% Bugs (sigh) in Computers \& Typesetting

\input manmac
\output{\hsize=29pc \onepageout{\unvbox255\kern-\dimen@ \vfil}}


\def\rhead{Bugs in {\tensl Computers \& Typesetting}}
\def\bugonpage#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\tenpoint
  \hrule width\hsize
  \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Page #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize
\def\buginvol#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\penalty-1000\tenpoint
  \hrule width\hsize
  \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Volume #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize
\def\slMF{{\manual 89:;}\-{\manual <=>:}} % slant the logo
\newdimen\nsize \newdimen\msize \newdimen\ninept \ninept=9pt
\newbox\eqbox \setbox\eqbox=\hbox{\kern2pt\eightrm=\kern2pt}

\noindent This is a list of all corrections made to {\sl Computers \&
Typesetting}, Volumes A--E\null, between the date of publication
(May, 1986) and 15~June 1987.
It also includes corrections made to
the softcover version of {\sl The \TeX book}, beginning with the
sixth printing (January 1986); these are the same as corrections to
Volume~A\null. Corrections to the softcover version of {\sl The
\slMF\kern1ptbook\/} are the same as corrections to Volume~C\null.
% volume A
\bugonpage A7, fourth line from the bottom (6/28/86)

since control sequences of the second kind always have exactly one
symbol after}

\bugonpage A35, second-last line (1/31/87)

\rightline{\eightssi He may run who reads.}
\rightline{\eightss--- HABAKKUK 2\thinspace:\thinspace2 (c.~600 B.C.)}
\rightline{\eightssi He that runs may read.}

\bugonpage A43, lines 8--9 (8/23/86)

of Appendix B\null, which defines |%| to be a special kind of symbol so that you
can use it for comments, defines the control sequence |\%| to mean
a percent sign.

\bugonpage A45, lines 10--13 (8/23/86)

\TeX\ adds~64. Hence
code 127 can be typed |^^?|, and
the dangerous bend sign can be obtained by saying
|{\manual^^?}|. However, you must change the category code of character
127 before using it, since this character ordinarily has category~15
(^{invalid}); say, e.g., |\catcode`\^^?=12|.
The |^^| notation is different from |\char|, because |^^|\cutpar

\bugonpage A76, line 7 (8/23/86)

and extra space; for example, these quantities are
$3.33333\pt$, $1.66666\pt$, $1.11111\pt$,\cutpar

\bugonpage A83, bottom line (5/19/87)

\tenpoint\noindent[This line should be flush right.]

\bugonpage A111, 7th-last line, right-hand column (2/15/87)

if $b=10000$ and $-10000<p<10000$ and $q<10000$;

\bugonpage A117, second-last line (6/10/87)

marks; sometimes also |$\|\||$| ($\Vert$).
You can say, e.g., `|\footnote\dag{...}|'.

\bugonpage A124, lines 6--11 (2/26/87)

\begingroup \def\n{\thinspace$n$}
of insertion; an additional `|\penalty-10000|' item is assumed
to be present at the end of the vertical list, to ensure that a legal
breakpoint exists.) \ Let $u$ be the natural height plus depth of that
least-cost box, and let $r$ be the penalty associated with the optimum
breakpoint.  Decrease $g$ by~$uf$, and increase $q$ by~$r$. \ (If
|\tracingpages||=1|, the log file should now get a cryptic message that says
`|% split|\n\ |to| $v$|,|$u$ |p=|$r$'. For~example,
% split254 to 180.2,175.3 p=100

\bugonpage A158, lines 6--8 (2/20/87)

\ninepoint\noindent the
second atom, which has subscript~$i$; the superscripts are empty except for the
last atom, whose superscript is~$\overline{n+1}$. This superscript is
itself a math list consisting of one atom, whose nucleus is~$n+1$; and that
nucleus is a math list consisting of three atoms.

\bugonpage A171, line 20 (1/26/86)

will be surrounded by more space than there would be
if that subformula were enclosed}

\bugonpage A176, line 1 (8/23/86)

You can insert `|\noalign||{|$\langle$vertical mode
material$\rangle$|}|' just after any \kern-1pt|\cr| within\cutpar

\bugonpage A248, line 17 (6/17/86)

`|&|' or `|\span|' or `|\cr|', it needs some way to decide which
alignment is involved.\cutpar

\bugonpage A249, line 20 (6/17/86)

line (see Chapter~8).
If you don't want a~|\cr| at the end of a certain line,
just type\cutpar

\bugonpage A276, line 19 (1/27/86)

  \alt^|\font|<control sequence><equals><file name><at clause>
  \alt<global assignment>
[The bottom line of p.~276 will now move to the top of p.~277.]

\bugonpage A277, lines 31--32 (1/27/86)

<font assignment>\is^|\fontdimen|<number><font><equals><dimen>

\bugonpage A286, sixth-last line (4/28/87)

|\sfcode| table as described in Chapter~12; characters numbered 128
to~255 set the\cutpar

\bugonpage A287, line 19 (2/15/87)

This ``discretionary hyphen'' command is defined in Appendix H.

\bugonpage A292, lines 9--10 (2/15/87)

This command is usually equivalent to `|\discretionary{-}{}{}|'; the `|-|' is
therefore interpreted as a ^{hyphen}, not as a minus sign.
\ (See Appendix~H.)

\bugonpage A308, lines 25--26 (6/1/87)

|      \expandafter\gobble\string#2\romannumeral#3\endcsname}}|

\bugonpage A312, lines 10--14 (8/23/86)

\ansno12.11: The interline glue will be zero, and the natural height is
$1+1-3+2=1\pt$ (because the depth of\/ |\box2| isn't included in the natural
height); so the glue will ultimately become |\vskip-1pt| when it's set.
Thus, |\box3| is $3\pt$ high, $2\pt$ deep, $4\pt$ wide. Its reference
point coincides with that of\/ |\box2|; to get to the reference point
of\/ |\box1| you go up $2\pt$ and right $3\pt$.

\bugonpage A312, line 21 (8/23/86)

up $4\pt$ to get to the upper left corner of
|\box4|; then down $-1.6\pt$, i.e., up $1.6\pt$, to\cutpar

\bugonpage A319, line 20 (31/3/87)

make ordinary periods act like |\cdot| symbols: Just define
|\mathcode`.| to be |"0201|,\cutpar

\bugonpage A328, lines 18--19 (5/14/87)

not performed
while the expansion is taking place, and the control sequences following
|\def| are expanded; so the result is an infinite string
A\def A\def A\def A\def A\def A\def A\def A\def A...

\bugonpage A329, lines 14--15 (8/23/86)

\ansno20.5: The |##| feature is indispensable when the replacement text of
a definition contains other definitions. For example, consider

\bugonpage A356, lines 6--7 (1/30/87)

|  \spaceskip=.3333em \xspaceskip=.5em\relax}|\hfil\break
|\def\ttraggedright{\tt\rightskip=0pt plus2em\relax}|

\bugonpage A356, line 33 (6/1/87)

|    \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char'26}\vss}\hidewidth}}|

\bugonpage A357, tenth-last line (10/13/86)

|\let\sp=^ \let\sb=_        {\catcode`\_=\active \global\let_=\_}|

\bugonpage A357, third-last and second-last lines (2/17/87)

|\def\pr@m@s{\ifx'\next\let\nxt\pr@@@s \else\ifx^\next\let\nxt\pr@@@t|%
|  \else\let\nxt\egroup\fi\fi \nxt}|

\bugonpage A364, fifth-last line (1/30/87)

|\def\fmtname{plain}\def\fmtversion{2.3} % identifies the current format|

\bugonpage A368, bottom line (2/26/86)

\line{that includes the symbols
{\tentex\char'30},~{\tentex\char1}, {\tentex\char'32}, {\tentex\char'34},
and~{\tentex\char'35}, and he finds that this makes it much more}

\bugonpage A396, line 13 (8/23/86)

|  \hyphenpenalty=10000 \exhyphenpenalty=10000|

\bugonpage A414, line 10 (3/4/86)

|\font\titlefont=cmssdc10 at 40pt   % titles in chapter openings|

\bugonpage A427, line 7 (2/23/86)

the author's book
{\sl Computer Modern Typefaces}.)

