--- This file (`nodetree.lua`) is part of the LuaTeX package --- 'nodetree'. --- ---`nodetree` uses the annotation system of the ---[lua-language-server](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations). ---Install the [type definitions for LuaTeX](https://github.com/Josef-Friedrich/LuaTeX_Lua-API) ---or the [Visual Studio Code Extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=JosefFriedrich.luatex). --- ---The LDoc support is deprecated. --- ---Nodes in LuaTeX are connected. The nodetree view distinguishes ---between *list* and *field* connections. --- ---* list: Nodes that are doubly connected by `next` and `previous` --- fields. ---* field: Connections to nodes by other fields than `next` and --- `previous` fields, e.g., `head`, `pre`. ---@module nodetree ---luacheck: globals node lang tex luatexbase lfs ---luacheck: globals callback os unicode status modules --- ---@alias ColorName 'black'|'red' |'green'|'yellow'|'blue'|'magenta'|'cyan'|'white'|'reset' ---@alias ColorMode 'bright'|'dim'|'' --- ---@alias ConnectionType 'list'|'field' # A string literal, --- which can be either 'list' or 'field'. ---@alias ConnectionState 'stop'|'continue' # A literal, which can --- be either `continue` or `stop`. if not modules then modules = {} end modules ['nodetree'] = { version = '2.4.0', comment = 'nodetree', author = 'Josef Friedrich', copyright = 'Josef Friedrich', license = 'The LaTeX Project Public License Version 1.3c 2008-05-04' } local direct = node.direct local todirect = direct.todirect local getchar = direct.getchar ---Lua 5.1 does not have the utf8 library (Lua 5.1 is the default ---version in LuajitTeX). LuaJitTeX does include the slnunicode library. local utf8 = utf8 or unicode.utf8 local utfchar = utf8.char local properties = direct.get_properties_table() ---A counter for the compiled TeX examples. Some TeX code snippets ---a written into files, wrapped with some TeX boilerplate code. ---These written files are compiled later on. local example_counter = 0 ---A flag to indicate that something has been emitted by nodetree. local have_output = false --- The default options. local default_options = { callback = 'post_linebreak_filter', channel = 'term', color = 'colored', decimalplaces = 2, unit = 'pt', verbosity = 0, firstline = 1, lastline = -1, } --- The current options. local options = {} for key, value in pairs(default_options) do options[key] = value end --- The previous options. ---We need this for functions `push_options` and `pop_options` so that ---the effects of the `\setkeys` commands in `nodetree-embed.sty` ---(which directly manipulates the `options` table) stay local. local prev_options = {} local option_level = 0 ---File descriptor. local output_file --- The state values of the current tree item. --- ---`tree_state`: --- ---* `1` (level): --- * `list`: `continue` --- * `field`: `stop` ---* `2`: --- * `list`: `continue` --- * `field`: `stop` --- ---... local tree_state = {} --- Format functions. --- ---Low-level template functions. --- ---@section format local format = { ---@function format.underscore --- ---@param input string --- ---@return string underscore = function(input) if options.channel == 'tex' then local result = input.gsub(input, '_', '\\_') return result else return input end end, ---@function format.escape --- ---@param input string --- ---@return string escape = function(input) if options.channel == 'tex' then local result = input.gsub(input, [[\]], [[\string\]]) return result else return input end end, ---@function format.function --- ---@param input number --- ---@return number number = function(input) local mult = 10^(options.decimalplaces or 0) return math.floor(input * mult + 0.5) / mult end, ---@function format.whitespace --- ---@param count? number # How many spaces should be output. --- ---@return string whitespace = function(count) local whitespace local output = '' if options.channel == 'tex' then whitespace = '\\hspace{0.5em}' else whitespace = ' ' end if not count then count = 1 end for _ = 1, count do output = output .. whitespace end return output end, ---@function format.color_code --- ---@param code number --- ---@return string color_code = function(code) return string.char(27) .. '[' .. tostring(code) .. 'm' end, ---@function format.color_tex --- ---@param color string ---@param mode? string --- ---@return string color_tex = function(color, mode) if not mode then mode = '' end return 'NTE' .. color .. mode end, ---@function format.node_begin --- ---@return string node_begin = function() if options.channel == 'tex' then return '\\mbox{' else return '' end end, ---@function format.node_end --- ---@return string node_end = function() if options.channel == 'tex' then return '}' else return '' end end, ---@function format.new_line --- ---@param count? number # How many new lines should be output. --- ---@return string new_line = function(count) local output = '' if not count then count = 1 end local new_line if options.channel == 'tex' then new_line = '\\par\n' else new_line = '\n' end for _ = 1, count do output = output .. new_line end return output end, ---@function format.type_id --- ---@param id number --- ---@return string type_id = function(id) return '[' .. tostring(id) .. ']' end } --- Print the output to stdout or write it into a file (`output_file`). ---New text is appended. --- ---@param text string # A text string. local function nodetree_print(text) if options.channel == 'log' or options.channel == 'tex' then output_file:write(text) else io.write(text) end end --- Template functions. --- ---@section template local template = { node_colors = { hlist = {'red', 'bright'}, vlist = {'green', 'bright'}, rule = {'blue', 'bright'}, ins = {'blue'}, mark = {'magenta'}, adjust = {'cyan'}, boundary = {'red', 'bright'}, disc = {'green', 'bright'}, whatsit = {'yellow', 'bright'}, local_par = {'blue', 'bright'}, dir = {'magenta', 'bright'}, math = {'cyan', 'bright'}, glue = {'magenta', 'bright'}, kern = {'green', 'bright'}, penalty = {'yellow', 'bright'}, unset = {'blue'}, style = {'magenta'}, choice = {'cyan'}, noad = {'red'}, radical = {'green'}, fraction = {'yellow'}, accent = {'blue'}, fence = {'magenta'}, math_char = {'cyan'}, sub_box = {'red', 'bright'}, sub_mlist = {'green', 'bright'}, math_text_char = {'yellow', 'bright'}, delim = {'blue', 'bright'}, margin_kern = {'magenta', 'bright'}, glyph = {'cyan', 'bright'}, align_record = {'red'}, pseudo_file = {'green'}, pseudo_line = {'yellow'}, page_insert = {'blue'}, split_insert = {'magenta'}, expr_stack = {'cyan'}, nested_list = {'red'}, span = {'green'}, attribute = {'yellow'}, glue_spec = {'magenta'}, attribute_list = {'cyan'}, temp = {'magenta'}, align_stack = {'red', 'bright'}, movement_stack = {'green', 'bright'}, if_stack = {'yellow', 'bright'}, unhyphenated = {'magenta', 'bright'}, hyphenated = {'cyan', 'bright'}, delta = {'red'}, passive = {'green'}, shape = {'yellow'}, }, -- Field name abbreviations for verbosity level 0. A second field -- limits the abbreviation to this node type. -- -- Entry '' means to omit the key, printing only the value. Entry -- '()' means the same, but the value gets printed in parentheses. field_abbrevs = { char = {''}, depth = {'dp'}, dir = {'()', 'dir'}, height = {'ht'}, kern = {''}, mark = {''}, penalty = {'', 'penalty'}, shrink = {'minus'}, stretch = {'plus'}, style = {''}, subtype = {'()'}, width = {'wd'}, }, --- [SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) -- parameters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_parameters). -- -- __attributes__ -- -- | color |code| -- |------------|----| -- | reset | 0 | -- | clear | 0 | -- | bright | 1 | -- | dim | 2 | -- | underscore | 4 | -- | blink | 5 | -- | reverse | 7 | -- | hidden | 8 | -- -- __foreground__ -- -- | color |code| -- |------------|----| -- | black | 30 | -- | red | 31 | -- | green | 32 | -- | yellow | 33 | -- | blue | 34 | -- | magenta | 35 | -- | cyan | 36 | -- | white | 37 | -- -- __background__ -- -- | color |code| -- |------------|----| -- | onblack | 40 | -- | onred | 41 | -- | ongreen | 42 | -- | onyellow | 43 | -- | onblue | 44 | -- | onmagenta | 45 | -- | oncyan | 46 | -- | onwhite | 47 | -- ---@function template.color --- ---@param color ColorName # A color name. ---@param mode? ColorMode ---@param background? boolean # If set, colorize the