Change history

## v2.9e (2024/05/11)

  * Fix regression with automatic detection and selection of small caps when the font
    script or language was requested but not found. (#517)

  * Add additional tests to check against regressions. (#516, #518)
  * Improve message in log file when defining a font without small caps.
  * Demote warnings when Script or Language are requested but not found to the log file
    instead of the console. (#421)

## v2.9d (2024/05/07)

  * Now that `Script` and `Language` are retained even if the font doesn't support them,
    we can no longer check for font feature existence before applying the OpenType tags.
    This release removes checking. (#515)

  * Fix bug/regression in loading font families constructed from fonts with different file
    extensions; e.g.: (#514)

            UprightFont       = Lato-Regular.ttf ,
            BoldFont          = FiraSans-Bold.otf ,

## v2.9c (2024/05/03)

  * Fix copy/paste regression bug with the `Language` feature (primarily exposed through `babel` package). (#513)
  * Re-sync with `expl3` for deprecated commands.

## v2.9b (2024/04/27)

  * Add new `Letters=Uppercase` (LuaLaTeX only) as an interface to `luaotfload`
    feature which automatically performs case-changing at the font level
    (i.e., not using macros to process the text tokens). (#461)
  * Fix long-standing bug when loading fonts which only have extensions specified internally to the font
    shape (#504). E.g.:

        \setmainfont{pagella}[ UprightFont = texgyrepagella-regular.otf ]

  * If a font is loaded with a specific script (e.g. `Script=CJK`) and it is not
    available within the font, `fontspec` previously would fall back on a default script.
    This is now changed to always pass through the requested script so the renderer can
    make use of that information regardless of whether the font itself supports the script.
  * Remove LuaTeX code that resets various `hypenchar` settings seemingly erroneously. (#344)
  * Rework documentation to remove reference to local and non-free fonts. This allows
    compilation via Github Actions, which will aid streamlining/automating releases in the future. (#157, #465)
  * Adjust approach to removing spaces from font names internally. This may have unintended
    consequences, please write if so. (#484)
  * Work around clash if a class defines an option of (say) `math=foo`, where `fontspec`
    is expecting `math=true`. Now, the global option will be ignored. (#501)

## v2.9a (2024/02/13)

  * Added a `Scale=MatchAveragecase` paramater which averages `Scale=MatchLowercase` and `Scale=MatchUppercase`.
  * Switched options to LaTeX keyval handler.
  * Added option `verbose` to undo silent/quiet.
  * `euenc`/`tuenc` options are now obsolete (TU is the only encoding). 
  * Support variable fonts under LuaLaTeX.
  * Skip scanning for filenames when loading fonts by name on LuaLaTeX.
  * Allow restricting filename lookup to kpathsea lookups using `KpseOnly`.
  * Added support for named colors from l3color.
  * Support with lualatex spotcolors and cmyk colors in the pdf. 

## v2.8a (2022/01/15)

  * Add `SwashFont` and `BoldSwashFont` features to support LaTeX's now-builtin `\textsw`
    and `\swshape` commands, with matching `SwashFeatures` and `BoldSwashFeatures`.
    A simple implementation that has scope to get more complex if need be.
  * Remove some legacy code that extended the NFSS in ways that are now handled by
    LaTeX2e natively.
  * Long neglected updates through various Github Issues and pull requests.
    Thanks for your patience with the delays.

## v2.7i (2020/02/21)

  * Define both `b` and `bx` font series by default to avoid spurious warnings in some
    cases, and broken behaviour in pathological cases.

## v2.7h (2020/02/03)

  * Eroneous uses of `language=DFLT` changed to `language=dflt`.
  * Fix spurious error in some cases of `SlantedFont` and `BoldSlantedFont`
    being specified in a `.fontspec` file.
  * Fix regression with `unicode-math` related log files showing the wrong
    NFSS-based font ���identifier���.

## v2.7g (2020/01/26)

  * Fix regression that broke changing the default encoding after `fontspec` was loaded
    (e.g., to use legacy fonts by default but use a `fontspec` font occassionally).
  * Fix bug exhibited in `polyglossia` and perhaps elsewhere when `Script` is set without
    a corresponding `Language`.
  * Use `\familydefault` instead of `\rmdefault` when calculating scaling parameters in
    `Scale=MatchLowercase` and `Scale=MatchUppercase`.