\bugonpage A428, lines 18--20 (6/15/87)

The first eight of these all have essentially the same layout;
but |cmr5| needs no ligatures, and many of the symbols of |cmti10|
have different shapes.
For example, the ^{ampersand} becomes an `^{E.T.}', and the
^{dollar} changes to ^{pound} ^{sterling}:

\bugonpage A434, lines 25--28 (8/17/86)

from |\nu|~($\nu$). Similarly,
|\varsigma|~($\varsigma$) should not be confused with |\zeta|~($\zeta$).
It turns out that |\varsigma| and |\upsilon| are almost never used in
math formulas; they are included in plain \TeX\ primarily because they are
sometimes needed in short Greek citations (cf.~Appendix~J).

\bugonpage A447, line 32 (6/1/87)

also affect mathematical typesetting:
dimension parameters

\bugonpage A455, new paragraph to follow line 9 (2/15/87)

\hyphenpenalty=-1000 \pretolerance=-1 \tolerance=1000
\doublehyphendemerits=-100000 \finalhyphendemerits=-100000
\ddanger The control sequence ^|\-| is equivalent to
|\discretionary{\char|$\,h$|}{}{}|, where $h$ is the
^|\hyphenchar| of the current font, provided that $h$ lies
between 0 and~255. Otherwise |\-| is equivalent to |\discretionary{}{}{}|.

\endgroup % end the special hyphenation conventions

\bugonpage A457, left column, fifth-last line (2/17/87)

\eightpoint\indent\qquad 155, 201, {\it 305}, 324, $\underline{357}$, 394--395;

\bugonpage A458, left column, line 6 (2/15/87)

\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
{\tt\char`\\-} (discretionary hyphen), 95, 283, 287,\par
\indent\qquad 292, $\underline{455}$.

\bugonpage A458, left column, near the bottom (5/19/87)

\eightpoint {\tt!} (exclamation point), 51,
{\it 72}, 73, 75, {\it 169}.
\nobreak\medskip\noindent[This saves a line that otherwise would make
the index too long on page 481!]

\bugonpage A458, right column, line 10 (11/27/86)

\eightpoint {\tt\char`\~}
(tilde), 38, 51, 343, $\underline{353}$; {\sl see also\/} ties.

\bugonpage A458, right column (6/14/87)

\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
{\tt\char`\\accent} (general accent), 9, 54, 86, 283, $\underline{286}$.

\bugonpage A461, entry for boxes (3/16/87)

\eightpoint boxes, 63--67, 77--83, 221--229.

\bugonpage A461, entry for {\tt\char`\\centering} (1/28/86)

\eightpoint {\tt\char`\\centering}, $\underline{347}$, 348, 362.

\bugonpage A462, entry for \<code assignment> (1/27/86)

\eightpoint \<code assignment>, $\underline{277}$.

\bugonpage A464, left column, line 3 (2/15/87)

discretionary hyphens, 28, 95--96, 453, $\underline{455}$.

\bugonpage A465, right column, line 8 (5/3/87)

expansion of expandable tokens, 212--216, 238,

\bugonpage A466, entry for {\tt\char`\\font}, second line (1/27/86)

\eightpoint \indent\qquad 271, $\underline{276}$.

\bugonpage A466, new entry (2/3/87)

\eightpoint \indent\<fontdef token>, $\underline{271}$.

\bugonpage A467, entry for {\tt\char`\\hideskip} (1/28/86)

\eightpoint {\tt\char`\\hideskip}, $\underline{347}$, 348, 354.

\bugonpage A468, left column line 2 (2/15/87)

\eightpoint\indent\qquad 351, 395, {\it 414}, 454, 455.

\bugonpage A470, entry for {\tt manfnt} (1/15/86)

\eightpoint {\tt manfnt}, 44, 408, 414.

\bugonpage A471, entry for {\tt\char`\\medbreak} (10/13/86)

\eightpoint {\tt\char`\\medbreak}, 111, 113, $\underline{353}$,
 {\it355}, {\it419}, {\it422}.

\bugonpage A471, entry for {\tt\char`\\moveright} (2/27/87)

\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
{\tt\char`\\moveright}, 80--81, {\it 221}, $\underline{282}$.

\bugonpage A471, entry for Mozart, second line (3/19/86)

\eightpoint \indent\qquad Gottlieb (= Theophilus = Amadeus), 409.

\bugonpage A472, the entry for {\tt\char`\\not} (2/12/87)

[The overprinting here is intentional, since {\tt\char`\\not} is a
character of width zero. More than a dozen people have reported this
as an error, but it is not!]

\bugonpage A477, entry for {\tt\char`\\span} (5/3/87)

\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
{\tt\char`\\span}, 215, 238, $\underline{243}$, {\it244}, $\underline{245}$,
248, 249,\par
\indent\qquad 282, {\it330}, 385.

\bugonpage A479, entry for ties, second line (11/27/86)

\eightpoint \indent\qquad {\it173}, 353, {\it404}.

\bugonpage A480, changes to various entries (6/14/87)

\newbox\astbox \setbox\astbox=\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}
\prim{underline}, {\it130--131}, 141, 291, $\underline{443}$.
\prim{unhbox}, 120, 283, $\underline{285}$, {\it354}, {\it356}, {\it361},
\prim{unhcopy}, 120, 283, $\underline{285}$, {\it353}.
\prim{unkern}, $\underline{280}$.
\prim{unpenalty}, $\underline{280}$.
\prim{unskip}, 222--223, $\underline{280}$, 286, {\it313}, {\it392},
\prim{unvbox}, 120, 254, $\underline{282}$, 286, {\it354}, {\it361},
 {\it363}, {\it364}, {\it392}, {\it399}, {\it417}.
\prim{unvcopy}, 120, $\underline{282}$, 286, {\it361}.
\prim{vadjust}, 95, 105, 109, 110, 117, 259, $\underline{281}$, 393, 454.
\prim{valign}, 249, 283, $\underline{285}$--$\underline{286}$, 302,
 {\it335}, {\it397}.
\prim{vcenter}, 150--151, 159, 170, 193, 222, 242,
\prim{vfil}, 71, $\underline{72}$, 111, 256, 281, 286, 417.
\prim{vfill}, 24, 25, 71, $\underline{72}$, 256--257, 281, 286.
\prim{vfilneg}, $\underline{72}$, 111, 281, 286.\par
|\voidb@x|, $\underline{347}$, 348.

\bugonpage A481, left column (6/14/87)

\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
{\tt\char`\\vss}, 71, $\underline{72}$, {\it 255}, 281, 286.

