%% ucbthesis.cls 2019-07-19
%% Copyright (C) 1988-2019 Daniel Gildea, BBF, Ethan Munson, Paul Vojta.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Paul Vojta.
% This work consists of the files ucbthesis.cls, README, ucbthesis.pdf,
% ucbthesis.tex, thesis.tex, abstract.tex, chap1.tex, chap2.tex, and
% references.bib.

%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-class-file{
%%%     filename        = "ucbthesis.cls",
%%%     version         = "3.6",
%%%     date            = "19 July 2019",
%%%     license         = "LPPL",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "LaTeX, ucbthesis",
%%%     docstring       = "This file is the main file for the ucbthesis
%%%                        class, which is intended to meet the requirements
%%%                        for University of California Ph.D. dissertations.
%%%			   It is a direct port to LaTeX2e from UCTHESIS
%%%			   v2.7 by Ethan V. Munson, with no changes other
%%%			   than those for compatibility.  The major modifictions
%%%			   are in the font selection commands in the option
%%%			   files uct1x.clo.
%%%			   UCTHESIS.STY v2.7 is based on the standard
%%%			   report.sty as modified by Mittelbach and Schopf in
%%%			   Jan 1992.  The primary differences are (1) the use
%%%			   of pseudo-double-spacing, except in certain special
%%%                        environments; and (2) the use of a 6 inch line
%%%                        with 4em paragraph indentation.  It is only
%%%			   intended for single-sided printing.  Double-sided
%%%			   printing may be possible, but you're on
%%%			   your own.
%%%                        I know of no bugs in this implementation,
%%%                        but would be happy to hear of any problems
%%%                        that arise with it.
%%%			   Version 2.x fixes a bug in the previous
%%%			   version of 20 Jun 1988.  The bug was that
%%%			   ``draft'' optional mode didn't work because of
%%%			   problems in handling optional arguments.
%%%                        This file does not seem to work with earlier
%%%                        versions of LaTeX (pre-Jan 1992).
%%%			   Version 2.3 includes a single-spaced
%%%			   tabular* environment.
%%%			   Version 2.4 sets \evensidemargin correctly
%%%			   for two-sided style.  It also adds new
%%%			   environments (\smalltabular and
%%%			   \scriptsizetabular) which produce tables
%%%			   with smaller fonts.  The obvious methods
%%%			   of producing small-font tables don't work
%%%			   in ucthesis style.
%%%			   Version 2.5 adds support for the \maketitle
%%%			   macro.
%%%			   Version 2.6 adds support for complete and
%%%			   correct front matter.  Some dead code was
%%%			   removed, too.
%%%                        Version 2.7 adds front matter support for
%%%                        thesis committees of more than 3 people
%%%                        and for a labeled signature line on the
%%%                        abstract page.
%%%			   Version 3.0 is a direct port of version 2.7
%%%			   to LaTeX2e.  The major revisions in ucthesis.cls
%%%			   are converting option processing to LaTeX2e
%%%			   conventions.  The uct1x files have been revised
%%%			   to use the new font selection commands.
%%%			   Version 3.1 makes the following changes:
%%%				``U of C at CAMPUS'' is now ``U of C, CAMPUS''
%%%				new degreesemester variable
%%%				roman numeral frontmatter begins with page i,
%%%					not iii
%%%				``acknowledgments'' not ``acknowledgements''
%%%			   Version 3.2 explicitly states the license as LPPL.
%%%			   Version 3.3 updates the class for formatting changes
%%%			   made in late 2009 and early 2010, fixes a few minor
%%%			   bugs, and changes the name to ucbthesis to reflect
%%%			   the fact that this class is specific to the Berkeley
%%%			   campus.
%%%			   Version 3.4 rewrites the class to build upon the
%%%			   memoir class (instead of the report class, which had
%%%			   been used previously).  It also switches Master's
%%%			   theses to single-spacing (and adds an ``oldmasters''
%%%			   option for theses submitted in 2011 and earlier).
%%%			   In addition, it added support for co-chairs on the
%%%			   dissertation/thesis committee, joint degrees, and
%%%			   degrees with a Designated Emphasis.
%%%			   Version 3.5 adds the designated emphasis to the
%%%			   abstract (which is required).
%%%			   Version 3.6 changes the title from bold font to
%%%			   regular and adjusts the spacing in the abstract page.
%%%			   It adds \cochairs to the documentation and makes some
%%%			   fixes and adds some material to the example thesis.
%%%			   A problem that some people have had is
%%%			   that you can't use \pagestyle{headings}
%%%			   and \markboth if you use \part.  The solution
%%%			   is to get the headerfooter style, which is
%%%			   nice and simple to use."
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================

