-- lparse.lua -- Copyright 2023 Josef Friedrich -- -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c -- of this license or (at your option) any later version. -- The latest version of this license is in -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2008/05/04 or later. -- -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. -- -- The Current Maintainer of this work is Josef Friedrich. -- -- This work consists of the files lparse.lua, lparse.tex, -- and lparse.sty. --- if lpeg == nil then lpeg = require('lpeg') end --- ---@param spec string ---@return Argument[] local function parse_spec(spec) local V = lpeg.V local P = lpeg.P local Set = lpeg.S local Range = lpeg.R local CaptureFolding = lpeg.Cf local CaptureTable = lpeg.Ct local Cc = lpeg.Cc local CaptureSimple = lpeg.C local function add_result(result, value) if not result then result = {} end table.insert(result, value) return result end local function collect_delims(a, b) return { init_delim = a, end_delim = b } end local function collect_token(a) return { token = a } end local function set_default(a) return { default = a } end local function combine(...) local args = { ... } local output = {} for _, arg in ipairs(args) do if type(arg) ~= 'table' then arg = {} end for key, value in pairs(arg) do output[key] = value end end return output end local function ArgumentType(letter) local function get_type(l) return { argument_type = l } end return CaptureSimple(P(letter)) / get_type end local T = ArgumentType local pattern = P({ 'init', init = V('whitespace') ^ 0 * CaptureFolding(CaptureTable('') * V('list'), add_result), list = (V('arg') * V('whitespace') ^ 1) ^ 0 * V('arg') ^ -1, arg = V('m') + V('r') + V('R') + V('v') + V('o') + V('d') + V('O') + V('D') + V('s') + V('t'), m = T('m') / combine, r = T('r') * V('delimiters') / combine, R = T('R') * V('delimiters') * V('default') / combine, v = T('v') * Cc({ verbatim = true }) / combine, o = T('o') * Cc({ optional = true }) / combine, d = T('d') * V('delimiters') * Cc({ optional = true }) / combine, O = T('O') * V('default') * Cc({ optional = true }) / combine, D = T('D') * V('delimiters') * V('default') * Cc({ optional = true }) / combine, s = T('s') * Cc({ star = true }) / combine, t = T('t') * V('token') / combine, token = V('delimiter') / collect_token, delimiter = CaptureSimple(Range('!~')), delimiters = V('delimiter') * V('delimiter') / collect_delims, whitespace = Set(' \t\n\r'), default = P('{') * CaptureSimple((1 - P('}')) ^ 0) * P('}') / set_default, }) return pattern:match(spec) end --- ---Scan for an optional argument. --- ---@param init_delim? string # The character that marks the beginning of an optional argument (by default `[`). ---@param end_delim? string # The character that marks the end of an optional argument (by default `]`). --- ---@return string|nil # The string that was enclosed by the delimiters. The delimiters themselves are not returned. local function scan_delimited(init_delim, end_delim) if init_delim == nil then init_delim = '[' end if end_delim == nil then end_delim = ']' end --- ---@param t Token --- ---@return string local function convert_token_to_string(t) if t.index ~= nil then return utf8.char(t.index) else return '\\' .. t.csname end end local delimiter_stack = 0 local function get_next_char() local t = token.get_next() local char = convert_token_to_string(t) if char == init_delim then delimiter_stack = delimiter_stack + 1 end if char == end_delim then delimiter_stack = delimiter_stack - 1 end return char, t end local char, t = get_next_char() if t.cmdname == 'spacer' then char, t = get_next_char() end if char == init_delim then local output = {} char, t = get_next_char() -- ���while��� better than ���repeat ... until���: The end_delimiter is -- included in the result output. while not (char == end_delim and delimiter_stack == 0) do table.insert(output, char) char, t = get_next_char() end return table.concat(output, '') else token.put_next(t) end end ---@class Argument ---@field argument_type? string ---@field optional? boolean ---@field init_delim? string ---@field end_delim? string ---@field dest? string ---@field star? boolean ---@field default? string ---@field verbatim? boolean ---@field token? string ---@class Parser ---@field args Argument[] ---@field result any[] local Parser = {} ---@private Parser.__index = Parser function Parser:new(spec) local parser = {} setmetatable(parser, Parser) parser.spec = spec parser.args = parse_spec(spec) parser.result = parser:parse(parser.args) return parser end ---@return any[] function Parser:parse() local result = {} local index = 1 for _, arg in pairs(self.args) do if arg.star then -- s result[index] = token.scan_keyword('*') elseif arg.token then -- t result[index] = token.scan_keyword(arg.token) elseif arg.optional then -- o d O D local oarg = scan_delimited(arg.init_delim, arg.end_delim) if arg.default and oarg == nil then oarg = arg.default end result[index] = oarg elseif arg.init_delim and arg.end_delim then -- r R local oarg = scan_delimited(arg.init_delim, arg.end_delim) if arg.default and oarg == nil then oarg = arg.default end if oarg == nil then tex.error('Missing required argument') end result[index] = oarg else -- m v local marg = token.scan_argument(arg.verbatim ~= true) if marg == nil then tex.error('Missing required argument') end result[index] = marg end index = index + 1 end return result end ---@private function Parser:set_result(...) self.result = { ... } end function Parser:assert(...) local arguments = { ... } for index, arg in ipairs(arguments) do assert(self.result[index] == arg, string.format( 'Argument at index %d doesn���t match: ���%s��� != ���%s���', index, self.result[index], arg)) end end --- ---@return string|boolean|nil ... function Parser:export() -- #self.arg: to get all elements of the result table, also elements -- with nil values. return table.unpack(self.result, 1, #self.args) end function Parser:debug() for index = 1, #self.args do print(index, self.result[index]) end end ---@return Parser local function create_parser(spec) return Parser:new(spec) end local function scan(spec) local parser = create_parser(spec) return parser:export() end return { Parser = create_parser, scan = scan, parse_spec = parse_spec }