% volume B
\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
\def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode

\buginvol B, in general (7/28/86)

[A number of entries were mistakenly omitted from the mini-indexes
on the right-hand pages. Here is a combined list of all the missing
items; you can mount it inside the back cover, say, as a secondary mini-index
when the first one fails\dots\ ]

\setbox0=\vbox{\eightpoint \hsize=11pc \catcode`\_=\active \let_=\_
  \rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt
  \pretolerance 10000
  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \exhyphenpenalty 10000
  \noindent\vbox to1pt{}\par % 1pt = \topskip - \ninept
  \def\&#1{\hbox{\bf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words
  \def\makeref #1 #2 #3#4
   {\nn=#2 \hangindent=1em \noindent\\{#1}%
    \if#3:: \else\unhcopy\eqbox \fi#4, \S\number\nn.\par}
  \makeref active_base 222 =$1$
  \makeref aux 213 =macro
  \makeref begin_name 515 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref big_switch 1030 =$60$
  \makeref choice_node 689 =$15$
  \makeref cur_boundary 271 :$0\to \\{save\_size}$
  \makeref cur_c 724 :\\{quarterword}
  \makeref cur_group 271 :\\{group\_code}
  \makeref cur_i 724 :\\{four\_quarters}
  \makeref cur_level 271 :\\{quarterword}
  \makeref do_extension 1348 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref dvi_buf 595 :\&{array}
  \makeref dvi_gone 595 :\\{integer}
  \makeref dvi_limit 595 :\\{dvi\_index}
  \makeref dvi_offset 595 :\\{integer}
  \makeref dvi_ptr 595 :\\{dvi\_index}
  \makeref end_graf 1096 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref error 82 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref error_stop_mode 73 =$3$
  \makeref font_base 12 =$0$
  \makeref font_info 549 :\&{array}
  \makeref get_token 365 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref glue_base 222 =$2626$
  \makeref half_buf 595 :\\{dvi\_index}
  \makeref handle_right_brace 1068 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref hash_base 222 =$258$
  \makeref head 213 =macro
  \makeref hyf_distance 921 :\&{array}
  \makeref hyf_next 921 :\&{array}
  \makeref hyf_num 921 :\&{array}
  \makeref index 302 =macro
  \makeref inf 448 :\\{boolean}
  \makeref init_col 788 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref init_span 787 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref input_ln 31 :\&{function}
  \makeref interaction 73 :$0\to 3$
  \makeref limit 302 =macro
  \makeref line_width 830 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref macro_call 389 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref main_control 1030 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref mem 116 :\&{array}
  \makeref mem_bot 12 =$0$
  \makeref mem_end 118 :\\{pointer}
  \makeref mem_top 12 =macro
  \makeref mlist_to_hlist 726 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref mode 213 =macro
  \makeref mode_line 213 =macro
  \makeref more_name 516 :\&{function}
  \makeref mu 448 :\\{boolean}
  \makeref name 302 =macro
  \makeref nest 213 :\&{array}
  \makeref off_save 1064 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref open_log_file 534 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref output_active 989 :\\{boolean}
  \makeref p 498 :\\{pointer}
  \makeref param_stack 308 :\&{array}
  \makeref pool_file 50 :\\{alpha\_file}
  \makeref pool_ptr 39 :\\{pool\_pointer}
  \makeref prefixed_command 1211 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref prev_depth 213 =macro
  \makeref prev_graf 213 =macro
  \makeref prev_prev_r 830 :\\{pointer}
  \makeref print_err 73 =macro
  \makeref r 960 :\\{trie\_pointer}
  \makeref reconstitute 906 :\&{function}
  \makeref resume_after_display 1200 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref save_ptr 271 :$0\to \\{save\_size}$
  \makeref save_stack 271 :\&{array}
  \makeref scan_dimen 448 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref scan_math 1151 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref short_display 174 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref show_node_list 182 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref start 302 =macro
  \makeref state 302 =macro
  \makeref str_pool 39 :\&{packed}\ \&{array}
  \makeref str_ptr 39 :\\{str\_number}
  \makeref str_start 39 :\&{array}
  \makeref tail 213 =macro
  \makeref trap_zero_glue 1229 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref trie 921 :\&{array}
  \makeref trie_char 921 =macro
  \makeref trie_link 921 =macro
  \makeref trie_op 921 =macro
  \makeref vlist_out 629 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref write_loc 1345 :\\{pointer}
\hbox{\nsize=\ht0 \advance\nsize-\topskip
  \divide\nsize by 3 \divide\nsize by\ninept
  \multiply\nsize by\ninept \advance\nsize\topskip
  \vsplit0 to\nsize \kern1pc
  \msize=\ht0 \advance\msize-\topskip
  \divide\msize by 2 \divide\msize by\ninept
  \multiply\msize by\ninept \advance\msize\topskip
  \vbox to\nsize{\vsplit0 to\msize\vss}\kern1pc
  \vbox to\nsize{\box0\vss}}

\buginvol B, in general (4/6/87)

\tenpoint\noindent[The percent signs in all the comments (for example,
on pages 7 and 50) are in the wrong font! Change `{\tt\%}' to `\%'.]

\bugonpage Bvi, bottom line, and top line of next page (10/12/86)

puter Science Report 1097 (Stanford, California, April 1986), 146~pp.
\ {\it The {\sltt WEB} programs for four utility programs that are
often used with \TeX: {\sltt POOLtype}, {\sltt TFtoPL},
{\sltt PLtoTF}, and {\sltt DVItype}.}

\bugonpage B2, line 32 (4/22/87)

{\bf define} $\\{banner}\equiv\hbox{\tt\char'23}$%
{\tt This\]is\]TeX,\]Version\]2.2\char'23}\quad
$\{\,$printed when \TeX\ starts$\,\}$

\bugonpage B7, new line after line 25 (1/28/87)

{\bf if} $\\{max\_in\_open}\ge128$ {\bf then} $\\{bad}\gets6$;

\bugonpage B13, first three lines (4/7/87)

The `\\{name}' parameter, which is of type `{\bf packed array
$[\langle\\{any}\rangle]$ of \\{char}}', stands for the name of
the external file that is being opened for input or output.
Blank spaces that might appear in \\{name} are ignored.

\bugonpage B14, line 30 (4/7/87)

{\bf 31.\quad}%
The \\{input\_ln} function brings the next line of input from the specified
file into available\cutpar

\bugonpage B18, line 30 (5/22/86)

\\{str\_ptr}: \\{str\_number};\quad
$\{\,$number of the current string being created$\,\}$

\bugonpage B21, first line of mini-index, right column (6/14/87)

\indent\\{pool\_name}\unhcopy\eqbox|"string"|, \S11.

\bugonpage B34, lines 5--6 (6/14/87)

to delete a token, and/or if some fatal error
occurs while \TeX\ is trying to fix a non-fatal one. But such recursion
is never more than two levels deep.

\bugonpage B55, lines 12--13 (4/21/87)

{\bf if} $r=p$ {\bf then if} $\\{rlink}(p)\ne p$ {\bf then}
  $\langle\,$Allocate entire node $p$ and {\bf goto} \\{found}%

\bugonpage B57, lines 25--28 (6/14/87)

The first of these has $\\{font}=\\{font\_base}$, and its \\{link}
points to the second;
the second identifies the font and the character dimensions.
The saving feature about oriental characters is that most of them have
the same box dimensions. The \\{character} field of the first \\{char\_node}
is a ``\\{charext}'' that distinguishes between graphic symbols whose
dimensions are identical for typesetting purposes. (See the \MF\ manual.)
Such an extension of \TeX\ would not be difficult; further details are
left to the reader.

\bugonpage B58, second line of section 136 (7/23/86)

the values corresponding to `|\hbox{}|'. The \\{subtype} field is set to
\\{min\_quarterword}, since that's\cutpar

\bugonpage B66, lines 2--8 (4/21/87)

location is
more efficient than dynamic allocation when we can get away with it. For
example, locations \\{mem\_bot} to $\\{mem\_bot}+3$ are always used to store the
specification for glue that is `\hbox{\tt 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}'. The
following macro definitions accomplish the static allocation by giving
symbolic names to the fixed positions. Static variable-size nodes appear
in locations \\{mem\_bot} through \\{lo\_mem\_stat\_max}, and static
single-word nodes appear in locations \\{hi\_mem\_stat\_min} through
\\{mem\_top}, inclusive. It is harmless to let \\{lig\_trick} and
\\{garbage} share the same location of \\{mem}.

\bugonpage B67, line 23 (4/13/87)

$\{\,$previous \\{mem\_end}, \\{lo\_mem\_max}, and \\{hi\_mem\_min}$\,\}$

\bugonpage B71, line 17 (4/15/87)

{\bf begin while} $p>\\{mem\_min}$ {\bf do}

\smallskip\eightpoint\noindent[Now \\{null} can be removed from the mini-index.]