\ProvidesClass{ucbthesis}[2019/07/19 v3.6 University of California, Berkeley Thesis Class]

%    ****************************************
%    *               OPTIONS                *
%    ****************************************
% Option values are now declared first thing.  Defaults are set to
% 12 point, onesided, phd (i.e., not masters), final (i.e., not draft) mode
% Only the phd/masters/oldmasters options are handled in this file (other
% than changing default values).


%  The Graduate Division requirements essentially require that theses be
%  formatted as if the oneside option had been used.  In the memoir class,
%  however, twoside is the default.  The following code relies on the memoir
%  class for oneside/twoside formatting, but changes the default to oneside.
%  Ideas for this code were adapted from an answer on stackexchange,
%    http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12933/new-options-and-loaded-class-options-bug
%  (accessed on 12 September 2011).


%  Changing the default point size from 10pt to 12pt uses a similar procedure,
%  but it's messier.


% Other options are passed on to the memoir class.


% The \ProcessOptions command causes the execution of every option command
% FOO which is declared and for which the user typed the FOO option in his
% \documentclass.  For every undeclared option BAR there will be a warning
% message. (BBF 10/31/94)


% Take care of changed defaults



% Now load the memoir class, and configure it appropriately.


  \@tempdima=1in  \advance\@tempdima 25pt \advance\@tempdima\normalbaselineskip
  \@tempdimb=.75in  \advance\@tempdimb 30pt


% The Grad. Division requires that "Placement of page numbers must be
% consistent throughout."


% Issue warnings if the settings are not appropriate for a final copy

 ****** Use the twoside option only for drafts. \@spaces\@spaces ******}

 ****** Use the \thes@ptsize pt option only for drafts. \@spaces\@spaces
 ****** The Graduate Division requires 12-point type ******^^J\@spaces
 ****** or larger for the final version.\space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces

% For some environments we switch back to single-spacing, also
% provides \dsp in case you need double-spacing where single-spacing
% is otherwise used.


% Table of contents, lists of figures, and lists of tables should always
% be single-spaced.  If one wants them to be double-spaced instead (in a
% double-spaced document), the original macros are available as
% \memoirtableofcontents, \memoirlistoffigures, and \memoirlistoftables.




%  draft option (this is where the draft option is actually implemented)
\ifnum\@masters>1			% if oldmasters
  \ifdraftdoc \else
    \dsp				% Set to double spacing

% \smallssp is used to produce tabular environments in the small font.
% This is required because single-spacing requires a change in font size.
% \scriptsizessp is a still smaller version of the same thing.
% Removed 09/2011

% \def\smallssp{\small\SingleSpacing}
% \def\scriptsizessp{\scriptsize\SingleSpacing}

%  Masters theses may not be called dissertations


% This document class is for documents prepared in the English language.
% To prepare a version for another language, various English words must
% be replaced.  Many of the English words that require replacement are
% indicated in the documentation for the memoir class, currently in
% Section 18.20, Words and Phrases.
% Other English words that need replacement can be found in the macros
% supporting the title and approval pages.

% acknowledge environment:

%    ****************************************
%    *             FRONT MATTER             *
%    ****************************************

% These macros are used to declare arguments needed for the
% construction of the front matter.

