-- lua-uni-parse.lua -- Copyright 2020--2022 Marcel Kr��ger -- -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 -- of this license or (at your option) any later version. -- The latest version of this license is in -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2005/12/01 or later. -- -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. -- -- The Current Maintainer of this work is Marcel Kr��ger -- Just a simple helper module to make UCD parsing more readable local lpeg = lpeg or require'lpeg' local R = lpeg.R local tonumber = tonumber local codepoint = lpeg.R('09', 'AF')^4 / function(c) return tonumber(c, 16) end local sep = lpeg.P' '^0 * ';' * lpeg.P' '^0 local codepoint_range = codepoint * ('..' * codepoint + lpeg.Cc(false)) local ignore_line = (1-lpeg.P'\n')^0 * '\n' local eol = lpeg.S' \t'^0 * ('#' * ignore_line + '\n') local ignored = (1-lpeg.S';#\n')^0 local number = lpeg.R'09'^1 / tonumber local function fields(first, ...) if first == ignore_line then assert(select('#', ...) == 0) return ignore_line end local tail = select('#', ...) == 0 and eol or sep * fields(...) return first * tail end local function multiset(table, key1, key2, value) for key = key1,(key2 or key1) do table[key] = value end return table end local function parse_uni_file(filename, patt, func, ...) if func then return parse_uni_file(filename, lpeg.Cf(lpeg.Ct'' * patt^0 * -1, func), nil, ...) end local resolved = kpse.find_file(filename .. '.txt') if not resolved then error(string.format("Unable to find Unicode datafile %q", filename)) end local f = assert(io.open(resolved)) local data = f:read'*a' f:close() return lpeg.match(patt, data, 1, ...) end return { codepoint = codepoint, codepoint_range = codepoint_range, ignore_line = ignore_line, ignore_field = ignored, eol = eol, sep = sep, number = number, fields = fields, multiset = multiset, parse_file = parse_uni_file, }