--- spelling-stage-2.lua --- Copyright 2012, 2013 Stephan Hennig -- -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of -- the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license -- or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this -- license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2005/12/01 or later. -- -- See file README for more information. -- --- Tag node lists with word strings before hyphenation takes place. -- This module provides means to tag node lists by inserting -- user-defined whatsit nodes before and after first and last node -- belonging to a chain representing a string in the node list. The -- final tag node contains a reference to a string containing the word -- string. Tagging is applied before hyphenation takes place. -- -- @author Stephan Hennig -- @copyright 2012, 2013 Stephan Hennig -- @release version 0.41 -- -- @trick Prevent LuaDoc from looking past here for module description. --[[ Trick LuaDoc into entering 'module' mode without using that command. module(...) --]] -- Module table. local M = {} -- Import external modules. local recurse = require('spelling-recurse') local unicode = require('unicode') -- Function short-cuts. local tabconcat = table.concat local tabinsert = table.insert local tabremove = table.remove local node_new = node.new local node_insert_after = node.insert_after local node_insert_before = node.insert_before local recurse_node_list = recurse.recurse_node_list local Sfind = string.find local Sgmatch = string.gmatch local Smatch = string.match local Uchar = unicode.utf8.char local Umatch = unicode.utf8.match -- Short-cuts for constants. local DISC = node.id('disc') local GLYPH = node.id('glyph') local KERN = node.id('kern') local WHATSIT = node.id('whatsit') local LOCAL_PAR = node.subtype('local_par') local USER_DEFINED = node.subtype('user_defined') local PDF_COLORSTACK = node.subtype('pdf_colorstack') -- Declare local variables to store references to resources that are -- provided by external code. -- -- Table of bad rules. local __rules_bad -- -- Table of good rules. local __rules_good -- -- ID of user-defined whatsit nodes marking the start of a word. local __uid_start_tag -- -- ID of user-defined whatsit nodes marking the end of a word. local __uid_end_tag --- Module options. -- This table contains all module options. User functions to set -- options are provided. -- -- @class table -- @name __opts -- @field hl_color Colour used for highlighting bad spellings in PDF -- output. local __opts = { hl_color, } --- Set colour used for highlighting. -- Set colour used for highlighting bad spellings in PDF output. The -- argument is checked for a valid PDF colour statement. As an example, -- the string `1 0 0 rg` represents a red colour in the RGB colour -- space. A similar colour in the CMYK colour space would be -- represented by the string '0 1 1 0 k'. -- -- @param col New colour. local function set_highlight_color(col) -- Extract all colour components. local components = Smatch(col, '^(%S+ %S+ %S+) rg$') or Smatch(col, '^(%S+ %S+ %S+ %S+) k$') local is_valid_arg = components if is_valid_arg then -- Validate colour components. for comp in Sgmatch(components, '%S+') do -- Check number syntax. local is_valid_comp = Sfind(comp, '^%d+%.?%d*$') or Sfind(comp, '^%d*%.?%d+$') if is_valid_comp then -- Check number range. comp = tonumber(comp) is_valid_comp = comp >= 0 and comp <= 1 end is_valid_arg = is_valid_arg and is_valid_comp end end if is_valid_arg then __opts.hl_color = col else error('package spelling: Error! Invalid PDF colour statement: ' .. tostring(col)) end end M.set_highlight_color = set_highlight_color --- Highlighting status cache table. -- Determining the highlighting status of a string can be an expensive -- operation. To reduce average run-time penalty per string, -- highlighting status of all strings found in a document is cached in -- this table, so that determining the highlighting status of a known -- string requires only one table look-up.