\bugonpage B74, line 24 (4/15/87)

{\bf procedure} \\{show\_node\_list}($p\;{:}\;\\{integer}$);\quad
$\{\,$prints a node list symbolically$\,\}$

\bugonpage B74, line 33 (4/15/87)

{\bf while} $p>\\{mem\_min}$ {\bf do}

\bugonpage B84, line 12 (2/15/87)

{\bf define} $\\{relax}=0$\quad$\{\,$do nothing ( {\tt\char`\\relax} )$\,\}$

\bugonpage B86, third line of section 210 (8/23/86)

that their special nature is easily discernible.
The ``expandable'' commands come first.

\bugonpage B88, line 23 (5/22/86)

{\bf procedure\/}\  $\\{print\_mode}(m:\\{integer})$;\quad
$\{\,$prints the mode represented by $m\,\}$

\bugonpage B93, lines 3--4 (8/17/86)

In the first region we have 128 equivalents for ``active characters'' that
act as control sequences, followed by 128 equivalents for single-character
control sequences.

\bugonpage B130, ninth-last line (5/7/87)

This variable has six possible values:

\bugonpage B151, line 9 (4/22/87)

{\bf begin if} $(\\{end\_line\_char}<0)\lor(\\{end\_line\_char}>127)$
 {\bf then} \\{incr}(\\{limit});\par\noindent\hskip20pt
{\bf if} $\\{limit}=\\{start}$ {\bf then}\quad
 $\{\,$previous line was empty$\,\}$

\bugonpage B160, lines 17--20 (7/28/86)

{\bf 389.\quad}%
After parameter scanning is complete, the parameters are moved to the
\\{param\_stack}. Then the macro body is fed to the scanner; in other words,
\\{macro\_call} places the defined text of the control sequence at the
top of\/ \TeX's input stack, so that \\{get\_next} will proceed to read it

\bugonpage B200, top line (5/5/87)

\tenpoint\noindent{\bf 495.\quad}%
 When we begin to process a new {\tt\char`\\if}, we set
$\\{if\_limit}\gets\\{if\_code}$; then
if\/ {\tt\char`\\or} or {\tt\char`\\else} or {\tt\char`\\fi}\cutpar

\bugonpage B217, lines 15--16 (6/14/87)

|DVI| format.

\bugonpage B224, lines 4--7 of section 560 (10/22/86)

name and area strings \\{nom} and \\{aire}, and the
``at'' size~$s$. If $s$~is negative, it's the negative of a scale factor
to be applied to the design size; $s=-1000$ is the normal case.
Otherwise $s$ will be substituted for the design size; in this
case, $s$ must be positive and less than $2048\rm\,pt$
(i.e., it must be less than $2^{27}$ when considered as an integer).

\bugonpage B224, second-last line (4/28/87)

\\{done}: {\bf if} \\{file\_opened} {\bf then} \\{b\_close}(\\{tfm\_file});\par
\noindent\hskip10pt $\\{read\_font\_info}\gets g$;

\bugonpage B255, mini-index at the bottom (4/15/87)

$\\{mag}=\rm macro$, \S236.

\bugonpage B257, lines 11--13 (6/14/87)

\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf if} $c\ge\\{qi}(128)$ {\bf then}

\bugonpage B260, lines 7--8 (4/15/87)

In the case of \\{c\_leaders} (centered leaders), we want to increase \\{cur\_h}
by half of the excess space not occupied by the leaders; and in the
case of \\{x\_leaders} (expanded leaders) we increase\cutpar

\bugonpage B267, mini-index at the bottom (4/15/87)

\\{cur\_s}: \\{integer}, \S616.
$\\{mag}=\rm macro$, \S236.
$\\{pop}=142$, \S586.

\bugonpage B271, line 10 (8/23/86)

which will be ignored in the calculations
because it is a highly negative number.

\bugonpage B285, lines 23 and 24 (5/4/87)

the current string would be `{\tt.\char`\^.\char`\_/}'
if $p$ points to the \\{ord\_noad} for $x$ in the (ridiculous) formula
b\char`\_\char`\{c\char`\\over x+y\char`\}\char`\}\char`\}\char`\}\char`\$}'.

\bugonpage B296, lines 3--5 (5/8/87)

box~$b$ and
changes it so that the new box is centered in a box of width~$w$.
The centering is done by putting {\tt\char`\\hss} glue at the left and right
of the list inside $b$, then packaging the new box; thus, the
actual box might not really be centered, if it already contains
infinite glue.

\bugonpage B346, line 19 (5/19/87)

\\{pass\_number}: \\{halfword};\quad
$\{\,$the number of passive nodes allocated on this pass$\,\}$

\bugonpage B350, lines 36 and 37 (1/28/87)

$v$: \\{pointer};\quad
$\{\,$points to a glue specification or a node ahead of \\{cur\_p}$\,\}$
$t$: \\{integer};\quad
$\{\,$node count, if \\{cur\_p} is a discretionary node$\,\}$

\bugonpage B353, lines 8--22 (1/28/87)

\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf  if} $\\{break\_type}>\\{unhyphenated}$ {\bf then}
 {\bf if} $\\{cur\_p}\ne\\{null}$ {\bf then}\par
\noindent\hskip30pt$\langle\,$Compute the discretionary
 \\{break\_width} values{\sevenrm\kern.5em840}$\,\rangle$;\par
\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf  while} $s\ne\\{null}$ {\bf do}\par
\noindent\hskip30pt\vdots\hskip30pt [as before, but indented one less notch]\par
\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf end};

\bugonpage B354, line 6 (1/28/87)

will be the background plus $l_1$, so the length from \\{cur\_p} to \\{cur\_p}
should be $\gamma+l_0+l_1-l$,
minus the length of nodes that will be discarded after the discretionary break.

\bugonpage B354, lines 12--18 (1/28/87)

\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf begin} $t\gets\\{replace\_count}(\\{cur\_p})$;\kern5pt
  $v\gets\\{cur\_p}$;\kern5pt $s\gets\\{post\_break}(\\{cur\_p})$;\par
\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf while} $t>0$ {\bf do}\par
\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf begin} $\\{decr}(t)$;\kern5pt
 $\langle\,$Subtract the width of node $v$ from \\{break\_width}%
\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf end};\par
\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf while} $s\ne\\{null}$ {\bf do}\par
\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf  begin} $\langle\,$Add the width of
  node $s$ to \\{break\_width} and increase $t$, unless it's

\bugonpage B354, new line after line 21 (1/28/87)

{\bf if} $t=0$ {\bf then} $s\gets\\{link}(v)$;\quad
 $\{\,$more nodes may also be discardable after the break$\,\}$

\bugonpage B354, lines 26--34 (1/28/87)

[Change `$s$' to `$v$' throughout this section (8 times).]

\bugonpage B354, line 9 from the bottom (1/28/87)

\tenpoint\noindent{\bf 842.\quad}%
\ninepoint$\langle\,$Add the width of
  node $s$ to \\{break\_width} and increase $t$, unless it's

\bugonpage B355, lines 1--3 (1/28/87)

\noindent\hskip20pt\\{kern\_node}: {\bf if} $(t=0)\land
 (\\{subtype}(s)\ne\\{acc\_kern})$ {\bf then}
\noindent\hskip30pt{\bf  else} $\\{break\_width}[1]\gets
\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf  othercases}
 \\{confusion}({\tt\char'42 disc2\char'42})\par
\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf endcases};\par

\bugonpage B355, patches to mini-index at bottom (1/28/87)

$\\{acc\_kern}=2$, \S155.\par
$\\{incr}=\rm macro$, \S16.\par
$t$: \\{integer}, \S830.\par
$v$: \\{pointer}, \S830.

