% idea: keep track of math style in integer parameter % \mathstyle *while scanning the formula*. To be able % to do this, we need to keep track of % % \overline % ^ % _ % \mathaccent % style atoms % \fraction{...\over...} % % Change necessary: \mathstyle is *not* an ordinary % integer parameter, since math style doesn't obey % grouping. Try ${\scriptscriptstyle 1}2$. % Therefore it should be a special readonly parameter and % a \cramp primitive should be separately added. @x l.8392 @d input_line_no_code=glue_val+1 {code for \.{\\inputlineno}} @d badness_code=glue_val+2 {code for \.{\\badness}} @y @d input_line_no_code=glue_val+1 {code for \.{\\inputlineno}} @d badness_code=glue_val+2 {code for \.{\\badness}} @d math_style_code=glue_val+3 {code for \.{\\mathstyle}} @z @x l.8420 primitive("badness",last_item,badness_code); @!@:badness_}{\.{\\badness} primitive@> @y primitive("badness",last_item,badness_code); @!@:badness_}{\.{\\badness} primitive@> primitive("mathstyle",last_item,math_style_code); @!@:mathstyle_}{\.{\\mathstyle} primitive@> @z @x l.8435 input_line_no_code: print_esc("inputlineno"); othercases print_esc("badness") @y input_line_no_code: print_esc("inputlineno"); badness_code: print_esc("badness"); math_style_code: print_esc("mathstyle"); othercases confusion("last_item") @:this can't happen last_item}{\quad last_item@> @z % % \mathstyle returns -1 if used outside math mode. % @x l.8504 if cur_chr>glue_val then begin if cur_chr=input_line_no_code then cur_val:=line else cur_val:=last_badness; {|cur_chr=badness_code|} cur_val_level:=int_val; end @y if cur_chr>glue_val then begin if cur_chr=input_line_no_code then cur_val:=line else if cur_chr=math_style_code then begin if abs(mode)=mmode then cur_val:=mathstyle else cur_val:=-1; end else cur_val:=last_badness; cur_val_level:=int_val; end @z @x l.14108 @!cur_style:small_number; {style code at current place in the list} @y @!cur_style,mathstyle:small_number; {style code at current place in the list} @z @x l.21649 begin push_math(math_shift_group); eq_word_define(int_base+cur_fam_code,-1); if every_math<>null then begin_token_list(every_math,every_math_text); @y begin mathstyle:=text_style; push_math(math_shift_group); eq_word_define(int_base+cur_fam_code,-1); if every_math<>null then begin_token_list(every_math,every_math_text); @z @x l.21700 push_math(math_shift_group); mode:=mmode; eq_word_define(int_base+cur_fam_code,-1);@/ @y mathstyle:=display_style; push_math(math_shift_group); mode:=mmode; eq_word_define(int_base+cur_fam_code,-1);@/ @z @x l.21798 mmode+left_brace: begin tail_append(new_noad); back_input; scan_math(nucleus(tail)); @y mmode+left_brace: begin tail_append(new_noad); back_input; scan_math(nucleus(tail),mathstyle); @z % % we change scan_math to expect one additional parameter, % the mathstyle for the next math atom. There are two % cases here: % - simple atom: use local var stack to hold old style % and restore it from there % - subformula: use save stack to hold old style and % restore it when reading `}' % @x l.21810 procedure scan_math(@!p:pointer); label restart,reswitch,exit; var c:integer; {math character code} begin restart:@<Get the next non-blank non-relax...@>; reswitch:case cur_cmd of letter,other_char,char_given: begin c:=ho(math_code(cur_chr)); if c=@'100000 then begin @<Treat |cur_chr| as an active character@>; goto restart; end; end; char_num: begin scan_char_num; cur_chr:=cur_val; cur_cmd:=char_given; goto reswitch; end; math_char_num: begin scan_fifteen_bit_int; c:=cur_val; end; math_given: c:=cur_chr; delim_num: begin scan_twenty_seven_bit_int; c:=cur_val div @'10000; end; othercases @<Scan a subformula enclosed in braces and |return|@> endcases;@/ math_type(p):=math_char; character(p):=qi(c mod 256); if (c>=var_code)and fam_in_range then fam(p):=cur_fam else fam(p):=(c div 256) mod 16; exit:end; @y procedure scan_math(@!p:pointer;s:small_number); label restart,reswitch,exit; var c:integer; {math character code} savedstyle:small_number; begin savedstyle:=mathstyle; mathstyle:=s; restart:@<Get the next non-blank non-relax...@>; reswitch:case cur_cmd of letter,other_char,char_given: begin c:=ho(math_code(cur_chr)); if c=@'100000 then begin @<Treat |cur_chr| as an active character@>; goto restart; end; end; char_num: begin scan_char_num; cur_chr:=cur_val; cur_cmd:=char_given; goto reswitch; end; math_char_num: begin scan_fifteen_bit_int; c:=cur_val; end; math_given: c:=cur_chr; delim_num: begin scan_twenty_seven_bit_int; c:=cur_val div @'10000; end; othercases @<Scan a subformula enclosed in braces and |return|@> endcases;@/ math_type(p):=math_char; character(p):=qi(c mod 256); if (c>=var_code)and fam_in_range then fam(p):=cur_fam else fam(p):=(c div 256) mod 16; mathstyle:=savedstyle; exit: end; @z @x l.21848 begin back_input; scan_left_brace;@/ saved(0):=p; incr(save_ptr); push_math(math_group); return; @y begin back_input; scan_left_brace;@/ saved(0):=p; incr(save_ptr); saved(0):=savedstyle; incr(save_ptr); push_math(math_group); return; @z @x l.21944 mmode+math_comp: begin tail_append(new_noad); type(tail):=cur_chr; scan_math(nucleus(tail)); @y mmode+math_comp: begin tail_append(new_noad); type(tail):=cur_chr; case type(tail) of over_noad: scan_math(nucleus(tail),cramped_style(mathstyle)); othercases scan_math(nucleus(tail),mathstyle); endcases; @z %@x l.21999 %scan_delimiter(left_delimiter(tail),true); %if t=1 then scan_delimiter(right_delimiter(tail),true) %else mem[right_delimiter(tail)].qqqq:=null_delimiter; %scan_math(nucleus(tail)); %end; %@y %scan_delimiter(left_delimiter(tail),true); %if t=1 then scan_delimiter(right_delimiter(tail),true) %else mem[right_delimiter(tail)].qqqq:=null_delimiter; %scan_math(nucleus(tail),cramped_style(mathstyle)); %end; %@z @x {before |scan_math| in |math_radical|} scan_math(nucleus(tail)); @y {before |scan_math| in |math_radical|} scan_math(nucleus(tail),cramped_style(mathstyle)); @z @x l.22012 if (cur_val>=var_code)and fam_in_range then fam(accent_chr(tail)):=cur_fam else fam(accent_chr(tail)):=(cur_val div 256) mod 16; scan_math(nucleus(tail)); end; @y if (cur_val>=var_code)and fam_in_range then fam(accent_chr(tail)):=cur_fam else fam(accent_chr(tail)):=(cur_val div 256) mod 16; scan_math(nucleus(tail),cramped_style(mathstyle)); end; @z @x l.22066 mmode+math_style: tail_append(new_style(cur_chr)); @y mmode+math_style: begin tail_append(new_style(cur_chr)); mathstyle:=cur_chr; end; @z @x l.22076 procedure append_choices; begin tail_append(new_choice); incr(save_ptr); saved(-1):=0; push_math(math_choice_group); scan_left_brace; @y procedure append_choices; begin tail_append(new_choice); incr(save_ptr); saved(-1):=mathstyle; incr(save_ptr); saved(-1):=0; push_math(math_choice_group); scan_left_brace; mathstyle:=display_style; @z @x l.22094 3:begin script_script_mlist(tail):=p; decr(save_ptr); return; end; end; {there are no other cases} incr(saved(-1)); push_math(math_choice_group); scan_left_brace; @y 3:begin script_script_mlist(tail):=p; decr(save_ptr); mathstyle:=saved(-1); decr(save_ptr); return; end; end; {there are no other cases} incr(saved(-1)); push_math(math_choice_group); scan_left_brace; mathstyle:=2*saved(-1); @z @x l.22109 procedure sub_sup; var t:small_number; {type of previous sub/superscript} @!p:pointer; {field to be filled by |scan_math|} begin t:=empty; p:=null; if tail<>head then if scripts_allowed(tail) then begin p:=supscr(tail)+cur_cmd-sup_mark; {|supscr| or |subscr|} t:=math_type(p); end; if (p=null)or(t<>empty) then @<Insert a dummy noad to be sub/superscripted@>; scan_math(p); end; @y procedure sub_sup; var t:small_number; {type of previous sub/superscript} @!p:pointer; {field to be filled by |scan_math|} begin t:=empty; p:=null; if tail<>head then if scripts_allowed(tail) then begin p:=supscr(tail)+cur_cmd-sup_mark; {|supscr| or |subscr|} t:=math_type(p); end; if (p=null)or(t<>empty) then @<Insert a dummy noad to be sub/superscripted@>; if cur_cmd=sup_mark then scan_math(p,sup_style(mathstyle)) else scan_math(p,sub_style(mathstyle)); end; @z @x l.22149 @d delimited_code=3 { `\.{\\abovewithdelims}', etc.} @y @d delimited_code=3 { `\.{\\abovewithdelims}', etc.} @d fraction_code=6 { `\.{\\fraction}', etc.} @z @x l.22162 primitive("atopwithdelims",above,delimited_code+atop_code); @!@:atop_with_delims_}{\.{\\atopwithdelims} primitive@> @y primitive("atopwithdelims",above,delimited_code+atop_code); @!@:atop_with_delims_}{\.{\\atopwithdelims} primitive@> primitive("fraction",above,fraction_code); @!@:fraction_}{\.{\\fraction} primitive@> @z @x l.22171 delimited_code+atop_code:print_esc("atopwithdelims"); othercases print_esc("above") @y delimited_code+atop_code:print_esc("atopwithdelims"); fraction_code:print_esc("fraction"); othercases print_esc("above") @z % We handle \fraction{...\over...} here, by scanning away % the left brace and then doing the same as for % mmode+left_brace % The point is that we have a handle to update the % math_style variable properly here. % We do scan_left_brace followed by back_input to % force the left brace to be there @x l.22176 mmode+above: math_fraction; @y mmode+above: if cur_chr=fraction_code then begin scan_left_brace; tail_append(new_noad); back_input; scan_math(nucleus(tail),num_style(mathstyle)); end else begin math_fraction; end; @z @x procedure math_fraction; var c:small_number; {the type of generalized fraction we are scanning} begin c:=cur_chr; @y procedure math_fraction; var c:small_number; {the type of generalized fraction we are scanning} begin c:=cur_chr; mathstyle:=denom_style(save_stack[cur_boundary-1].int); @z @x l.22258 math_group: begin unsave; decr(save_ptr);@/ math_type(saved(0)):=sub_mlist; p:=fin_mlist(null); info(saved(0)):=p; @y math_group: begin unsave; decr(save_ptr);@/ mathstyle:=saved(0); decr(save_ptr); math_type(saved(0)):=sub_mlist; p:=fin_mlist(null); info(saved(0)):=p; @z