% The year the degree will be officially conferred

% The semester (Fall or Spring) the degree will be officially conferred

% The full (unabbreviated) name of the degree

% The Joint Institution of your degree (optional, and rare)

% All previous degrees: one per line in chronological order
% This is no longer used, but is provided for backwards compatibility.

% The name of your committee's chair

% The name of your committee's secondary chair (for chair + co-chair)

% The names of your committee's co-chairs (for two equal co-chairs)

% The names of your other committee members, one per line

% The number of committee members

% The name of your degree's field (e.g. Psychology, Computer Science)

% The name of your degree's designated emphasis (optional, and rare)

% The name of your UC Campus (e.g. Berkeley, Los Angeles)
\def\@campus{Berkeley}  % default value is Berkeley

% The alwayssingle environment ensures that front matter is always
% single column even in a double-column document.

  {\if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn \else \@restonecolfalse\newpage \fi}
  {\if@restonecol \twocolumn \else \newpage \fi}

% \maketitle outputs the complete titlepage.  It requires all the
% above macros.  It is probably not correct for joint (e.g. UCSD/SDSU) degrees.

% Set the font that will be used in the front matter headings

    \parskip=\@tempdima minus 4pt
  \hrule height 0pt
  % Fix things so that they're vertically centered
  % \@tempdima = 2 * ((\stockheight-\textheight) / 2 - \uppermargin) - \topskip

    \vspace{14pt minus 4pt}
    by \par
    \vspace{28pt minus 8pt}
    A \@dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the \par
    requirements for the degree of \par
      Joint {\@degree}\\with {\@jointinst}\par
    in \par
      and the Designated Emphasis\par
    in the \par
    Graduate Division \par
    of the \par
    University of California, {\expandafter{\@campus}}\par
    \vspace{34pt minus 8pt}
      Committee in charge: \par
      {\@chair}, \@chairtitle \\
        {\@cochair}, Co-chair \\
      \vspace{14pt minus 4pt}
      \@degreesemester \ \@degreeyear\par
  \hrule height 0pt


% The \approvalpage macro emits a UC-approved approval page ready for
% your committee's signature.  It is not an automatic part of the
% output because it only needs to be printed out once (and should not
% be present in the electronically submitted part).  It requires that
% the \year, \author, \title, and \campus macros have been defined.

      {The final submitted version should not have an approval page}%


\fmfont \noindent
The \@dissertation of {\@author}, titled {\@title}, is approved:

\settowidth\@tempdima{\ifdefined\@cochair Co-chair\else\@chairtitle\fi\quad}
\hbox to\textwidth{\raise 3pt\hbox to\@tempdima{\@chairtitle\hfil}%
  \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .75fill\qquad
  \raise 3pt\hbox{Date}\quad \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .25fill}
\hbox to\textwidth{\raise 3pt\hbox to\@tempdima{\ifdefined\@cochair Co-chair\fi
  \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .75fill\qquad
  \raise 3pt\hbox{Date}\quad \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .25fill}
\hbox to\textwidth{\hskip\@tempdima \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .75fill\qquad
  \raise 3pt\hbox{Date}\quad \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .25fill}
\ifnum \@numberofmembers > 3
\hbox to\textwidth{\hskip\@tempdima \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .75fill\qquad
  \raise 3pt\hbox{Date}\quad \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .25fill}
\ifnum \@numberofmembers > 4
\hbox to\textwidth{\hskip\@tempdima \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .75fill\qquad
  \raise 3pt\hbox{Date}\quad \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .25fill}
\ifnum \@numberofmembers > 5
\hbox to\textwidth{\hskip\@tempdima \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .75fill\qquad
  \raise 3pt\hbox{Date}\quad \leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus .25fill}
{\fmfont University of California, {\@campus}}

% While it's technically optional, you probably want a copyright page.
% This is a macro, not an environment, because it can be generated
% with the \title, \author, and \year macros.

Copyright \@degreeyear\par

% The ABSTRACT environment allows for multi-page abstracts which,
% in accordance with UC rules, is numbered separately from the rest
% of the rest of the dissertation in Arabic.  It requires definition
% of the \title, \author, \degree, \field, \campus, and \chair macros.

