthenelse{\NOT\equal{\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname}{\TF@DEFAULT}}
        {(\csname tf@#1fontname\endcsname\space-- see `\TF@CONFIGFILE')}

    \texttt{typeface}\ package options:\par\noindent%
      typeface          & \tf@@printfontname{rm}                              &
      fontencoding      &
                 \OR\value{tf@fontencodingsuboptionscount} > 1}{%
      }                                                                      \\
      textfigures       & \tf@@printfontname{textfigures}%
                            }                                                 &
      inputencoding      &
      }                                                                      \\
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        {\fontencoding{TS1}\selectfont\tfpunctuation}                  \\

    \texttt{acegmnopqrsuvwxyz}\ %

    \csname #1family\endcsname\selectfont\noindent%
    Rank-dependent utility theories, introduced for objective probabilities
    by Quiggin (\begin{textnums}1981\end{textnums};
    \begin{textnums}1982\end{textnums}) and for subjective distributions by
    Schmeidler (\begin{textnums}1989\end{textnums}), reconfigure $p$ to
    accommodate findings that actual choice behaviours often differ
    systematically from that predicted by classical expected utility
    theories (for example, see Allais, \begin{textnums}1953\end{textnums};
    Ellsberg, \begin{textnums}1961\end{textnums}; Lichtenstein \& Slovic,
    \begin{textnums}1971\end{textnums}; H\"{u}fflefjord,
    \begin{textnums}2004\end{textnums}). These theories accomplish their
    task in two interrelated ways:\ first by discarding the ``linearity of
    the probabilities'' restriction imposed by the standard rationality
    assumptions, second by employing more of the information available to
    individuals at decision-making time.\par\medskip%

    \csname #1family\endcsname\selectfont\noindent%
    \edef\longestword{calligraphic:\ \ }%

      \textbf{Math fonts:}
        \advance\count255 by 1

      \edef\Res{\mathop{\operator@font Res}\nolimits}%
    \csname #1family\endcsname\selectfont\noindent%
    \textbf{Theorem 1 (Residue Theorem)} % Credit: Hartke
    Let $f$ be analytic in the region $G$ except for the isolated
    singularities $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_m$. If $\gamma$ is a closed rectifiable
    curve in $G$ which does not pass through any of the points $a_k$ and if
    $\gamma\approx 0$ in $G$ then
    \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_\gamma f = \sum_{k=1}^m n(\gamma;a_k)
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