$Id: README 883 2022-06-08 17:30:43Z karl $
This samplepdf directory contains a few plain TeX example files. They
are not meant to be used as-is, and may interfere with any real document.
Please take them and adapt them as you see fit.

The pdftex manual (texdoc pdftex ==
is the reference documentation for pdfTeX.

samplepdf.tex - document exhibiting many pdfTeX features. 
Please peruse both the output and the source.

pdfcolor.tex - defining and using colors. (Used in samplepdf.tex)

efcode.tex - sample \efcode settings and macros for font expansion.
protcode.tex - sample \efcode settings and macros for character protrusion.
(These two not used by samplepdf.tex. See the LaTeX package microtype
for much more sophisticated support -- https://ctan.org/pkg/microtype.)

Additionally, the standalone macro file supp-pdf.tex (-> supp-pdf.mkii)
can read MetaPost output directly in pdftex while generating PDF. No
need for eps-to-pdf conversion. It comes from ConTeXt and is included in
the TeX distributions.