    % \pagestyle{simple}
      \abstractname \par
      {\@degree} in \@field\par
            and the Designated Emphasis in\par
      University of California, {\@campus}\par
      {\@chair}, \@chairtitle \par
        {\@cochair}, Co-chair\par

% The abstract is no longer signed (12/2009)
% \def\abstractsignature{
% \hspace*{\fill}
% \begin{minipage}[t]{3.25in}
% \addtolength{\baselineskip}{-.5\baselineskip}
% \vspace{1.7cm}
% \rule{3.2in}{.5pt}\\
% \@chair\\
% Dissertation Committee Chair
% \end{minipage}}

% The dedication environment just makes sure the dedication gets its
% own page.


% The acknowledgements environment puts a large, bold, centered
% "Acknowledgements" label at the top of the page.

    {\large \bfseries \acknowledgename}

% FRONTMATTER environment
% The FRONTMATTER environment makes sure that page numbering is set
% correctly (roman, lower-case, starting at 3) for the front matter
% that follows the abstract.  It also resets page-numbering for
% the remainder of the dissertation (arabic, starting at 1).


% Rename environments to allow them to switch back to double spacing


  % These were taken from memoir.cls 2010/09/19
               {\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em%
                        \itemindent    \listparindent
                        \rightmargin   \leftmargin
                        \parsep        \z@ \@plus\p@}%


    \list{}{\itemsep     \z@
          \itemindent  -\vindent
          \leftmargin   \vleftmargin
          \parsep       \stanzaskip
          \ifdim #1<\linewidth%   %% short line
            \rightmargin        \z@
            \leftmargin         \linewidth
            \advance\leftmargin -#1\relax
            \advance\leftmargin -0.5\leftmargin
            \advance\leftmargin \vindent
            \ifdim #1>\linewidth%  %% long line
              \rightmargin \z@
              \leftmargin  \vindent
            \else%                   %% default
              \rightmargin \leftmargin
              \advance\leftmargin \vindent


               {\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em%
                        \itemindent    \listparindent
                        \rightmargin   \leftmargin
                        \parsep        \z@ \@plus\p@}%


      \list{}{\itemsep     \z@
          \itemindent  -\vindent
          \leftmargin   \vleftmargin
          \parsep       \stanzaskip
          \ifdim #1<\linewidth%   %% short line
            \rightmargin        \z@
            \leftmargin         \linewidth
            \advance\leftmargin -#1\relax
            \advance\leftmargin -0.5\leftmargin
            \advance\leftmargin \vindent
            \ifdim #1>\linewidth%  %% long line
              \rightmargin \z@
              \leftmargin  \vindent
            \else%                   %% default
              \rightmargin \leftmargin
              \advance\leftmargin \vindent


% smalltabular and smalltabular* are alternative tabular environments
% in the \small font.  They are required because single-spacing implies a
% change of font to a particular size.
% EVM, 7/20/93
% Removed 09/2011

% \def\smalltabular{\par\small\SingleSpacing\let\@halignto\@empty\@tabular}
% \let\endsmalltabular = \endtabular

% \@namedef{smalltabular*}#1{\par\small\SingleSpacing
%  \setlength\dimen@{#1}%
%    \edef\@halignto{to\the\dimen@}\@tabular}
% \expandafter \let \csname endsmalltabular*\endcsname = \endtabular

% \scriptsizetabular and \scriptsizetabular* are analogs of \smalltabular

% \def\scriptsizetabular{\par\scriptsize\SingleSpacing
%   \let\@halignto\@empty\@tabular}
% \let\endscriptsizetabular = \endtabular

% \@namedef{scriptsizetabular*}#1{\par\scriptsize\SingleSpacing
%  \setlength\dimen@{#1}%
%    \edef\@halignto{to\the\dimen@}\@tabular}
% \expandafter \let \csname endscriptsizetabular*\endcsname = \endtabular