## v2.7f (2020/01/24)

  * Rename font feature `Letters=Uppercase` to `Style=Uppercase`, as this feature does
    not generally affect the letters themselves, only symbols and accents.
    The old name will be retained for the time being.
  * Rename `Style=TitlingCaps` to `Style=Titling`.
  * Track changes in both LaTeX2e and `expl3`.
  * Fix long-standing (but never noticed?) bug that successive `\addfontfeatures`
    would overwrite previous ones when using `UprightFeatures={...}` or similar.
    Now the ���`UprightFeatures`��� are accumulated.
  * Remove AAT font examples from the documentation �����support for many AAT fonts now
    appears broken with latest versions of macOS.

## v2.7e (2020/01/09)

  * Rename for `Renderer=HarfBuzz` (the old `Harfbuzz` name is kept for compatibility)
  * Track upcoming changes in LaTeX2e release for 2020.
  * Remove/reword some out-of-date documentation.
  * Remove entirely the patches for 3rd party verbatim packages as `\verbvisiblespace`
    has now been offered by the kernel for a year.

## v2.7d (2019/10/19)

  * Allow the user to manually change `\rmdefault`, `\sfdefault`, `\ttdefault`
      if desired. Note this could cause problems if the `fontspec` encoding does not
      match the encoding of the specified families.
  * Additional optional argument for `\EncodingCommand`.
  * Suppress spurious warnings for `HyphenChar` feature in XeLaTeX.
  * Add `Ligatures=TeXOff` even though it's not a real OpenType feature.
      (Functionally equivalent to `Ligatures=TeXReset`.)
  * New scripts definitions to match OpenType 1.8.3 (thanks Werner!).
  * Documentation changes for `Numbers=Arabic`, `HypenChar=None` for `\ttfamily`.
  * Documentation fixes (thanks `muzimuzhi`!).
  * Prepare for `FakeBold` being available in `luaotfload` (thanks Khaled!).
  * Bug fix for doubled + symbol when setting `tlig` feature in LuaTeX.
  * Bug fix for Harfbuzz use. (Support still very minimal I'm afraid.)

## v2.7c (2019/03/15)

  * Two optimisations reduce time for font definitions with a large number of
      `FontFace` options. Thanks to Bob Tennent for the test file and bringing
      the problem to my attention.

## v2.7b (2019/02/12)

  * Fix regression in loading `Language=Turkish`. This now allows users to define more
      than one OpenType tag when defining a language name, where the first tag found is
      the one selected for the font. E.g.,


      when selected, this first checks for the existance of the TRK language tag, and if
      not found then checks for the TUR language tag to use if available.

  * Add new `Renderer` options for LuaTeX that enable the HarfBuzz engine. These only
      work running under `luahbtex` and are currently experimental. The new options are
      `Harfbuzz`, `OpenType`, `AAT`, and `Graphite`.

  * Always try to remove ���clashing��� font features inside `\addfontfeatures` even in
      cases when the requested font feature doesn't exist. E.g., now if a font is loaded
      with `Numbers=OldStyle` and *doesn't have* `Numbers=Lining`, requesting the latter
      will still reset the former.

  * Add `pxfonts`, `txfonts`, `newpxmath`, `newtxmath`, `mtpro2` to the list
      of packages that automatically invoke `no-math`.

  * Add `\providefontfamily`, `\setfontface`, `\renewfontface`, and `\providefontface`.

  * Add local/global distinction with `\fontspec_(g)set_family:Nnn` and `\fontspec_(g)set_fontface:NNnn`.

## v2.7a (2019/01/25)

  * One last (?!) fix for recent regression (!!). I am not getting enough sleep at the moment and it is too hot.
  * Add `LocalForms=On/Off/Reset` to control the `locl` OpenType tag.
  * Reorganise some documentation.
  * Remove redundant redefinition of `\-` which is nowadays defined correctly by the LaTeX2e kernel.
  * Add code to remove the patching of verbatim commands and environments when the new
      `\verbvisiblespace` command is defined in a future version of LaTeX2e.

