% Bugs (sigh) in Computers \& Typesetting \input manmac \def\curl{\mathop{\rm curl}} \def\cycle{{\rm cycle}}\indent \def\dashto{\mathrel{\hbox{-\thinspace-\kern-.05em}}} \font\sltt=cmsltt10 \font\niness=cmss9 \font\ninessi=cmssi9 \proofmodefalse \raggedbottom \output{\hsize=29pc \onepageout{\unvbox255\kern-\dimen@ \vfil}} \def\today{\number\day\ \ifcase\month\or Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr\or May\or Jun\or Jul\or Aug\or Sep\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec\fi \ \number\year} \def\cutpar{{\parfillskip=0pt\par}} \def\rhead{Bugs in {\tensl Computers \& Typesetting, 2000}} \def\bugonpage#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\tenpoint \hrule width\hsize \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Page #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize \nobreak\medskip} \def\buginvol#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\penalty-1000\tenpoint \hrule width\hsize \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Volume #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize \nobreak\medskip} \def\slMF{{\manual 89:;}\-{\manual <=>:}} % slant the logo \def\0{\raise.7ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\#$}} \newcount\nn \newdimen\nsize \newdimen\msize \newdimen\ninept \ninept=9pt \newbox\eqbox \setbox\eqbox=\hbox{\kern2pt\eightrm=\kern2pt} \tenpoint \noindent This is a list of all substantial corrections made to {\sl Computers \& Typesetting\/} from the mid-1990s until the first ``Millennium edition'' was published at the end of the year 2000. Corrections made to the softcover version of {\sl The \TeX book\/} are the same as corrections to Volume~A\null. Corrections to the softcover version of {\sl The \slMF\kern1ptbook\/} are the same as corrections to Volume~C\null. Changes to the mini-indexes and master indexes of Volumes B, D, and~E are not shown here unless they are not obviously derivable from what has been shown. \looseness=-1 % volume A \bugonpage A3, line 14 {(in certain printings only)} (9/6/00) \tenpoint\noindent that looks like {\tt\char'15} or {\tt\char'23}. \bugonpage A8, lines 14 and 15 (9/6/00) \tenpoint\noindent that is not to be ignored. Notice that |\|\] is a control sequence of the second kind, namely a control symbol, since there is a single nonletter (\]) following\cutpar \bugonpage A43, line $-17$ (8/4/98) \tenpoint\noindent into your manuscript, if the |b|-key on your keyboard is broken. \ (An optional\cutpar \bugonpage A88, lines 14, 16, 18, and 21 (8/12/00) \tenpoint\noindent [Insert two blank spaces between `{\tt blank space}' and `{\tt\char`\}}'] \bugonpage A96, lines 9 and 10 (8/6/98) \ninepoint\indent Before 1998, some ^{German} words changed their spelling when split between lines. For example, `backen' became `bak-ken' and `Bettuch' sometimes became `Bett-\cutpar \bugonpage A107, line 2 (8/5/98) \ninepoint \line{\indent\spaceskip=.4em minus.35em ually, you might be tempted to set |\tolerance=10000|; this allows arbitrarily bad} \bugonpage A115, line $-19$ (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent If there's no room for such an insertion on this page, \TeX\ will insert it at the top of\cutpar \bugonpage A119, line 15 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent of\/ |\dimen3|, assuming that |\dimen3| is positive. \bugonpage A182, middle line of the displayed commutative diagram (12/3/99) \ninepoint \def\mapright#1{\smash{ \mathop{\longrightarrow}\limits^{#1}}} $$\matrix{ 0&\mapright{}&{\cal O}_C&\mapright\pi& \pi_*{\cal O}_D&\mapright\delta& R^1f_*{\cal O}_V(-D)&\mapright{}&0\cr}$$ \bugonpage A233, line $-2$ (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent could avoid this by adding |\hskip| |0pt| |minus-1fil|; then an oversize text would\cutpar \bugonpage A277, line 1 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\indent \<code assignment>\is\<codename>\<8-bit number>\<equals>\<number> \bugonpage A277, line $-11$ (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent [Move this line, which defines \<at clause>, up to the top of the page.] \bugonpage A289, line 24 (2/3/97) \ninepoint\indent \<math field>\is\<filler>\<math symbol>\alt\<filler>|{|\<math mode material>|}| \bugonpage A309, line 3 (8/12/97) \ninepoint \ansno8.4: |$|$_{3}$ |x|$_{11}$ |^|$_7$ |2|$_{12}$ |$|$_{3}$ |~|$_{13}$ \]$_{10}$ \cstok{TeX} |b|$_{11}$ |v|$_{11}$ \]$_{10}$. The final space comes from the\cutpar \bugonpage A313, line 24 (9/19/00) \ninepoint\noindent stands for `|\par\vfill...|', so the next three commands are \bugonpage A313, line 27 (9/19/00) \ninepoint\indent |{vertical mode: \par}| \bugonpage A318, lines 12 and 13 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent\hbox to\parindent{\hfil\bf15.8.