-- lua-uni-graphemes.lua -- Copyright 2020--2022 Marcel Kr��ger -- -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 -- of this license or (at your option) any later version. -- The latest version of this license is in -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2005/12/01 or later. -- -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. -- -- The Current Maintainer of this work is Marcel Kr��ger local property do local p = require'lua-uni-parse' local l = lpeg or require'lpeg' property = p.parse_file('emoji-data', l.Cg(p.fields(p.codepoint_range, l.C'Extended_Pictographic')) + p.ignore_line, p.multiset) property = p.parse_file('GraphemeBreakProperty', l.Cf( l.Carg(1) * (l.Cg(p.fields(p.codepoint_range, l.C(l.R('az', 'AZ', '__')^1))) + p.ignore_line)^0 * -1, p.multiset), nil, property) if not property then error[[Break Property matching failed]] end end local controls = { CR = true, LF = true, Control = true, } local precore_lookup = { Prepend = "PRECORE", L = "L", V = "V", LV = "V", LVT = "T", T = "T", Regional_Indicator = "RI", Extended_Pictographic = "POST_PICTO", } local l_lookup = { L = "L", V = "V", LV = "V", LVT = "T", } local postcore_map = { Extend = true, ZWJ = true, SpacingMark = true, } local state_map state_map = { START = function(prop) if prop == 'CR' then return 'CR', true end if prop == 'LF' or prop == 'Control' then return 'START', true end return state_map.PRECORE(prop), true end, PRECORE = function(prop) if controls[prop] then return state_map.START(prop) end return precore_lookup[prop] or 'POSTCORE' end, POSTCORE = function(prop) if postcore_map[prop] then return 'POSTCORE' end return state_map.START(prop) end, RI = function(prop) if prop == 'Regional_Indicator' then return 'POSTCORE' end return state_map.POSTCORE(prop) end, PRE_PICTO = function(prop) if prop == "Extended_Pictographic" then return "POST_PICTO" end return state_map.POSTCORE(prop) end, POST_PICTO = function(prop) if prop == "Extend" then return "POST_PICTO" end if prop == "ZWJ" then return "PRE_PICTO" end return state_map.POSTCORE(prop) end, L = function(prop) local nextstate = l_lookup[prop] if nextstate then return nextstate end return state_map.POSTCORE(prop) end, V = function(prop) if prop == 'V' then return 'V' end return state_map.T(prop) end, T = function(prop) if prop == 'T' then return 'T' end return state_map.POSTCORE(prop) end, CR = function(prop) if prop == 'LF' then return 'START' else return state_map.START(prop) end end, } -- The value of "state" is considered internal and should not be relied upon. -- Just pass it to the function as is or pass nil. `nil` should only be passed when the passed codepoint starts a new cluster function read_codepoint(cp, state) local new_cluster state, new_cluster = state_map[state or 'START'](property[cp]) return new_cluster, state end -- A Lua iterator for strings -- Only reporting the beginning of every grapheme cluster local function graphemes_start(str) local nextcode, str, i = utf8.codes(str) local state = "START" return function() local new_cluster, code repeat i, code = nextcode(str, i) if not i then return end new_cluster, state = read_codepoint(code, state) until new_cluster return i, code end end -- A more useful iterator: returns the byterange of the graphemecluster in reverse order followed by a string with te cluster local function graphemes(str) local iter = graphemes_start(str) return function(_, cur) if cur == #str then return end local new = iter() if not new then return #str, cur + 1, str:sub(cur + 1) end return new - 1, cur + 1, str:sub(cur + 1, new - 1) end, nil, iter() - 1 end return { read_codepoint = read_codepoint, graphemes_start = graphemes_start, graphemes = graphemes, } --[[ for i, c in graphemes_start'��bcdef' do print(i, utf8.char(c)) end for i, j, s in graphemes'Z������������������������������������A����������������L����������G��������������������������������������������!��������������������������������' do print(j, i, s) end ]]