background instead of the text. --- ---@return string color = function(color, mode, background) if options.color ~= 'colored' then return '' end local output = '' local code if mode == 'bright' then output = format.color_code(1) elseif mode == 'dim' then output = format.color_code(2) end if not background then if color == 'reset' then code = 0 elseif color == 'red' then code = 31 elseif color == 'green' then code = 32 elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 33 elseif color == 'blue' then code = 34 elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 35 elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 36 else code = 37 end else if color == 'black' then code = 40 elseif color == 'red' then code = 41 elseif color == 'green' then code = 42 elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 43 elseif color == 'blue' then code = 44 elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 45 elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 46 elseif color == 'white' then code = 47 else code = 40 end end return output .. format.color_code(code) end, --- Format the char field of a node. Try to find a textual representation that -- corresponds with the number stored in the `char` field. -- -- LuaTeX���s `node.char` values are not really characters; they are font glyph indices -- which sometimes happen to match valid Unicode characters. HarfBuzz shapers -- differentiate between glyph IDs and characters by adding to 0x120000 to -- glyph IDs. -- -- The code of this function is borrowed from the [function -- `get_glyph_info(n)`](https://github.com/latex3/luaotfload/blob/4c09fe264c1644792d95182280be259449e7da02/src/luaotfload-harf-plug.lua#L1018-L1031) -- of the luaotfload package. The harfbuzz mode in luaotfload uses this -- function to embed text in a PDF file and for messages that show textual -- representation of the nodes like over/underfull messages. It will not -- result in an error in other modes, but it might not give proper text -- representation, but that is a limitation of these modes. -- -- It should be understood what the glyph nodes represent. Before -- processing by luaotfload they represent one-to-one mapping of the -- input characters. After processing, they represent font glyphs with -- potentially complicated relationship with input characters. -- -- Relation between input characters and output glyphs are many-to-many. -- An input character may be represented by one or more glyphs, and -- output glyph might represent one or more input characters, and in -- some cases (e.g. when there is reordering) a group of input -- characters are represented by a group of output glyphs. In the 2nd -- and 3rd cases, the first glyph node will have a `glyph_info` property -- with all the characters of the group, and subsequent glyph nodes in -- the group will have empty `glyph_info` properties. -- -- It should also noted that this mapping is not unique, the same glyph -- can represent different characters in different context. -- ---@function template.char -- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. --- ---@return string # A textual representation of the `char` number. char = function(head) local node_id = todirect(head) -- Convert to node id. local props = properties[node_id] local info = props and props.glyph_info local textual local character_index = getchar(node_id) if info then textual = info elseif character_index == 0 then textual = '^^@' elseif character_index <= 31 or (character_index >= 127 and character_index <= 159) then -- The C0 range [c-zero] contains characters from U+0000 to U+001F -- (decimal 0-31) and U+007F (decimal 127), the C1 range covers -- characters from U+0080 to U+009F (decimal 128-159). textual = '???' elseif character_index ~= nil and character_index < 0x110000 then textual = utfchar(character_index) else textual = string.format('^^^^^^%06X', character_index) end if options.verbosity == 0 then if textual == '???' then return character_index else return "'" .. textual .. "'" end elseif options.verbosity <= 2 then return character_index .. " ('" .. textual .. "')" else return character_index .. ' (' .. string.format('0x%x', character_index) .. ", '" .. textual .. "')" end end, ---@function template.line --- ---@param length string # If `long`, emit a longer line. --- ---@return string line = function(length) local output if length == 'long' then output = '------------------------------------------' else output = '-----------------------' end return output .. format.new_line() end, ---@function template.branch --- ---@param connection_type ConnectionType ---@param connection_state ConnectionState ---@param last boolean --- ---@return string branch = function(connection_type, connection_state, last) local c = connection_type local s = connection_state local l = last if c == 'list' and s == 'stop' and l == false then return format.whitespace(2) elseif c == 'field' and s == 'stop' and l == false then return format.whitespace(2) elseif c == 'list' and s == 'continue' and l == false then return '���' .. format.whitespace() elseif c == 'field' and s == 'continue' and l == false then return '���' .. format.whitespace() elseif c == 'list' and s == 'continue' and l == true then return '������' elseif c == 'field' and s == 'continue' and l == true then return '������' elseif c == 'list' and s == 'stop' and l == true then return '������' elseif c == 'field' and s == 'stop' and l == true then return '������' end return '' end, } ---@param number number ---@param order number ---@param field string --- ---@return string function template.fill(number, order, field) local output if order ~= nil and order ~= 0 then if field == 'stretch' then output = '+' else output = '-' end return output .. string.format( '%g%s', number / 2^16, template.colored_string( 'fi' .. string.rep('l', order - 1), 'white', 'dim' ) ) else return template.length(number) end end --- Colorize a text string. --- ---@param text string # A text string. ---@param color ColorName # A color name. ---@param mode? ColorMode ---@param background? boolean # If set, colorize the background instead of the text. --- ---@return string function template.colored_string(text, color, mode, background) if options.channel == 'tex' then if mode == 'dim' then mode = '' end return '\\textcolor{' .. format.color_tex(color, mode) .. '}{' .. text .. '}' else return template.color(color, mode, background) .. text .. template.color('reset') end end --- Format a scaled point input value into dimension string (`12pt`, --- `1cm`) --- ---@param input number --- ---@return string function template.length(input) local i = tonumber(input) if i ~= nil then input = i / tex.sp('1' .. options.unit) end return string.format( '%g%s', format.number(input), template.colored_string(options.unit, 'white', 'dim') ) end --- Get all data from a table including metatables. --- ---Properties will reside in a metatable if nodes were copied using an ---operation like box copy: (\copy). The LuaTeX manual states this: ���If ---the second argument of `set_properties_mode` is true, then a ---metatable approach is chosen: the copy gets its own table with the ---original table as metatable.��� --- ---Source: [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/5639667) ��� this ---works if `__index` returns a table, which it should as per LuaTeX ---manual. --- ---@param data table # A Lua table. ---@param previous_data? table # The data of a Lua table of a previous recursive call. --- ---@return table # A merged table. local function get_all_table_data(data, previous_data) -- If previous_data is nil, start empty, otherwise start with previous_data. local output = previous_data or {} -- Copy all the attributes from the table. for key, value in pairs(data) do output[key] = output[key] or value end -- Get table���s metatable, or exit if not existing. local metatable = getmetatable(data) if type(metatable) ~= 'table' then return output end -- Get the `__index` from metatable, or exit if not table. local index = metatable.