%% This is file `yagusylo.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% yagusylo.dtx  (with options: `package,en')
%% This is a generated file.
%% Copyright (C) 2009 Y. Henel alias le TeXnicien de surface
%% <le.texnicien.de.surface@wanadoo.fr>
%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license
%% or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version of this
%% license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
%% 1999/12/01 or later.
\def\fileinfo{Yet Another Grand Unified Symbols Loader
              par Le TeXnicien de surface}
 {\Y@GINFO{You choose \Y@G@SymFamChoice}}%
   {The symbols family ``\Y@G@SymFamChoice'' is not yet known.}
   {I don't know the family you required.\MessageBreak
    If it's not a typo you may consider to contact me
    (TdS)\MessageBreak to obtain support for it.}}
    \PackageInfo{yagusylo}{Package xcolor loaded with options:
****************** YAGUSYLO GLOBAL SETUPS ******************^^J%
===================== GENERAL OPTIONS ======================^^J%
option ``info'' ......... is ``\Y@G@Info''^^J%
option ``onerror'' ...... is ``\Y@G@OnError''^^J%
option ``color'' ........ is \ifY@G@color``true''\else``false''\fi^^J%
option ``configfile'' ... is \ifY@G@configfile``true''\else``false''\fi^^J%
-------------------- CHANGEABLE OPTIONS --------------------^^J%
option ``symcolor'' ....... is ``\Y@GSymColor''^^J\fi
option ``symfam'' ......... is ``\Y@G@SymFamChoice''^^J%
option ``leadtype'' ....... is ``\Y@Gyagfillleadtype''^^J%
option ``symplace'' ....... is ``\Y@Gyagfillsymplace''^^J%
option ``sympos'' ......... is ``\Y@Gyagfillsympos''^^J%
option ``boxwidth'' ....... is ``\Y@Gyagfillboxwidth''^^J%
option ``before'' ......... is ``\Y@Gyagfillbefore''^^J%
option ``after'' .......... is ``\Y@Gyagfillafter''^^J%
option ``head'' ........... is ``\the\Y@Glinehead''^^J%
option ``tail'' ........... is ``\the\Y@Glinetail''^^J%
::::::::::::::::: OPTIONS FOR YAGENUMERATE :::::::::::::::::^^J%
option ``firstitemnum'' ... is ``\number\Y@GEnumFirstItemNum''^^J%
option ``enumlength'' ..... is ``\number\Y@GEnumLength''^^J%
option ``symcolor'' ....... is ``\Y@GEnumSymColor''^^J\fi
option ``symfam'' ......... is ``\Y@G@EnumSymFamChoice''^^J%
The known patterns for environment ``yagenumerate'' are:^^J%
``piwcr'' (default), ``piwcs'', ``pibcr'', and ``pibcs''.^^J%
  \Y@GINFO{You define ``#4'' with symbols family ``#1'' and color
      {\expandafter\edef\csname Y@G@@ #4\endcsname
      {\expandafter\edef\csname Y@G@@ #4\endcsname
        {\expandafter\xdef\csname Y@G@@ #4\endcsname
        {\expandafter\xdef\csname Y@G@@ #4\endcsname
      {\Y@GWARNING{Value #2 not recognised} {.\MessageBreak The possible
          values are ``local'' (default) and ``global''.\MessageBreak I
          will assume you wanted ``local''} {The possible values are
          ``local'' (default) and ``global''}}}}%
      {\expandafter\edef\csname Y@G@@ #4\endcsname
      {\expandafter\edef\csname Y@G@@ #4\endcsname
        {\expandafter\xdef\csname Y@G@@ #4\endcsname
        {\expandafter\xdef\csname Y@G@@ #4\endcsname
      {\Y@GWARNING{Value #2 not recognised} {.\MessageBreak The possible
          values are ``local'' (default) and ``global''.\MessageBreak I
          will assume you wanted ``local''} {The possible values are
          ``local'' (default) and ``global''}}}}}
  \ifthenelse{\isnamedefined{Y@G@@ #1}}
  {\csname Y@G@@ #1\endcsname}
  {[\string? #1 \string?]%
    \Y@GWARNING{The name #1 is not defined}
      Or you forgot to define it\MessageBreak
      or you defined it inside an alien group.\MessageBreak
      In any case you used it}{}}}
\WithSuffix\newcommandx\defdingname+[8] [1=U,2=local,8=\Y@GSymColor]{%
    {\expandafter\edef\csname Y@G@@ #7\endcsname
    {\expandafter\edef\csname Y@G@@ #7\endcsname
      {\expandafter\xdef\csname Y@G@@ #7\endcsname
      {\expandafter\xdef\csname Y@G@@ #7\endcsname
    {\Y@GWARNING{Value #2 not recognised} {.\MessageBreak The possible
        values are ``local'' (default) and ``global''.\MessageBreak I
        will assume you wanted ``local''} {The possible values are
        ``local'' (default) and ``global''}}}}
    \Y@GINFO{The choosen value for ``boxwidth'' is too short,\MessageBreak
      I will use the natural width of the symbol: \the\Y@GBoxActualWidth}\fi
      {\Y@GWARNING{I don't understand what you want}
        {.\MessageBreak I assume the default}
        {You should read the documentation [[SECyagfillboxwidth]].}%
 {\Y@GINFO{Key ``leadtype'' is ``\Y@Gyagfillleadtype''}}%
   {Possible choices for key ``leadtype'': l (default), c or x}
