%% This is the style file for the manuals of the minim format and related 
%% packages.

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% 1 the minim symbol

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% 1 document structure


% \startlist \item x. ... \stoplist
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% \chapter Title \par
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% \section Title \par
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% table of contents
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% an auxiliary file
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        \halign {\strut
    author&\getmetadata author\cr
        \mailname\tmp elrenkema\TMP nl}\cr}

% 1 Chapters and full manuals

\def\licencesection{\section Licence

\embedfile global file {EUPL-1.2-EN.txt}
    desc {Licence for this package (EUPL).}
    name LICENCE mimetype text/plain
    relation Unspecified uncompressed

This package may be distributed under the terms of the European Union Public 
Licence (EUPL) version 1.2 or later. An english version of this licence has 
been included as an attachment to this file; copies in other languages can be 
obtained at
{\hyperlink alt{Link to the website of the EUPL.}
    url {https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eupl/eupl-text-eupl-12}%

% for identifying which file we are typesetting
\newif \ifchapter

%  introduction
