%%%%%%%%% Work in progress, version 1.1 % This set of macros is published under the LaTeX Project Public License: % This software is copyright but you are granted a license which gives you, the % "user" of the software, legal permission to copy, distribute, and/or modify % the software. However, if you modify the software and then distribute it (even % just locally) you must change the name of the software, or use other technical % means to avoid confusion. % For linguists only -- this set of macros uses the xypic-module to draw % syntactic trees and similar graphical objects used in linguistics literature % in LaTeX files. %% Please send your bug reports, comments and suggestions to Ralf Vogel %% (rvogel@ling.uni-potsdam.de). I hope this set of macros will be useful for %% you. In case you make further use of these macros in some of your %% programming, please do not forget to mention who you copied them from. %% This style file comes with a documentation, xyli-doc.tex, which %% contains further hints, comments, and examples. %% % General description: % The macros in this package model the construction of syntactic % tree structures as a genuinely graphical problem: they contain two types of % objects, BRANCHES and NODE LABELS, and these are positioned relative to a % GRID. It is essential that each of these three elements is constructed % independent of the other two, and hence they can be modified without % unwanted side effects. This is, to my mind, the most important difference to % other tree drawing macro packages, where, in particular, the label width often % changes the angles of the branches. A second important advantage lies % in the xypic package. xypic generates Metafont code, so the drawing of trees is % not dependent on postscript specials, as, e.g., in ps-trees. Hence, no % postprocessing is required. The trees generated by postscript specials can % neither be seen in a dvi previewer (at least not in my current version of % xdvi for linux), nor can they be taken over into a pdf file by pdflatex % (but it works in dvi to pdf conversion with dvipdf, or ps to pdf conversion % with ps2pdf). %% %% Earlier xyling users: % I tried to systematise the definitions of node labels and branches. The easy % commands are now defined in terms of the kontrolled commands, i.e., \K is % defined via \Kk etc. I also defined a general branching command, \Bkk in its % most kontrolled version. It underlies all the branching commands. I redefined % all old commands in terms of the new ones. You should not see a difference, % however. The commands should be fully backwards compatible. Commands that have % been renamed are included via simple \let instructions. Please check the list % at the end of this file. If there is anything going wrong for you, or you miss % a command that has been there earlier, please let me know. % load xyling - % put the following into the preamble: % % \usepackage{xyling} % here we start. First of all, we load the xy package, with all options % (although most options might not be necessary), including use of colours: \RequirePackage[color,all,dvips]{xy} \UseCrayolaColors % IMPORTANT NOTE: % The use of the dvips option might cause branches to disappear when you % preoduce a pdf file with pdflatex. If this is so, there are two ways of % overcoming this: % % 1. erase the dvips option above, i.e., use instead: % \RequirePackage[color,all]{xy} % You will no longer be able to use coloured branches now, however. % % 2. create the pdf file via dvips and ps2pdf conversion. This is how the % documentation pdf file is created. % A tree is a simple macro of the form "\Tree{ ... }" % It is an xymatrix, with "&" as column separator and "\\" as row separator, % just like tabular: \makeatother \newcommand{\Tree}[2][0]{\raisebox{1ex}{\xymatrix @H=.3pc @W=2pc @R=2pc @C=#1pc {#2}}} \newcommand{\Treek}[3][0]{\raisebox{1ex}{\xymatrix @H=.3pc @W=2pc @R=#2pc @C=#1pc {#3}}} % \Tree has an optional argument that can be used for changing the space between % columns. The default is 0. A negative value makes the tree smaller, % a positive value makes it wider. % Space between rows is set to a default of 2pc (defined in "@R=2pc"). \Treek % gives you "k"ontrol over the distance between rows. \Treek{2}{} = % \Tree{}. Values higher than 2 raise the row distance, smaller ones shrink it. % You can use \Tree and \Treek for objects other than syntactic trees, of % course. Be it phonological structures or simply any other graphical object % that mixes words and lines in a graphical way. % @R=2pc is fine for one-row node labels, it might be too small for % multi-row labels. LFG has trees with two-row labels. To include these, you % will have to enlarge @R, define two-line labels, and branches originating from % two-line labels. See below for an example. % Node labels have the width of 2pc, as determined by the @W variable. This is % nearly the width of two upright letters, like NP, VP etc. Extremely wide % labels do not affect the matrix, because the node width is determined % independent of the content of the node. If you need something different, % change the @W value here. % For the placement of node labels, we use the commands, \Kk, and \K. \Kk % offers you full control over the horizontal and vertical placement of the % label. \newcommand{\Kk}[3][0]{% \POS[]+(#1,-1.5)+(0,#2) \save*\txt{\textnormal{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}#3}} \restore} \newcommand{\K}[2][0]{% \Kk[#1]{0}{#2}} % A node should usually be introduced with the command \K{...}. The optional argument % is the horizontal adjustment in pc. Positive values move the label to the % right, negative values to the left. % Text is centered, both horizontally and vertically! % 1pc is about .5em in a 12pt font. % I inserted a strut (i.e., \rule[-6pt]{0pt}) to make indexed labels behave like % non-indexed ones. It works for up to 12pt fonts. Might have to be adjusted for % other font sizes. % The node is inserted at the center of the box, the center with respect to % both the horizontal and the vertical dimension! Boxes with indices, like % NP$_{i}$, are higher than an ordinary NP box. As a consequence of this, the % NP of an indexed box would appear slightly higher than a sister node label % without the strut. % \Kk offers full `k'ontrol over the vertical and horizontal dimension. The % optional argument of \Kk is the same as that of \K, but there is an additional % obligatory argument denoting the vertical adjustment. So the syntax is: % \Kk[horizontal adjustment]{vertical adjustment}{node label} % The command \Kk[1]{1}{VP} places the node VP 1pc right of and 1pc higher than % the standard position. This in fact allows you to put anything anywhere in % the tree. You can add comments to the side of the tree etc. % Branch commands are inserted immediately after their dominating node. They are % defined with respect to their target position in the matrix. We again start % with the controlled version: \newcommand{\Bkk}[3]{\POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{-}[#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} % The three arguments are: 1=adjustment of starting position, 2=adjustment of % target position, 3=target location. The first two arguments are value pairs % for the x- and y-axis: (horizontal,vertical). % The third argument describes the target location of the branch, a string % containing some of the following letters: d % for one step down, l for one step left, r for one step right, u for one step % up - but don't use u, because it will result in striking out the label name % ... :-) branches always go downwards. dr = 1 down, 1 right, drr = 1 down, 2 % right etc. % \Bk only controls vertical adjustment of the starting and target % positions, and keeps the horizontal dimension fixed: \newcommand{\Bk}[3]{\Bkk{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} % \Bk again has 3 obligatory arguments: the vertical adjustment of the starting % position, that of the target position, and the target location. Positive value % lifts the starting position, negative value lowers it. % The simpler version, which you should normally use, only allows for the vertical % adjustment of the starting position with its optional argument: \newcommand{\B}[2][0]{\Bk{#1}{0}{#2}} % an arrow version of \B: \newcommand{\ARkk}[3]{\POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{->}[#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} \newcommand{\ARk}[3]{\ARkk{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\AR}[2][0]{\ARk{#1}{0}{#2}} % Dashed, dotted and wavy versions of \B and \AR: \newcommand{\Bkkdash}[3]{\POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{--}[#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} \newcommand{\Bkkdot}[3]{\POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{.}[#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} \newcommand{\Bkkwav}[3]{\POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{.}[#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} \newcommand{\Bkdash}[3]{\Bkkdash{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\Bkdot}[3]{\Bkkdot{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\Bkwav}[3]{\Bkkwav{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\Bdot}[2][0]{\POS[]-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1)\ar@{.