% Bugs (sigh) in The TeXbook

\input manmac
\output{\onepageout{\unvbox255\kern-\dimen@ \vfil}}

\def\rhead{Bugs in {\sl The \TeX book}, first printing}
\def\bugonpage#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\tenpoint
  \hrule\line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Page #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule\nobreak\medskip}

\noindent This is a list of all corrections made to {\sl The \TeX book\/}
between the first and second printings. If your copy says `{\sl\kern-1pt Second
printing (October 1984)\/}' on the copyright page, you've already got
all of these things corrected. Otherwise, you're a lucky owner of the
rare first edition; read on.

\bugonpage 29, lines 31--32 (8/25/84)

The underfull box that \TeX\ produces in the 1.5-inch case is really bad;
with such narrow limits, an occasional wide space is unavoidable. But try

\bugonpage 54, lines 5--6 (4/20/84)

\ddanger Appendix B shows that plain \TeX\ handles most of the accents
by using \TeX's ^|\accent| primitive. For example, |\'#1| is equivalent
to |{\accent19 #1}|, where\par}

\bugonpage 63, seven lines below the first illustration (2/27/84)

\line{points, a width of 5.5555 points, and a depth of zero;
the letter `g' has a height}

\bugonpage 72, line 35 (2/28/84)

from |0pt|, but |0.00001filll| is infinitely greater than |16383.99999fill|.

\bugonpage 79, line 12 (2/28/84)

|\hbox(6.25+1.94444)x312.0, glue set 0.5783, shifted 36.0 []|

\bugonpage 98, line 24 (4/13/84)

\line{and |\finalhyphendemerits=5000|. Demerits are in units of
  ``badness squared,'' so the}

\bugonpage 101, lines 29--30 (3/13/84)

\danger It's possible to control the length of lines in a much more general
way, if simple changes to |\leftskip| and |\rightskip| aren't
flexible enough for your\par}

\bugonpage 113, bottom two lines (3/13/84)

\ddanger Notice that the first ``|%| line'' of our example says |t=10.0|;
this is a consequence of another parameter, called ^|\topskip|. Glue
disappears at a page break, but\par}

\bugonpage 124, eighth-last line (8/25/84)

discarded, |\box100| will
be void after the |\vsplit|. And if\/ |\box100| was void before the\par}

\bugonpage 131, display in exercise 16.8 (3/16/84)

|If$ x = y$, then $x$ is equal to $y.$|

\bugonpage 170, table in middle of the page (2/12/84)

\halign to\hsize
 {\strut\hbox to\parindent{\it#\hfil}& % for the legend "Left atom"
  #\hfil\quad& % for the row labels
  #\hfil\tabskip 0pt plus 10pt& % for the rule at the left
  \hbox to 25pt{\tt\hss#\hss}& % for column 1
  \hbox to 25pt{\tt\hss#\hss}& % for column 2
  \hbox to 25pt{\tt\hss#\hss}& % for column 3
  \hbox to 25pt{\tt\hss#\hss}& % for column 4
  \hbox to 25pt{\tt\hss#\hss}& % for column 5
  \hbox to 25pt{\tt\hss#\hss}& % for column 6
  \hbox to 25pt{\tt\hss#\hss}& % for column 7
  \hbox to 25pt{\tt\hss#\hss}& % for column 8
  #\hfil\tabskip0pt\cr % for the rule at the right
\noalign{\vskip-6pt} % it just happens that there's extra white space
&&&&\multispan7\hss\it Right atom\hss\cr
&&&\rm Ord&\rm Op&\rm Bin&\rm Rel&\rm Open&\rm Close&\rm Punct&\rm Inner\cr
\omit\vbox to 2pt{}&&\vrule&&&&&&&&&\vrule\cr
\omit\vbox to 2pt{}&&\vrule&&&&&&&&&\vrule\cr

\bugonpage 173, line 11 (1/2/84)

\indent|Clearly $a_i<b_i$ for~$i=1, 2, \ldots, n$.|

\bugonpage 176, bottom two lines (7/20/84)

\def\chapno{ 18} \exno=23 % for exercise 18.24!
\dangerexercise Typeset the display \ \lower12pt\null
\left\lgroup\matrix{a&b&c\cr d&e&f\cr}\right\rgroup
  \left\lgroup\matrix{u&x\cr v&y\cr w&z\cr}\right\rgroup
}$, \
using ^|\lgroup| and ^|\rgroup|.

