
This is version 4.0.2 of Excalibur.  This release fixes all reported
bugs.  Please send me mail regarding any unresolved issues.  I am
saving a new features for a Cocoa version of Excalibur (see below).

- To install Excalibur, just copy the Excalibur folder to your
  Applications folder.

- Excalibur now requires Mac OS X 10.2.

- Fixed the display of the version number in the About box.

- Fixed a problem with AppleScript and Z-Write not working properly
  with Excalibur.

- Added support for the longtable environment.

- Fixed another Word Services problem that caused the interaction with
  a client to be slow.

- Made the Standard Dictionary read-only.

A Cocoa version of Excalibur is in the works.  I hope it will be ready
by the middle of 2003, but anyone who has developed software knows how
elusive release dates can be.