\bugonpage B372, lines 12--14 (1/28/87)

\noindent\hskip40pt$\langle\,$Change discretionary to compulsory
 and set $\\{disc\_break}\gets\\{true}${\sevenrm\kern.5em882}$\,\rangle$\par
\noindent\hskip30pt{\bf else if\/} $(\\{type}(q)=\\{math\_node})\lor
 (\\{type}(q)=\\{kern\_node})$ {\bf then} $\\{width}(q)\gets0$;

\bugonpage B380, fifth-last line (5/7/87)

\.b and \.c, the two patterns with and without hyphenation are
$\.a\,\.b\,\.-\,\.{c\!d}\,\.{e\!f}$ and $\.a\,\.{b\!c}\,\.{d\!e}\,\.f$.
Thus the\cutpar\endgroup

\bugonpage B386, lines 2--4 (5/21/87)

\TeX\ first looks to see if it is in the user's exception dictionary. If not,
hyphens are inserted based on patterns that appear within the given word,
using an algorithm due to Frank~M. Liang.

\bugonpage B397, line 28 (5/21/87)

$h=z-c$. It follows that location \\{trie\_max} will
never be occupied in \\{trie}, and we will have\cutpar

\bugonpage B415, the mini-index (4/6/87)

\eightpoint\noindent[Delete the spurious entry for `$c$'.]

\bugonpage B419, mini-index entry for \\{c} (4/6/87)

\eightpoint $c$: \\{integer}, \S994.

\bugonpage B422, line 24 (8/23/86)

\hskip20pt\\{prev\_p}: \\{pointer};\quad
$\{\,$predecessor of $p\,\}$

\bugonpage B435, line 16 (10/12/86)

$\{\,$that's \\{space}$(f)\,\}$\par\noindent
$\{\,$and \\{space\_stretch}$(f)\,\}$\par\noindent
$\{\,$and \\{space\_shrink}$(f)\,\}$\par
[And the mini-index gets three new entries:
$\\{space}=macro$, \S558.
$\\{space\_shrink}=macro$, \S558.
$\\{space\_stretch}=macro$, \S558.]

\bugonpage B495, lines 18 and 19 (2/15/87)

[delete these lines, since the cases cannot occur]

\bugonpage B510, line 8 (12/15/86)


\bugonpage B527, new line to follow line 13 (6/17/86)

This program doesn't bother to close the input files that may still be open.

\bugonpage B534, fourth-last line (5/4/87)

{\bf define} $\\{write\_stream}(\hbox{\tt\char`\#})\equiv\\{info}(
 \hbox{\tt\char`\#}+1)$\quad $\{\,$stream number (0 to 17)$\,\}$

\bugonpage B544, left column (1/28/87)

\leftline{\\{acc\_kern}:\quad$\underline{155}$, 191, 837, 842, 879, 1125.}

\bugonpage B546, entry for \\{c} (4/6/87)

\eightpoint\noindent[Add a reference to section $\underline{994}$.]

\bugonpage B547, left column (4/7/87)

\leftline{\\{char}:\quad 19, 26--27, 520, 534.}

\bugonpage B547, left column (6/14/87)

\leftline{Chinese characters:\quad 134, 585.}

\bugonpage B553, entry for \\{font\_base} (6/14/87)

\eightpoint\noindent[Insert a reference to section 134.]

\bugonpage B555, right column, new entry (10/25/86)

\leftline{{\tt Huge page...},\quad 641.}

\bugonpage B556, entry for \\{incr} (1/28/87)

\eightpoint\noindent[Add a reference to section 842.]

\bugonpage B557, entry for \\{is\_char\_node} (1/28/87)

\eightpoint\noindent[Delete the reference to section 881.]

\bugonpage B557, right column (6/14/87)

\leftline{Japanese characters:\quad 134, 585.}

\bugonpage B560, right column (1/28/87)

\leftline{\\{max\_in\_open}:\quad$\underline{11}$, 14, 304, 328.}

\bugonpage B561, left column, line 10 (4/15/87)

\leftline{\qquad 169--172, 174, 178, 182, 1249, 1312, 1334.}

\bugonpage B561, left column (5/1/87)

\leftline{{\tt Missing font identifier}:\quad 577.}

\bugonpage B563, left column, line 2 (4/15/87)

\leftline{\qquad 136, 145, 149--154, 164, 168--169, 175--176, 182,}

\bugonpage B563, right column (6/14/87)

\leftline{oriental characters:\quad 134, 585.}

\bugonpage B569, right column, in appropriate places (10/12/86)

\leftline{\\{space}:\quad 547, $\underline{558}$, 752, 755, 1042.}
\leftline{\\{space\_shrink}:\quad 547, $\underline{558}$, 1042.}
\leftline{\\{space\_stretch}:\quad 547, $\underline{558}$, 1042.}

\bugonpage B570, third-last line (1/28/87)

 786, 795, 809, 819--820, 822, 837, 842--844, 866,

\bugonpage B571, right column (10/25/86)

\leftline{{\tt The following...deleted},\quad 641, 992, 1121.}

\bugonpage B571, right column (4/7/87)

\leftline{\\{text\_char}:\quad $\underline{19}$, 20, 25, 47.}

\bugonpage B573, right column (5/1/87)

[Delete the entry for `{\tt Undefined font code}'.]

\bugonpage B576, line 2 (1/28/87)

$\langle\,$Add the width of
  node $s$ to \\{break\_width} and increase $t$, unless it's
\noindent\qquad {\eightpoint Used in section 840.}

\bugonpage B591, line 6 from the bottom (1/28/87)

 $\langle\,$Subtract the width of node $v$ from \\{break\_width}%
 {\eightpoint Used in section 840.}

% volume C
\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers

\bugonpage C14, top two lines (3/16/87)

\danger The recursive midpoint rule for curve-drawing was discovered in 1959
by Paul de Casteljau, who showed that the curve could be described
algebraically by the remarkably simple formula

\bugonpage C54, sixth-last to fourth-last lines (10/13/86)

\ninepoint Jonathan H. Quick (a student) used `|a.plus1|' as the name
of a variable at the beginning of his program; later he said `|let|
|plus=+|'. How could he refer to the variable `|a.plus1|' after that?

\bugonpage C76, line 14 (10/13/86)

\noindent\hbox to \longesteq{\indent
Point 4 should be one-hundredth of an inch inside\cutpar

\bugonpage C103, line 12 (10/12/86)

$\\{ht}\0=\\{body\_height}\0$; \ $.5[\\{ht}\0,-\\{dp}\0]=\\{axis}\0$;

\bugonpage C105, line 13 (10/13/86)

The vertical line just to the right of the italic left parenthesis
shows the italic\cutpar

\bugonpage C113, lines 20--27 (8/23/86)

    \vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%
\danger The command `@erase@ @fill@ $c$' is an abbreviation for
`@cullit@; @unfill@~$c$; @cullit@'; this zeros out the pixel values inside
the cyclic path~$c$, and sets other pixel values to~1 if they were positive
before erasing took place. \ (It works because the initial @cullit@ makes
all the values 0 or~1, then the @unfill@ changes the values inside~$c$
to 0 or negative. The final @cullit@ gets rid of the negative values,
so that they won't detract from future filling and drawing.) \ You can
also use `@draw@', `@filldraw@', or `@drawdot@' with `@erase@'; for example,
`@erase@ @draw@~$p$' is an abbreviation for `@cullit@; @undraw@~$p$;
@cullit@', which uses the currently-picked-up pen as if it were an
eraser applied to path~$p$.


\bugonpage C124, line 9 (6/17/86)


\bugonpage C130, 3rd-last line (9/25/86)

{\sl Geometry\/ \bf 1} (1986), 123--140]: Given a sequence

\bugonpage C144, sixth line of the program (8/23/86)

\ninepoint\noindent\hbox to\parindent{\hfil\sevenrm6\ \ \ }%
$y_2=.1h$; \ $\\{top}\,y_3=.4h$;

\bugonpage C148, the line before the illustration (11/27/86)

are polygons with 32 and 40 sides, respectively:

[New illustrations are needed here, since \MF\ version 1.3 improves
the accuracy of pen polygons.]

