This is TeX, Version 3.141592653 (INITEX) ** &trip trip (trip.tex ## ! Bad number (-7). <to be read again> 8 l.94 \openout-'78 terminal \openout10=tr\romannumeral1 \gobble... Completed box being shipped out [] ! Missing number, treated as zero. <to be read again> { ... l.106 \penalty-10000 % now we'll compute silently for awhile,... Memory usage before: 159&313; after: 102&278; still untouched: 1613 ! OK (see the transcript file). l.441 unbal}\fi}\showlists \tracingonline1% {|escapechar} {^^?global} {^^?global} {end} ! Missing } inserted. <inserted text> } <to be read again> end l.442 ...lobal\escapechar256\end {end-group character }} {retaining escapechar=256} > 3. <output> {showthe deadcycles global advance countz by1global ... <to be read again> end l.442 ...lobal\escapechar256\end ! You can't use `end' in internal vertical mode. <recently read> end <output> {}unvbox 255end rb } <to be read again> end l.442 ...lobal\escapechar256\end ! Unbalanced output routine. <output> ... {}unvbox 255end rb } <to be read again> end l.442 ...lobal\escapechar256\end ! Output loop---3 consecutive dead cycles. <to be read again> end l.442 ...lobal\escapechar256\end Completed box being shipped out [-1.2.-1118806.0.11.196608.327680.157286 4.1073741823] ! Unbalanced write command. <write> if 01{else unbal}fi <inserted text> }endwrite <to be read again> end l.442 ...lobal\escapechar256\end Memory usage before: 334&431; after: 292&418; still untouched: 175 ) (end occurred inside a group at level 1) (end occurred when if on line 442 was incomplete) (end occurred when ifcase on line 419 was incomplete) (end occurred when iftrue on line 413 was incomplete) (see the transcript file for additional information) Output written on trip.dvi (16 pages, 2920 bytes). Transcript written on trip.log.