Date:    Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 1988, 01.58 Uhr und 33 Sekunden MET
Subject: documented macros

This mail contains the MAKEPROG system. The system consists of
three files: makeprog.web, progdoc.doc, and progdocu.tex.

-- progdocu.tex is a kind of user documentation, it is written with
   Plain TeX and should be printed first.

-- progdoc.doc is a macro package to document programs (e.g. macros).
   This macro file is documented with the MAKEPROG system itself.

-- makeprog.web is a WEB program that extracts the program part of a
   document written with progdoc.

I have added the file progdoc.tex, too. This file is the result of
a MAKEPROG run over progdoc.doc. It serves for two purposes: on the
one hand it is a test file for the makeprog program and on the other
hand it is needed to print progdoc.doc if you don't have a running
makeprog program.

I hope that this system is useful to everyone who wants to write
documented maintainable programs and not only tricky hacks.

                With regards



   TH Darmstadt
   Institut f\"ur Theoretische Informatik
   Joachim Schrod
   Alexanderstr. 10            Bitnet: XITIJSCH@DDATHD21
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