\bugonpage C149, 7th line after the illustration (10/24/86)

\line{$(200,y+100\pm\alpha)$, where
$\alpha=\sqrt5/4\approx0.559$. If we digitize these outlines and fill the}

\bugonpage C178, second-last line (8/23/86)

(If $t_3=t_1$~transum~$t_2$, then

\bugonpage C198, fifth-last and fourth-last lines (10/13/86)

$\\{top}\,y_2={\rm round}(\\{top}\,\beta)$.
Such operations occur frequently in practice, so plain \MF\ provides

\bugonpage C212, lines 9--11 from the bottom (8/23/86)

 \alt\[point]\<numeric expression>\[of]\<path primary>\continuerule
 \alt\[precontrol]\<numeric expression>\[of]\<path primary>\continuerule
 \alt\[postcontrol]\<numeric expression>\[of]\<path primary>

\bugonpage C233, lines 13--14 (2/15/87)

one column of white
pixels, if the character is $2a$ pixels wide, because the right edge of
black pixels is specified here to have the $x$~coordinate $2a-1$.

\bugonpage C247, lines 23--25 (11/27/86)

\ansno 16.2:
 `{\bf pencircle} scaled 1.06060' is the diamond but
`{\bf pencircle} scaled 1.06061' is~the square. \ (This assumes that
$\\{fillin}=0$. If, for example, $\\{fillin}=.1$, the change doesn't
occur until the diameter is 1.20204.) \ The next change is at diameter
1.5, which\cutpar

\bugonpage C262, lines 1--4 (7/28/86)

When we come to macros whose use has not yet been explained---for
example, somehow |softjoin| and |stop| never made it
into Chapters 1 through~27---we shall consider them from a user's
viewpoint. But most of the comments that follow are addressed to a
potential base-file designer.

\bugonpage C266, line 16 (8/17/86)

variables; they have the side effect of changing the variable's value.

\bugonpage C276, line 26 (6/23/86)

| if charic<>0: r((w+charic*hppp,h.o_),(w+charic*hppp,.5h.o_)); fi|

\bugonpage C286, lines 24--26 (10/13/86)

but \MF\ won't let you. And even if this had worked, it wouldn't have
solved the problem; it would simply have put |ENDFOR| into the
replacement text of |ast|, because expansion is inhibited when the
replacement text is being read.

\bugonpage C290, line 1 (8/23/86)

\ninepoint  \noindent{\it 2.\enspace Fortuitous loops.\enspace}%
The `^{max}' and `^{min}' macros in Appendix~B make use of the fact\cutpar

\bugonpage C298, third-last line (8/23/86)


\bugonpage C304, 14th-last line (2/15/87)

[replace this `|\smallskip|' by a |\smallskip| between lines!]

\bugonpage C307, fifth-last line (12/7/86)

    \vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%
\bf adjust\_fit}(\<left sidebearing adjustment>,\thinspace
  \<right sidebearing adjustment>);

\bugonpage C312, line 34 (10/12/86)

|params[2] = "sans_params";      fontname[2] = "cmssbx10";|

\bugonpage C316, lines 19--21 (8/17/86)

`|(some| |charht| |values| |had| |to| |be| |adjusted| |by| |as| |much|
|as| |0.12pt)|' means that~you had too many different nonzero heights, but
\MF\ found a way to reduce the number to at most~15 by changing some of
them; none of them had to be\cutpar

\bugonpage C319, line 3 (8/23/86)

specified by saying, e.g.,

\bugonpage C321, line 6 (7/28/86)

|  special "identifier " & font_identifier_;|

\bugonpage C334, line 2 (6/23/86)

|  currentpicture := currentpicture shifted-(1,1); pix := currentpicture;|

\bugonpage C339, tenth-last line (2/4/87)

|  Jackie K\=aren {\L}au\.ra Mar{\'\i}a N\H{a}ta{\l}{\u\i}e {\O}ctave|

\bugonpage C343, second-last line (8/23/86)

the precise needs of a precise but limited intellectual goal.}

\bugonpage C346, 2nd line of entry for `{\tt;}' (1/12/87)

\qquad 217, 223--224, 263, 312.

\bugonpage C348, line 6 (6/17/86)

concatenation, of paths, {\eightit 70--71}, {\eightit 123}, 127,

\bugonpage C348, just before `debugging' (3/16/87)

de Casteljau, Paul de Faget, 14.

\bugonpage C348, right column (3/16/87)

[The entry for `|define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels|' should be moved up
before the entry for `|define_whole_vertical_pixels|'.]

\bugonpage C352, left column (6/1/87)

\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
{\tt kern}, {\it 97}, {\it 316}, $\underline{317}$.

\bugonpage C352, right column (3/8/87)

[The entry for `|lowres|' belongs before the entry for `|lowres_fix|'.]

\bugonpage C353, left column (3/8/87)

[The entries for `|mode|' and `\<mode command>' belong before the entry
for `|mode_def|'.]

\bugonpage C353, entry for {\tt mode\char`\_def} (8/17/86)

{\tt mode\char`\_def}, 94, 189, $\underline{\smash{\hbox{\it 270}}}$,
{\it 278--279}.

\bugonpage C355, right column (4/15/86)

[The entry for `{\tt rulepen}' belongs before the entry for `rules'.]

\bugonpage C355, right column (8/5/86)

{\tt screenstrokes}, 191, $\underline{277}$.

\bugonpage C355, 2nd line of entry for `semicolons' (1/12/87)

\qquad 217, 223--224, 263, 312.

\bugonpage C356, full names for the Stanfords (4/10/86)

Stanford, Amasa Leland, 340.

Stanford, Jane Elizabeth Lathrop, 340.

% Volume D
\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
\def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode

\buginvol D, in general (7/28/86)

[A number of entries were mistakenly omitted from the mini-indexes
on the right-hand pages. Here is a combined list of all the missing
items; you can mount it inside the back cover, say, as a secondary mini-index
when the first one fails\dots\ ]