\enspace}% |\advance\dimen2 by\ifnum\dimen2<0 -\fi.5\dimen3|\parbreak |\divide\dimen2 by\dimen3 \multiply\dimen2 by\dimen3| \bugonpage A325, line 22 (12/3/99) \ninepoint | 0&\mapright{}&{\cal O}_C&\mapright\pi&| \bugonpage A337, line 3 from the bottom (9/6/00) \rightline{\eightss DONALD E. KNUTH, {\eightssi The \TeX book\/} (1984)} \bugonpage A348, lines 14--16 (8/6/98) \ninepoint\noindent | \def\@if#1{true}{\let#1=\iftrue}%|\par\noindent | \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter|\par\noindent | \def\@if#1{false}{\let#1=\iffalse}%|\par\noindent \bugonpage A356, line 21 (8/6/98) \ninepoint\noindent |\def\AA{\leavevmode\setbox0=\hbox{!}\dimen@=\ht0 \advance\dimen@ by-1ex| \bugonpage A356, lines 9--21 from the bottom (8/6/98) \ninepoint {\parindent=0pt |\def\S{\mathhexbox278} \def\P{\mathhexbox27B} \def\Orb{\mathhexbox20D}|\par \smallskip |\def\oalign#1{\leavevmode\vtop{\baselineskip0pt \lineskip.25ex|\par | \ialign{##\crcr#1\crcr}}} \def\o@lign{\lineskiplimit=0pt \oalign}|\par |\def\ooalign{\lineskiplimit=-\maxdimen \oalign} % chars over each other|\par |{\catcode`p=12 \catcode`t=12 \gdef\\#1pt{#1}} \let\getf@ctor=\\|\par |\def\sh@ft#1{\dimen@=#1 \kern\expandafter\getf@ctor\the\fontdimen1\font|\par | \dimen@} % kern by #1 times the current slant|\par |\def\d#1{{\o@lign{\relax#1\crcr\hidewidth\sh@ft{-1ex}.\hidewidth}}}|\par |\def\b#1{{\o@lign{\relax#1\crcr\hidewidth\sh@ft{-3ex}%|\par | \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char'26}\vss}\hidewidth}}}|\par |\def\c#1{{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\ifdim\ht0=1ex \accent'30 #1%|\par | \else\ooalign{\unhbox0\crcr\hidewidth\char'30\hidewidth}\fi}}|\par |\def\copyright{{\ooalign{\hfil\raise.07ex\hbox{c}\hfil\crcr\Orb}}}|\par } \bugonpage A364, line 9 (8/9/98) \ninepoint\noindent |\def\makefootline{\baselineskip=24pt \lineskiplimit=0pt|\par\noindent | \line{\the\footline}}| \bugonpage A364, line 4 from the bottom (8/6/98) \ninepoint\noindent |\def\fmtversion{3.1415926} % identifies the current format| \bugonpage A447, bottom line (6/3/98) \rightline{\eightss--- JOHN SMITH, {\eightssi The Printer's Grammar\/}\enspace (1755)} \bugonpage A450, lines 11--13 (4/12/98) \def\\#1{$_{\kern\scriptspace#1}$}% \tenpoint\noindent between `|e|' and `|n|' there are five relevant values in this case (2~from {\tt\\0h\\0e\\2n\\0}, 0~from {\tt\\0h\\0e\\0n\\0a\\4}, 0~from {\tt\\0h\\0e\\0n\\5a\\0t\\0}, 1~from {\tt\\1n\\0a\\0}, and 0~from {\tt\\0n\\2a\\0t\\0}); the maximum of these is~2. The result of all the maximizations is \bugonpage A453, line 6 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent tion dictionary, except that plain \TeX\ blocks hyphens after the very first letter or be-\cutpar \bugonpage A458, left column (9/6/00) \eightpoint \leavevmode{\tt\rlap<\char`\_}, 45, 135, 368--369; {\sl see also\/} |\le|.\par \leavevmode{\tt\rlap/=}, 45, 135, 368--369; {\sl see also\/} |\ne|.\par \leavevmode{\tt\rlap>\char`\_}, 45, 135, 368--369; {\sl see also\/} |\ge|. \bugonpage A458, right column (7/5/99) \eightpoint {\tt\char'13} and {\tt\char'14}, 135, 343, 368--369, 429;\par al-Khw\^arizm\^\i, abu `Abd All\^ah Mu\d{h}ammad ibn M\^us\^a, 53. \bugonpage A464, right column (8/6/98) \eightpoint \newbox\astbox \setbox\astbox=\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}} \def\prim#1{\par\indent\copy\astbox{\tt\char`\\#1}} \prim{edef}, {\it215--216}, 275, {\it328}, {\it373--374}. \bugonpage A466, right column (8/8/98) \eightpoint |\getfactor|, {\it356}, $\underline{375}$, {\it398}. \bugonpage A467, right column (8/5/98) \eightpoint \prim{hfilneg}, 72, 100, 283, 285, 290, 397. \bugonpage A469, left column (8/5/98) \eightpoint italic type, 13--14, 100, 127, 165, 409, 428, 430. \bugonpage A469--A477, passim (5/13/98) \eightpoint\noindent Add page 272 to the index entries for |\lastskip|, |\pagedepth|, |\pagefilllstretch|,\hfil\break |\pagefillstretch|, |\pagefilstretch|, |\pagegoal|, |\pageshrink|, |\pagestretch|, |\pagetotal|,\hfil\break |\parshape|, |\prevdepth|, and |\spacefactor|.\par \smallskip\noindent Also change `369' to `370' in the index entries for |\lbrack|, |\lq|, |\rbrack|, |\rq|, |\sb|, and |\sp|.\par \smallskip\noindent Also change `Luckombe, Philip' to `Smith, John'.\par \bugonpage A472, right column (8/6/98) \eightpoint \prim{noexpand}, $\underline{209}$, $\underline{213}$, 215, 216, {\it377}, {\it424}. \bugonpage A473, left column (8/6/98) \eightpoint |\Orb| ( \Orb\ ), $\underline{356}$. % volume B \def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers \def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode \bugonpage Bix, line 16 (1/16/00) \tenpoint\textindent{\bull}``Word hy-phen-a-tion by com-put-er'' by Franklin Mark Liang, Stan-\cutpar \bugonpage Bxiv, line 13 (4/19/96) \tenpoint\noindent preprocessor converts these into numeric constants that are 256 or more. This\cutpar \bugonpage Bxiv, line $-1$ (4/19/96) \ninepoint\noindent This file contains one line per string, starting with string number 256, then number 257,\cutpar \bugonpage Bxv, lines 10 and 11 (4/19/96) \ninepoint\noindent In this case, occurrences of |""| in the |WEB| program will be replaced by 256; occurrences of |"This longer string"| will be replaced by 257. The symbol |@$| stands for the numeric\cutpar \hsize=35pc \bugonpage B2, line $-10$ (3/8/95) \def\RQ/{{\char'23}} % right quote in a string \ninepoint\noindent\quad {\bf define} $\\{banner}\equiv\hbox{\tt\RQ/This\]is\]TeX,\]% Version\]3.14159\RQ/}$\quad$\{\,$printed when \TeX\ starts$\,\}$ \bugonpage B169, line 13 (9/22/95) \tenpoint\noindent something in a ``muskip'' register, or to one of the three parameters \hbox{\tt\char`\\thinmuskip}, \hbox{\tt\char`\\medmuskip},\cutpar \bugonpage B221, line 9 (3/4/95) \ninepoint\noindent \quad{\bf define} $\\{non\_address}=0$\quad $\{\,$a spurious \\{bchar\_label}$\,\}$ \bugonpage B221, line 17 (3/4/95) \ninepoint\noindent \\{font\_params}: {\bf array}[\\{internal\_font\_number}] {\bf of} \\{font\_index};\quad$\{\,$how many font parameters are present$\,\}$ \bugonpage B256, insert new line 12 before the bottom (3/7/95) \ninepoint\noindent\qquad \\{glue\_temp}: \\{real};\quad $\{\,$glue value before rounding$\,\}$ \bugonpage B258, line 11 before the bottom becomes four lines (3/7/95) \ninepoint\noindent {\tenbf 625.}\quad{\bf define} $\\{billion}\equiv \\{float\_constant}(1000000000)$\par\noindent {\bf define} $\\{vet\_glue}(\hbox{\tt\char`\#})\equiv \\{glue\_temp}\gets\hbox{\tt\char`\#}$;\par\noindent \qquad{\bf if\/} $\\{glue\_temp}>\\{billion}$ {\bf then} $\\{glue\_temp}\gets\\{billion}$\par\noindent \qquad{\bf else if\/} $\\{glue\_temp}<-\\{billion}$ {\bf then} $\\{glue\_temp}\gets-\\{billion}$\smallskip\noindent $\langle\,$Move right or output leaders{\sevenrm\kern.5em625}$\,\rangle\equiv$ \bugonpage B258, lines 3--6 from the bottom (3/7/95) \ninepoint\noindent \qquad\qquad{\bf begin} $\\{vet\_glue}(\\{float}(\\{glue\_set} (\\{this\_box}))*\\{stretch}(g))$;\par\noindent \qquad\qquad$\\{rule\_wd}\gets\\{rule\_wd}+ \\{round}(\\{glue\_temp})$;\par\noindent \qquad\qquad{\bf end};\par\noindent \qquad\quad{\bf end}\par\noindent \qquad{\bf else if\/} $\\{shrink\_order}(g)=\\{g\_order}$ {\bf then}\par\noindent \qquad\quad{\bf begin} $\\{vet\_glue}(\\{float}(\\{glue\_set} (\\{this\_box}))*\\{shrink}(g))$;\par\noindent \qquad\quad$\\{rule\_wd}\gets\\{rule\_wd}-\\{round}(\\{glue\_temp})$; \bugonpage B260, line 13 from the bottom (6/26/93) \ninepoint \noindent\hskip10pt $\\{doing\_leaders}\gets\\{outer\_doing\_leaders}$; \ $\\{dvi\_v}\gets\\{save\_v}$; \ $\\{dvi\_h}\gets\\{save\_h}$; \ $\\{cur\_v}\gets\\{base\_line}$; \bugonpage B261, insert new line after line 7 (3/7/95) \ninepoint\noindent\qquad \\{glue\_temp}: \\{real};\quad $\{\,$glue value before rounding$\,\}$ \bugonpage B262, lines 3--6 from the bottom (3/7/95) \ninepoint\noindent \qquad\qquad{\bf begin} $\\{vet\_glue}(\\{float}(\\{glue\_set} (\\{this\_box}))*\\{stretch}(g))$;\par\noindent \qquad\qquad$\\{rule\_ht}\gets\\{rule\_ht}+ \\{round}(\\{glue\_temp})$;\par\noindent \qquad\qquad{\bf end};\par\noindent \qquad\quad{\bf end}\par\noindent \qquad{\bf else if\/} $\\{shrink\_order}(g)=\\{g\_order}$ {\bf then}\par\noindent \qquad\quad{\bf begin} $\\{vet\_glue}(\\{float}(\\{glue\_set} (\\{this\_box}))*\\{shrink}(g))$;\par\noindent \qquad\quad$\\{rule\_ht}\gets\\{rule\_ht}-\\{round}(\\{glue\_temp})$; \bugonpage B264, line 22 (6/26/93) \ninepoint \noindent\hskip10pt $\\{doing\_leaders}\gets\\{outer\_doing\_leaders}$; \ $\\{dvi\_v}\gets\\{save\_v}$; \ $\\{dvi\_h}\gets\\{save\_h}$; \ $\\{cur\_h}\gets\\{left\_edge}$; \bugonpage B297, line 11 (3/7/95) \ninepoint\noindent \qquad $\\{width}(p)\gets\\{mu\_mult}(\\{width}(p))$; \ $\\{subtype}(p)\gets\\{explicit}$; \bugonpage B309, line 7 (9/22/95) \ninepoint\noindent \qquad {\bf if} $\\{cur\_style}<\\{text\_style}$ {\bf then} \quad$\{\,$display style$\,\}$ \bugonpage B356, line $-5$ (3/4/95) \tenpoint\noindent $\\{hang\_after}=1$, and $\\{hang\_indent}=0$. Note that if $\\{hang\_indent}=0$, the value of $\\{hang\_after}$ is\cutpar \bugonpage B388, bottom line (3/4/95) \ninepoint\noindent \quad {\bf if\/} $\\{bchar\_label}[\\{hf}]\ne\\{non\_address}$ {\bf then}\quad $\{\,$put left boundary at beginning of new line$\,\}$ \bugonpage B406, line 10 (5/1/98) \ninepoint\noindent \qquad$q\gets p$;\quad$\{\,$now node $q$ represents $p_1\ldots p_{l-1}\,\}$ \bugonpage B503, line 12 (3/4/95) \tenpoint\noindent of the following procedure. (Exception: The tabskip glue isn't trapped while preambles are being scanned.) \bugonpage B529, line 12 (3/4/95) \ninepoint\noindent\quad \\{undump}(0)($\\{fmem\_ptr}-1$)(\\{bchar\_label}[$k$]);\par\noindent\quad \\{undump}(\\{min\_quarterword})(\\{non\_char})(\\{font\_bchar}[$k$]); \bugonpage B531, line 2 (11/23/98) \tenpoint\noindent from appearing again. \bugonpage B531, line 14 (11/23/98) \ninepoint\noindent \quad \\{print\_int}(\\{year}); \ \\{print\_char}(|"."|); \ \\{print\_int}(\\{month}); \ \\{print\_char}(|"."