## v2.7 (2019/01/24)

  * Add new `ScaleAgain` feature for compounding scale factors.
      (This is largely to support `unicode-math` but may be useful by others.)
  * `\oldstylenums` no longer overwritten if `textcomp` loaded after `fontspec`.
  * More fixes for recent regressions (sorry!).

## v2.6l (2019/01/18)

  * REALLY fix crash when loading fonts that are missing a requested script.
  * Lots of internal logic changes for what should have been an easy fix :(

## v2.6k (2019/01/16)

  * Fix crash when loading fonts that are missing a requested script.

## v2.6j (2019/01/10)

  * Re-sync with `expl3` for deprecated commands.
  * Added support for `\hbar` if anyone is relying on `fontspec` to emulate legacy maths.

## v2.6i (2018/08/02)

  * Emergency bug-fix -- a one-char typo broke loading of bold fonts!
  * Some minor updates to the docs regarding ���family names��� of fonts.
  * Using `\defaultfontfeatures` to specify a font face by a custom name can now use
      `Font=` to specify the filename.

## v2.6h (2018/07/30)

  * `expl3` internals updated so loading `expl3` with the `check-declarations` option will run without error.
  * Fix bug with `FontFace` in which spaces weren't being ignored.

## v2.6g (2017-11-09)

  * Bugfix for clash introduced with last version. When loading `babel`
      before `fontspec` the following error arose:

          ! Control sequence \latinencoding already defined.

## v2.6f (2017-11-05)

  * Fix loading of Graphite fonts and add a little documentation (a better interface is needed, though)
  * Correct and simplify some internal code that fixes a bug in the way some fonts are displayed in `\tracingoutput` mode.
  * This also fixes an obscure bug using the API in which a query for a selected font feature
      would test against the upright font in the current family regardless of the face/shape actually in use.
  * This package now complies with the `expl3` option `check-declarations`.

## v2.6e (2017/09/22)

  * Re-enable use of `HyphenChar=None` in LuaLaTeX. (Hyphenation and font choice are
      decoupled in LuaTeX, except for this one setting.)
  * Some internal changes needed by `unicode-math` to fix some cross-over code.

## v2.6d (2017/08/14)

  * Update Scripts to Unicode 1.8.2 (thanks Werner)
  * Remove `HyphenChar` feature when running LuaTeX �����use `\prehyphenchar` LuaTeX primitive instead.
  * Rewrite test suite so that automated testing actually functions correctly and automatically. Thanks to Joseph for introducing me to Travis CI.

## v2.6c (2017/07/23)

  * Emergency bug-fix.

## v2.6b (2017/07/16)

  * Fix conflict with Polyglossia and `Scale=MatchLowercase`.
  * New feature `IgnoreFontspecFile` to avoid loading the `.fontspec` file for a font.
  * Fix regression with `\fontspec_if_feature:nTF`
      (which broke `realscripts`, oops �����must improve my test suite)

## v2.6a (2017/03/31)

  * Fix crashing bug with `..Reset` and `ResetAll` keys.
  * Fix crashing bug with `\newfontface`.

## v2.6 (2017/02/12)

  * Change the new behaviour of `\emph` (and `\emfontdeclare`) to act only on the NFSS font shape; using the series as well was too fragile.
  * Add `\strong` as the "weight" analogy to `\emph`. This will need some extra syntactic sugar from `fontspec` before it becomes truly useful.
  * Add `Numbers=Tabular` alias for `Numbers=Monospaced`.
  * Fix occasional bug with "chained" keyval choices such as `Numbers={Lining,Proportional}` in which only the first choice would be recognised.
  * Fix interaction with `RawFeature` and "proper" `fontspec` features.
  * Fix regression in which `C:\...` file paths in Windows couldn't be used.
  * Fix regression in XeTeX in which `Ligatures=TeX` overrode `Mapping=..` regardless of where the former was declared in the feature list.
  * Fix bug (sorry!) in `\newopentypefeature`.
  * Improve monospace font in documentation.

  * N.B. There is currently a known issue with TTC fonts and LuaTeX; currently they cannot be loaded through the `fontspec` interface, but this issue should soon be addressed by the `luaotfload` package.