\bugonpage 189, line 18 (2/13/84)

when there is an overlap.] \ If $e=0$ and if there is an |\leqno|,
the equation number is\par}

\bugonpage 204, line 31 (2/13/84)

of\/ |\a| is delimited by a left brace.

\bugonpage 212, line 23 (7/8/84)

it equals~2.) \
Similarly, ^|\tracingmacros||=2| will trace |\output|, |\everypar|, etc.

\bugonpage 216, first five lines (8/25/84)

\ddanger Expanded definitions that are made with |\edef| or |\xdef| continue
to expand tokens until only unexpandable tokens remain, except that
token lists produced by `^|\the|' are not expanded further. Furthermore
a token following `^|\noexpand|' will not be expanded, since its ability
to expand has been nullified. These two operations can be used to control
^^{expansion, avoiding} what gets expanded and what doesn't.

\bugonpage 219, simplification of line 18 (2/15/84)

|  \advance\count0 by\count2 \hexdigit}}|

\bugonpage 223, lines 3--4 (3/13/84)

\ddanger Chapters 24 to 26 present summaries of all \TeX's operations
in all modes, and when those summaries mention a `\<box>' they mean one
of the seven\par}

\bugonpage 242, line 29 (1/2/84)

a relation, the solution is to insert `|{}|' ^^{lbrace rbrace}
at the beginning of the right-hand formula; \TeX

\bugonpage 245, line 24 (2/15/84)

of a box that spans columns $i$ through~$j$,
hence the glue in such a box might shrink.

\bugonpage 248, the fourth dangerous bend (2/15/84)

\ddanger You have to be careful with the use of |&| and ^|\span| and ^|\cr|,
because these tokens are intercepted by \TeX's scanner even when it is
not expanding macros.\par}

\bugonpage 249, lines 20--26 (2/15/84)

line (see Chapter~9).
If you don't want a~|\cr| at the end of a certain line,
just type `|%|' and the corresponding |\cr|
will be ``commented out.'' ^^{percent} \ (This special mode doesn't
work with ^|\+| lines, since |\+| is a macro whose argument is delimited
by the token `|\cr|', not simply by a token that has the same meaning
as~|\cr|.  ^^{delimited arguments} But you can redefine |\+| to overcome
this hurdle, if you want to. For example, define a macro |\alternateplus|
that is just like |\+| except that its argument is delimited by the active
character |^^M|; then include the command `|\let\+=\alternateplus|' as
part of\/ |\obeylines|.)

\bugonpage 253, lines 28--32 (4/25/84)

vertical list at what it thinks is the best place, and at such times
it enters internal vertical mode and begins to read the commands in the
current |\output| routine. When the output routine begins, ^|\box255|
contains the page that \TeX\ has completed; the output routine is supposed to
do something with this vbox. When the output routine ends, the list of
items that it has constructed in internal vertical mode is placed just%

\bugonpage 254, lines 1--13 (3/13/84)

\ddanger \TeX's primitive command |\shipout|\<box> is what actually
causes output. It sends the contents of the box to the |dvi| file,
which is \TeX's main output file; after \TeX\ has finished,
the ^|dvi| file will contain a compact device-independent encoding of
instructions that specify exactly what should be printed.  When a
box is shipped out, \TeX\ displays the values of\/ |\count0| through
|\count9| on your terminal, ^^|\count0| as explained in Chapter~15; these
ten counters are also recorded in the |dvi| file, where they can be used
to identify the page. All of the ^|\openout|, ^|\closeout|, and ^|\write|
commands that appear inside of the \<box> are performed in their natural
order as that box is being shipped out. Since a |\write| command
expands macros, as explained in Chapter~21, \TeX's scanning mechanism
might detect syntax errors while a |\shipout| is in progress. If
^|\tracingoutput| is nonzero at the time of a |\shipout|, the contents
of the \<box> being shipped are written into your log file in symbolic
form. You can say |\shipout| anywhere, not only in an output routine.