\setbox0=\vbox{\eightpoint \hsize=11pc \catcode`\_=\active \let_=\_
  \rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt
  \pretolerance 10000
  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \exhyphenpenalty 10000
  \noindent\vbox to1pt{}\par % 1pt = \topskip - \ninept
  \def\&#1{\hbox{\bf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words
  \def\makeref #1 #2 #3#4
   {\nn=#2 \hangindent=1em \noindent\\{#1}%
    \if#3:: \else\unhcopy\eqbox \fi#4, \S\number\nn.\par}
  \makeref add_or_subtract 930 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref after 427 :\&{array}
  \makeref arg_list 720 :\\{pointer}
  \makeref b 580 :\\{pixel\_color}
  \makeref bad_exp 824 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref before 427 :\&{array}
  \makeref begin_name 770 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref bilin1 968 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref binary_mac 863 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref blank_rectangle 567 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref boc_c 1162 :\\{integer}
  \makeref boc_p 1162 :\\{integer}
  \makeref cf 298 :\\{fraction}
  \makeref clockwise 453 :\\{boolean}
  \makeref ct 298 :\\{fraction}
  \makeref cubic_intersection 556 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref cur_pen 403 :\\{pointer}
  \makeref cur_rounding_ptr 427 :$0\to \\{max\_wiggle}$
  \makeref cur_spec 403 :\\{pointer}
  \makeref cur_x 389 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref cur_y 389 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref dely 557 :\\{integer}
  \makeref dep_finish 935 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref dep_list 587 =macro
  \makeref dimen_head 1125 :\&{array}
  \makeref dx 495 :\\{integer}
  \makeref dy 495 :\\{integer}
  \makeref d1 464 :$0\to 1$
  \makeref end_name 772 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref eqtb 201 :\&{array}
  \makeref error_stop_mode 68 =$3$
  \makeref firm_up_the_line 682 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref get_next 667 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref gf_buf 1152 :\&{array}
  \makeref gf_offset 1152 :\\{integer}
  \makeref gf_ptr 1152 :\\{gf\_index}
  \makeref halfword 156 =$\\{min\_halfword}\to \\{max\_halfword}$
  \makeref hash 201 :\&{array}
  \makeref index 629 =macro
  \makeref input_ln 30 :\&{function}
  \makeref interaction 68 :$0\to 3$
  \makeref j 357 :$0\to \\{move\_size}$
  \makeref known_pair 872 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref limit 629 =macro
  \makeref m_spread 357 :\\{integer}
  \makeref materialize_pen 865 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref max_allowed 403 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref max_c 813 :\&{array}
  \makeref max_link 813 :\&{array}
  \makeref max_tfm_dimen 1130 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref mem_top 12 =macro
  \makeref mem 159 :\&{array}
  \makeref memory_word 156 =\&{record}
  \makeref more_name 771 :\&{function}
  \makeref m1 464 :\\{integer}
  \makeref n 580 :\\{screen\_col}
  \makeref n_sin_cos 145 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref name 629 =macro
  \makeref negate_dep_list 904 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref new_knot 871 :\&{function}
  \makeref node_to_round 427 :\&{array}
  \makeref n1 464 :\\{integer}
  \makeref octant_dir 395 :\&{array}
  \makeref o1 453 :\\{small\_number}
  \makeref o2 453 :\\{small\_number}
  \makeref paint_row 568 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref param 1096 :\&{array}
  \makeref param_stack 633 :\&{array}
  \makeref path_length 916 :\&{function}
  \makeref perturbation 1119 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref phi 542 :\\{angle}
  \makeref pool_ptr 38 :\\{pool\_pointer}
  \makeref post_head 843 :\\{pointer}
  \makeref pre_head 843 :\\{pointer}
  \makeref print_err 68 =macro
  \makeref print_macro_name 722 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref quarterword 156 =$0\to 255$
  \makeref recycle_value 809 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref row_transition 579 :\\{trans\_spec}
  \makeref scan_text_arg 730 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref scroll_mode 68 =$2$
  \makeref set_controls 299 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref sf 298 :\\{fraction}
  \makeref show_context 635 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref sorted 325 =macro
  \makeref st 298 :\\{fraction}
  \makeref start 629 =macro
  \makeref start_sym 1077 :\\{halfword}
  \makeref str_pool 38 :\&{packed}\ \&{array}
  \makeref str_ptr 38 :\\{str\_number}
  \makeref str_start 38 :\&{array}
  \makeref take_part 910 :\&{procedure}
  \makeref tfm_changed 1130 :\\{integer}
  \makeref tol 557 :\\{integer}
  \makeref tt 843 :\\{small\_number}
  \makeref tx 954 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref txx 954 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref txy 954 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref ty 954 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref tyx 954 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref tyy 954 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref unsorted 325 =macro
  \makeref uv 557 :$0\to \\{bistack\_size}$
  \makeref xy 557 :$0\to \\{bistack\_size}$
  \makeref x1 542 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref x2 542 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref x3 542 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref y1 542 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref y2 542 :\\{scaled}
  \makeref y3 542 :\\{scaled}
\hbox{\nsize=\ht0 \advance\nsize-\topskip
  \divide\nsize by 3 \divide\nsize by\ninept
  \multiply\nsize by\ninept \advance\nsize\topskip
  \vsplit0 to\nsize \kern1pc
  \msize=\ht0 \advance\msize-\topskip
  \divide\msize by 2 \divide\msize by\ninept
  \multiply\msize by\ninept \advance\msize\topskip
  \vbox to\nsize{\vsplit0 to\msize\vss}\kern1pc
  \vbox to\nsize{\box0\vss}}

\buginvol D, in general (4/6/87)

\tenpoint\noindent[The percent signs in all the comments (for example,
on pages 7 and 42) are in the wrong font! Change `{\tt\%}' to `\%'.]

\bugonpage Dvii, line 9 (9/25/86)

{\sl Discrete and Computational Geometry\/ \bf1} (1986), 123--140.
\ \it Develops the theory\cutpar}

\bugonpage D2, line 27 (6/17/86)

{\bf define} $\\{banner}\equiv\hbox{\tt\char'23}$%
{\tt This\]is\]METAFONT,\]Version\]1.3\char'23}\quad
$\{\,$printed when \MF\ starts$\,\}$

\bugonpage D18, line 30 (5/22/86)

\\{str\_ptr}: \\{str\_number};\quad
$\{\,$number of the current string being created$\,\}$

\bugonpage D23, second line of mini-index, right column (6/14/87)

\indent\\{pool\_name}\unhcopy\eqbox|"string"|, \S11.

\bugonpage D30, lines 33--34 (6/14/87)

to delete a token, and/or if some fatal error
occurs while \MF\ is trying to fix a non-fatal one. But such recursion
is never more than two levels deep.

\bugonpage D63, lines 13--14 (5/5/87)

[These two lines can be eliminated, since the variable \\{temp\_ptr}
is no longer used! If you delete them, also remove \S158 from the
list of sections where global variables are declared (pages D7 and D552),
and remove \\{temp\_ptr} from the index on page D540.]

\bugonpage D66, line 6 (5/22/86)

{\bf function\/}\  $\\{get\_node}(s:\\{integer})$: \\{pointer};\quad
$\{\,$variable-size node allocation$\,\}$

\bugonpage D66, lines 31--32 (3/16/86)

growth helps to keep the \\{mem} usage consecutive when \MF\ is
implemented on ``virtual memory'' systems.

\bugonpage D67, lines 7--8 (4/21/87)

{\bf if} $r=p$ {\bf then if} $\\{rlink}(p)\ne p$ {\bf then}
  $\langle\,$Allocate entire node $p$ and {\bf goto} \\{found}%

\bugonpage D86, second line of section 198 (2/27/87)

Individual class numbers have no semantic
or syntactic significance, except in a few instances\cutpar

\bugonpage D101, line 2 (3/16/86)

like `{\tt x}', or they can
combine the structural properties of arrays and records, like `{\tt x20a.b}'.

\bugonpage D102, line 24 (3/16/86)

In other words, variables have a hierarchical structure that includes
enough threads running}

\bugonpage D127, line 10 (5/5/87)

[Variable $r$ can be eliminated, since it is not
used in this procedure! If you delete it, also remove $\underline{280}$
from the corresponding index entry on page D536.]

\bugonpage D129, line 15 (5/5/87)

[This line can be eliminated, since \\{sine} and \\{cosine} are not
used in this procedure! If you delete them, also remove $\underline{284}$
from the corresponding index entries on pages D538 and D521.]

\bugonpage D142, line 23 (4/24/87)

$(7-\sqrt{28}\,)/12$; the worst case
occurs for polynomials like $B(0,28-4\sqrt{28},14-5\sqrt{28},42;t)$.)

\bugonpage D178, third-last line (7/30/86)

The following code maintains the invariant relations
$0\le \\{x0}<\max(\\{x1},\\{x1}+\\{x2})$, $\vert\\{x1}\vert<2^{30}$,}

\bugonpage D228, line 13 (7/30/86)

{\bf while} $\\{max\_coef}<\\{fraction\_half}$ {\bf do}

The mini-index at the bottom of the next page should also receive the following
new entry:
$\\{fraction\_half}={\rm macro}$, \S105.

\bugonpage D228, 10th-last line (5/5/87)

{\bf begin} $\\{right\_type}(p)\gets k$;
\noindent[Also eliminate `$q,$' seven lines above this, and delete
$\underline{497}$ from the index entry for \\{q} on page D536.]

