The TeX Live pretest is over for this release. See you next time, and
just ignore any files that may remain here.
<h2>TeX Live - pretest ISO images and tarballs</h2>

<p>When available, this directory contains <b>preliminary test
images</b> and checksums for the upcoming TeX Live release.  (The <a
href="">current official
release</a> is available from CTAN.)

<p>As an alternative to these giant images, for normal testing we
recommend the small installer package(s) or other methods, as described
on the <a href="">TeX Live pretest
page</a>.  That page also contains an overview of changes and links to
the documentation.

<p>The <a href="">TeX Live web pages</a> describe
<a href="">mounting the .iso
files</a> and everything else.

<p>The ISO excludes the binaries for less-used
platforms, to save space on the DVD. These platforms are in the TL
repository and can be installed normally over the net.

<p>The same data is also available as large compressed tar files,
primarily for the benefit of <a
href="">distro maintainers</a>:
<tt>texmf</tt> (texmf trees), <tt>source</tt> (sources for the
compiled programs in TL), <tt>devsource</tt> (TL infrastructure
sources), <tt>bin</tt> (binaries for all platforms), and
<tt>extra</tt> (miscellanous other files).  See the directory listing.

<p>The images are updated occasionally, usually finishing by 6am Denmark
time.  Please don't consume bandwidth retrieving new versions every day
without specific reason; changes are rarely that significant.  Using
another method is far better for daily updates.

<p>If you have problems running TeX after installation, please check
your environment variables: any settings that end up referencing other
TeX installations (TeX Live or otherwise) usually cause trouble.

<p>Bug reports are especially welcome, since these are test images.  Any
problems not found in testing will be present in the real release, so
please test anything you can.  In general, please email
with any problems, questions, suggestions.  The <a
href="">tex-live mail archives</a> may be
of some use.

<p><a href="">Listing of this
directory on</a>.