%   These macros allow you to rotate or flip a \TeX\ box.  Very useful for
%   sideways tables or upsidedown answers.
%   To use, create a box containing the information you want to rotate.
%   (An hbox or vbox will do.)  Now call \@rotr\boxnum to rotate the
%   material and create a new box with the appropriate (flipped) dimensions.
%   \@rotr rotates right, \@rotl rotates left, \@rotu turns upside down, and
%   \@rotf flips.  These boxes may contain other rotated boxes.
%   Originally written by Tomas Rokicki, and distributed with dvips.
%   Modified for Textures by Barry Smith, Blue Sky Research, 08Jul94


\def\@rotstart#1{\special{postscript 0 0 transform}% get current point
  \special{rawpostscript gsave itransform 2 copy translate
   #1 neg exch neg exch translate}}% #1 can be any origin-fixing transformation
\def\@rotfinish{\special{rawpostscript currentfont grestore setfont}}% gets back in synch
%   First, the rotation right. The reference point of the rotated box
%   is the lower right corner of the original box.
\def\@rotr#1{\@rotdimen=\ht#1\advance\@rotdimen by\dp#1%
   \hbox to\@rotdimen{\hskip\ht#1\vbox to\wd#1{\@rotstart{90 rotate}%
%   Next, the rotation left. The reference point of the rotated box
%   is the upper left corner of the original box.
\def\@rotl#1{\@rotdimen=\ht#1\advance\@rotdimen by\dp#1%
   \hbox to\@rotdimen{\vbox to\wd#1{\vskip\wd#1\@rotstart{270 rotate}%
%   Upside down is simple. The reference point of the rotated box
%   is the upper right corner of the original box. (The box's height
%   should be the current font's xheight, \fontdimen5\font,
%   if you want that xheight to be at the baseline after rotation.)
\def\@rotu#1{\@rotdimen=\ht#1\advance\@rotdimen by\dp#1%
   \hbox to\wd#1{\hskip\wd#1\vbox to\@rotdimen{\vskip\@rotdimen
   \@rotstart{-1 dup scale}\box#1\vss}\hss}\@rotfinish}%
%   And flipped end for end is pretty ysae too. We retain the baseline.
\def\@rotf#1{\hbox to\wd#1{\hskip\wd#1\@rotstart{-1 1 scale}%
%   Now the user interface for LaTeX:  \rotate[type]{text} where
%   ``type'' is `l' for left, `r' for right, `u' for upside-down, or
%   `f' for flip.  `l' is the default.