\bugonpage D248, lines 16--21 (11/27/86)

{\bf if} $\\{alpha}<\\{beta}$ {\bf then}\par\noindent\kern20pt
{\bf begin} $\\{alpha}\gets\\{abs}(v)$;\kern5pt
{\bf end};\quad$\{\,$now $\alpha=\max(\vert u\vert,\vert v\vert)$,
 $\beta=\min(\vert u\vert,\vert v\vert)\,\}$\par\noindent\kern10pt
{\bf if} $\\{internal}[\\{fillin}]\ne0$ {\bf then}\par\noindent\kern20pt
$d\gets d-\\{take\_fraction}(\\{internal}[\\{fillin}],
$d\gets\\{take\_fraction}((d+4)\;{\bf div}\;8,\\{delta})$;\kern5pt
$\\{alpha}\gets\\{alpha}\;{\bf div}\;\\{half\_unit}$;

\bugonpage D263, line 20 (3/16/86)

instead of \\{false}, the other routines will simply log the fact
that they have been called; they won't\cutpar

\bugonpage D268, line 2 (4/28/87)

Given the number~$k$ of an open window, the pixels of positive
weight in \\{cur\_edges} will be shown\cutpar

\bugonpage D301, line 6 of section 652 (5/5/87)

[This line can be eliminated, since variable $s$ is not
used in this procedure! If you delete it, also remove $\underline{652}$
from the corresponding index entry on page D537; remove 652 from
the index entries for \\{param\_size} and \\{param\_start} on page D534;
and remove \\{param\_size} from the mini-index on page D301.]

\bugonpage D376, lines 17 and 18 (11/14/86)

[these two mysterious lines should be deleted]

\bugonpage D380, line 11 (5/5/87)

[Variables $q$ and $r$ can be eliminated, since they are not
used in this procedure! If you delete them, also remove $\underline{862}$
from the corresponding index entries on page D536.]

\bugonpage D429, line 14 (5/5/87)

{\bf begin} $p\gets\\{cur\_exp}$;
\noindent[Also eliminate line 12, and delete $\underline{985}$ from the
index entry for \\{vv} on page D543.]

\bugonpage D455, line 5 (5/5/87)

[This line can be eliminated, since variable $t$ is not
used in this procedure! If you delete it, also remove $\underline{1059}$
from the corresponding index entry on page D540; remove 1059 from
the index entries for \\{small\_number} and \\{with\_option} on pages D539
and D544; and remove \\{with\_option} from the mini-index on page D455.]

\bugonpage D463, line 10 (12/15/86)


\bugonpage D465, lines 17--18 (6/14/87)

[Delete these two lines.]

\bugonpage D474, 5th-last line (3/16/86)

depths, or italic corrections) are sorted;
then the list of sorted values is perturbed, if necessary.

\bugonpage D481, line 12 (6/17/86)



The mini-index at the bottom of this page should also receive the following
new entry:
\\{print\_char}: {\bf procedure}, \S58.

\bugonpage D510, new line to follow line 5 (6/17/86)

This program doesn't bother to close the input files that may still be open.

\bugonpage D510, just before the fifth-last line (8/5/86)

$\{\,$avoid loop in case of fatal error$\,\}$

\bugonpage D520, right column (6/14/87)

\leftline{Chinese characters:\quad 1147.}

\bugonpage D526, left column, lines 1--2 (7/30/86)

 $\underline{105}$, 111, 152, 288, 408, 496, 543,}
\leftline{\indent\qquad 1098, 1128, 1141.}

\bugonpage D526, left column, lines 6--7 (7/30/86)

\leftline{\indent\qquad 478, 497, 499, 503, 530, 540, 547, 549, 599, 603,}
\leftline{\indent\qquad 612, 615, 815--816, 917, 1169--1170.}

\bugonpage D528, right column (6/14/87)

\leftline{Japanese characters:\quad 1147.}

\bugonpage D530, right column, line 45 (7/30/86)

\leftline{\indent\\{max}:\quad$\underline{539}$, 543.}

\bugonpage D533, right column (6/14/87)

\leftline{oriental characters:\quad 1147.}

\bugonpage D535, right column, line 27 (6/17/86)

\leftline{\indent\qquad 1134, 1163--1165, 1182, 1194, 1200, 1205, 1213.}

\bugonpage D547, bottom two lines (11/27/86)

[These lines, and the top two on the next page, should move down
so that they appear in alphabetical order just before `Compute
test coefficients'.]
% volume E

\bugonpage Exiii, lines 1--2 (7/28/86)

February 11--13, 1984), 49.
\ {\it An example meta-character of the Devanagari alphabet, worked out
``online'' with the help of Matthew Carter.}

\bugonpage Exiii, line 6 (7/28/86)

{\it and western alphabets work also for Devanagari and Tamil.}

\bugonpage E12, lines 15 and 19 (7/23/86)

\tenpoint\noindent[change `17.32' to `17.28' in both places]

\bugonpage E12, third-last line (12/18/86)

\tenpoint\noindent[change `41' to `40']

\bugonpage E13, lines 3, 4, and 20 (12/18/86)

\tenpoint\noindent[change `40' to `41', `48' to `47', `17' to `7']

\bugonpage E18, line 20 (7/23/86)

\tenpoint\noindent[change `17.32' to `17.28']

\bugonpage E18, line 29 (12/9/86)

\tenpoint\noindent[change `236' to `212' in the {\tt cmss9} column]

\bugonpage E170, top illustration (11/2/86)

\tenpoint\noindent[There should be no ``dish'' or depression in the
vicinity of point {\tt 3r}; the top edge of the character should be
straight. This error appears also in the other uses of `\\{no\_dish\_serif}'
throughout the book, since the illustrations were made before
`\\{no\_dish\_serif}' was added to the program. See page
E180~(twice at the top), E370~(twice), E374~(twice), E376~(twice), E378~(top),
E390~(bottom), E398~(top), E402~(top), E406~(top), E453~(twice).]

\bugonpage E179, new line to be inserted after line 6 (10/13/86)

{\bf if}  $\\{shaved\_stem}<\\{crisp}.\\{breadth}$:
  $\\{shaved\_stem}:=\\{crisp}.\\{breadth}$; {\bf fi}

\bugonpage E219, line 29 (6/2/87)

\ninepoint\line{\\{top} $y_1=h$; \ $x_1=x_2$; \
 {\bf filldraw stroke} $z_{1e}\dashto z_{2'e}$;\hfil\% stem}

\bugonpage E279, seventh line from the bottom (7/20/86)

\rightline{\eightssi that delicious but restrained humor which
 her readers found so irresistible.}

\bugonpage E301, new line to be inserted after line 28 (5/15/87)

\quad{\bf if} $\\{lower\_side}>1.2\\{upper\_side}$:
  $\\{upper\_side}:=\\{lower\_side}$; {\bf fi}

\bugonpage E554, bottom half of page (12/18/86)

\ninepoint\noindent[The letters will change slightly because of the
corrections to {\tt cmr17} noted on pages 12 and 13.]

\bugonpage E561, line 3 (12/9/86)

\ninepoint\noindent[The numerals should be `\thinspace
{\niness 0123456789}\thinspace' (i.e., 2/3 point less tall)
because of the correction made to page 18.]

\bugonpage E562, line 9 (12/9/86)

\ninepoint\noindent[The numerals should be `\thinspace
{\ninessi 0123456789\/}\thinspace' (i.e., 2/3 point less tall)
because of the correction made to page 18.]

\bugonpage E572, entry for {\it breadth} (10/13/86)

{\it breadth}, 59, 75, 79, 91, 93, 179, 225, 233,

\bugonpage E573, entry for {\tt cmcsc10} (8/17/86)

{\tt cmcsc10}, $\underline{30}$--$\underline{31}$, 567.

\bugonpage E576, tenth-last line (5/15/87)

{\bf lowres\kern.04em\vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em
 fix}, 550.
Now here are some that I will make soon!