%% Textures version.
%% Added \epsfscale to change the size of pictures.
%% The effect of \epsfscale is implemented using \epsfsize,
%% so don't change it.
%% The form \epsfbox[0 0 30 50]{filename.ps} works differently with Textures
%% and dvips because Textures automatically translates the origin to the
%% lower left corner of the picture.
%% Ari Lehtonen, 19 Feb 1992.
%   EPSF.TEX macro file:
%   Written by Tomas Rokicki of Radical Eye Software, 29 Mar 1989.
%   Revised by Don Knuth, 3 Jan 1990.
%   Revised by Tomas Rokicki to accept bounding boxes with no
%      space after the colon, 18 Jul 1990.
%   TeX macros to include an Encapsulated PostScript graphic.
%   Works by finding the bounding box comment,
%   calculating the correct scale values, and inserting a vbox
%   of the appropriate size at the current position in the TeX document.
%   To use with the center environment of LaTeX, preface the \epsffile
%   call with a \leavevmode.  (LaTeX should probably supply this itself
%   for the center environment.)
%   To use, simply say
%   \input epsf           % somewhere early on in your TeX file
%   \epsfbox{filename.ps} % where you want to insert a vbox for a figure
%   Alternatively, you can type
%   \epsfbox[0 0 30 50]{filename.ps} % to supply your own BB
%   which will not read in the file, and will instead use the bounding
%   box you specify.
%   The effect will be to typeset the figure as a TeX box, at the
%   point of your \epsfbox command. By default, the graphic will have its
%   `natural' width (namely the width of its bounding box, as described
%   in filename.ps). The TeX box will have depth zero.
%   You can enlarge or reduce the figure by saying
%     \epsfxsize=<dimen> \epsfbox{filename.ps}
%   (or
%     \epsfysize=<dimen> \epsfbox{filename.ps})
%   instead. Then the width of the TeX box will be \epsfxsize and its
%   height will be scaled proportionately (or the height will be
%   \epsfysize and its width will be scaled proportiontally).  The
%   width (and height) is restored to zero after each use.
%   A more general facility for sizing is available by defining the
%   \epsfsize macro.    Normally you can redefine this macro
%   to do almost anything.  The first parameter is the natural x size of
%   the PostScript graphic, the second parameter is the natural y size
%   of the PostScript graphic.  It must return the xsize to use, or 0 if
%   natural scaling is to be used.  Common uses include:
%      \epsfxsize  % just leave the old value alone
%      0pt         % use the natural sizes
%      #1          % use the natural sizes
%      \hsize      % scale to full width
%      0.5#1       % scale to 50% of natural size
%      \ifnum#1>\hsize\hsize\else#1\fi  % smaller of natural, hsize
%% Changed:
%% \epsfxsize should not leave a value; it should compute the appropriate
%% quantities and assign the values.
%   If you want TeX to report the size of the figure (as a message
%   on your terminal when it processes each figure), say `\epsfverbosetrue'.
\newread\epsffilein    % file to \read
\newif\ifepsffileok    % continue looking for the bounding box?
\newif\ifepsfbbfound   % success?
\newif\ifepsfverbose   % report what you're making?
\newdimen\epsfxsize    % horizontal size after scaling
\newdimen\epsfysize    % vertical size after scaling
\newdimen\epsftsize    % horizontal size before scaling
\newdimen\epsfrsize    % vertical size before scaling
\newdimen\epsftmp      % register for arithmetic manipulation
\newdimen\pspoints     % conversion factor
\pspoints=1bp          % Adobe points are `big'
\epsfxsize=0pt         % Default value, means `use natural size'
\epsfysize=0pt         % ditto
\def\epsfgetlitbb#1#2 #3 #4 #5]#6{\epsfgrab #2 #3 #4 #5 .\\%
%   The first thing we need to do is to open the
%   PostScript file, if possible.
\ifeof\epsffilein\errmessage{I couldn't open #1, will ignore it}\else
%   Okay, we got it. Now we'll scan lines until we find one that doesn't
%   start with %. We're looking for the bounding box comment.
   {\epsffileoktrue \chardef\other=12
    \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials \catcode`\ =10
       \read\epsffilein to \epsffileline
%   We check to see if the first character is a % sign;
%   if not, we stop reading (unless the line was entirely blank);
%   if so, we look further and stop only if the line begins with
%   `%%BoundingBox:'.
          \expandafter\epsfaux\epsffileline:. \\%
    \ifepsfverbose\message{No bounding box comment in #1; using defaults}\fi\fi
%   Now we have to calculate the scale and offset values to use.
%   First we compute the natural sizes.
   \advance\epsfrsize by-\epsflly\pspoints
   \advance\epsftsize by-\epsfllx\pspoints
%   If `epsfxsize' is 0, we default to the natural size of the picture.