<br /> -- -- This table needs an `__index` meta method calculating the -- highlighting status of unknown keys (strings). -- -- @class table -- @name __is_highlighting_needed local __is_highlighting_needed = {} --- Calculate and cache the highlighting status of a string. -- First, surrounding punctuation is stripped from the string argument. -- Then, the given raw as well as the stripped string are checked -- against all rules. Highlighting of the string is required, if any -- bad rule matches, but no good rule matches. That is, good rules take -- precedence over bad rules. -- -- @param t Original table. -- @param raw Raw string to check. -- @return True, if highlighting is required. False, otherwise. local function __calc_is_highlighting_needed(t, raw) -- Strip surrounding punctuation from string. local stripped = Umatch(raw, '^%p*(.-)%p*$') -- Check for a bad match. local is_bad = false for _,matches_bad in ipairs(__rules_bad) do is_bad = is_bad or matches_bad(raw, stripped) if is_bad then break end end -- Check for a good match. local is_good = false for _,matches_good in ipairs(__rules_good) do is_good = is_good or matches_good(raw, stripped) if is_good then break end end -- Calculate highlighting status. local status = (is_bad and not is_good) or false -- Store status in cache table. rawset(t, raw, status) -- Return status. return status end -- Set-up meta table for highlighting status cache table. setmetatable(__is_highlighting_needed, { __index = __calc_is_highlighting_needed, }) --- Convert a Unicode code point to a regular UTF-8 encoded string. -- This function can be used as an `__index` meta method. -- -- @param t original table -- @param cp originl key, a Unicode code point -- @return UTF-8 encoded string corresponding to the Unicode code point. local function __meta_cp2utf8(t, cp) return Uchar(cp) end --- Table of Unicode code point mappings. -- This table maps Unicode code point to strings. The mappings are used -- during text extraction to translate certain Unicode code points to an -- arbitrary string instead of the corresponding UTF-8 encoded -- character.<br /> -- -- As an example, by adding an appropriate entry to this table, the -- single Unicode code point U-fb00 (LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF) can be -- resolved into the multi character string 'ff' instead of being -- converted to the single character string '���' ('ff').<br /> -- -- Keys are Unicode code points. Values must be strings in the UTF-8 -- encoding. If a key is not present in this table, the regular UTF-8 -- character is returned by means of a meta table.<br /> -- -- @class table -- @name __codepoint_map local __codepoint_map = { [0x0132] = 'IJ',-- LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE IJ [0x0133] = 'ij',-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE IJ [0x0152] = 'OE',-- LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE [0x0153] = 'oe',-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE [0x017f] = 's',-- LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S [0xfb00] = 'ff',-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF [0xfb01] = 'fi',-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI [0xfb02] = 'fl',-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL [0xfb03] = 'ffi',-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFI [0xfb04] = 'ffl',-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFL [0xfb05] = 'st',-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE LONG S T [0xfb06] = 'st',-- LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST } --- Meta table for code point mapping table. -- -- @class table -- @name __meta_codepoint_map -- @field __index Index operator. local __meta_codepoint_map = { __index = __meta_cp2utf8, } -- Set meta table for code point mapping table. setmetatable(__codepoint_map, __meta_codepoint_map) --- Clear all code point mappings. -- After calling this function, there are no known code point mappings -- and no code point mapping takes place during text extraction. local function clear_all_mappings() __codepoint_map = {} setmetatable(__codepoint_map, __meta_codepoint_map) end M.clear_all_mappings = clear_all_mappings --- Manage Unicode code point mappings. -- This function can be used to set-up code point mappings. First -- argument must be a number, second argument must be a string in the -- UTF-8 encoding or `nil`.<br /> -- -- If the second argument is a string, after calling this function, the -- Unicode code point given as first argument, when found in a node list -- during text extraction, is mapped to the string given as second -- argument instead of being converted to a UTF-8 encoded character -- corresponding to the code point.