   {I don't know the type you required.\MessageBreak
    Read the doc, please}}
 {\Y@GINFO{Key ``symplace'' is ``\Y@Gyagfillsymplace''}}%
   {Possible choices for key ``symplace'': c (default), l, r, a or n}
   {I don't know the place you required.\MessageBreak
    Read the doc, please}}
    {Your choice ``#1'' for key ``sympos'' is out of bound}
    {You should chose a interger between 0 and 1000.\MessageBreak
      You should read the documentation}}
  {\Y@GINFO{Keys ``sympos'' is ``#1''}%
  \ifthenelse{\dimtest{#1}<{0pt} \or \dimtest{#1}={0pt}}
    {Your choice ``#1'' for key ``boxwidth'' is out of bound}
    {You should chose a positive length.\MessageBreak
      You should read the documentation}}
    {You've asked for ``#1'' as box width.\MessageBreak
      In any case the box will be at least\MessageBreak
      as large as the symbol itself}}%
    {Your choice ``#1'' for key ``before'' is out of bound}
    {You should chose a non-negative length.\MessageBreak
      You should read the documentation}}
  {\Y@GINFO{Key ``before'' is ``#1''}}%
        {Your choice ``#1'' for key ``after'' is out of bound}
        {You should chose a non-negative length.\MessageBreak
          You should read the documentation}}
      {\Y@GINFO{Key ``after'' is ``#1''}}%
    {\Y@GWARNING{Too deeply nested for your setup}
        I keep on using the last symbol.\MessageBreak
        You could have a look at your last\MessageBreak
        ``#4''\MessageBreak First ``#5'' too many}%
      {You could have a look at your last\MessageBreak
        ``#4''\MessageBreak First ``#5'' too many.\MessageBreak
        You should read the documentation [[#6]].}}{}}}
        [\csname Y@G@symfam@niveau\numero\endcsname]%
        {\csname Y@G@symfam@numero\numero\endcsname}%
        [\csname Y@G@symfam@couleur\numero\endcsname]}{}}
  \Y@Gsetyagitemize #1.Y@G@.\@nil}
\def\Y@Gsetyagitemizeaux #1\fi{%
  \fi \Y@Gsetyagitemize #1}%
\def\Y@Gsetyagitemize #1.#2{%
  \def\Y@Gfairemotif ##1,##2,##3\@Y@Gnil{%
  \expandafter\edef\csname Y@G@symfam@niveau\numero\endcsname{\Y@Gpremier}
  \expandafter\edef\csname Y@G@symfam@numero\numero\endcsname{\Y@Gdeuxieme}
  \expandafter\edef\csname Y@G@symfam@couleur\numero\endcsname{\Y@Gtroisieme}
  \Y@Gsetyagitemizeaux #2\fi}
  \Y@Gsetyagitemizestar #1.Y@G@.\@nil}
\def\Y@Gsetyagitemizestaraux #1\fi{%
  \fi \Y@Gsetyagitemizestar #1}%
\def\Y@Gsetyagitemizestar #1.#2{%
       \csname Y@Gsymbol@listdepth\numero\endcsname{%
       \Y@Gsetyagitemizestaraux #2\fi}
 {\Y@GINFO{You choose \Y@G@EnumSymFamChoice}}%
   {The symbols family ``\Y@G@EnumSymFamChoice'' is not yet known.}
   {I don't know the family you required.\MessageBreak
    If it's not a typo you may consider to contact me
    (TdS)\MessageBreak to obtain support for it.}}
  \ifthenelse{\(#1<0\)\or \(#1>255\)}
    {``#1'' is out of bound or not a number}
    {``firstitemnum'' requires a natural number\MessageBreak
    between 0 and 255}}%
    \Y@GINFO{Key ``firstitemnum'' is
  \ifthenelse{\(#1<1\)\or \(#1>255\)}
    {``#1'' is out of bound or not a number}
    {``enumlength'' requires a natural number\MessageBreak
      between 1 and 255}}%
    \Y@GINFO{Key ``enumlength'' is ``\number\Y@GEnumLength''}}}
  {\PackageError{yagusylo}{Pattern ``#1'' already defined}{%
      You should choose another name\MessageBreak
      this version does NOT provide a ``renewenumpattern'' macro}}
      \expandafter\gdef\csname Y@GEnumPattern@#1\endcsname{%
    \Y@GINFO[1]{Pattern ``#1'' defined with\MessageBreak
  {\csname Y@GEnumPattern@#1\endcsname}%
  {\Y@GWARNING{The pattern ``#1'' is not know}
    {.\MessageBreak I select ``piwcr'' instead}
    {You should read the documentation [[SECyagpattern]].}%
    \csname Y@GEnumPattern@piwcr\endcsname}}
  \advance\@enumdepth \@ne
    {at least one item too many}
    {you can't use more than ``\number\Y@GEnumLength'' items}}%
  \expandafter\def\csname p@enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth\endcsname{}%
  \expandafter\def\csname labelenum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth\endcsname{%
    \csname theenum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth\endcsname}%
  \expandafter\def\csname theenum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth\endcsname{%
  \list{\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}{%
  {\PackageInfo{yagusylo}{Configuration file found and read\@gobble}}%
    {No configuration file found}
    {Or yagusylo.cfg does not exist\MessageBreak
      or it is in some place unknown of TeX.}}%
%% End of file `yagusylo.sty'.