}[#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\ARdot}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1) \ar@{.>}[#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\Bdash}[2][0]{\POS[]-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1)\ar@{--}[#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\ARdash}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1) \ar@{-->}[#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\Bwav}[2][0]{\POS[]-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1)\ar@{~}[#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\ARwav}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1) \ar@{~>}[#2]+(0,2)} % Joost Kremers, University of Frankfurt/Main, % <j.kremers@em.uni-frankfurt.de>, has kindfully defined a "generalised % branch" command that I happily integrate here: \newcommand{\GBkk}[4]{\POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{#4}[#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} \newcommand{\GBk}[4]{\GBkk{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}{#4}} \newcommand{\GB}[3][0]{\GBk{#1}{0}{#2}{#3}} % The branch commands are the same as the \Bkk, \Bk and \B commands, except % that they have one more mandatory argument, and the first mandatory argument % is the line style, which can be as follows: % - solid line % -- dashed line % = double line % == dashed double line % . dotted line % : dotted double line % ~ wavy line % ~~ dashed wavy line % Here come a couple of abbreviations for often used branching commands: % \D goes to the position in the same column, one row below. The optional % argument is the vertical adjustment of the starting position. \newcommand{\D}[1][0]{\B[#1]{d}} \newcommand{\Dk}[2]{\Bk{#1}{#2}{d}} % \Dk is the \Bk version, i.e., it has two obligatory arguments defining the % vertical adjustments of starting position and target position. \newcommand{\DL}[1][0]{\B[#1]{dl}} \newcommand{\DLL}[1][0]{\B[#1]{dll}} \newcommand{\DLLL}[1][0]{\B[#1]{dlll}} \newcommand{\DR}[1][0]{\B[#1]{dr}} \newcommand{\DRR}[1][0]{\B[#1]{drr}} \newcommand{\DRRR}[1][0]{\B[#1]{drrr}} \newcommand{\DLk}[2][0]{\Bk{#1}{#2}{dl}} \newcommand{\DLLk}[2][0]{\Bk{#1}{#2}{dll}} \newcommand{\DLLLk}[2][0]{\Bk{#1}{#2}{dlll}} \newcommand{\DRk}[2][0]{\Bk{#1}{#2}{dr}} \newcommand{\DRRk}[2][0]{\Bk{#1}{#2}{drr}} \newcommand{\DRRRk}[2][0]{\Bk{#1}{#2}{drrr}} % Abbreviations for binary branches: \newcommand{\V}[1][0]{\DL[#1]\DR[#1]} \newcommand{\VV}[1][0]{\DLL[#1]\DRR[#1]} \newcommand{\VR}[1][0]{\DL[#1]\DRR[#1]} \newcommand{\VL}[1][0]{\DLL[#1]\DR[#1]} \newcommand{\VVV}[1][0]{\DLLL[#1]\DRRR[#1]} \newcommand{\VVR}[1][0]{\DLL[#1]\DRRR[#1]} \newcommand{\VVL}[1][0]{\DLLL[#1]\DRR[#1]} \newcommand{\VLL}[1][0]{\DLLL[#1]\DR[#1]} \newcommand{\VRR}[1][0]{\DL[#1]\DRRR[#1]} % Define more if you need them. % Let's make further abbreviations. A default VP has a \V branch. So let's % define \VP accordingly, and likewise Vbar, IP, CP etc.: \newcommand{\VP}[1][]{\K{VP$_{#1}$}\V} \newcommand{\Vbar}{\K[.5]{V$'$}\V} \newcommand{\IP}[1][]{\K{IP$_{#1}$}\V} \newcommand{\Ibar}{\K[.5]{I$'$}\V} \newcommand{\CP}[1][]{\K{CP$_{#1}$}\V} \newcommand{\Cbar}{\K[.5]{C$'$}\V} \newcommand{\Nbar}{\K[.5]{N$'$}\V} \newcommand{\PP}[1][]{\K{PP$_{#1}$}\V} \newcommand{\DP}[1][]{\K{DP$_{#1}$}\V} \newcommand{\AuxP}[1][]{\K{IP$_{#1}$}\V} \newcommand{\Auxbar}{\K[.5]{I$'$}\V} % Nodes reasonably without branch: \newcommand{\NP}[1][]{\K{NP$_{#1}$}} \newcommand{\Nzero}[1][]{\K[1]{N$^{0}_{#1}$}} \newcommand{\Vzero}[1][]{\K[1]{V$^{0}_{#1}$}} \newcommand{\Izero}[1][]{\K{I$^{0}_{#1}$}} \newcommand{\Auxzero}[1][]{\K{I$^{0}_{#1}$}} \newcommand{\Czero}[1][]{\K{C$^{0}_{#1}$}} \newcommand{\Pzero}[1][]{\K{P$^{0}_{#1}$}} \newcommand{\Dzero}[1][]{\K{D$^{0}_{#1}$}} % Note that all of these commands, except for the Xbar nodes, have an optional % argument for an index. If you use indices longer than one letter, you might % need to do horizontal adjustment and have to use \K instead. % This default system only needs new nodes for the terminals. Let's define \T % parallel to \K. \T has a vertical branch to the upper node, text is % italicised. The optional argument, as before, allows for % horizontal adjustment of the text: \newcommand{\T}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS+(0,2) \ar@{-}[u]-(0,4)% \POS[]\K[#1]{\textit{#2}}} % An entry could consist of several rows, especially terminal nodes, but we don't % want them to influence the lengths of branches. The following defines entries % that are typed below