\bugonpage 255, line 33 (4/25/84)


\bugonpage 256, starting with line $-17$ (11/1/83)

\textindent{6)} Finally, the ^|\dosupereject| macro is designed to clear
out any insertions that have been held over, whether they are illustrations
or footnotes or both: ^^|\insertpenalties| ^^|\supereject|
  \line{} \kern-\topskip \nobreak
The mysterious negative ^|\kern| here cancels out the natural space of the
^|\topskip| glue that goes above the empty |\line|; that empty line box
prevents the ^|\vfill| from disappearing into a page break.  The vertical
list that results from |\dosupereject| is placed on \TeX's list of things
to put out next, just after the straggling insertions have been
reconsidered as explained in Chapter~15. Hence another super-eject will
occur, and the process will continue until no insertions remain.

\bugonpage 262, line 14 (2/12/84)


\bugonpage 262, lines 34 and 35 (2/12/84)

if\/ |\next| is `|\endindex|',
the next commands executed will be `|\vfill|\allowbreak
otherwise the line will be treated as a main entry.

\bugonpage 269, line 23 becomes two lines (8/25/84)

tokens like |+|$_{12}$;
(3)~keywords like \[pt]; (4)~control sequence names like |\dimen|;
or (5)~the special symbols |{|, |}|, |$|.

\bugonpage 274, line 24 (2/15/84)

|\lineskip|\quad(interline glue if\/ |\baselineskip| isn't feasible)

\bugonpage 289, slight clarification on lines 39--41 (3/10/84)

A \<math character> defines a 15-bit number either by specifying it
directly with ^|\mathchar| or in a previous ^|\mathchardef|, or by
specifying a 27-bit |\delimiter| value; in the latter case, the least
significant 12~bits are discarded.

\bugonpage 307, a slightly more explicit answer (11/3/83)

\hbox to\parindent{\bf\hss6.3.\enspace}%
It represents the heavy bar that shows up in
your output. \ (This bar wouldn't be present if\/ ^|\overfullrule| had been
set to |0pt|, nor is it present in an underfull box.)

\bugonpage 313, first four lines (3/13/84)

 You get `A' at the extreme left and `puzzle.\null' at the extreme right,
because the space between words has the only stretchability that is finite;
the infinite stretchability cancels out. \ (In this case, \TeX's rule
about ^{infinite glue} differs from what you would get in the limit if the
value of $1\,{\rm fil}$ were finite but getting larger and larger.
The true\par}

\bugonpage 315, first three lines (3/13/84)

 Just say |\parfillskip|\stretch|=|\stretch|\parindent|. Of course,
\TeX\ will not be able to find appropriate line breaks unless each
paragraph is sufficiently long or sufficiently lucky; but with an
appropriate text, your output will be immaculately

\bugonpage 324, line 16 (2/15/84)

\hbox to\parindent{\bf\hss18.41.\enspace}%
|$$\{\underbrace{\overbrace{\mathstrut a,\ldots,a}|

\bugonpage 324, first line of answer 18.44 (4/11/84)

 |$$\mathop{{\sum}'}_{x\in A}f(x)\mathrel{\mathop=^{\rm def}}|

\bugonpage 333, beginning of the final paragraph (12/19/83)

{\sl Note:\/} The stated preamble solves the problem and demonstrates
that \TeX's line-breaking capability can be used within tables. But this
particular table is not really a good example of the use of\/ |\halign|,
because \TeX\ could typeset it directly, using ^|\everypar| in an
appropriate manner to set up the hanging indentation, and using |\par|
instead of\/ |\cr|. For example, one could say

\bugonpage 341, the bottom line was left out! (2/9/84)

