Files in this directory have been binhexed and stuffed using StuffIt
Deluxe v. 3.0.1. Once the file has been un-binhexed, double-click on the
self-extracting archive (.sea) file and select a target destination on
your hard drive for the resulting folder and files.

Follow the instructions in the Read Me file that is included in each file
bundle for recommended placement of the macro file, as well as details
on documentation and examples.

The macro files in the Graphics directory are:

BoxedEPS.tex - This is a highly portable package for insertion of EPSF
(Encapsulated PostScript Files) in TeX documents. It is a fraction of a
larger less portable package for several graphics norms on the Mac that
was initially put together for the GUTenberg special year for graphics,

epsf.def - Adapted from the EPSF.TEX macro file for use with Textures,
these are TeX macros to include an Encapsulated PostScript graphic.

picmacs.tex - These macros are for use with LaTeX and Textures. They
permit the use of a scaled MacPaint drawing within the LaTeX figure
environment, and rely on LaTeX commands. See pics.tex for a similar file
designed for use with Plain TeX or AMS-TeX.

pics.tex - These macros are for use with Plain TeX or AMS-TeX and
Textures. They permit the use of a scaled picture pasted into the
Textures picture window. While they can be used with LaTeX, the similar
file picmacs.tex (from which the pics.tex file was adapted) was designed
specifically for use with LaTeX.

psfig - These are TeX macros to include an Encapsulated PostScript
graphic, modified to work with Textures.  Version 1.6 gives correct screen
preview while 1.10 is more full-featured.  Both should print properly on a
PostScript printer.  The "New" psfig is the one to get.

rotate.sty - This is a style file meant to support rotation of figures
(psfig does rotation as well).  Beware---Textures will not show rotated
screen preview, nor will it print out on a QuickDraw printer.

shadebox.bsr - These macros can be used to typeset text in a framed box
with a shaded background. The shading effects are achieved via PostScript
commands, and are visible only on a PostScript device. This file was
modified for use on the Macintosh with Textures 1.5 or later from the
original file shadebox.tex.