## v2.5d (2017/01/24) "oops"

  * Add `\fontspec_if_small_caps:TF`
  * Fix bug in `\emph` (!!)

## v2.5c (2017/01/20) "Christmas 2016 release"

  * `TU` font encoding now default, with encoding files provided by the kernel.
  * Experimental interface added for customising encodings.
  * Add feature `Ornament=`*n* corresponding to OpenType feature `+ornm=`*n*.
  * Add feature `FontIndex=`*n* to support TrueType Collection (TTC) files.
  * Nested `\emph` is now much smarter and will cleverly nest even if manual font changes are made.
  * Tries to resolve situations when font features clash.
      E.g., `Numbers={Uppercase,Lowercase}` will define only `+onum` rather than the previous behaviour of `+lnum;+onum` to let the engine sort things out. Coverage may still be preliminary.
  * Add API function `\fontspec_if_current_feature:nTF` for querying selected features based on their OpenType tag.
  * Add user function `\IfFontFeatureActiveTF` for querying selected features based on their `fontspec` specification.
  * All "tag-based" OpenType features are now provided in `Feat`/`FeatOff`/`FeatReset` forms to disable and reset them.
  * `ResetAll` provided for all "tag-based" OpenType feature keys. (E.g., `Ligatures=ResetAll`.)
  * Big table of OpenType feature tags to help cross-reference which fontspec feature (if any) corresponds to which OpenType feature.
  * Bug fixed for `Script` selection.

## v2.5b (2016/05/14) "More bugs" (somehow never released)

  * Fixed bug with garbage text printed in certain "verbatim" situations under LuaTeX.
  * Improve interaction between optical sizes and small caps.
  * Remove documentation for `FeatureFile`, since this is no longer supported under LuaLaTeX
      (there are other methods to perform the same thing, but no "easy" user interface that `fontspec` can provide at this stage).
  * Fix regression causing an error message if `fontspec` loaded before `\documentclass'.

## v2.5a (2016/02/01) "Bugs fixed"

  * Rather embarrassing bug fix! (`unicode-math` was broken.)
  * Remember to add the `fontspec.cfg` file to the distribution.
  * Remove `+trep` from `Ligatures=TeX` (no longer necessary).
  * Add some basic tests using `l3build`; more to come.
  * Simplify some internal Lua code and package loading code.

## v2.5 (2016/01/30) "TL2016 release"

  * Provide a new Unicode font encoding ("TU") to replace EU1/EU2 and xunicode.
  * Activate with package option `[tuenc]'; once it becomes the default (later this year), `[euenc]` option will revert to the old behaviour.
  * New command `\emfontdeclare` for defining font shapes when arbitrarily nesting the `\emph` command.
  * Allow slanted small caps and better internal methods for "combining" font shapes; this fixes a few bugs.
  * Incorporate "new" font script tags for Indic fonts. E.g., when selecting `Script=Bengali`, fontspec will first query the font for the `bng2` OpenType script, and if not found select `beng`.
  * Restrict some font features from being able to be used within `\addfontfeatures` that were causing some font-loading confusion.
  * Fixed behaviour in which `\baselineskip` and `\f@size` would (possibly) change values after loading the packge.
  * Remove copy of `fixltx2e`'s code for footnote symbols; handled by LaTeX2e now.
  * Deprecate `ExternalLocation` for the simpler (and identical) `Path` option.
  * Improvement to some warnings/info messages.
  * Improve structure of code.

## v2.4e (2015/09/24)

  * Allow `[Path=...]` to be specified for individual font faces.
  * Continue to normalise naming with expl3. (Ongoing.)

## v2.4d (2015/07/22)

  * Rename an internal expl3 function or two.

## v2.4c (2015/03/14)

  * v2.4b was never released, sorry!
  * This time *really* fix `\@fnsymbol` and avoid overwriting it if already fixed.
  * Fix "`Renderer=Graphite`" (off-by-one error).
  * Fix some edge cases for `\aliasfontfeature`.

