Feb 2019
The files in this directory help to build Tom Rockiki's dvips for TeX-FPC.

Since KPSE does not blend with TeX-FPC, and CTAN only offers KPSE based
versions of DVIPS, I downloaded the latest release from Stanford:
     ftp ftp://ftp.cs.stanford.edu/pub/dvips/dvips576.tar.gz

It unpacks in a directory dvips576. Edit Makefile from this directory
to reflect the default resolution of your printer, the location
of your binary and "man" directory.

Copy the files afm2tfm.c, Makefile and MakeTeXPK to divps576/dvips/.

See xdvi/README for hints on the man directory.

Create a master directory DVIPSconf if you haven't done so already, goto
dvips576/dvips, run mk_TeX_dir, mk_MF_dir, and make install.

Build and install the program mfware/gftopk. This program is called
by MakeTeXPK to create bitmap fonts .nnnpk on demand.

Edit DVIPSconf/config.ps to reflect paper size and resolution of
your printer.  To make dvips generate missing .pk fonts automatically,
the resolutions in config.ps and in the mf mode "localfont" must

Hint: With an A4 papersize you might want to adjust the origin
to 1in-3mm,1in+8.8m. This line in config.ps does that:
O -3mm,8.8mm

This will give you equal left and right margins with Plain TeX's
predefined \hsize of 6.5in, and therefore the pagenumbers will line up
nicely on two sided output.