an entry. It can be used repeatedly: \newcommand{\Below}[2][0]{\POS-(0,5)+(0,#1)% \save*\hbox{\textnormal{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}% #2}}\restore} % The optional argument is the vertical distance to the upper entry. % \below[vertical]{blablabla} \newcommand{\Belowk}[3][4]{\POS+(#2,#1)% \save*\hbox{\textnormal{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}% #3}}\restore} % \Belowk command has an additional obligatory argument for horizontal % adjustment: \Belowk[vertical]{horizontal}{blablabla} % Let's define a trace: \newcommand{\Trace}[1][i]{\K[0.5]{t$_{#1}$}} % Alternative phrase structure tree commands can easily be built with \Treek, % \Bkk and \Kk. These are LFG macros: \newcommand{\Treelfg}[2][0]{\Treek[#1]{3}{#2}} \newcommand{\Klfg}[2][]{\K{$\uparrow _{\textsc{\scriptsize #1}}=\downarrow$}\Below{#2}} \newcommand{\Blfg}[1]{\Bk{-5}{0}{#1}} \newcommand{\Vlfg}{\Blfg{dl}\Blfg{dr}} % Note that \Klfg produces two lines: The inheritance specification and the % category label. The optional argument is the grammatical function, which, if % available is indexed to the $\uparrow$ in the first line. % This completes the basics of our trees with the most frequently used % functions. Now come some extensions, in particular, circled nodes with % adjusted branches, triangles and arrows linking nodes. % Here come some coloured versions of \K and \B: \RequirePackage{color} \definecolor{gray}{gray}{.5} \newcommand{\Kkblue}[3][0]{% \POS[]+(#1,-1.5)+(0,#2) \save*\txt{\textnormal{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}\color{blue}#3}} \restore} \newcommand{\Kblue}[2][0]{% \Kk[#1]{0}{\color{blue}#2}} \newcommand{\Kkred}[3][0]{% \POS[]+(#1,-1.5)+(0,#2) \save*\txt{\textnormal{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}\color{red}#3}} \restore} \newcommand{\Kred}[2][0]{% \Kk[#1]{0}{\color{red}#2}} \newcommand{\Kkgreen}[3][0]{% \POS[]+(#1,-1.5)+(0,#2) \save*\txt{\textnormal{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}\color{green}#3}} \restore} \newcommand{\Kgreen}[2][0]{% \Kk[#1]{0}{\color{green}#2}} \newcommand{\Kkgray}[3][0]{% \POS[]+(#1,-1.5)+(0,#2) \save*\txt{\textnormal{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}\color{gray}#3}} \restore} \newcommand{\Kgray}[2][0]{% \Kk[#1]{0}{\color{gray}#2}} \newcommand{\Bkkblue}[3]{% \POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{-}@[blue][#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} \newcommand{\Bkblue}[3]{% \Bkkblue{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\Bblue}[2][0]{\Bkblue{#1}{0}{#2}} \newcommand{\Bkkred}[3]{% \POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{-}@[red][#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} \newcommand{\Bkred}[3]{% \Bkkred{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\Bred}[2][0]{\Bkred{#1}{0}{#2}} \newcommand{\Bkkgreen}[3]{% \POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{-}@[green][#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} \newcommand{\Bkgreen}[3]{% \Bkkgreen{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\Bgreen}[2][0]{\Bkgreen{#1}{0}{#2}} \newcommand{\Bkkgray}[3]{% \POS[]-(0,4)+(#1)\ar@{-}@[gray][#3]+(0,2)+(#2)} \newcommand{\Bkgray}[3]{% \Bkkgray{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\Bgray}[2][0]{\Bkgray{#1}{0}{#2}} \newcommand{\Vblue}{\Bblue{dl}\Bblue{dr}} \newcommand{\Vred}{\Bred{dl}\Bred{dr}} \newcommand{\Vgreen}{\Bgreen{dl}\Bgreen{dr}} \newcommand{\Vgray}{\Bgray{dl}\Bgray{dr}} \newcommand{\Tblue}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS+(0,2) \ar@{-}@[blue][u]-(0,4)% \K[#1]{\textit{\color{blue}#2}}} \newcommand{\Tred}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS+(0,2) \ar@{-}@[red][u]-(0,4)% \K[#1]{\textit{\color{red}#2}}} \newcommand{\Tgreen}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS+(0,2) \ar@{-}@[green][u]-(0,4)% \K[#1]{\textit{\color{green}#2}}} \newcommand{\Tgray}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS+(0,2) \ar@{-}@[gray][u]-(0,4)% \K[#1]{\textit{\color{gray}#2}}} % Coloured versions of arrows, just examples. They are made a bit % thicker. This is useful in pdf presentations, e.g. with seminar.sty or % prosper.sty: \newcommand{\ARblue}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1) \ar@[Blue]@[thicker][#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\ARdotblue}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1) \ar@[Blue]@[thicker]@{.