|); \ \\{print\_int}(\\{day}); \bugonpage B534, insert new material between lines $-16$ and $-15$ (3/20/95) \ninepoint\noindent \quad {\bf while} $\\{input\_ptr}>0$ {\bf do}\par\noindent \qquad {\bf if\/} $\\{state}=\\{token\_list}$ {\bf then} \\{end\_token\_list} {\bf else} \\{end\_file\_reading}; \bugonpage B534, line $-2$ (3/20/95) \ninepoint\noindent \qquad $\\{temp\_ptr}\gets\\{cond\_ptr}$; \ $\\{cond\_ptr}\gets\\{link}(\\{cond\_ptr})$; \ $\\{free\_node}(\\{temp\_ptr},\\{if\_node\_size})$; \bugonpage B535, line 9 (3/20/95) \ninepoint\noindent \qquad {\bf begin init for} $c\gets\\{top\_mark\_code}$ {\bf to} \\{split\_bot\_mark\_code} {\bf do}\par\noindent \qquad\qquad {\bf if\/} $\\{cur\_mark}[c]\ne\\{null}$ {\bf then} $\\{delete\_token\_ref}(\\{cur\_mark}[c])$;\par\noindent \qquad\quad \\{store\_fmt\_file}; \ {\bf return}; \ {\bf tini} \bugonpage B581, Zabala entry (8/19/00) \eightpoint\noindent Zabala Salelles, Ignacio Andr\'es:\quad 2. % volume C \hsize=29pc \def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers \bugonpage C17, lines 12 and 13 (9/6/00) \tenpoint {\bf draw} $z_4\{\curl0\}\to z_2\{z_3-z_4\}\to\{\curl0\}\,z_3$;\par {\bf draw} $z_4\{\curl2\}\to z_2\{z_3-z_4\}\to\{\curl2\}\,z_3$ \bugonpage C23, line $-7$ (8/5/98) \ninepoint\indent $x_1=ss=w-x_5$;\quad$y_3-y_1=\\{ygap}$ \bugonpage C69, line 17 (9/6/00) \ninepoint\noindent |"abra"|, while $p_1$ is `$(0,0)\to(3,3)$' and $p_2$ is `$(0,0)\to(3,3)\to\cycle$'. \bugonpage C94, line $-11$ (3/4/95) \ninepoint\noindent put are assumed to have square pixels. But if, for example, the {\bf mode\_def} sets\cutpar \bugonpage C107, line 15 (3/4/95) \ninepoint {\bf labels}$(1a,1b,2a,2b,3a,3b,4a,4b,\,${\bf range} 1 {\bf thru} 36); \ {\bf endchar\/}; \bugonpage C123, lines 21 and 22 (12/19/95) \chardef\circc=34 % rotated quartercircle \def\chapno{ 14} \exno=2 % for exercise 14.3! \dangerexercise Use a {\sl rotated\/} quarter-circle to produce `{\manual\circc}\kern1pt' in font position `{\tt c}'. \bugonpage C129, lines 6--17 (8/5/98) \ninepoint \beginsyntax <path primary>\is<pair primary>\alt<path variable> \alt[(]<path expression>[)] \alt[reverse]<path primary> \alt[subpath]<pair expression>[of]<path primary> <path secondary>\is<pair secondary>\alt<path primary> \alt<path secondary><transformer> <path tertiary>\is<pair tertiary>\alt<path secondary> <path expression>\is<pair expression>\alt<path tertiary> \alt<path subexpression><direction specifier> \alt<path subexpression><path join>[cycle] <path subexpression>\is<path expression> \alt<path subexpression><path join><path tertiary> \endsyntax \bugonpage C134, line 8 (3/4/95) \ninepoint\noindent of~$p$; if $t\le 0$, precontrol~$t$ of~$p$ is~$z_0$. In particular, if $t$ is an integer, postcontrol~$t$ of~$p$\cutpar \bugonpage C139, illustration (8/5/98) \eightpoint\noindent [Remove the labels {\tt 2r}, {\tt 2}, and {\tt 2l} below their dots.] \bugonpage C143, top two lines (3/4/95) \danger In order to have some transform variables to work with, it's necessary to `^{hide}' some declarations and commands before giving the next |expr|s: \bugonpage C147, lines 14, 16, and 19 (9/6/00) \noindent [Change `{\bf savepen}' to `{\it savepen}'.] \bugonpage C147, line 2 from the bottom (9/6/00) \ninepoint\noindent {\manual lmnj}'s {\bf penrazor} stands for `{\bf makepen} $\bigl((-.5,0)\dashto(.5,0)\dashto \cycle\bigr)$', and {\bf pensquare}\cutpar \bugonpage C171, line 19 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent (\<path tertiary>) and (\<pair tertiary>). A pair expression is not considered to\cutpar \bugonpage C172, line 14 (8/5/98) \tenpoint\noindent been evaluated and changed to numeric tokens before being substituted for~$s$.\cutpar \bugonpage C175, line 23 (1/11/88) \ninepoint\noindent expand into a sequence of tokens. \ (The language {\eightrm{SIMULA67}} demonstrated that it is\cutpar \bugonpage C206, minor changes to lines $-19$ to $-5$ (3/4/95) \vbox to70mm{\ninepoint \beginlines \advance\hsize.71pt |Path at line 15, before subdivision into octants:| |(1.53745,9.05345)..controls (1.53745,4.00511) and (5.75409,-0.00049)| | ..(10.85147,-0.00049)..controls (16.2217,-0.00049) and (20.46255,4.51297)|% \kern.5em\null | ..(20.46255,9.94655)..controls (20.46255,14.99713) and (16.23842,19.00049)| \kern-.71pt | ..(11.13652,19.00049)..controls (5.77066,19.00049) and (1.53745,14.48491)|% \kern.5em\null | ..cycle| \smallskip |Cycle spec at line 15, after subdivision:| |(1.53745,9.05345) % beginning in octant `SSE'| | ..controls (1.53745,6.58786) and (2.54324,4.371)| | ..(4.16621,2.74803) % segment 0| |% entering octant `ESE'| | ..controls (5.8663,1.04794) and (8.24362,-0.00049)| | ..(10.85147,-0.00049) % segment 0| |% entering octant `ENE'| \endlines $\ldots$ and so on; there are lots more numbers! What does this all mean? Well, the first segment of the curve, from $(1.53745,9.05345)$ to $(10.85147,-0.00049)$, has been\cutpar} \bugonpage C207, minor changes to lines 1--23 (3/4/95) \ninepoint \begingroup\let\HRULE=\hrule \def\hrule{\HRULE width\hsize} \beginlines |Cycle spec at line 15, after subdivision and autorounding:| |(2,9.05348) % beginning in octant `SSE'| | ..controls (2,6.50526) and (3.02194,4.22272)| | ..(4.6577,2.58696) % segment 0| |% entering octant `ESE'| | ..controls (6.2624,0.98225) and (8.45786,0)| | ..