__index if type(index) ~= 'table' then return output end -- Include the data from index into data recursively and return. return get_all_table_data(index, output) end --- Convert a Lua table into a format string. --- ---@param tbl table # A table to generate an inline view of. --- ---@return string function template.table_inline(tbl) local tex_escape = '' if options.channel == 'tex' then tex_escape = '\\' end if type(tbl) == 'table' then tbl = get_all_table_data(tbl) local output = tex_escape .. '{' local kv_list = '' local keys = {} for key in pairs(tbl) do keys[#keys + 1] = key end table.sort(keys) for i = 1, #keys do local key = keys[i] local value = tbl[key] if type(key) ~= 'numbers' then key = '\'' .. template.colored_string(key, 'cyan', 'dim') .. '\'' end kv_list = kv_list .. '[' .. key .. '] = ' .. template.table_inline(value) .. ', ' end output = output .. kv_list:gsub(', $', '') return output .. tex_escape .. '}' else return tostring(tbl) end end --- Format a key-value pair (`key: value, `). --- ---@param key string # A key. ---@param value string|number # A value. ---@param typ? string # A node type. Had to be named typ to avoid conflict with the type() function. ---@param color? ColorName # A color name. --- ---@return string function template.key_value(key, value, typ, color) if type(color) ~= 'string' then color = 'yellow' end key = format.underscore(key) local output = '' local abbrev = nil local separator = ':' if options.verbosity == 0 then if template.field_abbrevs[key] then local only_this_type = template.field_abbrevs[key][2] if not only_this_type or not typ or only_this_type == typ then abbrev = template.field_abbrevs[key][1] end end separator = '' end if abbrev == nil then output = template.colored_string(key .. separator, color) elseif abbrev ~= '' and abbrev ~= '()' then output = template.colored_string(abbrev, color) end if value then if abbrev == '()' then -- Printing '(unused)' is confusing. if value ~= 'unused' then output = output .. '(' .. value .. ') ' end elseif abbrev == '' then output = output .. value .. ', ' else output = output .. ' ' .. value .. ', ' end end return output end ---@param type string ---@param id number --- ---@return string function template.type(type, id) local output output = format.underscore(type) output = string.upper(output) if options.verbosity > 1 then output = output .. format.type_id(id) end return template.colored_string( output, template.node_colors[type][1], template.node_colors[type][2] ) end ---@param callback_name string ---@param variables table|nil ---@param where 'before'|'after' # `'before'` or `'after'` function template.callback(callback_name, variables, where) if options.channel == 'term' or have_output == true then nodetree_print(format.new_line(2)) end have_output = true nodetree_print( where .. ' callback ' .. template.colored_string(format.underscore(callback_name), 'red', '', true) .. format.new_line() ) if variables then for name, value in pairs(variables) do if value ~= nil and value ~= '' then nodetree_print( '- ' .. format.underscore(name) .. ': ' .. format.underscore(tostring(value)) .. format.new_line() ) end end end nodetree_print(template.line('long')) end --- Format the branching tree for one output line. --- ---@param level number ---@param connection_type ConnectionType --- ---@return string function template.branches(level, connection_type) local output = '' for i = 1, level - 1 do output = output .. template.branch('list', tree_state[i]['list'], false) output = output .. template.branch('field', tree_state[i]['field'], false) end ---Format the last branches if connection_type == 'list' then output = output .. template.branch('list', tree_state[level]['list'], true) else output = output .. template.branch('list', tree_state[level]['list'], false) output = output .. template.branch('field', tree_state[level]['field'], true) end return output end --- Node library extensions. --- ---@section node_extended local node_extended = {} --- Get the ID of a node. --- ---We have to convert the node into a string and then to extract ---the ID from this string using a regular expression. If you convert a ---node into a string it looks like: `<node nil < 172 > nil : ---hlist 2>`. --- ---@param n Node # A node. --- ---@return string function node_extended.node_id(n) local result = string.gsub(tostring(n), '^<node%s+%S+%s+<%s+(%d+).*', '%1') return result end --- A table of all node subtype names. --- ---__Nodes without subtypes:__ --- ---* `ins` (3) ---* `local_par` (9) ---* `penalty` (14) ---* `unset` (15) ---* `style` (16) ---* `choice` (17) ---* `fraction` (20) ---* `math_char` (23) ---* `sub_box` (24) ---* `sub_mlist` (25) ---* `math_text_char` (26) ---* `delim` (27) ---* `margin_kern` (28) ---* `align_record` (30) ---* `pseudo_file` (31) ---* `pseudo_line` (32) ---* `page_insert` (33) ---* `split_insert` (34) ---* `expr_stack` (35) ---* `nested_list` (36) ---* `span` (37) ---* `attribute` (38) ---* `glue_spec` (39) ---* `attribute_list` (40) ---* `temp` (41) ---* `align_stack` (42) ---* `movement_stack` (43) ---* `if_stack` (44) ---* `unhyphenated` (45) ---* `hyphenated` (46) ---* `delta` (47) ---* `passive` (48) ---* `shape` (49) --- ---@return table local function get_node_subtypes() local subtypes = { -- hlist (0) hlist = { [0] = 'unknown', [1] = 'line', [2] = 'box', [3] = 'indent', [4] = 'alignment', [5] = 'cell', [6] = 'equation', [7] = 'equationnumber', [8] = 'math', [9] = 'mathchar', [10] = 'hextensible', [11] = 'vextensible', [12] = 'hdelimiter', [13] = 'vdelimiter', [14] = 'overdelimiter', [15] = 'underdelimiter', [16] = 'numerator', [17] = 'denominator', [18] = 'limits', [19] = 'fraction', [20] = 'nucleus', [21] = 'sup', [22] = 'sub', [23] = 'degree', [24] = 'scripts', [25] = 'over', [26] = 'under', [27] = 'accent', [28] = 'radical', }, -- vlist (1) vlist = { [0] = 'unknown', [4] = 'alignment', [5] = 'cell', }, -- rule (2) rule = { [0] = 'normal', [1] = 'box', [2] = 'image', [3] = 'empty', [4] = 'user', [5] = 'over', [6] = 'under', [7] = 'fraction', [8] = 'radical', [9] = 'outline', }, -- mark (4) -- The subtype is not used. mark = { [0] = 'unused', }, -- adjust (5) adjust = { [0] = 'normal', [1] = 'pre', }, -- boundary (6) boundary = { [0] = 'cancel', [1] = 'user', [2] = 'protrusion', [3] = 'word', }, -- disc (7) disc = { [0] = 'discretionary', [1] = 'explicit', [2] = 'automatic', [3] = 'regular', [4] = 'first', [5] = 'second', }, -- dir (10) -- This is an internal detail, see luatex source code file -- `texnodes.h`. -- dir = { -- [0] = 'normal_dir', -- [1] = 'cancel_dir', -- }, -- math (11) math = { [0] = 'beginmath', [1] = 'endmath', }, -- glue (12) glue = { [0] = 'userskip', [1] = 'lineskip', [2] = 'baselineskip', [3] = 'parskip', [4] = 'abovedisplayskip', [5] = 'belowdisplayskip', [6] = 'abovedisplayshortskip', [7] = 'belowdisplayshortskip', [8] = 'leftskip', [9] = 'rightskip', [10] = 'topskip', [11] = 'splittopskip', [12] = 'tabskip', [13] = 'spaceskip', [14] = 'xspaceskip', [15] = 'parfillskip', [16] = 'mathskip', [17] = 'thinmuskip', [18] = 'medmuskip', [19] = 'thickmuskip', [98] = 'conditionalmathskip', [99] = 'muglue', [100] = 'leaders', [101] = 'cleaders', [102] = 'xleaders', [103] = 'gleaders', }, -- kern (13) kern = { [0] = 'fontkern', [1] = 'userkern', [2] = 'accentkern', [3] = 'italiccorrection', }, -- penalty (14) penalty = { [0] = 'userpenalty', [1] = 'linebreakpenalty', [2] = 'linepenalty', [3] = 'wordpenalty', [4] = 'finalpenalty', [5] = 'noadpenalty', [6] = 'beforedisplaypenalty', [7] = 'afterdisplaypenalty', [8] = 'equationnumberpenalty', }, noad = { [0] = 'ord', [1] = 'opdisplaylimits', [2] = 'oplimits', [3] = 'opnolimits', [4] = 'bin', [5] = 'rel', [6] = 'open', [7] = 'close', [8] = 'punct', [9] = 'inner', [10] = 'under', [11] = 'over', [12] = 'vcenter', }, -- radical (19) radical = { [0] = 'radical', [1] = 'uradical', [2] = 'uroot', [3] = 'uunderdelimiter', [4] = 'uoverdelimiter', [5] = 'udelimiterunder', [6] = 'udelimiterover', }, -- accent (21) accent = { [0] = 'bothflexible', [1] = 'fixedtop', [2] = 'fixedbottom', [3] = 'fixedboth', }, -- fence (22) fence = { [0] = 'unset', [1] = 'left', [2] = 'middle', [3] = 'right', [4] = 'no', }, -- margin_kern (28) margin_kern = { [0] = 'left', [1] = 'right', }, -- glyph (29) -- The subtype for this node is a bit field, not an enumeration; -- bit 0 gets handled separately. glyph = { [1] = 'ligature', [2] = 'ghost', [3] = 'left', [4] = 'right', }, } subtypes.whatsit = node.whatsits() return subtypes end ---@param n Node --- ---@return string function node_extended.subtype(n) local typ = node.type(n.id) local subtypes = get_node_subtypes() local output = '' if subtypes[typ] then if typ == 'glyph' then -- Only handle the lowest five bits. if n.subtype & 1 == 0 then output = output .. 