% Copyright (c) 2024 Kangwei Xia, Lijun Guo
% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c License.
% Repository: https://gitee.com/xkwxdyy/exam-zh



\ProvidesExplPackage {exam-zh-chinese-english} {2024-02-15} {v0.2.1}
  {exam-zh chinese and english module}

\PassOptionsToPackage { tcolorbox } { most }
\RequirePackage { tcolorbox }
\RequirePackage { varwidth }

\keys_define:nn { exam-zh }
  { select .meta:nn = { exam-zh / select } {#1} }

% ������������ select
\str_new:N \l__examzh_select_mark_position_str   % mark ���������

\keys_define:nn { exam-zh / select }
    mark-symbol .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_select_mark_symbol_tl,
    mark-position .code:n =
        \str_set:Nn \l__examzh_select_mark_position_str {#1}
    mark-xshift .dim_set:N = \l__examzh_select_mark_xshift_dim,
    mark-yshift .dim_set:N = \l__examzh_select_mark_yshift_dim,
    separator .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_select_separator_tl,
    pre-content .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_select_pre_content_tl,
    post-content .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_select_post_content_tl,
    show-mark .bool_set:N = \l__examzh_select_show_mark_bool
\keys_set:nn { exam-zh / select }
    mark-symbol   = $\checkmark$,
    mark-position = right,
    mark-xshift   = 0pt,
    mark-yshift   = 0pt,
    separator     = \hspace{1em},
    pre-content   = (,
    post-content  = ),
    show-mark     = false

\seq_new:N \l__examzh_select_seq      % ���������������������

\NewDocumentEnvironment { select } { O{ } +b }
    % ������������
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    % ������ mark-position ���������
    % ������������ \item ������������
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__examzh_select_seq { \sitem } {#2}
    \seq_if_empty:NF \l__examzh_select_seq
      { \seq_pop_left:NN \l__examzh_select_seq \l_tmpa_tl }
    % ������������ mark ������������ coffin ���������������
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_set_print:N #1
% #1:\l__examzh_select_seq
    % ������������
    % ������������
    \seq_map_indexed_inline:Nn #1
    % ##1: index
    % ##2: content
        % coffin ���������
        \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_new:n {##1}
        % ��� seq ��������������������� *������������������ * ��������������� content coffin ��������� mark coffin ��������� mark��������������������������� content coffin
        \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_set:nn {##1} {##2}
        \bool_if:NT \l__examzh_select_show_mark_bool
            % ������ content coffin ��� mark coffin
            \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_join:n {##1}
        % ������ content coffin
        \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_typeset:n {##1}
    % ������������
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_new:n #1
    % ������������������������������������ new ������
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      { \coffin_new:c { l__examzh_select_content_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin } }
    \coffin_if_exist:cF { l__examzh_select_mark_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
      { \coffin_new:c { l__examzh_select_mark_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin } }
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_set:nn #1#2
% #1: index
% #2: content
    \tl_if_head_eq_meaning:nNTF {#2} *
        % ��������� * ������������������������ \l_tmpa_tl
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        % ������ * ������������������������
        \tl_trim_spaces:N \l_tmpa_tl
        % ��������������������������� content coffin ���
        \hcoffin_set:cn { l__examzh_select_content_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin } 
          { \l_tmpa_tl }
        % ��� marksymbol ������������������ #1 ��� mark coffin ���
        \hcoffin_set:cn { l__examzh_select_mark_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin } 
          { \l__examzh_select_mark_symbol_tl }
        % ������ * ������������ coffin
        \hcoffin_set:cn { l__examzh_select_content_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin } 
\msg_new:nnn { exam-zh / chinese } { select-no-mark-position }
    There~is~no~position~named~#1 .\\
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_position_test:
    \str_case:VnF \l__examzh_select_mark_position_str
        { top } { }
        { above } { }
        { bottom } { }
        { below } { }
        { left } { }
        { right } { }
        \msg_error:nnx { exam-zh / chinese } { select-no-mark-position } { \l__examzh_select_mark_position_str }
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_join:n #1
% #1: index
    \use:c { __examzh_chinese_select_coffin_join_ \l__examzh_select_mark_position_str :n } {#1}
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_join_top:n #1
      { l__examzh_select_content_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
      { hc } { t }
      { l__examzh_select_mark_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
      { hc } { b }
      { \l__examzh_select_mark_xshift_dim }
      { \l__examzh_select_mark_yshift_dim + 2pt }
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_join_bottom:n #1
      { l__examzh_select_content_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
      { hc } { H }
      { l__examzh_select_mark_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
      { hc } { t }
      { \l__examzh_select_mark_xshift_dim }
      { \l__examzh_select_mark_yshift_dim - 2pt }
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_join_left:n #1
      { l__examzh_select_content_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
      { l } { H }
      { l__examzh_select_mark_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
      { r } { H }
      { \l__examzh_select_mark_xshift_dim }
      { \l__examzh_select_mark_yshift_dim }
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_join_right:n #1
      { l__examzh_select_content_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
      { r } { H }
      { l__examzh_select_mark_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
      { l } { H }
      { \l__examzh_select_mark_xshift_dim }
      { \l__examzh_select_mark_yshift_dim }
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_select_coffin_typeset:n #1
    \int_compare:nNnTF {#1} = {1}
          { l__examzh_select_content_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
          {l} {H} {0pt} {0pt}
          { l__examzh_select_content_ \int_to_roman:n {#1} _ coffin }
          {l} {H} {0pt} {0pt}