\line{Footline\quad\dotfill\quad Page 1009}

\bugonpage 345, top three lines (1/26/84)

A mathcode is relevant only when the corresponding category code is
11 or~12; therefore many of these codes will rarely be looked at. For
example, the math code for |^^M| specifies the character |\oplus|,
but it's hard to imagine a user who would want |^^M|\par}

\bugonpage 345, line 31 (2/29/84)

|\delcode`\<="26830A    \delcode`\\="26E30F    \delcode`\>="26930B|

\bugonpage 347, lines 1 and 2 (3/16/84)

|\count18=3  % this counter allocates math families 4, 5, 6, ...|\hfil\break
|\count19=255 % this counter allocates insertions 254, 253, 252, ...|

\bugonpage 350, line 9 from the bottom (3/16/84)

font, whose information does not have to be loaded again.

\bugonpage 354, line 5 (6/7/84)

|\def\ialign{\everycr={}\tabskip=0pt \halign} % initialized \halign|

\bugonpage 355, lines 19--21 (7/3/84)

subdivision in a document; to use it, you say
`|\beginsection|\<section title>' followed by a blank line (or~|\par|).
The macro first emits glue and penalties, designed to start a new page
if the present page is nearly full; then it makes a ^|\bigskip| and
puts the section{\parfillskip=0pt\par}

\bugonpage 355, lines 27--29 (7/3/84)

|\outer\def\beginsection#1\par{\vskip0pt plus.3\vsize\penalty-250|
|  \vskip0pt plus-.3\vsize\bigskip\vskip\parskip|
|  \message{#1}\leftline{\bf#1}\nobreak\smallskip\noindent}|

\bugonpage 355, line 37 (4/24/84)

|\outer\def\proclaim #1. #2\par{\medbreak|

\bugonpage 356, seven lines from the bottom (4/11/84)

|\def|^|\TeX||{T\kern-.1667em \lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125em X}|

\bugonpage 359, starting with line 2 (11/16/83)

|\def\vdots{\vbox{\baselineskip=4pt \lineskiplimit=0pt|
|    \kern6pt \hbox{.}\hbox{.}\hbox{.}}}|
|    \raise4pt\hbox{.}\mskip2mu\raise1pt\hbox{.}\mskip1mu}}|

\bugonpage 359, starting with line 19 (11/3/83)

|     \downbracefill\crcr\noalign{\kern3pt\nointerlineskip}|\parbreak%
|     $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}|^|\limits||}|

|     $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr|%
|     \upbracefill\crcr\noalign{\kern3pt}}}}\limits}|

\bugonpage 359, seventh line from the bottom (2/29/84)

|\def\backslash{\delimiter"026E30F }   \def\bracevert{\delimiter"000033E }|

\bugonpage 361, line 3 (8/17/84)



\bugonpage 363, line 10 (4/26/84)

|  \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor=\the\spacefactor}\/\fi|

\bugonpage 364, starting with line 10 (11/1/83)

|\def\dosupereject{\ifnum\insertpenalties>0 % something is being held over|%
|  \line{}\kern-\topskip\nobreak\vfill\supereject\fi}|

\bugonpage 364, line 28 (7/8/84)

|  \tracingmacros=2 \tracingparagraphs=1 \tracingrestores=1 |

\bugonpage 370, line 7 (3/16/84)

information about the \TeX\ Users Group.)

\bugonpage 374, line 23 (7/8/84)

\line{log file when |\tracingmacros=2| and
  |\tracingcommands=2|. One of the important ways}

\bugonpage 379, line 1 (1/12/84)

A particular item can be selected by its position number from the left:

\bugonpage 381, line 6 (2/12/84)

|\newcount\lineno % the number of file lines listed|

\bugonpage 381, lines 24 and 25 (12/15/83)

Instead of listing a file verbatim, you might want to define a |\verbatim|
macro such that `|\verbatim{$this$|{\tt\ is }|{\it!}}|' yields
`|$this$|{\tt\ is }|{\it!}|'. It's somewhat\par}

\bugonpage 385, lines 22 and 23 (1/12/84)

macro, a parameter, or a token list
variable; (b)~when \TeX\ must determine whether the token
|&|~or ^|\span| ^^{ampersand}
or ^|\cr| or~^|\crcr| is the end of an entry within an ^{alignment}.