>}[#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\ARdashblue}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1) \ar@[Blue]@[thicker]@{-->}[#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\ARred}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1) \ar@[Red]@[thicker][#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\ARdotred}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1) \ar@[Red]@[thicker]@{.>}[#2]+(0,2)} \newcommand{\ARdashred}[2][0]{\POS[]\POS-(0,4)\POS+(0,#1) \ar@[Red]@[thicker]@{-->}[#2]+(0,2)} % Extension Nr. 1: % Circles and squares around nodes with branches: % First, we define the circle, to be added after the \K{}, like the branch. It % is designed to fit two-letter nodes, like VP a.o. Optional argument: line % style: dot . for dotted, dash - for dashed, nothing for solid. \newcommand{\OO}[1][]{\POS[]+(0,-1)\drop\frm<1pc>{#1o}} % the radius of the circle is set to 1pc. if you need a different radius, % use \OOk. In addition to the optional line style argument, it has an % obligatory argument for the radius. \newcommand{\OOk}[2][]{ \POS[]+(0,-1)\drop\frm<#2pc>{#1o}} % Colored versions: \newcommand{\OOred}[2][o]{{}\POS[]+(0,-1)\save *+<2pc>[#1][F:red]\txt{}\restore} \newcommand{\OOblue}[2][o]{{}\POS[]+(0,-1)\save *+<2pc>[#1][F:blue]\txt{}\restore} \newcommand{\OOgreen}[2][o]{{}\POS[]+(0,-1)\save *+<2pc>[#1][F:green]\txt{}\restore} \newcommand{\OOgray}[2][o]{{}\POS[]+(0,-1)\save *+<2pc>[#1][F:gray]\txt{}\restore} %% This is hacked: must be first in the field, before the \K command, and %% followed by an empty group, {}. % Now comes the boring stuff. Branches that start or end at circles are % shorter. So let's define macros for all kinds of short branches. Some % commands include the circles already. % This is a branch that always works, starting point for all branches is the % same point on the circle. This makes branches rather short, and changes their % angle: \newcommand{\BoO}[1]{\Bk{-1.2}{1.2}{#1}} % branch with circled start and target, % from middle position \newcommand{\Bo}[1]{\Bk{-1.2}{0}{#1}} % branch with circled start, % from middle position \newcommand{\BO}[1]{\Bk{0}{1.2}{#1}} % branch with circled target, % from middle position \newcommand{\Do}{\Dk{-1.2}{0}} % only circled starting node \newcommand{\DO}{\Dk{0}{1.2}} % only circled target \newcommand{\DoO}{\Dk{-1.2}{1.2}} % circled start and target \newcommand{\ODO}{\OO\DoO} % circle plus downwards branch to circled node \newcommand{\OD}{\OO\Do} % Circle with downwards branch \newcommand{\DRo}[1][dr]{\Bkk{1.5,-.9}{0,0}{#1}} \newcommand{\DLo}[1][dl]{\Bkk{-1.5,-.9}{0,0}{#1}} \newcommand{\DRoO}[1][dr]{\Bkk{1.5,-.9}{-1.8,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DLoO}[1][dl]{\Bkk{-1.5,-.9}{1.8,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DRO}[1][dr]{\Bkk{0,0}{-1.8,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DLO}[1][dl]{\Bkk{0,0}{1.8,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DRRo}{\DRo[drr]} \newcommand{\DLLo}{\DLo[dll]} \newcommand{\DRRoO}{\DRoO[drr]} \newcommand{\DLLoO}{\DLoO[dll]} \newcommand{\DRRO}{\DRO[drr]} \newcommand{\DLLO}{\DLO[dll]} \newcommand{\DRRRo}{\DRo[drrr]} \newcommand{\DLLLo}{\DLo[dlll]} \newcommand{\DRRRoO}{\DRoO[drrr]} \newcommand{\DLLLoO}{\DLoO[dlll]} \newcommand{\DRRRO}{\DRO[drrr]} \newcommand{\DLLLO}{\DLO[dlll]} \newcommand{\VoO}{\DLO\DRO} % uncircled starting node, circled targets left % and right \newcommand{\VO}{\DL\DRO} % circled right target only \newcommand{\Vo}{\DLO\DR} % circled left target only \newcommand{\VVoO}{\DLLO\DRRO} % same as above, two steps left/right \newcommand{\VVO}{\DLL\DRRO} \newcommand{\VVo}{\DLLO\DRR} \newcommand{\VVVoO}{\DLLLO\DRRRO} % same as above, three steps left/right \newcommand{\VVVO}{\DLLL\DRRRO} \newcommand{\VVVo}{\DLLLO\DRRR} \newcommand{\OV}{\OO\DLo\DRo} % circle plus branches from circled % starting node \newcommand{\OVoO}{\OO\DLoO\DRoO} % circled targets \newcommand{\OVO}{\OO\DLo\DRoO} % circled right target \newcommand{\OVo}{\OO\DLoO\DRo} % circled left target % Define more, if you need them! % For instance, how about a square instead of a circle: \newcommand{\QQ}[1][-]{\POS[]+(0,-1)-(4,4);\POS[]+(0,-1)+(4,4)**\frm{#1}} % And coloured versions: \newcommand{\QQred}[2][o]{{}\POS[]+(0,-1)\save *+<1.9pc>[#1][F:red]\txt{}\restore} \newcommand{\QQblue}[2][o]{{}\POS[]+(0,-1)\save *+<1.9pc>[#1][F:blue]\txt{}\restore} \newcommand{\QQgreen}[2][o]{{}\POS[]+(0,-1)\save *+<1.9pc>[#1][F:green]\txt{}\restore} \newcommand{\QQgray}[2][o]{{}\POS[]+(0,-1)\save *+<1.9pc>[#1][F:gray]\txt{}\restore} % Again: These are not fully functioning. It only works, if the \QQ<color> % command is the first one in the field, right after the &, and is followed by % an empty group {}. % you need branches to and from squared nodes: \newcommand{\DRq}[1][dr]{\Bkk{1.5,-1}{0,0}{#1}} \newcommand{\DLq}[1][dl]{\Bkk{-1.5,-1}{0,0}{#1}} \newcommand{\DRQ}[1][dr]{\Bkk{0,0}{-2,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DLQ}[1][dl]{\Bkk{0,0}{2,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DRqQ}[1][dr]{\Bkk{1.5,-1}{-2,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DLqQ}[1][dl]{\Bkk{1.5,-1}{2,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DRoQ}[1][dr]{\Bkk{1.5,-.9}{-2,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DLoQ}[1][dl]{\Bkk{-1.5,-.9}{2,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DRqO}[1][dr]{\Bkk{1.6,-1}{-1.8,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\DLqO}[1][dl]{\Bkk{1.6,-1}{1.8,1}{#1}} \newcommand{\Dq}{\Dk{-1.1}{0}} % only squared starting node \newcommand{\DQ}{\Dk{0}{1}} % only squared target node \newcommand{\DqO}{\Dk{-1.1}{1.2}} % squared start and circled target \newcommand{\DoQ}{\Dk{-1.3}{1}} % circled start and squared target \newcommand{\DqQ}{\Dk{-1.1}{1}} % square start and squared target % Sometimes, it is useful to highlight sections of the tree with a % rectangle. Let's define such a rectangle: \newcommand{\QS}[3][-]{{}\POS"#2";\POS"#3"+(4,-4)**\frm{#1}} % Syntax: \QS[line style]{absolue address of top left corner}{absolue address of % bottom right corner} % The absolute address is a number pair: Field 1,1 is the top left field. The % fields in the first row are 1,1 1,2 1,3 etc. Those in the second row % 2,1 2,2 2,3 etc. % Extension 2: % Drawing links between nodes % We have two versions, one version, \Link, for links drawn below the % tree, and one for links drawn above the tree, \UpLink. The kontrolled % version is \Linkk / \UpLinkk: \newcommand{\Linkk}[3][->]{% \POS[]-(3.33,2) \ar@{#1}@/^{#2pc}/[#3]-(1,3.33)} \newcommand{\UpLinkk}[3][->]{% \POS[]+(1.33,2) \ar@{#1}@/_{#2pc}/[#3]+(2,-2)} % \Linkk[style]{curving}{target} % The curving ratio controls the curving of the link. In the commands \Link % and \UpLink, it is defaulted to 1.33. The curving will differ from tree % to tree, so a default might be quite useless. % Style can be . for dotted, - for solid, -- for dashed, with leading or % following < or > for the arrows. Default is a solid arrow to the target, `->'. % Links are defined such that they point from the lower position in the tree % to the higher position, not the other way around. But it's all a matter of % where they initiate relative to their source and target fields (left/right, % top/bottom). Redefine it for your needs. \newcommand{\Link}[2][->]{% \Linkk[#1]{1.33}{#2}} \newcommand{\UpLink}[2][->]{% \UpLinkk[#1]{1.33}{#2}} % Syntax: \Link[style]{target} %% Extension in version 1.0.1: adjusting starting and target postions: \newcommand{\LINKK}[5][->]{% \POS[]-(3.33,2)+(#4) \ar@{#1}@/^{#2pc}/[#3]-(1,3.33)+(#5)} \newcommand{\UPLINKK}[5][->]{% \POS[]+(1.33,2)+(#4) \ar@{#1}@/_{#2pc}/[#3]+(2,-2)+(#5)} \newcommand{\LINK}[4][->]{% \LINKK[#1]{1.33}{#2}{#3}{#4}} \newcommand{\UPLINK}[4][->]{% \UpLinkk[#1]{1.33}{#2}{#3}{#4}} % argument number 4 and 5 are comma separated value pairs for the x and y % dimensions. % Here come red and blue links. Might be useful for pdf presentations: \newcommand{\Linkkblue}[3][->]{% \POS[]-(3.33,2) \ar@[Blue]@[thicker]@{#1}@/^{#2pc}/[#3]-(1,3.33)} \newcommand{\Linkblue}[2][->]{% \Linkkblue[#1]{1.33}{#2}} \newcommand{\Linkkred}[3][->]{% \POS[]-(3.33,2) \ar@[Red]@[thicker]@{#1}@/^{#2pc}/[#3]-(1,3.33)} \newcommand{\Linkred}[2][->]{% \Linkkred[#1]{1.33}{#2}} % Links between circled nodes: \newcommand{\LinkkoO}[3][->]{% \POS[]-(4.25,2) \ar@{#1}@/^{#2pc}/[#3]-(0,6)} \newcommand{\UpLinkkoO}[3][->]{% \POS[]-(3.33,-2) \ar@{#1}@/_{#2pc}/[#3]+(4,-2)} % Link starting at circle \newcommand{\Linkko}[3][->]{% \POS[]-(4.25,2) \ar@{#1}@/^{#2pc}/[#3]-(1,3.33)} % Link targeting circle \newcommand{\LinkkO}[3][->]{% \POS[]-(3.33,2) \ar@{#1}@/^{#2pc}/[#3]-(0,6)} % This is included from the older documentation: % Advanced usage of arrows: study the examples, and read the xypic documentation % for further details: % \baum{ & \K{VP}\V \\ % \K{V} \POS[]+(2,0)\ar[r] \POS[]+(-1,2) % \ar@{.>}@/^/[ur]-(2.5,0) % && \K{NP} \POS[]-(3,0) \ar[l] % \ar@{-->}@/_{2pc}/[ul]_{\textsc{agr}} % \POS[]-(2,2)\ar@{<-}@/^/[ll]-(0,2)_{\textsc{\tiny case}} % } % \POS[] is the position of the actual entry % \POS"1,1" is the position of the entry in row 1, column 1. % \POS[dl] is the position one step down, one step left from current position % an arrow consists of an optional start position, the command \ar wit % modifiers, and a target position (the target is written without \POS. the % simplest arrow is like \ar[l] or \ar[dr] etc. several modifiers are possible: % @{style}, where style is: % @{.