(10.85873,0) % segment 0| |% entering octant `ENE'| \endlines Point $(1.53745,9.05345)$, where there was a vertical tangent, has been rounded to $(2,9.05348)$; point $(10.85147,-.00049)$, where there was \vadjust{\goodbreak}% a horizontal tangent, has been rounded to $(10.85873,0)$; the intermediate control points have been adjusted accordingly. \ (Rounding of $x$~coordinates has been done separately from $y$~coordinates.) \ Finally, with $\\{autorounding}=2$, additional adjustments are made so that the $45^\circ$ transition point will occur at what \MF\ thinks is a good spot: \beginlines |Cycle spec at line 15, after subdivision and double autorounding:| |(2,9.05348) % beginning in octant `SSE'| | ..controls (2,6.6761) and (3.07103,4.42897)| | ..(4.78537,2.71463) % segment 0| |% entering octant `ESE'| | ..controls (6.46927,1.03073) and (8.62749,0)| | ..(10.85873,0) % segment 0| |% entering octant `ENE'| \endlines (Notice that $4.78537+2.71463=7.50000$; when the slope is~$-1$ at a transition point\cutpar \endgroup \bugonpage C210, line $-7$ (8/5/98) \ninepoint\indent\qquad\alt\<numeric token primary> \bugonpage C210, line $-2$ (8/5/98) \ninepoint\indent\<numeric token primary>\is\<numeric token>\thinspace {\tt/}\thinspace\<numeric token> \bugonpage C211, line 16 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\indent\qquad\alt\<numeric token primary not followed by {\tt+} or {\tt-} or a numeric token> \bugonpage C213, lines 17--27 (8/5/98) \ninepoint \beginsyntax <path primary>\is<pair primary>\alt<path variable>\alt<path argument> \alt[(]<path expression>[)] \alt[begingroup]<statement list><path expression>[endgroup] \alt[makepath]<pen primary>\alt[makepath]<future pen primary> \alt[reverse]<path primary> \alt[subpath]<pair expression>[of]<path primary> <path secondary>\is<pair secondary>\alt<path primary> \alt<path secondary><transformer> <path tertiary>\is<pair tertiary>\alt<path secondary> <path subexpression>\is<path expression> \alt<path subexpression><path join><path tertiary> \endsyntax \bugonpage C213, line $-4$ (8/5/98) \ninepoint\indent \<path expression>\is\<pair expression>\alt\<path tertiary> \endsyntax \bugonpage C234, line 6 (9/6/00) \ninepoint\noindent line~$z_1\to z_5$ that bisects $z_4\to z_2$, so it starts out in a south-by-southwesterly direction;\cutpar \bugonpage C246, line 5 of answer 14.15 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\indent \qquad/ length(postcontrol $t$ of $p$ $-$ point $t$ of $p$) {\bf enddef\/}; \bugonpage C246, line 10 of answer 14.15 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\indent \qquad/ length(precontrol $t$ of $p$ $-$ point $t$ of $p$) {\bf enddef\/}; \bugonpage C252, line $-6$ (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent $h+o$ and $\\{bot}\,y_4=-o$, so nothing needs to be done there. We should, however, say \bugonpage C257, large display on line 5 (3/4/95) \def\bb{$\,\left\{\vcenter\bgroup\halign\bgroup\hfil##\hfil\cr} \def\ee{\crcr\egroup\egroup\right\}\,$} \tenpoint\noindent \bb|boolean|\cr|numeric|\cr|pair|\cr|path|\cr |pen|\cr|picture|\cr|string|\cr|transform|\ee\<expression>; \ \bb\<boolean>\cr\<numeric>\cr\<pair>\cr\<string>\cr\<transform>\ee \bb|<|\cr|<=|\cr|=|\cr|<>|\cr|>=|\cr|>|\ee \bb\<boolean>\cr\<numeric>\cr\<pair>\cr\<string>\cr\<transform>\ee; \bugonpage C261, line $-15$ (8/5/98) \tenpoint\textindent\bull {\it Hacks:\/} \ |gobble|, |gobbled|, |killtext|; \ |capsule_def|; \ |numtok|. \bugonpage C286, line 15 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent isn't entirely expanded by {\bf expandafter\/}; only \MF's first step in loop expansion\cutpar \bugonpage C299, line 2 (12/6/99) \ninepoint\noindent \begindisplay $\displaystyle t[u_1,\ldots,u_n]\;=\;\sum_{k=1}^n{n-1\choose k-1} (1-t)^{n-k}t^{k-1}u_k,$ \enddisplay \bugonpage C299, swap lines 11 and 12 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\begintt def lbrack = hide(delimiters []) lookahead [ enddef; let [[[ = [; let ]]] = ]; let [ = lbrack; \endtt \bugonpage C306, line 1 (11/4/98) \ninepoint\noindent | ligtable oct"013": "i" =: oct"016", "l" =: oct"017", % ffi and ffl| \bugonpage C311, line 2 (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent $\\{fine}:=4-\\{eps}$, and $\\{breadth\_}[1]:=4-\\{eps}$. \ (A small amount~\\{eps} has been subtracted\cutpar \bugonpage C323, line $-3$ (8/5/98) \ninepoint\noindent statement occurs, the special string `|"title "|\thinspace\&\thinspace\<title>' is output. \ (This is how the\cutpar \bugonpage C332, lines 22--24 (8/5/98) \ninepoint \item{}be replicated so that the final proofs will be \\{rep} times bigger than usual, and the pattern will be clipped slightly at the edges so that discrete pixels can be seen plainly. \bugonpage C341, line 23 (10/10/96) \ninepoint \noindent|\def\:{\setbox0=\hbox{\noboundary\char\n\noboundary}%| \bugonpage C346, left column (9/6/00) \eightpoint |...| (bounded join), 18--19, 127, 248, $\underline{262}$.\par |...