## v2.4b (2014/08/23)

  * Improve backwards compatibility w.r.t. recent argument order change;
      specifically, if an optional argument is presented before the font name
      then avoid looking for one afterwards.
  * Fix \@fnsymbol; it was defined as a \protected macro, where in fact its internal text-or-math switch needed to be instead.
  * No longer lowercase fontnames internally; this fixes a bug with loading
      mixed-case ".fontspec" files.
  * Fixed some documentation typos/inconsistencies related to recent changes.

## v2.4a (2014/06/21)

  * No longer load fixltx2e.sty -- this package should really be loaded before \documentclass.
  * Avoid deprecated l3fp code.
  * A couple of bugs introduced with v2.4 fixed.

## v2.4 (2014/06/01)

  * Significant change to the user interface: instead of `\setmainfont[features]{font}`, you now write `\setmainfont{font}[features]`.
      Backwards compatibility is of course preserved.

      The reason for this change is to improve the visual comprehension of the font loading syntax with large numbers of font features.

  * Defaults for symbolic font families like this can now be specified with




  * New `PunctuationSpace=WordSpace` and `PunctuationSpace=TwiceWordSpace` settings, intended for monospaced fonts; these force the space after a period to be exactly one or two spaces wide, respectively, which preserves character alignment across lines.

  * The features above now allow changes to the default settings:

    * `Ligatures=TeX` is enabled by default with `\setmainfont` and `\setsansfont`.
    * `WordSpace={1,0,0}` and `PunctuationSpace=WordSpace` are now enabled by default for `\setmonofont` to produce better monospaced results.
    * (These can be adjusted by created your own `fontspec.cfg` file.)

  * `SizeFeatures` can now be nested inside `ItalicFeatures` (etc.) and behaves correctly. This has been a very long overdue bug!

  * New feature `NFSSFamily=ABC` to set the NFSS family of a font to ���`ABC`���. Useful
      when other packages use the `\fontfamily{ABC}\selectfont` interface.

  * New feature `FontFace = {series}{shape}{font}` allows a font face to be loaded with a specific NFSS font series and font shape.
      A more verbose syntax allows arbitrary font features as well (and this also plays nicely with `SizeFeatures`):

              FontFace = {b}{ui}{Font = myfont-bui.otf, <features>} ,

      The code above, for example, will allow a bold upright italic font to be selected using the standard NFSS interface: `\fontseries{b}\fontshape{ui}\selectfont`.

  * `\defaultfontfeatures+` (note the `+`) can now be used to append to the default font feature set.

  * Setting the `SmallCapsFont` using the `*`-replacement notation has been improved/fixed.

## v2.3c (2013/05/20)

  * Compatbility with luaotfload 2013/05/20 2.2c, support for older version

## v2.3b (2013/05/12)

  * Compatibility with new (and future) version of luaotfload

## v2.3a (2013/03/16)

  * Bug fix update to retain compatibility with new expl3

## v2.3 (2013/02/25)

  * Add support for per-font options in `\defaultfontfeatures`
  * Add support for `<fontname>.fontspec` per-font configuration files
  * Keep up-to-date with expl3 changes

## v2.2b (2012/05/06) "TL2012 version"

  * Fix error with AutoFakeSlant/Bold (#113) and when used with external fonts (#128)
  * Add warning when using FakeBold in LuaLaTeX, where it's not supported
  * Fix slshape misassignment introduced in v2.2
  * Allow fontspec to be loaded before \documentclass
      (or rather fix the regression that broke this)
  * Avoid using the calc package now that it's no longer loaded by expl3
  * Allow multiple values to StylisticSet and Alternate font options

## v2.2a (2011/09/14)

  * Bug fix: improve backwards compatibility for packages that use old
      fontspec internals such as mathspec.