} dotted line | @{-} line | @{--} dashed line % these can be combined with arrows, symbolized by < and >: % @{.>} , @{<--} etc. % the arrow can be curved, modifiers: % @/_/ downwards curved , @/^/ upwards curved % an optional argument makes wider or narrower curves: % @/_{3pt}/ @/^{3pc}/ etc % arrow labels can occur above or below the arrow: % _{text} , ^{text} % \POS[]+(-1,2) \ar@{-->}@/_{2pc}/[ul]_{\textsc{agr}} % start pos. | | | | | % arrow sty curve target label % commd. le pos. % frames % \Tree{ & {}\drop\frm<0.8pc>{-o} \K{VP} \POS[]-(0,4)\ar@{-}[dl]+(2,2) % \POS[]-(0,4)\ar@{-}[dr] \\ % \K{V} && {}\POS[]-(3,3);\POS+(3,3)**\frm{.} \K{NP} % \POS[]+(6,2);\POS[ll]-(2,2)**\frm<8pt>{-}} % Extension 3: % Triangles % Triangles need the nodes they refer to in the next lower row, in particular, % don't forget the node [d] from the insertion point of the triangle. You will % get an error otherwise. The text below the triangle is to be inserted in the % field [d] from the insertion point. % The fully kontrolled command \TRikk has three arguments. The two obligatory % arguments for horizontal adjustments of the left and right edge of the % triangle, and the optional argument for the vertical adjustment: % \TRikk[vertical]{left}{right} \newcommand{\TRikk}[3][0]{% \POS[d]+(-10.4,0)+(-#2,2)+(0,#1)\ar@{-}[d]+(10.4,0)+(#3,2)+(0,#1) \POS[]\POS+(0,-4);\POS[d]\POS+(-10.4,0)+(-#2,2)+(0,#1)**\dir{-}% \POS[]\POS+(0,-4);\POS[d]\POS+(10.4,0)\POS+(#3,2)+(0,#1)**\dir{-}% } % Simpler commands are defined on the basis of \TRikk. \TRik has no vertical % adjustment: \newcommand{\TRik}[2]{\TRikk{#1}{#2}} % Syntax: \TRik{left}{right} % \TRi is a symmetric triangle with the optional argument of the horizontal % adjustment, negative value makes it narrower, positive value makes it wider. \newcommand{\TRi}[1][0]{\TRik{#1}{#1}} % \TRi[left/right] % Note: \TRikk{0}{0} = \TRik{0}{0} = \TRi % These triangles are rectangles, DTRi has a [d] branch on the left, \TRiD on % the right: \newcommand{\DTRi}[1][0]{\TRik{-10.4}{#1}} \newcommand{\TRiD}[1][0]{\TRik{#1}{-10.4}} % Extension 4: Sideways branches and arrows: \newcommand{\R}[2][-]{\POS[]+(3.7,-1.2)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(3.7,1.2)} \newcommand{\RoO}[2][-]{\POS[]+(4.2,-1.2)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(4.2,1.2)} \newcommand{\Ro}[2][-]{\POS[]+(4.2,-1.2)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(3.7,1.2)} \newcommand{\RO}[2][-]{\POS[]+(3.7,-1.2)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(4.2,1.2)} \newcommand{\RqQ}[2][-]{\POS[]+(4,-1.2)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(4,1.2)} \newcommand{\Rq}[2][-]{\POS[]+(4,-1.2)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(3.7,1.2)} \newcommand{\RQ}[2][-]{\POS[]+(3.7,-1.2)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(4,1.2)} \newcommand{\RoQ}[2][-]{\POS[]+(4.2,-1.2)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(4,1.2)} \newcommand{\RqO}[2][-]{\POS[]+(4,-1.2)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(4.2,1.2)} %% New in 1.0.1: \Rk and \Rkk \newcommand{\Rkk}[4][-]{\POS[]+(3.7,-1.2)+(#3)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(3.7,1.2)+(#4)} \newcommand{\Rk}[4][-]{\POS[]+(3.7,-1.2)+(#3,0)\ar@{#1}[#2]-(3.7,1.2)+(#4,0)} \newcommand{\Rkt}[4][-]{\POS[]+(3.7,-1.2)+(#3,0)\ar@[|(2)]@{#1}[#2]-(3.7,1.2)+(#4,0)} % Extension 5: % Arrows in bracketed notations of syntactic structures % This requires a new matrix, we call it \TExt. Here the inter-column space is % set to zero. This means that we have horizontal space with the insertion of % a `&'. I.e., we could let arrows point to letters within words. The % controlled version, \Textk, allows you to control for inter-column space % with the first mandatory argument. The optional argument adjusts inter-row % space. \newcommand{\TExtk}[3][0]{\raisebox{3pt}{\xymatrix @R=#1pc @C=0pt @M=#2pc {#3}}} \newcommand{\TExt}[2][0]{\TExtk{0}{#2}} % \TExtk has three arguments: % \Textk[inter row distance]{inter column distance}{matrix} % The fields within the \TExt environment are inserted with \Txt or \TXT. They % mainly provide a strut to yield correct horizontal alignment. \Txt has a % blank before the text, \TXT has none. I.e., if a word is split over two % fields, the second part of the word should be introduced with \TXT. % Likewise, the first word: \newcommand{\Txt}[1]{\txt{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt} #1}} \newcommand{\TXT}[1]{\txt{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}#1}} % Here come the arrows, they differ in their depths, such