| (truncation of displayed context), 44. \bugonpage C346, and throughout the index (3/7/95) \eightpoint\noindent (Many index entries for rules of syntax in chapters 25--26 should have been underlined) \bugonpage C350, left column (4/24/00) \eightpoint\noindent Evetts, Leonard Charles, 153. \bugonpage C351, right column (9/22/97) \eightpoint\noindent \llap{\lower1pt\hbox{*}}% |intersectiontimes|, $\underline{136}$, {\it178}, 213, {\it265}, {\it294}, {\it298}. \bugonpage C353, right column (8/5/98) \eightpoint\noindent \<numeric token atom>, {\it delete this entry}.\par\noindent \<numeric token primary>, 72, $\underline{210}$. \bugonpage C354, left column (7/26/98) \eightpoint\noindent Orwell, George (= Blair, Eric Arthur), 85. \bugonpage C355, right column (3/7/95) \eightpoint\noindent |rt|, {\it23}, {\it77}, 80, {\it103}, 147, 151, $\underline{273}$. \bugonpage C361, lines 14--15 (4/29/97) \tenpoint \begintt email: {\tt TUG@tug.org} internet: {\tt http://www.tug.org/} } \endtt \bugonpage C361, bottom five lines (4/29/97) \begingroup \def\TeX{T\kern-.2em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.000em X} \baselineskip10pt \rightline{\eightssi Don't delay, subscribe today! That address again is} \rightline{\eightssi \TeX\ Users Group} \rightline{\eightssi email: \eighttt TUG\char`\@ tug.org} \rightline{\eightssi internet: \eighttt http://www.tug.org/} \smallskip \rightline{\eightss DONALD E. KNUTH, {\eightssi The \TeX book\/} (1996)} \endgroup % Volume D \def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers \def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode \bugonpage Dix, line ix (8/19/00) \tenpoint \textindent{\bull}``Interfacing with graphic objects'' by Ignacio Andr\'es Zabala Salelles,\cutpar \hsize=35pc \bugonpage D71, line 11 of section 178 (9/13/00) \ninepoint \noindent\quad\qquad\qquad$\{$ previous \\{mem\_end}, \\{lo\_mem\_max}, and \\{hi\_mem\_min} $\}$ \bugonpage D132, line 6 of section 291 (9/13/00) \tenpoint\noindent $$=v_n+w_n\theta_0-u_n\bigl(v_1+w_1\theta_0-u_1(v_2+\cdots -u_{n-2}(v_{n-1}+w_{n-1}\theta_0-u_{n-1}\theta_0)\ldots{})\bigr),$$ \bugonpage D213, line 7 (9/14/00) \tenpoint\noindent $(-y+\epsilon, x+y+\epsilon\delta)$. We should therefore round as if our skewed coordinates were $(x+\epsilon+\epsilon\delta,y-\epsilon)$\cutpar \bugonpage D349, line 4 of section 784 (9/14/00) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf procedure} \\{pack\_job\_name}($s\;$: \\{str\_number});\quad $\{$ $s={}$|".log"|, |".gf"|, |".tfm"|, or \\{base\_extension} $\}$ \bugonpage D451, line 11 (9/14/00) \tenpoint\noindent {\bf 1040}.\qquad The value of \\{cur\_mod} controls the \\{verbosity} in the \\{print\_exp} routine: If it's \\{show\_code},\cutpar \bugonpage D464, bottom line (9/14/00) \ninepoint\noindent \\{long\_help\_seen}: \\{boolean};\quad$\{$ has the long {\bf errmessage} help been used? $\}$ \bugonpage D551, Zabala entry (8/19/00) \eightpoint\noindent Zabala Salelles, Ignacio Andr\'es:\quad 812. % volume E \hsize=29pc \bugonpage Exiii, lines 3 and 4 from the bottom (7/17/98) \textindent{\bull}``Metamarks: Preliminary studies for a Pandora's Box of shapes'' by Neenie Billawala, Stanford Computer Science report 1256 (Stanford, California,\cutpar \def\dashto{\mathrel{\hbox{-\kern-.05em}\mkern3.9mu\hbox{-\kern-.05em}}} \def\ddashto{\mathrel{\hbox{-\kern-.05em}\mkern3.9mu \hbox{-\kern-.05em}\mkern3.9mu\hbox{-\kern-.05em}}} \bugonpage E87, bottom line (6/4/98) \rightline{\eightss--- JOHN SMITH, {\eightssi The Printer's Grammar\/}\enspace (1755)} % p129 \bugonpage E95, line 16 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent \quad$\dashto z_{1r}\dashto z_{1l}\dashto{}$% {\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3l}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E95, line 11 from the bottom (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent \quad$\dashto z_{1r}\dashto z_{1l}\dashto{}$% {\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3r}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E95, line 8 from the bottom (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf cmchar} |"Extensible vertical arrow--extension module"|; \bugonpage E97, line 8 from the bottom (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf cmchar} |"Extensible double vertical arrow--extension module"|; \bugonpage E113, line 9 (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent $x_5=.5[x_4,x_6]$; \ $x_4-x_6=1.2u$; \ $\\{lft}\,x_{5r}=\hbox{hround} (.5w-.5\\{curve})$; \bugonpage E113, line 10 from the bottom (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent $x_5=.5[x_4,x_6]$; \ $x_4-x_6=4.8u$; \ $\\{lft}\,x_{5r}=\hbox{hround} (.5w-.5\\{max\_size})$; \bugonpage E115, line 9 (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent $x_5=.5[x_4,x_6]$; \ $x_4-x_6=1.2u$; \ $\\{lft}\,x_{5r}=\hbox{hround} (.5w-.5\\{curve})$; \bugonpage E115, line 12 from the bottom (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent $x_5=.5[x_4,x_6]$; \ $x_4-x_6=4.8u$; \ $\\{lft}\,x_{5r}=\hbox{hround} (.5w-.5\\{max\_size})$; \bugonpage E147, lines 11--14 from the bottom (7/7/97) \ninepoint\noindent $\\{pos}_3(.8[\\{hair},\\{stem}],0)$; \ $\\{pos}_4(\\{vair},-90)$; \ $\\{pos}_5(\\{hair},-180)$;\par\noindent $\\{pos}_6(\\{vair},-270)$; \ ${pos}_7(\\{stem},-360)$; \ $\\{pos}_8(\\{vair},-450)$; \ ${pos}_9(\\{hair},-540)$;\par\noindent $x_0=x_1=x_9$; \ $\\{lft}\,x_{0l}=\hbox{hround}(1.5u-.5\\{hair})$; \ $x_2=x_4=x_6=x_8=.5w-.25u$;\par\noindent $\\{rt}\,x_{3r}=\hbox{hround}(w-1.75u)$; \ $\\{rt}\,x_{7r}=\hbox{hround}(w-u)$; \bugonpage E147, line 8 from the bottom (7/7/97) \ninepoint\noindent $y_5=.5[y_4,y_6]$; \ $\\{top}\,y_{6r}-\\{bot}\,y_{4r}=\\{vstem}+\\{eps}$; \ $\\{bot}\,y_8=-\\{oo}$; \ $y_7=y_9=.55[y_6,y_8]$; \bugonpage E165, line 6 (2/8/97) \ninepoint\noindent $y_1+.5\\{hair}=h$; \ $x_1=x_2+.75u$; \ $\\{pos}_1(\\{hair}+\\{dw},\hbox{angle}(2(x_1-x_2),y_1-y_2)+90)$; \bugonpage E165, line 10 (2/8/97) \ninepoint\noindent $x_3=.5[x_2,x_4]$; \ $x_7-.25u=.5[x_6,x_8]$; \ $\\{rt}\,x_{8r}=\hbox{hround}(w-.5u)$; \bugonpage E187, line 9 (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent $\\{lft}\, x_{1l}=\\{lft}\, x_{2l}=\hbox{hround}(.5w-.5\\{shaved\_stem})$; \ $\\{top}\, y_1=h$; \ $\\{bot}\, y_2=0$; \bugonpage E189, line 8 (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent $\\{lft}\, x_{1l}=\\{lft}\, x_{2l}=\hbox{hround}(.5w-.5\\{shaved\_stem})$; \ $\\{top}\, y_1=h$; \ $\\{bot}\, y_2=0$; \bugonpage E233, line 21 (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf path} $p$; \ $\{\{${\bf interim} $\\{superness}:=\\{more\_super}$; \ $p=\\{pulled\_super\_arc}_l(3,4)(\\{pull})\}\}$; \bugonpage E237, line 5 (8/6/98) \ninepoint\noindent $\\{lft}\,x_1={\rm hround}\,.5u$; \ $x_2=w-x_1$; \ $y_1=y_2=\\{good}.y\,.7[\\{x\_height},\\{asc\_height}]$; \bugonpage E239, line 7 from the bottom (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent $\\{lft}\,x_{6r}=\hbox{hround}\, u$; \ $x_7=3u$; \ $x_8=w-3.5u$; \ $\\{rt}\,x_{9l}=\hbox{hround}(w-u)$; \bugonpage E253, line 2 from the bottom (8/9/98) \ninepoint \line{\quad$.\,.\,z_{3e}\{\\{down}\}\,.\,.\,\{z_{5l}-z_{4l}\}z_{4e} \dashto z_{5e}\dashto z_{6e}$;\hfil \% stroke} \bugonpage E263, line 21 (5/10/98) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf path} $p$; \ $\{\{${\bf interim} $\\{superness}:=\\{more\_super}$; \ $p=\\{pulled\_super\_arc}_l(3,4)(\\{pull})\}\}$; \bugonpage E289, line 2 from the bottom (8/9/98) \ninepoint \line{\quad$.\,.\,z_{3e}\{\\{down}\}\,.\,.\,\{z_{5l}-z_{4l}\}z_{4e} \dashto z_{5e}\dashto z_{6e}$;\hfil \% stroke} \bugonpage E291, line 18 (3/6/95) \def\frac#1/#2{\leavevmode\kern.1em \raise.5ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #1}\kern-.1em /\kern-.15em\lower.25ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}} \ninepoint\noindent $x_4=\frac1/3[x_5,x_{3l}]$; \ $z_4=z_5+\\{whatever}*(15u,.1h)$; \bugonpage E297, line 17 (5/10/98) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf path} $p$; \ $\{\{${\bf interim} $\\{superness}:=\\{more\_super}$; \ $p=\\{pulled\_super\_arc}_l(3,4)(\\{pull})\}\}$; \bugonpage E303, line 17 (5/10/98) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf path} $p$; \ $\{\{${\bf interim} $\\{superness}:=\\{more\_super}$; \ $p=\\{pulled\_super\_arc}_l(3,4)(\\{pull})\}\}$; \bugonpage E309, line 7 from the bottom (5/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent \quad$y_{@0}=y_{@2l}-\\{bracket}-\\{eps}$; \bugonpage E313, line 7 from the bottom (5/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent \quad$y_{@0}=y_{@2l}+\\{bracket}+\\{eps}$; \bugonpage E319, line 8 (5/11/98) \ninepoint\noindent $\\{loop\_top}=$ {\bf if\/} \\{serifs}: Vround .77$[\\{vair},\\{fudged.stem}]$ {\bf else}: \\{vair} {\bf fi}; \bugonpage E373, lines 5 and 6 from the bottom (7/13/97) \ninepoint\noindent \quad$\\{top}\,y_{1r}=\hbox{vround}\, .95h+\\{oo}$; \ $\\{top}\,y_{2r}=h+\\{oo}$; \ $y_3=.5h$;\par\noindent \quad$\\{bot}\,y_{4r}=-\\{oo}$; \ $\\{bot}\,y_{5r}=\hbox{vround}\,.08h-\\{oo}$; \ $y_{5l}:=\\{good}.y\, y_{5l}$; \ $x_{5l}:=\\{good}.x\,x_{5l}$; \bugonpage E381, lines 11 and 12 from the bottom (7/13/97) \ninepoint\noindent \quad$\\{top}\,y_{1r}=\hbox{vround}\, .93h+\\{oo}$; \ $\\{top}\,y_{2r}=h+\\{oo}$; \ $y_3=.5h$;\par\noindent \quad$\\{bot}\,y_{4r}=-\\{oo}$; \ $\\{bot}\,y_{5r}=\hbox{vround}\,.07h-\\{oo}$; \bugonpage E389, bottom two lines (8/7/98) \ninepoint\noindent \quad {\bf numeric} $\\{aa\_},\\{bb\_},\\{cc\_}$; \ $\\{bb\_}=b/y$; \ $\\{cc\_}=c/y$; \ $\\{aa\_}=a*a-\\{bb\_}*\\{bb\_}$;\par\noindent \quad $(a*(\\{cc\_}\mathbin{++}\hbox{sqrt}\,\\{aa\_})-\\{bb\_}*\\{cc\_})/\\{aa\_}$ {\bf enddef\/}; \bugonpage E423, line 17 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $x_{13}=x_{11}-.5$; \ $\\{top}\,y_{14r}=\min(\frac10/7\\{x\_height}+ .5\\{bulb\_diam},h)+1$; \ $\\{top}\,y_{11}=\\{x\_height}$; \bugonpage E427, line 21 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $x_{23}=x_{21}-.5$; \ $\\{top}\,y_{24r}=\min(\frac10/7\\{x\_height}+ .5\\{bulb\_diam},h)+1$; \ $\\{top}\,y_{21}=\\{x\_height}$; \bugonpage E431, lines 18 and 19 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf filldraw} $z_0\dashto(x_0,y_{2l})\dashto z_{1l}\{\\{right}\}\,.\,.\, \{\\{left}\}z_{1r}$\par \noindent\quad$\dashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3r}\,.