'glyph' else output = output .. 'character' end local mask = 2 for i = 1,4,1 do if n.subtype & mask ~= 0 then output = output .. ' ' .. subtypes[typ][i] end mask = mask << 1 end else if subtypes[typ][n.subtype] then output = subtypes[typ][n.subtype] else return tostring(n.subtype) end end if options.verbosity > 1 then output = output .. format.type_id(n.subtype) end return output else return tostring(n.subtype) end end --- Node tree building functions. --- ---@section tree local tree = {} --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param field string --- ---@return string function tree.format_field(head, field) local output local typ = node.type(head.id) -- Print subtypes also for nodes with ID=0. However, suppress the -- internal 'subtype' field for 'dir' nodes. if field == 'subtype' then if typ == 'dir' then return '' elseif head[field] ~= nil then return template.key_value(field, format.underscore(node_extended.subtype(head))) end end -- Character 0 should be printed in a tree because the corresponding slot -- zero in a TeX font usually contains a symbol. if head[field] == nil or (head[field] == 0 and field ~= 'char') then return '' end if options.verbosity < 2 and -- glyph field == 'left' or field == 'right' or field == 'uchyph' or -- hlist -- Don't drop the 'dir' field of the 'dir' node. (field == 'dir' and typ ~= 'dir') or field == 'glue_order' or field == 'glue_sign' or field == 'glue_set' or -- glue field == 'stretch_order' then return '' elseif options.verbosity < 3 and field == 'prev' or field == 'next' or field == 'id' then return '' end if field == 'prev' or field == 'next' then output = node_extended.node_id(head[field]) elseif field == 'width' or field == 'height' or field == 'depth' or field == 'kern' or field == 'shift' then output = template.length(head[field]) elseif field == 'char' then output = template.char(head) elseif field == 'glue_set' then output = format.number(head[field]) elseif field == 'stretch' or field == 'shrink' then output = template.fill(head[field], head[field .. '_order'], field) else -- Surround strings with single quotes except values of fields -- that get potentially abbreviated (and thus don't really need -- quotes). if type(head[field]) == 'string' and not template.field_abbrevs[field] then output = template.colored_string("'", 'yellow') .. head[field] .. template.colored_string("'", 'yellow') elseif type(head[field]) == 'table' then output = '<table>' else output = tostring(head[field]) end end return template.key_value(field, output, node.type(head.id)) end --- ---Attributes are key-value number pairs. They are printed as an inline ---list. The attribute��`0` with the value��`0` is skipped because this ---attribute is in every node by default. --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. --- ---@return string function tree.format_attributes(head) if not head then return '' end local space = '' local output = '' local attr = head.next --[[@as AttributeNode]] while attr do if attr.number ~= 0 or (attr.number == 0 and attr.value ~= 0) then output = output .. space .. tostring(attr.number) .. '=' .. tostring(attr.value) space = ' ' end attr = attr.next --[[@as AttributeNode]] end return output end --- ---@param level number # `level` is an integer beginning with 1. ---@param connection_type ConnectionType ---@param connection_state ConnectionState function tree.set_state(level, connection_type, connection_state) if not tree_state[level] then tree_state[level] = {} end tree_state[level][connection_type] = connection_state end --- ---@param fields table ---@param level number # The current recursion level. function tree.analyze_fields(fields, level) local max = 0 local connection_state for _ in pairs(fields) do max = max + 1 end local count = 0 for field_name, recursion_node in pairs(fields) do count = count + 1 if count == max then connection_state = 'stop' else connection_state = 'continue' end tree.set_state(level, 'field', connection_state) nodetree_print( format.node_begin() .. template.branches(level, 'field') .. template.key_value(field_name) .. format.node_end() .. format.new_line() ) tree.analyze_list(recursion_node, level + 1) end end --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param level number # The current recursion level. function tree.analyze_node(head, level) local connection_state local output local need_whitespace = true if head.next then connection_state = 'continue' else connection_state = 'stop' end tree.set_state(level, 'list', connection_state) output = template.branches(level, 'list') .. template.type(node.type(head.id), head.id) if options.verbosity > 1 then output = output .. format.whitespace() .. template.key_value('no', node_extended.node_id(head)) need_whitespace = false end -- We store the attributes output so that we can append it to the field -- list later on. local attributes -- We store fields which are nodes for later treatment. local fields = {} -- Inline fields, for example: char: 'm', width: 25pt, height: 13.33pt. local output_fields = '' for _, field_name in pairs(node.fields(head.id, head.subtype)) do if field_name == 'attr' then attributes = tree.format_attributes(head.attr) elseif field_name ~= 'next' and field_name ~= 'prev' and node.is_node(head[field_name]) then fields[field_name] = head[field_name] else output_fields = output_fields .. tree.format_field(head, field_name) end end if output_fields ~= '' then if need_whitespace == true then output = output .. format.whitespace() need_whitespace = false end output = output .. output_fields end -- Append the attributes output if available. if attributes and attributes ~= '' then if need_whitespace == true then output = output .. format.whitespace() end output = output .. template.key_value('attr', attributes, nil, 'blue') end output = output:gsub(', $', '') nodetree_print( format.node_begin() .. output .. format.node_end() .. format.new_line() ) local property = node.getproperty(head) if property then local props if options.verbosity == 0 then props = 'props' else props = 'properties:' end -- Print attributes in a separate line. nodetree_print( format.node_begin() .. template.branches(level, 'field') .. ' ' .. template.colored_string(props, 'blue') .. ' ' .. template.table_inline(property) .. format.node_end() .. format.new_line() ) end tree.analyze_fields(fields, level) end --- Recurse over the current node list. --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param level number # The current recursion level. function tree.analyze_list(head, level) while head do tree.analyze_node(head, level) head = head.next end end --- The top-level internal entry point. --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. function tree.analyze_callback(head) tree.analyze_list(head, 1) nodetree_print(template.line('short')) end local orig_callbacks = {} local orig_descriptions = {} local print_positions = {} local callback_has_default_action = { hyphenate = true, ligaturing = true, kerning = true, mlist_to_hlist = true } --- Callback wrappers. --- ---Nodetree uses luatexbase's functions to manage callbacks if ---available. Otherwise a simplistic approach is taken by prepending ---or appending nodetree's diagnostic callbacks to the existing ones ---(and also removing them again if requested). --- ---Each function in the `callback_wrappers` table consists of three ---parts: --- ---* before-callback inspection ---* original callback or default function call ---* after-callback inspection --- ---The actual callback functions are stored in the `callbacks` table. --- ---@section callbacks local callback_wrappers = { ---@function callbacks.contribute_filter --- ---@param extrainfo string ---@param where string contribute_filter = function(extrainfo, where) local cb = 'contribute_filter' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) if before then template.callback(cb, {extrainfo = extrainfo}, before) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then orig_callbacks[cb](extrainfo) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {extrainfo = extrainfo}, after) end end, ---@function callbacks.buildpage_filter --- ---@param extrainfo string ---@param where string