%% yc-book.cls
  %% Copyright (c) Youssef Cherem <ycherem(at)gmail.com>, 2018
  % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
  % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
  % of this license or (at your option) any later version.
  % The latest version of this license is in
  %   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
  % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
  % version 2005/12/01 or later.
  % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
  % The Current Maintainer of this work is Youssef Cherem.
  % This work consists of the files ycbook.cls, ycbook-doc.tex, and ycbook-doc.pdf

\ProvidesClass{ycbook}[2018/01/03 ycbook class]

%%%% OPTIONS %%%%%

{0pt plus1pt}
{0pt plus1pt}

	{56pt plus8pt minus4pt}%espa��o antes do cap��tulo
			\HeadingNumber.\enspace\fi % pode retirar o ponto daqui^: \HeadingNumber.\enspace\fi para n��o ficar com ponto depois do n��mero da se����o
		} %\hsize=horizontal size of the text...
	{24pt plus9pt}%espa��o depois do cap��tulo

	{24pt plus5pt minus2pt}
			\HeadingNumber.\enspace\fi %deixei o ponto
	{10pt plus3pt}

{\FormatChapterHeading{12pt}%additional space between label and chapter title
	{\centering\LARGE \@chapapp \space}{\Huge\centering}}
{24pt plus6pt}



		{\LARGE \@chapapp \space}{\Huge}}
	{24pt plus6pt}



		{\flushright\LARGE \@chapapp \space}{\flushright\Huge}}
	{24pt plus6pt}


%%%%%%%%nochapter name%%%%%%

	{24pt plus9pt}


	{24pt plus9pt}


	{24pt plus9pt}





%%for headings:%%%%

		\let\ps@closing\hf@headings %% <-- this was @empty, now @headings!!! use this for page numbers and headings to appear on even pages before new chapter
			\ifHeadingNumbered \thesection.\enspace \fi
	\let\ps@closing\hf@headings %% <-- this was @empty, now @headings!!! use this for page numbers and headings to appear on even pages before new chapter

	\let\ps@closing\hf@headings %% <-- this was @empty, now @headings!!! use this for page numbers and headings to appear on even pages before new chapter
			\ifHeadingNumbered \thesection\enspace \fi
	\let\ps@closing\hf@headings %% <-- this was @empty, now @headings!!! use this for page numbers and headings to appear on even pages before new chapter

	\let\ps@closing\hf@headings %% <-- this was @empty, now @headings!!! use this for page numbers and headings to appear on even pages before new chapter
			\ifHeadingNumbered \thesection.\enspace \fi
	\let\ps@closing\hf@headings %% <-- this was @empty, now @headings!!! use this for page numbers and headings to appear on even pages before new chapter

	\let\ps@closing\hf@headings %% <-- this was @empty, now @headings!!! use this for page numbers and headings to appear on even pages before new chapter
			\ifHeadingNumbered \thesection\enspace \fi
	\let\ps@closing\hf@headings %% <-- this was @empty, now @headings!!! use this for page numbers and headings to appear on even pages before new chapter

			\ifHeadingNumbered \thesection.\enspace \fi

			\ifHeadingNumbered \thesection\enspace \fi


\DeclareOption{sansserifnotes}{%marginpar to sans serif
%	\let\oldmarginpar\marginpar
%	\renewcommand{\marginpar}[1]{\oldmarginpar{\footnotesize \raggedright \sffamily#1}}
	%footnote to sans serif
	%footnotemark to sans serif
		\hbox {\@textsuperscript {\sffamily\@thefnmark}}

\renewcommand*\@seccntformat[1]{\csname the#1\endcsname\enspace}
%%%%%%%%%%%% end of nodots option %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% footnotes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



%	%\parindent\@parindent
%	\indent
%	\@makefnmark\enspace#1}






%%%%% FANCY TOC %%%%%%%%%


		 \Large Parte~\thecontentslabel
	%[3.8em] % ie, 1.5em (chapter) + 2.3em
	[3.4em] % ie, 1.5em (chapter) + 2.3em
	[6.6em] % ie, 1.5em (chapter) + 2.3em
	[8.9em] % ie, 1.5em (chapter) + 2.3em
	[0pt] % ie, 1.5em (chapter) + 2.3em
	[0pt] % ie, 1.5em (chapter) + 2.3em
	%%%%%%% end part in toc %%%%%%%%

%double all #1 like ##1 if it's inside another definition

%For the parameters of a definition inside a definition you need to double the hash char:
%	\def\@makechapterhead##1{%
%		... ##1 ...
%	}%
%	...

%from http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/62438/how-to-add-leaders-to-table-of-contents-without-tocloft/62441#62441 

		\ifnum \c@tocdepth >-2\relax
		\addvspace{2.25em \@plus\p@}%
		\parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
		\parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
			\large \bfseries ##1\hfil \hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss ##2}}\par
		\ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
		\vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@
		\parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
		\parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
		\leavevmode \bfseries
		\hskip -\leftskip
			\mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep
		\nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss ##2}\par

%dot below in xetex


	\let\enspace\empty  % this causes the warning for \kern
	\let\noindent\empty % this causes the warning for \indent



%%% para notas sempre �� direita.


	%%%% uso econ��mico de espa��os%%%%
	\renewcommand\dblfloatpagefraction{.9} % for two column documents
	\renewcommand\dbltopfraction{.9} % for two column documents


%%%% margins in two-side 

\def\marginpar{\ClassError{mwcls}{Marginpars are disabled by
		default in this class.\MessageBreak  Use `withmarginpar'
		option to enable}{}\global\let\marginpar\@gobble}

%%%%%% TWO PAGE PICTURE %%%%%%%%
%%%% from: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/23860/how-to-include-a-picture-over-two-pages-left-part-on-left-side-right-on-right
%%% Thanks to Martin Scharrer


    \if #1t%
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        \if #2p%
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        \if #2p\relax
        \adjustbox{trim=0 0 {.5\width} 0,clip}{\includegraphics[width=2\mywidth]{#3}}}%
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        \if #2p%
            \if #1b%
        \if #2p%
            \if #1t%
        \if #2p%
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        \if #2p%
            \if #1b%

%% for usage with \caption*{}%%%%

    \if #1t%
        \if #2p%
        \if #2p%
            \if #1t%
        \if #1b%
        \if #2p\relax
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            \if #1b%
        \if #2p%
            \if #1t%
        \if #2p%
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        \if #2p%
            \if #1b%


