--- spelling-recurse.lua --- Copyright 2012, 2013 Stephan Hennig -- -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of -- the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license -- or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this -- license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2005/12/01 or later. -- -- See file README for more information. -- --- Helper module for recursing into a node list. -- This module provides means to recurse into a node list, calling -- user-provided call-back functions upon certain events. -- -- @author Stephan Hennig -- @copyright 2012, 2013 Stephan Hennig -- @release version 0.41 -- -- @trick Prevent LuaDoc from looking past here for module description. --[[ Trick LuaDoc into entering 'module' mode without using that command. module(...) --]] -- Module table. local M = {} -- Function short-cuts. local traverse = node.traverse -- Short-cuts for constants. local HLIST = node.id('hlist') local VLIST = node.id('vlist') --- Scan a node list and call call-back functions upon certain events. -- This function scans a node list. Upon certain events, user-defined -- call-back functions are called. Call-back functions have to be -- provided in a table. Call-back functions and corresponding events -- are: -- -- <dl> -- -- <dt>`vlist_pre_recurse`</dt> <dd>A vlist is about to be recursed -- into. Argument is the vlist node.</dd> -- -- <dt>`vlist_post_recurse`</dt> <dd>Recursing into a vlist has been -- finished. Argument is the vlist node.</dd> -- -- <dt>`hlist_pre_recurse`</dt> <dd>An hlist is about to be recursed -- into. Argument is the hlist node.</dd> -- -- <dt>`hlist_post_recurse`</dt> <dd>Recursing into a hlist has been -- finished. Argument is the hlist node.</dd> -- -- <dt>`visit`</dt> <dd>A node of type other that `vlist` and `hlist` -- has been found. Arguments are the head node of the current node -- (head node of the current branch) and the current node.</dd> -- -- </dl> -- -- If a call-back entry in the table is `nil`, the corresponding event -- is ignored. -- -- @param head Node list. -- @param cb Table of call-back functions. local function recurse_node_list(head, cb) -- Make call-back functions local identifiers. local cb_vlist_pre_recurse = cb.vlist_pre_recurse local cb_vlist_post_recurse = cb.vlist_post_recurse local cb_hlist_pre_recurse = cb.hlist_pre_recurse local cb_hlist_post_recurse = cb.hlist_post_recurse local cb_visit_node = cb.visit_node -- Iterate over nodes in current branch. for n in traverse(head) do local nid = n.id -- Test for vlist node. if nid == VLIST then -- Announce vlist pre-traversal. if cb_vlist_pre_recurse then cb_vlist_pre_recurse(n) end -- Recurse into 'vlist'. recurse_node_list(n.head, cb) -- Announce vlist post-traversal. if cb_vlist_post_recurse then cb_vlist_post_recurse(n) end -- Test for hlist node. elseif nid == HLIST then -- Announce hlist pre-traversal. if cb_hlist_pre_recurse then cb_hlist_pre_recurse(n) end -- Recurse into 'hlist'. recurse_node_list(n.head, cb) -- Announce hlist post-traversal. if cb_hlist_post_recurse then cb_hlist_post_recurse(n) end -- Other nodes. else -- Visit node. if cb_visit_node then cb_visit_node(head, n) end end end end M.recurse_node_list = recurse_node_list -- Return module table. return M