buildpage_filter = function(extrainfo, where) local cb = 'buildpage_filter' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) if before then template.callback(cb, {extrainfo = extrainfo}, before) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then orig_callbacks[cb](extrainfo) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {extrainfo = extrainfo}, after) end end, ---@function callbacks.build_page_insert --- ---@param n string ---@param i string --- ---@return number build_page_insert = function(n, i) local cb = 'build_page_insert' local before, after = template.get_print_position(cb) local retval = 0 if before then template.callback(cb, {n = n, i = i}, before) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then retval = orig_callbacks[cb](n, i) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {n = n, i = i}, after) end return retval end, ---@function callbacks.pre_linebreak_filter --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param groupcode string ---@param where string --- ---@return boolean pre_linebreak_filter = function(head, groupcode, where) local cb = 'pre_linebreak_filter' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) local retval = true if before then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then retval = orig_callbacks[cb](head, groupcode) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) end return retval end, ---@function callbacks.linebreak_filter --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param is_display boolean --- ---@return boolean linebreak_filter = function(head, is_display) local cb = 'linebreak_filter' local before, after = template.get_print_position(cb) local retval = true if before then template.callback(cb, {is_display = is_display}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then retval = orig_callbacks[cb](head, is_display) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {is_display = is_display}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) end return retval end, ---@function callbacks.append_to_vlist_filter --- ---@param box Node ---@param locationcode string ---@param prevdepth number ---@param mirrored boolean --- ---@return Node ---@return number append_to_vlist_filter = function(box, locationcode, prevdepth, mirrored) local cb = 'append_to_vlist_filter' local before, after = template.get_print_position(cb) if before then template.callback(cb, {locationcode = locationcode, prevdepth = prevdepth, mirrored = mirrored}, before) tree.analyze_callback(box) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then box, prevdepth = orig_callbacks[cb](box, locationcode, prevdepth, mirrored) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {locationcode = locationcode, prevdepth = prevdepth, mirrored = mirrored}, after) tree.analyze_callback(box) end return box, prevdepth end, ---@function callbacks.post_linebreak_filter --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param groupcode string ---@param where string --- ---@return boolean post_linebreak_filter = function(head, groupcode, where) local cb = 'post_linebreak_filter' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) local retval = true if before then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then retval = orig_callbacks[cb](head, groupcode) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) end return retval end, ---@function callbacks.hpack_filter --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param groupcode string ---@param size number ---@param packtype string ---@param direction string ---@param attributelist Node ---@param where string --- ---@return boolean hpack_filter = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist, where) local cb = 'hpack_filter' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) local retval = true if before then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode, size = size, packtype = packtype, direction = direction, attributelist = attributelist}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then retval = orig_callbacks[cb](head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode, size = size, packtype = packtype, direction = direction, attributelist = attributelist}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) end return retval end, ---@function callbacks.vpack_filter --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param groupcode string ---@param size number ---@param packtype string ---@param maxdepth number ---@param direction string ---@param attributelist Node ---@param where string --- ---@return boolean vpack_filter = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist, where) local cb = 'vpack_filter' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) local retval = true if before then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode, size = size, packtype = packtype, maxdepth = template.length(maxdepth), direction = direction, attributelist = attributelist}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) tree.analyze_callback(attributelist) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then retval = orig_callbacks[cb](head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode, size = size, packtype = packtype, maxdepth = template.length(maxdepth), direction = direction, attributelist = attributelist}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) tree.analyze_callback(attributelist) end return retval end, ---@function callbacks.hpack_quality --- ---@param incident string ---@param detail number ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param first number ---@param last number --- ---@return Node hpack_quality = function(incident, detail, head, first, last) local cb = 'hpack_quality' local before, after = template.get_print_position(cb) local retval = nil if before then template.callback(cb, {incident = incident, detail = detail, first = first, last = last}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then retval = orig_callbacks[cb](incident, detail, head, first, last) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {incident = incident, detail = detail, first = first, last = last}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) end return retval end, ---@function callbacks.vpack_quality --- ---@param incident string ---@param detail number ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param first number ---@param last number vpack_quality = function(incident, detail, head, first, last) local cb = 'vpack_quality' local before, after = template.get_print_position(cb) if before then template.callback(cb, {incident = incident, detail = detail, first = first, last = last}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then orig_callbacks[cb](incident, detail, head, first, last) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {incident = incident, detail = detail, first = first, last = last}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) end end, ---@function callbacks.process_rule --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param width number ---@param height number process_rule = function(head, width, height) local cb = 'process_rule' local before, after = template.get_print_position(cb) if before then template.callback(cb, {width = width, height = height}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then orig_callbacks[cb](head, width, height) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {width = width, height = height}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) end end, ---@function callbacks.pre_output_filter --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param groupcode string ---@param size number ---@param packtype string ---@param maxdepth number ---@param direction string ---@param where string --- ---@return boolean pre_output_filter = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, where) local cb = 'pre_output_filter' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) local retval = true if before then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode, size = size, packtype = packtype, maxdepth = maxdepth, direction = direction}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then retval = orig_callbacks[cb](head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {groupcode = groupcode, size = size, packtype = packtype, maxdepth = maxdepth, direction = direction}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) end return retval end, ---@function callbacks.hyphenate --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param tail Node ---@param where string hyphenate = function(head, tail, where) local cb = 'hyphenate' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) if before then template.callback(cb, nil, before) nodetree_print('head:' .. format.new_line()) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then orig_callbacks[cb](head, tail) end else template.no_callback(cb, true) lang.hyphenate(head, tail) end if after then template.callback(cb, nil, after) nodetree_print('head:' .. format.new_line()) tree.analyze_callback(head) end end, ---@function callbacks.ligaturing --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param tail Node ---@param where string ligaturing = function(head, tail, where) local cb = 'ligaturing' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) if before then template.callback(cb, nil, before) nodetree_print('head:' .. format.new_line()) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then orig_callbacks[cb](head, tail) end else template.no_callback(cb, true) node.ligaturing(head, tail) end if after then template.callback(cb, nil, after) nodetree_print('head:' .. format.new_line()) tree.analyze_callback(head) end end, ---@function callbacks.kerning --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param tail Node ---@param where string kerning = function(head, tail, where) local cb = 'kerning' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) if before then template.callback(cb, nil, before) nodetree_print('head:' .. format.new_line()) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then orig_callbacks[cb](head, tail) end else template.no_callback(cb, true) node.kerning(head, tail) end if after then template.callback(cb, nil, after) nodetree_print('head:' .. format.new_line()) tree.analyze_callback(head) end end, ---@function callbacks.insert_local_par --- ---@param local_par Node ---@param location string ---@param where string insert_local_par = function(local_par, location, where) local cb = 'insert_local_par' local before, after = template.get_print_position(where) if before then template.callback(cb, {location = location}, before) tree.analyze_callback(local_par) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then orig_callbacks[cb](local_par, location) end else template.no_callback(cb) end if after then template.callback(cb, {location = location}, after) tree.analyze_callback(local_par) end end, ---@function callbacks.mlist_to_hlist --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param display_type string ---@param need_penalties boolean --- ---@return Node mlist_to_hlist = function(head, display_type, need_penalties) local cb = 'mlist_to_hlist' local before, after = template.get_print_position(cb) local retval if before then template.callback(cb, {display_type = display_type, need_penalties = need_penalties}, before) tree.analyze_callback(head) end if orig_callbacks[cb] then if orig_callbacks[cb] ~= '' then retval = orig_callbacks[cb](head, display_type, need_penalties) end else template.no_callback(cb, true) retval = node.mlist_to_hlist(head, display_type, need_penalties) end if after then template.callback(cb, {display_type = display_type, need_penalties = need_penalties}, after) tree.analyze_callback(head) end return retval end } -- The actual callback functions. The `*_before` and `*_after` -- variants are needed for luatexbase. For 'exclusive' callbacks we -- directly use the corresponding functions from the -- `callback_wrappers` table. local callbacks = { contribute_filter = function(extrainfo) callback_wrappers.contribute_filter(extrainfo, 'contribute_filter') end, contribute_filter_before = function(extrainfo) callback_wrappers.contribute_filter(extrainfo, 'before') end, contribute_filter_after = function(extrainfo) callback_wrappers.contribute_filter(extrainfo, 'after') end, buildpage_filter = function(extrainfo) callback_wrappers.buildpage_filter(extrainfo, 'buildpage_filter') end, buildpage_filter_before = function(extrainfo) callback_wrappers.buildpage_filter(extrainfo, 'before') end, buildpage_filter_after = function(extrainfo) callback_wrappers.buildpage_filter(extrainfo, 'after') end, build_page_insert = callback_wrappers.build_page_insert, pre_linebreak_filter = function(head, groupcode) return callback_wrappers.pre_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode, 'pre_linebreak_filter') end, pre_linebreak_filter_before = function(head, groupcode) return callback_wrappers.pre_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode, 'before') end, pre_linebreak_filter_after = function(head, groupcode) return callback_wrappers.pre_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode, 'after') end, linebreak_filter = callback_wrappers.linebreak_filter, append_to_vlist_filter = callback_wrappers.append_to_vlist_filter, post_linebreak_filter = function(head, groupcode) return callback_wrappers.post_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode, 'post_linebreak_filter') end, post_linebreak_filter_before = function(head, groupcode) return callback_wrappers.post_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode, 'before') end, post_linebreak_filter_after = function(head, groupcode) return callback_wrappers.post_linebreak_filter(head, groupcode, 'after') end, hpack_filter = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist) return callback_wrappers.hpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist, 'hpack_filter') end, hpack_filter_before = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist) return callback_wrappers.hpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist, 'before') end, hpack_filter_after = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist) return callback_wrappers.hpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist, 'after') end, vpack_filter = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist) return callback_wrappers.vpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist, 'vpack_filter') end, vpack_filter_before = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist) return callback_wrappers.vpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist, 'before') end, vpack_filter_after = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist) callback_wrappers.vpack_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist, 'after') end, hpack_quality = callback_wrappers.hpack_quality, vpack_quality = callback_wrappers.vpack_quality, process_rule = callback_wrappers.process_rule, pre_output_filter = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction) return callback_wrappers.pre_output_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, 'pre_output_filter') end, pre_output_filter_before = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction) return callback_wrappers.pre_output_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, 'before') end, pre_output_filter_after = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction) return callback_wrappers.pre_output_filter(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, 'after') end, hyphenate = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.hyphenate(head, tail, 'hyphenate') end, hyphenate_before = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.hyphenate(head, tail, 'before') end, hyphenate_after = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.hyphenate(head, tail, 'after') end, ligaturing = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.ligaturing(head, tail, 'ligaturing') end, ligaturing_before = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.ligaturing(head, tail, 'before') end, ligaturing_after = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.ligaturing(head, tail, 'after') end, kerning = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.kerning(head, tail, 'kerning') end, kerning_before = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.kerning(head, tail, 'before') end, kerning_after = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.kerning(head, tail, 'after') end, insert_local_par = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.insert_local_par(head, tail, 'insert_local_par') end, insert_local_par_before = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.insert_local_par(head, tail, 'before') end, insert_local_par_after = function(head, tail) callback_wrappers.insert_local_par(head, tail, 'after') end, mlist_to_hlist = callback_wrappers.mlist_to_hlist } --- Messages, options --- ---@section messages --- Emit a warning or error message. --- ---This works for plain TeX, Texinfo, and LaTeX (for plain TeX and ---Texinfo we make the message look identical to the LaTeX case). ---Note that a full stop gets appended to `what`. --- ---@param why string # `'error'` or `'warning'`. ---@param where string # In which package the error happened. ---@param what string # The warning message to emit. ---@param help? string # Additional help text for errors. local function message(why, where, what, help) local msg what = string.gsub(what, '\n', '\\MessageBreak ') if why == 'error' then if not help then help = '' end msg = { '\\ifx\\mbox\\undefined', ' \\errhelp{' .. help .. '}%', ' \\begingroup', ' \\newlinechar`\\^^J%', ' \\def\\MessageBreak{^^J(' .. where .. ')' .. string.rep('\\space', 16) .. '}%', ' \\errmessage{Package ' .. where .. ' Error: ' .. what .. '}%', ' \\endgroup', '\\else', ' \\PackageError{' .. where .. '}{' .. what .. '}{' .. help .. '}%', '\\fi' } else msg = { '\\ifx\\mbox\\undefined', ' \\begingroup', ' \\newlinechar`\\^^J%', ' \\def\\MessageBreak{^^J(' .. where .. ')' .. string.rep('\\space', 16) .. '}%', ' \\message{Package ' .. where .. ' Warning: ' .. what .. '}%', ' \\endgroup', '\\else', ' \\PackageWarning{' .. where .. '}{' .. what .. '}%', '\\fi' } end if tex.escapechar == utf8.codepoint('@') then table.insert(msg, 1, '@tex') table.insert(msg, '@end tex') end tex.print(msg) end --- Set a single-option key-value pair. --- ---@param key string # The key of the option pair. ---@param value number|string # The value of the option pair. local function set_option(key, value) if not default_options[key] then message( 'warning', 'nodetree', "Ignoring unknown option '" .. key .. "'" ) return end if not options then options = {} end if key == 'verbosity' then options[key] = tonumber(value) or default_options.verbosity elseif key == 'decimalplaces' then options[key] = tonumber(value) or default_options.decimalplaces elseif key == 'firstline' then options[key] = tonumber(value) or default_options.firstline elseif key == 'lastline' then options[key] = tonumber(value) or default_options.lastline else options[key] = value end end --- Set multiple key-value option pairs using a table. --- ---@param opts table # Options. local function set_options(opts) if not options then options = {} end for key, value in pairs(opts) do set_option(key, value) end end --- Callback management --- ---@section callback_management --- ---@param what? string|'before'|'after' # The name of a callback, or either the string `before` or `after`. --- ---@return 'before'|nil # 'before'` or `nil`. ---@return 'after'|nil # `'after'` or `nil`. function template.get_print_position(what) local before, after if what == 'before' then before = what after = nil elseif what == 'after' then before = nil after = what else before = print_positions[what][1] after = print_positions[what][2] end return before, after end --- ---@param name string ---@param internal? string|boolean function template.no_callback(name, internal) local more = '' if internal == true then more = ',' .. format.new_line() .. ' LuaTeX uses internal function instead' end nodetree_print( format.new_line() .. "<no registered function for '" .. format.underscore(name) .. "' callback" .. more .. ">") end --- Check whether the given callback name exists. --- ---Throw an error if it doesn���t. --- ---@param callback_name string # The name of a callback to check. --- ---@return string # The unchanged input of the function. local function check_callback_name(callback_name) local info = callback.list() if info[callback_name] == nil then message( 'error', 'nodetree', 'Unknown callback name or callback alias\n' .. "'" .. callback_name .. "'" ) end return callback_name end --- Get the real callback name from an alias string. --- ---@param alias string # The alias of a callback name or the callback name itself. --- ---@return string # The real callback name. local function get_callback_name(alias) local callback_name if alias == 'contribute' or alias == 'contributefilter' then callback_name = 'contribute_filter' -- Formerly called buildpage, now there is a build_page_insert. elseif alias == 'buildfilter' or alias == 'buildpagefilter' then callback_name = 'buildpage_filter' -- Untested: I don���t know how to invoke this filter. elseif alias == 'buildinsert' or alias == 'buildpageinsert' then callback_name = 'build_page_insert' elseif alias == 'preline' or alias == 'prelinebreakfilter' then callback_name = 'pre_linebreak_filter' elseif alias == 'line' or alias == 'linebreakfilter' then callback_name = 'linebreak_filter' elseif alias == 'append' or alias == 'appendtovlistfilter' then callback_name = 'append_to_vlist_filter' elseif alias == 'postline' or alias == 'postlinebreak' or alias == 'postlinebreakfilter' then callback_name = 'post_linebreak_filter' elseif alias == 'hpack' or alias == 'hpackfilter' then callback_name = 'hpack_filter' elseif alias == 'vpack' or alias == 'vpackfilter' then callback_name = 'vpack_filter' elseif alias == 'hpackq' or alias == 'hpackquality' then callback_name = 'hpack_quality' elseif alias == 'vpackq' or alias == 'vpackquality' then callback_name = 'vpack_quality' elseif alias == 'process' or alias == 'processrule' then callback_name = 'process_rule' elseif alias == 'preout' or alias == 'preoutputfilter' then callback_name = 'pre_output_filter' elseif alias == 'hyph' or alias == 'hyphenate' then callback_name = 'hyphenate' elseif alias == 'liga' or alias == 'ligaturing' then callback_name = 'ligaturing' elseif alias == 'kern' or alias == 'kerning' then callback_name = 'kerning' elseif alias == 'insert' or alias == 'insertlocalpar' then callback_name = 'insert_local_par' elseif alias == 'mhlist' or alias == 'mlisttohlist' then callback_name = 'mlist_to_hlist' else callback_name = alias end return check_callback_name(callback_name) end --- Register a callback. --- --- Doing this for plain TeX is simple; we have access to LuaTeX's --- base function `callback.register` and thus can easily add our --- callback wrapper, which in turn calls nodetree's functions at the --- very beginning and/or at the very end. --- --- Enter LaTeX. It comes with its own callback management that can --- register multiple callbacks, also taking care of the calling --- order. Unfortunately, however, it is also more restrictive: for --- example, some callbacks like `linebreak_filter` are tagged as --- 'exclusive', only accepting a single callback. While this makes --- sense for the end user, it complicates the situation for nodetree --- to install its non-intrusive, observing-only callbacks. --- --- We thus take the following route. --- --- * If there is no function for callback `<foo>` installed, register --- `callbacks.<foo>`. --- --- * If there is a (single) function for callback `<foo>` of type --- three ('exclusive'), remove it, wrap it into `callbacks.<foo>` --- (via `orig_callbacks`) and install `callbacks.<foo>`. --- --- * Otherwise register `callbacks.