TeXTools	Version	1.0
Date:		1/25/87

Copyright (C) 1987  by Kamal Al-Yahya

This directory contains some filters that were developed at the
Stanford Exploration Project (SEP), Geophysics Department, by Kamal Al-Yahya.
Copying them to any other machine is permitted without prior permission
provided that copyright messages are kept, no profit is made by copying
the files, and modifications are clearly documented and noted in the
edit history below.



Many users at the SEP gave valuable feedbacks that improved the programs.

The main programs have names that end with either 1 or 2 (e.g. detex1.c,
detex2.c). Those ending with 2 are used in makefile.par and can
be used only by those who have getpar(). This enables them to use
in=  and out=  for input and output files specifications in addition
to what can be done in files ending with 1.

The maximum number of characters in a document is set by MAXLEN
(in setups.h) to be 65535. If the limit of unsigned integers in
your machine is lower than this, change this number accordingly.

To install:
 - modify MAXLEN in setups.h if necessary.
 - choose either makefile or makefile.par (as explained above).
 - type 'make'.
 - test the programs on the testfile provided.
 - move the executables to a common path (like /usr/local/bin).
 - type 'make clean'.

The following files should be in this directory:

README		this file
setups.h	an include file used by all programs.
testfile	a file that demonstrates how these programs work
inc_file	an include file that is opened by testfile
inc_file2.tex	another include file
makefile	what else but a makefile
makefile.par	a makefile that assumes you have access to getpar()
detex1.c	strips TeX's commands from the document
detex2.c	same as detex1.c but assumes you have access to getpar()
texeqn1.c	picks displayed equations from a document
texeqn2.c	same as texeqn1.c but assumes you have access to getpar()
texexpand1.c	expands the document by opening \input and \include files
texexpand2.c	same as texexpand1.c but assumes you have access to getpar()
texmatch1.c	checks for matching braces, brackets, parentheses, and dollar signs
texmatch2.c	same as texmatch1.c but assumes you have access to getpar()
DeTeX.c		subroutine to strip TeX's commands from the document
Eqn.c		subroutine to extracts equations
Expand.c	subroutine to expand the document
Match.c		subroutine that checks the matching
subs.c		subroutines used by the programs
TEX		a shell that can be used to run all TeX processing
texspell	shell that runs spell on TeX documnets
detex.1		manual page for detex
texeqn.1	manual page for texeqn
texexpand.1	manual page for texexpand
texmatch.1	manual page for texmatch
texspell.1	manual page for texspell
TEX.1		manual page for TEX

Feedbacks are welcome. E-mail: try any of these