\,.\,\{2(x_0-x_3),y_0-y_3\}z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E431, line 2 from the bottom (8/8/98) \ninepoint\line{\quad $\dashto z_{1l}\{\\{right}\}\,.\,.\,\{\\{left}\}z_{1r}\dashto (x_0,y_{2r})\dashto{}$cycle;\hfill\% arrowhead and stem} \bugonpage E433, lines 13 and 14 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf filldraw} $z_0\dashto(x_0,y_{2l})\dashto z_{1l}\{\\{left}\}\,.\,.\, \{\\{right}\}z_{1r}$\par \noindent\quad$\dashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3l}\,.\,.\,\{2(x_0-x_3),y_0-y_3\}z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E433, line 2 from the bottom (8/8/98) \ninepoint\line{\quad $\dashto z_{1l}\{\\{left}\}\,.\,.\,\{\\{right}\}z_{1r}\dashto (x_0,y_{2r})\dashto{}$cycle;\hfill\% arrowhead and stem} \bugonpage E463, line 15 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1r}\,.\,.\,z_{1l}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3r}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E463, line 3 from the bottom (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1r}\,.\,.\,z_{1l}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3l}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E465, line 16 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1l}\,.\,.\,z_{1r}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3r}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E465, line 3 from the bottom (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1l}\,.\,.\,z_{1r}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3l}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E467, line 18 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1l}\,.\,.\,z_{1r}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3r}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E467, line 3 from the bottom (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{11l}\,.\,.\,z_{12r}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{13l}\{z_{19}-z_{13}\}\,.\,.\,z_{15r})$ \bugonpage E483, lines 12--14 from the bottom (3/6/95) \ninepoint\noindent {\bf beginarithchar}(oct$\,$|"004"|); \ {\bf pickup} \\{fine}.\\{nib}; \ {\bf pickup} \\{rule}.\\{nib};\par \line{{\bf numeric} \\{del}; \ $\\{del}=\\{dot\_size}-\\{currentbreadth}$;\hfill \% $\\{currentbreadth}=\\{fine}$} \noindent $x_3-.5\\{del}=\\{good}.x(.5w-.5\\{del})$; \ $\\{center\_on}(x_3)$;\par\noindent $y_3+.5del=\\{good}.y(\\{math\_axis}+\\{math\_spread}[.5\\{x\_height} ,.6\\{x\_height}]+.5\\{del})$; \bugonpage E485, bottom line (6/4/98) \rightline{\eightss--- JOHN SMITH, {\eightssi The Printer's Grammar\/}\enspace (1755)} % p80 \bugonpage E489, line 4 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent $\\{lft}\,x_6={\rm hround}\,u$; \ $x_2=w-x_6$; \ $\\{top}\,y_8=h$; \ $y_8-y_4=x_2-x_6$; \bugonpage E489, line 10 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent $\\{lft}\,x_6={\rm hround}\,u$; \ $x_2=w-x_6$; \ $\\{top}\,y_8=h$; \ $y_8-y_4=x_2-x_6$; \ \\{circle\_points}; \bugonpage E491, line 3 from the bottom (3/6/95) \def\SH{\raise.7ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\#$}} % sharp sign for sharped units \ninepoint\noindent \quad $\\{spread}:=2\hbox{ceiling}(\\{spread}\SH*\\{hppp}/2)+\\{eps}$; \ {\bf enddef\/}; \bugonpage E507, line 15 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1r}\,.\,.\,z_{1l}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3r}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E507, line 3 from the bottom (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{11r}\,.\,.\,z_{11l}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{13l}\{z_{19}-z_{13}\}\,.\,.\,z_{15r})$ \bugonpage E509, line 17 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1l}\,.\,.\,z_{1r}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3l}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E509, lines 3 and 4 from the bottom (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1l}\,.\,.\,z_{1r}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3l}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E511, line 17 (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1l}\,.\,.\,z_{1r}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3l}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E511, lines 3 and 4 from the bottom (8/8/98) \ninepoint\noindent\quad $\ddashto z_{1l}\,.\,.\,z_{1r}\ddashto{}${\bf subpath} $(t,0)$ {\bf of\/} $(z_{3l}\{z_9-z_3\}\,.\,.\,z_{5r})$ \bugonpage E541, bottom line (2/27/97) {\bf labels}\kern.05em$(1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)$; \ {\bf endchar}; \bugonpage E568, the example of {\tt cmtex8} (4/18/96) \eightpoint\indent (The word `{\tt logician}' should not be hyphenated.) \bugonpage E574, left column (3/6/95) \eightpoint\indent \\{currentbreadth}, 483, $\underline{545}$, 546. \bugonpage E575, right column (9/10/98) Holmes, Kris Ann, vi, vii. \bugonpage E576, right column (6/4/98) \eightpoint\noindent Delete the entry for Luckombe \bugonpage E579, left column (6/4/98) \eightpoint Smith, John, 87, 485. \bye