<foo>_{before,after}` as --- necessary. --- ---@param cb string # The name of a callback. local function register_callback(cb) if luatexbase then local descriptions = luatexbase.callback_descriptions(cb) if #descriptions == 0 then -- No callback installed. If there is no default action -- (according to the LuaTeX manual), use only `before`, ignoring -- the position requested by the user. if not callback_has_default_action[cb] then print_positions[cb] = { 'before', nil } end luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, callbacks[cb], 'nodetree') elseif luatexbase.callbacktypes[cb] == 3 then -- A single, 'exclusive' callback. orig_callbacks[cb], orig_descriptions[cb] = luatexbase.remove_from_callback(cb, descriptions[1]) luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, callbacks[cb], 'nodetree') else -- All other callback types. local funcs = {} local descr = {} local before, after = template.get_print_position(cb) -- XXX Is this correct for 'reverselist' callback type? -- This makes the callback wrapper call neither the old nor the -- new function. orig_callbacks[cb] = '' for i, description in ipairs(descriptions) do funcs[i], descr[i] = luatexbase.remove_from_callback(cb, description) end if before then luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, callbacks[cb .. '_before'], 'nodetree before') end for i, _ in ipairs(funcs) do luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, funcs[i], descr[i]) end if after then luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, callbacks[cb .. '_after'], 'nodetree after') end end else orig_callbacks[cb] = callback.find(cb) callback.register(cb, callbacks[cb]) end end --- Unregister a callback. --- --- We follow the same logic as with `register_callback`. --- ---@param cb string # The name of a callback. local function unregister_callback(cb) if luatexbase then local descriptions = luatexbase.callback_descriptions(cb) if #descriptions == 0 then return elseif #descriptions == 1 then luatexbase.remove_from_callback(cb, 'nodetree') if orig_callbacks[cb] then luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, orig_callbacks[cb], orig_descriptions[cb]) end orig_callbacks[cb] = nil orig_descriptions[cb] = nil else local funcs = {} local descr = {} local i = 1 for _, description in ipairs(descriptions) do if description == 'nodetree before' or description == 'nodetree after' then luatexbase.remove_from_callback(cb, description) else funcs[i], descr[i] = luatexbase.remove_from_callback(cb, description) i = i + 1 end end for n, _ in ipairs(funcs) do luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, funcs[n], descr[n]) end end else callback.register(cb, nil) callback.register(cb, orig_callbacks[cb]) end end --- Exported functions. --- ---@section export local export = { set_option = set_option, set_options = set_options, ---@function export.register_callbacks register_callbacks = function() if options.channel == 'log' or options.channel == 'tex' then -- nt = nodetree -- jobname.nttex -- jobname.ntlog local file_name = tex.jobname .. '.nt' .. options.channel io.open(file_name, 'w'):close() -- Clear former content. output_file = io.open(file_name, 'a') end -- Split string at ','. for alias in string.gmatch(options.callback, '([^,]+)') do -- Trim whitespace. alias = string.gsub(alias, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') -- Check where to position nodetree's inspection callback(s). local before, after if string.sub(alias, 1, 1) == ':' then before = 'before' alias = string.sub(alias, 2, -1) end if string.sub(alias, -1, -1) == ':' then after = 'after' alias = string.sub(alias, 1, -2) end if not before and not after then before = 'before' end local name = get_callback_name(alias) print_positions[name] = {before, after} register_callback(name) end end, ---@function export.unregister_callbacks unregister_callbacks = function() for alias in string.gmatch(options.callback, '([^,]+)') do -- Split string at ',', then trim whitespace. For symmetry with -- `register_callbacks`, also remove a leading and/or trailing -- ':' character. unregister_callback( get_callback_name(string.gsub(alias, '^%s*:?(.-):?%s*$', '%1')) ) end end, --- Compile a TeX snippet. -- -- Write some TeX snippets into a temporary LaTeX file, compile this -- file using `latexmk`, read the generated `*.nttex` file, and -- return its content. -- ---@function export.compile_include -- ---@param tex_markup string compile_include = function(tex_markup) -- Generate a subfolder for all tempory files: _nodetree-jobname. local parent_path = lfs.currentdir() .. '/' .. '_nodetree-' .. tex.jobname lfs.mkdir(parent_path) -- Generate the temporary LuaTeX or LuaLaTeX file. example_counter = example_counter + 1 local filename_tex = example_counter .. '.tex' local absolute_path_tex = parent_path .. '/' .. filename_tex output_file = io.open(absolute_path_tex, 'w') local format_option = function(key, value) return '\\NodetreeSetOption[' .. key .. ']{' .. value .. '}' .. '\n' end -- Process the options. local option_lines = format_option('channel', 'tex') .. format_option('verbosity', options.verbosity) .. format_option('unit', options.unit) .. format_option('decimalplaces', options.decimalplaces) .. '\\NodetreeUnregisterCallback{post_linebreak_filter}' .. '\n' .. '\\NodetreeRegisterCallback{' .. options.callback .. '}' local prefix = '%!TEX program = lualatex\n' .. '\\documentclass{article}\n' .. '\\usepackage{nodetree}\n' .. option_lines .. '\n' .. '\\begin{document}\n' local suffix = '\n\\end{document}' if output_file ~= nil then output_file:write(prefix .. tex_markup .. suffix) output_file:close() end -- Compile the temporary LuaTeX or LuaLaTeX file. os.spawn({ 'latexmk', '-cd', '-pdflua', absolute_path_tex }) local include_file = assert(io.open(parent_path .. '/' .. example_counter .. '.nttex', 'r')) local include_content = include_file:read('*all') include_file:close() -- To make the newline character be handled properly by the TeX engine -- it would be necessary to set up its correct catcode. However, it is -- simpler to just replace all newlines with '{}'. include_content = include_content:gsub('[\r\n]', '{}') tex.print(include_content) end, --- Check for `\--shell-escape` within a command or environment. --- ---@function export.check_shell_escape --- ---@param what string # The name of the command or environment. ---@param is_command boolean # Set if `what` is a command. check_shell_escape = function(what, is_command) local info = status.list() if info ~= nil and info.shell_escape ~= 1 then local typ, stuff if is_command == true then typ = 'command' stuff = 'argument' else typ = 'environment' stuff = 'contents' end message( 'error', 'nodetree-embed', what .. ' needs option --shell-escape', "You must process this document with 'lualatex --shell-escape ...'\n" .. "so that 'latexmk' can be executed to generate the nodetree view\n" .. 'for the ' .. stuff .. ' of this ' .. typ .. '.' ) end end, --- Print a node tree. --- ---@function export.print --- ---@param head Node # The head node of a node list. ---@param opts table # Options as a table. print = function(head, opts) if opts and type(opts) == 'table' then set_options(opts) end nodetree_print(format.new_line()) tree.analyze_list(head, 1) end, --- Format a scaled point value as a formatted string. -- ---@function export.format_dim --- ---@param sp number # A scaled point value. -- ---@return string format_dim = function(sp) return template.length(sp) end, --- Get a default option that is not changed. --- ---@function export.get_default_option --- ---@param key string # The key of the option. -- ---@return string|number|boolean get_default_option = function(key) return default_options[key] end, --- Push current options. --- ---@function export.push_options push_options = function() prev_options[option_level] = {} for k, v in pairs(options) do prev_options[option_level][k] = v end option_level = option_level + 1 end, --- Pop previous options. --- ---@function export.pop_options pop_options = function() if option_level > 0 then prev_options[option_level] = nil option_level = option_level - 1 for k, v in pairs(prev_options[option_level]) do options[k] = v end end end, --- Read a LaTeX input file and emit it immediately, obeying options --- `firstline` and `lastline`. --- ---@function export.input --- ---@param filename string input = function(filename) local file = assert(io.open(filename, 'r')) local lines_in = {} for line in file:lines() do table.insert(lines_in, line) end local firstline = options.firstline local lastline = options.lastline -- Handle negative line numbers. if firstline < 0 then firstline = #lines_in + 1 + firstline elseif firstline == 0 then firstline = 1 end if lastline < 0 then lastline = #lines_in + 1 + lastline elseif lastline == 0 then lastline = 1 end -- Clamp values. if firstline < 1 then firstline = 1 elseif firstline > #lines_in then firstline = #lines_in end if lastline < 1 then lastline = 1 elseif lastline > #lines_in then lastline = #lines_in end if firstline > lastline then local tmp = firstline firstline = lastline lastline = tmp end local lines_out = {} for i, line in ipairs(lines_in) do if firstline <= i and i <= lastline then table.insert(lines_out, line) end end tex.print(lines_out) end } --- Set to `export.print`. export.analyze = export.print return export