% ��������� lineto
\clist_clear_new:N \l__examzh_lineto_list_set_clist 
\int_zero_new:N \l__examzh_lineto_node_index_int 

\keys_define:nn { exam-zh }
  { lineto .meta:nn = { exam-zh / lineto } {#1} }

\keys_define:nn { exam-zh / lineto }
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    name  .tl_set:N  = \l__examzh_lineto_name_tl,
    list-style .tl_set:N  = \l__examzh_lineto_list_style_tl 
\keys_set:nn { exam-zh / lineto }
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\NewDocumentEnvironment { lineto } { O{ } }

\NewDocumentCommand { \linelistset } { O{} m }
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\NewDocumentCommand { \lineconnect }{ O{} +m }
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              [line~cap = round, #1] 
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              ( \clist_item:Nn \l_tmpa_clist { ##1 + 1 } .west ); 

% ��������������� ������
\keys_define:nn { exam-zh / material }
    title .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_material_title_content_tl,
    title-format .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_material_title_format_tl,
    title-material-sep .skip_set:N = \l__examzh_material_title_material_sep_skip,
    format .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_material_format_tl,
    top-sep .skip_set:N = \l__examzh_material_top_sep_skip,
    bottom-sep .skip_set:N = \l__examzh_material_bottom_sep_skip,
    author .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_material_author_content_tl,
    author-format .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_material_author_format_tl,
    title-author-sep .skip_set:N = \l__examzh_material_title_author_sep_skip,
    source .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_material_source_content_tl,
    source-format .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_material_source_format_tl,

\keys_set:nn { exam-zh / material }
    title-format        = \zihao{4},
    author-format       = \small,
    format              = \kaishu,
    title-author-sep    = 2em,
    top-sep             = 0pt,
    bottom-sep          = 0pt,
    title-material-sep  = 0pt,

\NewDocumentEnvironment { material } { O{ } +b }
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\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_material_title_author_type:
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        \noindent \hfill
          \tl_if_empty:NF \l__examzh_material_author_content_tl
              \hspace { \l__examzh_material_title_author_sep_skip }
        \hfill \null
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% ������ 
\bool_new:N \l__examzh_poem_type_minipage_bool
\bool_set_true:N \l__examzh_poem_type_minipage_bool 
\int_new:N \l__examzh_poem_zhu_index_int
\seq_new:N \g__examzh_poem_zhu_store_seq
\str_new:N \l__examzh_poem_zhu_circlednumber_base_str

\keys_define:nn { exam-zh / poem }
    title .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_poem_title_content_tl,
    title-format .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_poem_title_format_tl,
    title-poem-sep .skip_set:N = \l__examzh_poem_title_poem_sep_skip,
    format .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_poem_format_tl,
    top-sep .skip_set:N = \l__examzh_poem_top_sep_skip,
    bottom-sep .skip_set:N = \l__examzh_poem_bottom_sep_skip,
    author .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_poem_author_content_tl,
    author-format .tl_set:N = \l__examzh_poem_author_format_tl,
    title-author-sep .skip_set:N = \l__examzh_poem_title_author_sep_skip,
    type .choice:,
    type / minipage .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l__examzh_poem_type_minipage_bool },
    type / chinese .code:n = { \bool_set_false:N \l__examzh_poem_type_minipage_bool },
    align .choices:nn =
      { l , c , r }
      { \tl_set:Nx \l__examzh_poem_align_tl { \l_keys_choice_tl } },
    zhu-circlednumber-base .choices:nn = 
      { tikz, font }
      { \str_set:Nx \l__examzh_poem_zhu_circlednumber_base_str { \l_keys_choice_tl } }

\keys_set:nn { exam-zh / poem }
    title-format           = \zihao{5},
    author-format          = \small,
    format                 = \kaishu,
    title-author-sep       = 2em,
    top-sep                = 0pt,
    bottom-sep             = 1em,
    title-poem-sep         = 0.25\baselineskip,
    type                   = chinese,
    align                  = l,
    zhu-circlednumber-base = font

\NewDocumentEnvironment { poem } { O{ } +b }
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\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_poem_end: 
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\NewDocumentCommand { \zhu } { o m }
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        \__examzh_poem_type_chinese_zhu:n {#2}

\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_poem_type_chinese_zhu:n #1
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    % ������������������
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\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_circled_number:n #1
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% ���������������������������
\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_font_circled_number:n #1
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                    \msg_error:nnn { exam-zh / poem }
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      \symbol { \l_tmpa_int }

\msg_new:nnn { exam-zh / poem } { invalid-circled-number }
  { Invalid~ circled~ number~ #1. }

% tikz ������������������
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\cs_new:Npn \__examzh_chinese_tikz_circled_number:n #1
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% ���������
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