that several arrows % can be used within one \TExt without overlapping: \newcommand{\COn}[2][-]{% \POS[]+(0,-2);\POS[]+(0,-6)**\dir{#1} \POS[]+(0,-6);\POS[#2]+(0,-6)**\dir{#1} \POS[#2]+(0,-6) \ar@{#1>}[#2]+(0,-2)} \newcommand{\COnn}[2][-]{% \POS[]+(0,-2);\POS[]+(0,-8)**\dir{#1} \POS[]+(0,-8);\POS[#2]+(0,-8)**\dir{#1} \POS[#2]+(0,-8) \ar@{#1>}[#2]+(0,-2)} \newcommand{\COnnn}[2][-]{% \POS[]+(0,-2);\POS[]+(0,-10)**\dir{#1} \POS[]+(0,-10);\POS[#2]+(0,-10)**\dir{#1} \POS[#2]+(0,-10) \ar@{#1>}[#2]+(0,-2)} % Syntax: \COn[style]{target} % SCOn is a small connector: \newcommand{\SCOn}[2][-]{% \POS[]+(0,-2);\POS[]+(0,-5)**\dir{#1} \POS[]+(0,-5);\POS[#2]+(0,-5)**\dir{#1} \POS[#2]+(0,-5) \ar@{#1>}[#2]+(0,-2)} \newcommand{\COnk}[3][-]{% \POS[]+(0,-2);\POS[]+(0,-#2)**\dir{#1} \POS[]+(0,-#2);\POS[#3]+(0,-#2)**\dir{#1} \POS[#3]+(0,-#2) \ar@{#1>}[#3]+(0,-2)} % Example: % % \TExt{\TXT{What} & \Txt{did you see} & \Txt{t}\COn{ll} & \Txt{?}} % % Connectors with labels, above or below (depending on whether the arrow goes % from left to right or vice versa, \COnl with left to right gives label below % the arrow): \newcommand{\COnl}[3][-]{% \POS[]+(0,-2)\ar@{#1}[]+(0,-6) \POS[]+(0,-6) \ar@{#1}[#2]+(0,-6)_{#3} \POS[#2]+(0,-6) \ar@{#1>}[#2]+(0,-2)} \newcommand{\COnr}[3][-]{% \POS[]+(0,-2)\ar@{#1}[]+(0,-6) \POS[]+(0,-6) \ar@{#1}[#2]+(0,-6)^{#3} \POS[#2]+(0,-6) \ar@{#1>}[#2]+(0,-2)} % Syntax: \COnl[style]{target}{label} %%% Autosegmental Phonology: Tier structures % We have to define links and slots. The slot command is \Slk in its % kontrolled version: \newcommand{\Slk}[3][0]{% \POS[]+(#1,0)+(0,#2) \save*\txt{\textnormal{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}#3}} \restore} % Syntax \Slk[horizontal displaycement]{vertical displacement}{text} \newcommand{\Sl}[2][0]{% \Slk[#1]{0}{#2}} % \Sl[horizontal displacement]{text} % Sometimes we want to give names to the tiers/rows: \newcommand{\Tname}[2][3]{% \Slk{0}{\makebox[#1cm][l]{#2\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt}}}} % \Tname[name width]{name text} % This command provides a de-link, i.e. strikes through a downwards line with % a '='. \newcommand{\Del}[1][4.825]{\Slk{#1}{=}} % Links \newcommand{\Lnk}[3]{\Bkk{0,#1}{0,#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\Ln}[2][7]{\Lnk{#1}{-4}{#2}} \newcommand{\Lnd}[2][0]{\POS[]+(0,3)\POS+(0,#1)\ar@{--}[#2]+(0,-2)} \newcommand{\Lnu}{\Ln{u}} \newcommand{\Lndu}{\Lnd{u}} % old stuff - some backwards compatibility: \let\M\D \let\Mk\Dk \let\LL\DL \let\LLk\DLk \let\LLL\DLL \let\RR\DR \let\RRk\DRk \let\RRR\DRR \let\baum\Tree \let\drunter\Below \let\DRUNTER\BELOW \let\ATRi\TRik \let\BELOW\Belowk \let\CON\COnk %% Extras: Metrical Grids \RequirePackage{ifthen} \newcounter{PXcnt} \newcommand{\PX}[2][1]{% \shortstack[c]{% \whiledo{\value{PXcnt}<#1} {\stepcounter{PXcnt}$\times$\\}#2\strut% }\setcounter{PXcnt}{0}} \newcommand{\PXl}[2][1]{% \shortstack[l]{% \whiledo{\value{PXcnt}<#1} {\stepcounter{PXcnt}$\times$\\}#2\strut% }\setcounter{PXcnt}{0}} \newcommand{\PXr}[2][1]{% \shortstack[r]{% \whiledo{\value{PXcnt}<#1} {\stepcounter{PXcnt}$\times$\\}#2\strut% }\setcounter{PXcnt}{0}} % Syntax: \PX[number of grid marks]{expression} % An example: % \PX[2]{Fa}rah \PX{Faw}cett \PX[3]{Ma}jors %% Single word glosses: \newlength{\TXTwidth} \newlength{\GLOSSwidth} \newlength{\PGwidth} % Default is left alignment: \newcommand{\PG}[2]{% \settowidth{\TXTwidth}{#1}% \settowidth{\GLOSSwidth}{#2}% \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\TXTwidth > \GLOSSwidth}}% {\settowidth{\PGwidth}{#1}}{\settowidth{\PGwidth}{#2}}% \begin{minipage}[t]{\PGwidth} \raggedright #1 \\ #2 \end{minipage}\smallskip% } % This is center alignment: \newcommand{\PGc}[2]{% \settowidth{\TXTwidth}{#1}% \settowidth{\GLOSSwidth}{#2}% \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\TXTwidth > \GLOSSwidth}}% {\settowidth{\PGwidth}{#1}}{\settowidth{\PGwidth}{#2}}% \begin{minipage}[t]{\PGwidth} \centering #1 \\ #2 \end{minipage}\smallskip% } % This is right alignment: \newcommand{\PGr}[2]{% \settowidth{\TXTwidth}{#1}% \settowidth{\GLOSSwidth}{#2}% \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\TXTwidth > \GLOSSwidth}}% {\settowidth{\PGwidth}{#1}}{\settowidth{\PGwidth}{#2}}% \begin{minipage}[t]{\PGwidth} \raggedleft #1 \\ #2 \end{minipage}\smallskip } % Syntax: \PG{word}{gloss} % Out of use: metrical grids. %% \newcommand{\Grid}[2][0]{\raisebox{1ex}{\xymatrix @R=.5pc @C=#1pc {#2}}} %% \newcommand{\Gtxt}[1]{\txt{\rule[-6pt]{0pt}{18pt} #1}} % Comments and suggestions: rvogel@ling.uni-potsdam.de % http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/~rvogel/xyling