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  \input docstrip.tex
\hypersetup{pdftitle=Documentation for the class ucph-revy}
 \typeout{* If you haven't already done so, you will want to}
 \typeout{* run the following commands to generate the}
 \typeout{* bibliography and version history:}
 \typeout{* \space bibtex ucph-revy-en-doc}
 \typeout{* \space makeindex -s gind.ist -o ucph-revy-en-doc.ind ucph-revy-en-doc.idx}
 \typeout{* \space makeindex -s gglo.ist -o ucph-revy-en-doc.gls ucph-revy-en-doc.glo}
 \typeout{* Then run this file through LaTeX again.}
 \typeout{* Happy TeXing!}