\bugonpage 387, two paragraphs in right column (1/18/84)

    \ifx#1`\langle\!\langle\else\rangle\!\rangle\fi$}% Spanish quote marks
  \ifx#1`\nobreak\hskip0pt \fi} % allow hyphenation
\item{A.} Exactamente. Pero los profesores son tan conservadores
que temer\'\i an espantar al tipo de estudiante \\`apisonadora\\'
que hace lo que le proponen para casa, obe\-dien\-te\-mente y de forma
mec\'anica. Adem\'as, no creo que les gustase el trabajo adicional
de calificar respuestas a preguntas abiertas.

\item{}La forma tradicional es dejar la parte creativa para los cursos
altos. Durante diecisiete a\~nos o m\'as se ense\~na al es\-tu\-diante a
aprobar, luego de golpe, cerca de la graduaci\'on, se le pide que haga
algo original.


\bugonpage 395, lines 21 and 22 (1/12/84)

Notice that the macros need to do their own checking for ligatures, and
they also take appropriate actions when a paragraph begins with an opening
quote.  Since |\kern|\par}

\bugonpage 399, line 1 (1/10/84)

Inside the output routine, |\box\footins| will now be a vbox of hboxes, and

\bugonpage 399, line 9 (2/28/84)

|.\hbox(7.6359+0.0)x269.62617 []|

\bugonpage 407, line 4 (6/10/84)

|\beginlinemode| and |\beginparmode| are defined to initiate these
modes; and another%

\bugonpage 408, line 15 (12/14/83)

|    P. O. Box 1009, Haga Alto, CA 94321 USA}|

[Also change the ZIP code in the return address on the envelope
illustrated at the bottom of page 405.]

\bugonpage 409, line 5 (2/18/84)

|\font\twelveit=cmti10 at 12pt  % (a cheap substitute for cmti12)|

\bugonpage 417, last six lines (8/25/84)

of |0pt| |plus|~|.8pt| between adjacent entries, and since there is room for
more than 50 lines per column; therefore the |manmac| balancing routine tries
to make both the top and bottom baselines agree at the end of the index.
In applications where the glue is not so flexible it would be more
appropriate to let the right-hand column be a little short; the best
way to do this is probably to replace the command `|\unvbox3|' by
`|\dimen2=|^|\dp||3| |\unvbox3| |\kern-\dimen2| ^|\vfil|'.

\bugonpage 422, lines 24--26 (2/9/84)

(The last two lines use |\d@nger| and |\dd@nger|, which are non-|\outer|
equivalents of\/ |\danger| and |\ddanger|; such duplication is necessary
because control sequences of type ^|\outer| cannot appear within a |\def|.)

\bugonpage 428, in the table of sixteen basic fonts (12/19/83)

[The special fonts called |cmi10| and |cmi7| and |cmi5| should really be
called |cmmi10| and |cmmi7| and |cmmi5|.]

\bugonpage 433, last eight lines (8/17/84)

explained in Appendix~G\null. If you want to increase
the number of parameters past the number that actually appear in a font's
metric information file, you can assign new values immediately after that font
has been loaded.  For example, if some font |\ff| with seven parameters
has just entered \TeX's memory, the command |\fontdimen13\ff=5pt| will set
parameter number~13 to $5\pt$; the intervening parameters, numbers 8--12,
will be set to zero. You can even give more than seven parameters to
^|\nullfont|, provided that you assign the values before any actual fonts
have been loaded.

\bugonpage 445, line 6 (11/11/83)

\line{if $(a-{1\over2}\theta)-
\bigl(h(z)-v\bigr)<\varphi$, increase~$v$ by the difference. Finally
construct a vbox of}

\bugonpage 449, line 12 (1/18/84)

\line{immediately clear why the `n' should
be attached to the `e' in one case but not}

\bugonpage 459, left column, line 2 (1/18/84)

al-Khw\^arizm\^\i, abu Ja`far Mu\d{h}ammad

\bugonpage 460, index entry for Beethoven (8/16/84)

Change `von' to `van'.