<br /> -- -- If the second argument is `nil`, a mapping for the given code point, -- if existing, is deleted. -- -- @param cp A Unicode code point, e.g., 0xfb00 for the code point LATIN -- SMALL LIGATURE FF. -- @param newt New target string to map the code point to or `nil`. -- @return Old target string the code point was mapped to before -- (possibly `nil`). If any arguments are invalid, return value is -- `false`. Arguments are invalid if code point is not of type `number` -- or not in the range 0 to 0x10ffff or if new target string is neither -- of type `string` nor `nil`). local function set_mapping(cp, newt) -- Prevent from invalid entries in mapping table. if (type(cp) ~= 'number') or (cp < 0) or (cp > 0x10ffff) or ((type(newt) ~= 'string') and (type(newt) ~= 'nil')) then return false end -- Retrieve old mapping. local oldt = rawget(__codepoint_map, cp) -- Set new mapping. __codepoint_map[cp] = newt -- Return old mapping. return oldt end M.set_mapping = set_mapping -- First and last nodes known to belong to the current word and their -- head nodes. These nodes are logged, so that after recognizing the -- end of a word, they can be tagged by inserting new user-defined -- whatsit nodes before and after them. local __curr_word_start_head local __curr_word_start local __curr_word_end_head local __curr_word_end --- Tag the current word in the node list. -- Insert tag nodes (user-defined whatsit nodes) into the node list -- before and after the first and last nodes belonging to the current -- word. The tag marking the start of a word contains as value an empty -- string. The tag marking the end of a word contains as value a -- reference to the word string. -- -- @param word Word string. local function __tag_word(word) -- Check, if start node of current word is a head node. Inserting -- before head nodes needs special attention. This is not yet -- implemented. if (__curr_word_start ~= __curr_word_start_head) then -- Create new start tag node. local start_tag = node_new(WHATSIT, USER_DEFINED) -- Mark whatsit node with module ID, so that we can recognize it -- later. start_tag.user_id = __uid_start_tag -- Value is an empty string. start_tag.type = 115 start_tag.value = '' -- Insert start tag before first node belonging to current word. node_insert_before(__curr_word_start_head, __curr_word_start, start_tag) end -- Create new end tag node. local end_tag = node_new(WHATSIT, USER_DEFINED) -- Mark whatsit node with module ID, so that we can recognize it -- later. end_tag.user_id = __uid_end_tag -- Value of end tag is an index (a number). end_tag.type = 115 end_tag.value = word -- Insert end tag after last node belonging to current word. node_insert_after(__curr_word_end_head, __curr_word_end, end_tag) end --- Highlight bad spelling by colour. -- Insert colour whatsits before and after the first and last nodes -- known to belong to the current word. local function __highlight_by_color() -- Check, if start node of current word is a head node. Inserting -- before head nodes needs special attention. This is not yet -- implemented. if (__curr_word_start ~= __curr_word_start_head) then -- Create pdf_colorstack whatsit nodes. local push = node_new(WHATSIT, PDF_COLORSTACK) local pop = node_new(WHATSIT, PDF_COLORSTACK) push.stack = 0 pop.stack = 0 push.command = 1 pop.command = 2 push.data = __opts.hl_color node_insert_before(__curr_word_start_head, __curr_word_start, push) node_insert_after(__curr_word_end_head, __curr_word_end, pop) end end --- Highlight bad spelling by colour (using node field `cmd`). -- Insert colour whatsits before and after the first and last nodes -- known to belong to the current word. -- @see function __highlight_by_color local function __highlight_by_color_cmd() -- Check, if start node of current word is a head node. Inserting -- before head nodes needs special attention. This is not yet -- implemented. if (__curr_word_start ~= __curr_word_start_head) then -- Create pdf_colorstack whatsit nodes. local push = node_new(WHATSIT, PDF_COLORSTACK) local pop = node_new(WHATSIT, PDF_COLORSTACK) push.stack = 0 pop.stack = 0 push.cmd = 1 pop.cmd = 2 push.data = __opts.hl_color