%   Otherwise we scale the graph to be \epsfxsize wide.
%%   \epsfxsize\epsfsize\epsftsize\epsfrsize
   \ifnum\epsfxsize=0 \ifnum\epsfysize=0
      \epsfxsize=\epsftsize \epsfysize=\epsfrsize
%   We have a sticky problem here:  TeX doesn't do floating point arithmetic!
%   Our goal is to compute y = rx/t. The following loop does this reasonably
%   fast, with an error of at most about 16 sp (about 1/4000 pt).
     \else\epsftmp=\epsftsize \divide\epsftmp\epsfrsize
       \epsfxsize=\epsfysize \multiply\epsfxsize\epsftmp
       \multiply\epsftmp\epsfrsize \advance\epsftsize-\epsftmp
       \loop \advance\epsftsize\epsftsize \divide\epsftmp 2
             \advance\epsftsize-\epsfrsize \advance\epsfxsize\epsftmp \fi
   \else\epsftmp=\epsfrsize \divide\epsftmp\epsftsize
     \epsfysize=\epsfxsize \multiply\epsfysize\epsftmp   
     \multiply\epsftmp\epsftsize \advance\epsfrsize-\epsftmp
     \loop \advance\epsfrsize\epsfrsize \divide\epsftmp 2
           \advance\epsfrsize-\epsftsize \advance\epsfysize\epsftmp \fi
%  Finally, we make the vbox and stick in a \special that dvips can parse.
%% Modified for Textures.
   \ifepsfverbose\message{#1: width=\the\epsfxsize, height=\the\epsfysize}\fi
   \epsftmp=10\epsfxsize \divide\epsftmp\pspoints
   \vbox to\epsfysize{\vfil\hbox to\epsfxsize{%
%%      \special{PSfile=#1 llx=\epsfllx\space lly=\epsflly\space
%%          urx=\epsfurx\space ury=\epsfury\space rwi=\number\epsftmp}%
%%      \hfil}}%
      \special{illustration #1 scaled \number\epsfscale}%% Textures
\epsfxsize=0pt\epsfysize=0pt\epsfscale=1000 }%

%   We still need to define the tricky \epsfaux macro. This requires
%   a couple of magic constants for comparison purposes.
{\catcode`\%=12 \global\let\epsfpercent=%\global\def\epsfbblit{%BoundingBox}}%
%   So we're ready to check for `%BoundingBox:' and to grab the
%   values if they are found.
      \epsfgrab #3 . . . \\%
%   Here we grab the values and stuff them in the appropriate definitions.
\def\epsfgrab #1 #2 #3 #4 #5\\{%
      \epsfgrab #2 #3 #4 #5 .\\\else
%   We default the epsfsize macro.
%% See below.
%   Finally, another definition for compatibility with older macros.
%% Introduce scaling factor a la TeX.
\newcount\epsfscale    % computed scaling factor
\newdimen\epsftmpp     % register for arithmetic manipulation
\newdimen\epsftmppp    % register for arithmetic manipulation
\newdimen\epsfM        % scale=1000 means natural size (cf. TeX's \mag)
\newdimen\sppoints     % compute in units of \sppoints
\epsfscale=1000        % default value
\sppoints=1000sp       % TeX's unit is a scaled point
% \computescale{a<dim>}{b<dim>} calculates scaling factor
% s = c a/b with c=1000 in the following way:
%   integer division: a = p b + q  (p=[a/b], [x]=integer part, q=a mod b)
%   c a/b = c p + c q/b
%   c q/b = c/2 2q/b
%   if 2q >= b then c q/b = c/2 (2q-b)/b + c/2 =: c' q'/b + c/2
%                  c a/b = c p + c/2 + c' q'/b
%   repeat until c'/2 < 1
  \epsftmpp=#1 \epsftmppp=#2
  \epsftmp=\epsftmpp \divide\epsftmp\epsftmppp  % p=[a/b]
  \epsfscale=\epsfM \multiply\epsfscale\epsftmp % s=c p
  \multiply\epsftmp\epsftmppp                   % p b
  \advance\epsftmpp-\epsftmp                    % q=a-p b
  \epsftmp=\epsfM                               % c=1000
  \loop \advance\epsftmpp\epsftmpp              % q'=2q
    \divide\epsftmp 2                           % c'=c/2
      \ifnum\epsftmpp<\epsftmppp\else           % q' >= b  =>
        \advance\epsftmpp-\epsftmppp            %   q'=2q-b
        \advance\epsfscale\epsftmp \fi          %   s=s+[c/2]
      \else \computescale{\epsfysize}{#2}% returns \epsfscale
    \else \computescale{\epsfxsize}{#1}% returns \epsfscale
    \divide\epsfxsize by 1000 \multiply\epsfxsize by \epsfscale