\bugonpage 461, third line in left column (8/25/84)

\eightpoint The entry for |\box255| should not be indented.

\bugonpage 461, index entry for boxed material (8/2/84)

\eightpoint Add `{\it 420}'.

\bugonpage 462, index entry for {\tt\char`\\colon} (11/16/83)

\eightpoint Add page \underbar{359} to this list.

\bugonpage 462, right column, third-last line (5/21/84)

[Change `crochets' to `crotchets'; then move this entry down two lines.]

\bugonpage 463, right column, line 16 (5/20/84)

design size, 16--17, 213.

\bugonpage 464, index entry for {\tt\char`\\dump} (1/10/84)

\eightpoint Add page {\it 344\/} to this list.

\bugonpage 464, right column, line 5 (1/5/84)

Dvo\v r\'ak, Anton\'\i n Leopold, 409.

\bugonpage 464, index entry for {\tt\char`\\end} (8/25/84)

\eightpoint Page number 264 should be underlined.

\bugonpage 465, index entry for {\tt\char`\\everydisplay} (8/25/84)

\eightpoint Add page {\it 326\/} to this list.

\bugonpage 465, index entry for {\tt\char`\\filbreak} (7/3/84)

\eightpoint Delete the reference to page number 355.

\bugonpage 466, index entry for {\tt\char`\\footnote} (4/26/84)

\eightpoint Page number 363 should be underlined.

\bugonpage 467, index entry for {\tt\char`\\hidewidth} (7/3/84)

\eightpoint Page number 354 should be underlined.

\bugonpage 468, index entry for insertions (8/25/84)

\eightpoint Add pages 115--117, 122--125 to this list.

\bugonpage 469, index entry for {\tt\char`\\kern} (11/1/83)

\eightpoint Add page {\it 256\/} to this list.

\bugonpage 470, index entry for {\tt\char`\\limits} (11/3/83)

\eightpoint Add page {\it 359\/} to this list.

\bugonpage 472, right column, lines 10--11 (7/9/84)

 {\it 325}, 349, $\underline{351}$, {\it 414--415}.\par
 $\underline{349}$, {\it 414--415}.\par

\bugonpage 472, index entry for {\tt\char`\\null} (7/3/84)

\eightpoint Page number 351 should be underlined.

\bugonpage 472, right column, line 28 (1/3/84)

\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}|\nullfont|, 14, 153, 271, 433.

\bugonpage 476, a new index entry (8/25/84)

shifted output, {\sl see\/} |\hoffset|, |\voffset|.

\bugonpage 476, index entry for shriek (8/25/84)

\eightpoint It should not be capitalized.

\bugonpage 478, index entry for \'Swierczkowski (9/15/84)

The middle name should be `S\l awomir'.

\bugonpage 479, last seven lines in the left column (8/23/84)

\par\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
|\tracingmacros|, $\underline{205}$, $\underline{212}$, 273, {\it329}.
\par\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
|\tracingonline|, 121, 212, 273, $\underline{303}$.
\par\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
|\tracingoutput|, $\underline{254}$, 273, {\it301--302}.
\par\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
|\tracingpages|, {\it112--114}, 124, 273, $\underline{303}$.
\par\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
|\tracingparagraphs|, {\it98--99}, 273, $\underline{303}$.
\par\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
|\tracingrestores|, 273, $\underline{301}$, $\underline{303}$.
\par\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
|\tracingstats|, 273, $\underline{300}$, $\underline{303}$, {\it383}.

\bugonpage 479, index entry for underlined text (8/2/84)

\eightpoint Add `{\sl see also\/} |\underbar|'.

\bugonpage 480, index entry for {\tt\char`\\vbox} (11/1/83)

\eightpoint Delete page 256 from this list.