node_insert_before(__curr_word_start_head, __curr_word_start, push) node_insert_after(__curr_word_end_head, __curr_word_end, pop) end end --- Generic function for highlighting bad spellings. local function __highlight_bad_word() __highlight_by_color() end -- Tagging status. local __is_active_tagging -- Highlighting status. local __is_active_highlighting --- Data structure that stores the characters of a word string. -- The current word data structure is an ordered list (an array) of the -- characters of the word. The characters are collected while scanning -- a node list. They are concatenated to a single string only after the -- end of a word is detected, before inserting the current word into the -- current paragraph data structure. -- -- @class table -- @name __curr_word local __curr_word --- Act upon detection of end of current word string. -- If the current word contains visible characters, store the current -- word in the current tag. local function __finish_current_word() -- Finish a word? if __curr_word then local word = tabconcat(__curr_word) -- Check, if the current word has already been tagged. This is only -- a quick hack. local start_prev = __curr_word_start.prev local end_next = __curr_word_end.next if start_prev and end_next and (start_prev.id == WHATSIT) and (start_prev.subtype == USER_DEFINED) and (start_prev.user_id == __uid_start_tag) and (end_next.id == WHATSIT) and (end_next.subtype == USER_DEFINED) and (end_next.user_id == __uid_end_tag) and (end_next.value == word) then __curr_word = nil __curr_word_start_head = nil __curr_word_start = nil __curr_word_end_head = nil __curr_word_end = nil return end -- Tag node list with word string. if __is_active_tagging then __tag_word(word) end -- Highlighting needed? if __is_highlighting_needed[word] and __is_active_highlighting then __highlight_bad_word() end __curr_word = nil end __curr_word_start_head = nil __curr_word_start = nil __curr_word_end_head = nil __curr_word_end = nil end --- Act upon detection of end of current paragraph. -- If the current paragraph contains words, store the current paragraph -- in the text document. local function __finish_current_paragraph() -- Finish current word. __finish_current_word() end --- Paragraph management stack. -- Stack of boolean flags, that are used for logging the occurence of a -- new paragraph within nested vlists. local __is_vlist_paragraph --- Paragraph management. -- This function puts a new boolean flag onto a stack that is used to -- log the occurence of a new paragraph, while recursing into the coming -- vlist. After finishing recursing into the vlist, the flag needs to -- be removed from the stack. Depending on the flag, the then current -- paragraph can be finished. local function __vlist_pre_recurse() tabinsert(__is_vlist_paragraph, false) end --- Paragraph management. -- Remove flag from stack after recursing into a vlist. If necessary, -- finish the current paragraph. local function __vlist_post_recurse() local p = tabremove(__is_vlist_paragraph) if p then __finish_current_paragraph() end end --- Find paragraphs and strings. -- While scanning a node list, this call-back function finds nodes -- representing the start of a paragraph (local_par whatsit nodes) and -- strings (chains of nodes of type glyph, kern, disc). -- -- @param head Head node of current branch. -- @param n The current node. local function __visit_node(head, n) local nid = n.id -- Test for word string component node. if nid == GLYPH then -- Save first node belonging to current word and its head for later -- reference. if not __curr_word_start then __curr_word_start_head = head __curr_word_start = n end -- Save latest node belonging to current word and its head for later -- reference. __curr_word_end_head = head __curr_word_end = n -- Provide new empty word, if necessary. if not __curr_word then __curr_word = {} end -- Append character to current word string. tabinsert(__curr_word, __codepoint_map[n.char]) -- Test for other word string component nodes. elseif (nid == DISC) or (nid == KERN) then -- We're still within the current word string. Do nothing. -- Test for paragraph start. elseif (nid == WHATSIT) and (n.subtype == LOCAL_PAR) then __finish_current_paragraph() __is_vlist_paragraph[#__is_vlist_paragraph] = true else -- End of current word string