## v2.2  (2011/09/13)

  * Support alternate selections in CharacterVariant (cvxx in OpenType)
      using new syntax `[CharacterVariant=5:2]`.
  * Add `fontspec`-compatible `\oldstylenums` and `\liningnums` commands.
  * New programmer's function `\fontspec_set_fontface:NNnn` (for use when
      `\zf@basefont` might previously have been queried).
  * Log file output is slightly tidier.
  * Some old lingering bugs squashed:
      - Small caps font selection was broken in some cases.
        (Thanks Enrico Gregorio.)
      - Fonts loaded by filename with under-specified shapes threw an error
        (e.g., asking explicitly for bold but not italic).
        (Thanks Vafa Khalighi.)
  * Documentation improvements largely due to Markus B��hning.
  * Many internal changes, among which:
      - `xkeyval` package no longer used for option processing;
        `expl3`'s `l3keys` used instead.
        This allows `fontspec` to be loaded before `\documentclass`
        (thanks Heiko Oberdiek for reporting the issue)
        and fixes a potential conflict with the `preview` package
        (thanks again Vafa).
      - Internal names changed; avoid "\zf@basefont", "\zf@family", etc.
        from now on -- there are public interfaces now to get access to the
        same information
      - Update `expl3` support to latest CTAN version.

## v2.1g (2011/08/02)

  * No longer uses the binhex package, avoiding some name clashes with TIPA

## v2.1f (2011/02/26)

  * Finally add a real error message when a font cannot be found!
  * Add "Letters=Random" feature.
  * Fix bug in which "Unknown feature `'..." warnings
      were shown in the log file.
  * Some small documentation improvements.

## v2.1e (2010/11/17)

  * Internal changes for luatexbase v0.3.

## v2.1d (2010/11/07)

  * Bug fix when \itdefault is "sl" rather than "it".
      E.g., when using the "slides" class.
  * Minor internal changes, including merging some code from unicode-math.

## v2.1c (2010/10/13)

  * New documentation for defining custom kerning and ligatures
      when using LuaLaTeX.
  * Fix bug when defining bold italic fonts by filename.
  * Avoid infinite loop when the Latin script is requested for a font
      that does not contain it. TODO: a suitable fallback script should be
      chosen; right now we just ignore the script selection.

## v2.1b (2010/09/29)

  * Fix for bug introduced in the last release:
      small caps weren't being automatically selected correctly

## v2.1a (2010/09/27)

  * Fix for colours bug introduced in the last update
  * Fix for for bad interaction with LuaLaTeX and fallback fonts
      (such as using \slshape when no slanted font specified)
  * Behaviour/messaging improvement when scripts/languages are requested
      that do not exist in the font
  * Fix bug with detecting font features/scripts in some cases with:

        - `\fontspec_if_feature:n(TF)`
        - `\fontspec_if_language:n(TF)`
        - `\fontspec_if_current_script:n(TF)`
        - `\fontspec_if_current_language:n(TF)`

  * Some messages in the log file are improved
  * Code for "visible space" fixed for LuaLaTeX use
  * Lots of internal changes to bring the implementation closer
      to being "native expl3".

## v2.1 (2010/09/19)

  * Now load xunicode internally for consistent behaviour in
      XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.
  * Font commands now include \fontencoding internally, easing their
      use together with legacy TeX fonts.
  * Colour & Opacity now behave a little better.
  * Nested emphasis with \emph now also occurs inside a "slanted" shape.
  * Some compatibility commands/options added that were removed.
      in the transition to v2.
  * Bug fix for a problem triggered after counters got too high.

## v2.0c (2010/08/01)
  Bug fix and documentation tune-up.

  * Significant bug fix reported simultaneously by Enrico Gregorio and
      Don Hosek.
  * Many documentation improvements and additions due to David Perry.
  * Documentation typo thanks to John McChesney-Young

## v2.0b (2010/07/14)
  *Actually* the final release before TeX Live 2010.

  * Improved examples in the documentation, with fewer proprietary fonts
  * All font examples are included as separate images on CTAN, so the
      manual can be compiled (with pdfLaTeX) by anyone, anywhere
  * LuaLaTeX fixes for the StylisticSet and Annotation features
  * New OpenType feature `CharacterVariant` now supported
  * Minor change: `Ligatures=Historical` is now `Ligatures=Historic` for consistency

## v2.0a (2010/07/11)
  Final release before TeX Live 2010.

  * Bug fix for the Language setting being ignored
  * Add programmer's command `\fontspec_glyph_if_exist:NnTF`
  * Many documentation improvements, especially for LuaTeX features
      `FeatureFile=...` and `Numbers=Arabic`.
  * Add `Parsi` and `Persian` synonyms for `Language=Farsi`