detected. __finish_current_word() end end --- Table of call-back functions for node list recursion: store the --- word strings found in a node list. -- The call-back functions in this table identify chains of nodes -- representing word strings in a node list and stores the strings in -- the text document. Local_par whatsit nodes are word boundaries. -- Nodes of type `hlist` are recursed into as if they were non-existent. -- As an example, the LaTeX input `a\mbox{a b}b` is recognized as two -- strings `aa` and `bb`. -- -- @class table -- @name __cb_tag_words -- @field vlist_pre_recurse Paragraph management. -- @field vlist_post_recurse Paragraph management. -- @field visit_node Find nodes representing paragraphs and words. local __cb_tag_words = { vlist_pre_recurse = __vlist_pre_recurse, vlist_post_recurse = __vlist_post_recurse, visit_node = __visit_node, } --- Process node list according to this stage. -- This function recurses into the given node list, extracts all text -- and stores it in the text document. -- -- @param head Node list. local function __process_node_list(head) __curr_word_start_head = nil __curr_word_start = nil __curr_word_end_head = nil __curr_word_end = nil recurse_node_list(head, __cb_tag_words) -- Clean-up left-over word and/or paragraph. __finish_current_paragraph() end --- Call-back function that processes the node list. -- -- @param head Node list. local function __cb_pre_linebreak_filter_pkg_spelling(head) __process_node_list(head) return head end --- Start tagging text. -- After calling this function, words are tagged in node lists before -- hyphenation takes place. local function enable_text_tagging() __is_active_tagging = true end M.enable_text_tagging = enable_text_tagging --- Stop tagging text. -- After calling this function, no more word tagging in node lists takes -- place. local function disable_text_tagging() __is_active_tagging = false end M.disable_text_tagging = disable_text_tagging --- Start highlighting bad spellings. -- After calling this function, bad spellings are highlighted in PDF -- output. local function enable_word_highlighting() __is_active_highlighting = true end M.enable_word_highlighting = enable_word_highlighting --- Stop highlighting bad spellings. -- After calling this function, no more bad spellings are highlighted in -- PDF output. local function disable_word_highlighting() __is_active_highlighting = false end M.disable_word_highlighting = disable_word_highlighting --- Try to maintain compatibility with older LuaTeX versions. -- Between LuaTeX 0.70.2 and 0.76.0 node field `cmd` of `whatsits` nodes -- of subtype `pdf_colorstack` has been renamed to `command`. This -- function checks which node field is the correct one and activates a -- fall-back function in case. Due to a bug in LuaTeX 0.76.0 (shipped -- with TL2013) function `node.has_field()` doesn't return correct -- results. It is therefore tested if an assignment to field `command` -- raises an error or not. local function __maintain_compatibility() -- Create pdf_colorstack whatsit node. local n = node.new(WHATSIT, PDF_COLORSTACK) -- Function that assigns a value to node field 'command'. local f = function() n.command = 1 end -- If the assignment is not successful, fall-back to node field 'cmd'. if not pcall(f) then __highlight_by_color = __highlight_by_color_cmd end -- Delete test node. node.free(n) end --- Module initialisation. -- local function __init() -- Try to maintain compatibility with older LuaTeX versions. __maintain_compatibility() -- Get local references to package ressources. __rules_bad = PKG_spelling.res.rules_bad __rules_good = PKG_spelling.res.rules_good __uid_start_tag = PKG_spelling.res.whatsit_ids.start_tag __uid_end_tag = PKG_spelling.res.whatsit_ids.end_tag -- Create empty paragraph management stack. __is_vlist_paragraph = {} -- Remember tagging status. __is_active_tagging = false -- Remember highlighting status. __is_active_highlighting = false -- Set default highlighting colour. set_highlight_color('1 0 0 rg') -- Register call-back: Before TeX breaks a paragraph into lines, tag -- and highlight strings. luatexbase.add_to_callback('pre_linebreak_filter', __cb_pre_linebreak_filter_pkg_spelling, '__cb_pre_linebreak_filter_pkg_spelling') end -- Initialize module. __init() -- Return module table. return M