Changes History    Programs       {Downloads} 

[Changes History]
  * {Version 6.0 (1-Sep-2003)} 
  * {Version 5.55 (1-Aug-2003)} 
  * {Version 5.50 (1-Jun-2003)} 
  * {Version 5.40 (9-May-2003)} 
  * {Version 5.36 (22-Apr-2003) Patch} 
  * {Version 5.35 (7-Apr-2003)} 
  * {Version 5.30 (23-Mar-2003)} 
  * {Version 5.25 (12-Feb-2003)} 
  * {Version 5.22 (23-Jan-2003)} 
  * {Version 5.20 (5-Jan-2003)} 
  * {Version 5.10 (17-Nov-2002)} 
  * {Version 5.0 (3-Sep-2002)} 
  * {Versions 3.0 (12-Sep-2000) ... 4.60 (24-Jun-2002)} 
  * {Versions 2.0 (1-Dec-1998) ... 2.31 (12-Jun-2000)} 
Version 6.0 (1-Sep-2003)

Using ATM built in Windows 2000 and XP to render Postscript Type 1 fonts.
Main improvement in this version is displaying Postscript Type 1 fonts (PFB/PFA) via conversion into OpenType fonts with Postscript outlines (OTF). Most important advantages of this approach are:
  * In comparison with direct installation under ATM, all Type 1 fonts (even without PFM and ATM incompatible) may be used. 
  * Also, fonts aren't overload font menus of another programs,
because fonts installed when they are needed and they are deinstalled after exiting BaKoMa TeX. 
  * In comparison with conversion into TrueType, is avoiding recomputing character outlines and hints.
In practice it means using ATM built-in into Windows 2000 and XP. 
In practice, this approach takes much better font appearance even with disabled anti-aliasing feature. 

Dialog opened by `Options|Font Convertor Cache' editor command lets you control some features of conversion into OTF. 
NOTE: When Antialiasing is enabled we recommend disable ForceBold. In opposite, when antialiasing is disabled we recommend to enable ForceBold. 

Animated Presentations - Interactive features in SVG.STY.
Few interactive features were added to SVG.STY: 
  * New animation type highlight lets you specify objects whose are highlighted when mouse cursor is over them. 
  * New environment: interactiveitemize creates itemize in which items animation is started after clicking on bullet. 
  * We provide new SVG.STY Quick Tour in form of animated presentation which is available in {Samples} directory.
LaTeX source of this document may be found in Samples/Slides subdirectory of installed BaKoMa TeX. 
Updated Modules
Quicksetup.exe [39 MB] is updated and includes all changes. 

To minimize downloading BaKoMa TeX may be updated by using two following modules: 
  * programs/bkmtex.exe [8.8 MB] - BaKoMa TeX 6.0 itself 
  * fonts/psfonts.bkz [3.9 MB] - Fixed FontBBox in xipass10.pfb font. It is crucial for displaying Type1 fonts via OTF. 
Version 5.55 (1-Aug-2003)
This version has Patch status and may be freely installed by holders of NON-UPGRADABLE license for BaKoMa TeX 5.50. 

Most important improvement in BaKoMa TeX 5.55 is optimized embedding of gradient fills into generated SVG and PDF. Gradient fills are often used for Presentations, for example by nice styles of Prosper package. Most noticeable effect of optimization is in generated SVG: 
  * generated files are much smaller, 
  * they are displayed much faster (by any SVG Viewer), 
  * gradients looks much better (in many SVG Viewers), 
  * animations running over optimized gradients work much faster. 
Optimization of PDF files is less noticeable, however size of PDF files with gradient fills will be smaller. 

Optimization was done in two points: 
  1. implementation of `shfill' (Postscript Level 3) operator, which is efficiently converted into PDF and SVG; 
  2. extending of PST-GRAD.PRO (see BaKoMa/DVIPS directory) to use `shfill' operator when it is available. 
Minor improvements: HyperRef configuration, gradients generated by PST-SLPE package. 

Version 5.50 (1-Jun-2003)
BaKoMa TeX 5.50 introduces generation of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) from your DVI files. SVG is suitable for Web pages and Presentations. SVG is similar to the PDF in supporting precise positioning and ability to embed fonts. However, ability to add animation to the output, makes SVG the best for producing high quality presentations.
See animated presentation sample in {Samples} directory. 

BaKoMa TeX supports SVG transparently.

You needn't even recompile your documents.
Any DVI file may be saved as SVG by using `File|Generate SVG...' DVI Viewer menu command.
SVG output is compatible with another output formats (PDF, PS, HTML, View, and Print) so, that the same graphical formats, font formats, and other features are supported.
In details: 
  * All TeX Formats (LaTeX 2e, LaTeX 2.09, AmSTeX, Plain TeX, etc.) are supported. 
  * TeX extensions (e-TeX and Omega) are supported. 
  * ALL LaTeX packages (including PSTricks, PSFrag, graphics (psfig), draftcopy, etc.) are supported. 
  * Graphical formats: EPS, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PCX, MSP, BMP, WMF, EMF, HPGL, and DXY are supported. 
  * More generally, Any imported or embedded Postscript is supported. 
  * Hyperref is supported, including outline and links. For \Acrobatmenu most general commands (such as NextPage or PrevPage) are supported. 
  * Popular presentation packages: Prosper, PDFScreen, PDFSlide, Seminar, etc. are supported. The existing presentations can be enhanced by adding animation. 
  * All Font Types: OpenType (OTF/TTF), TrueType, Postscript Type1 (including MM), Postscript Type 3, and TeX PK are supported. 
Adding animations to generated SVG
The easiest way to add animation is in using small package: SVG.STY (See: `BaKoMa\TEX\LATEX
' directory) which support basic animation features in LaTeX 2e.
This package is far from final; and it will be extended in future. However, it is ready to use.
Sample of using this package is in `Samples\Slides
' directory of installed BaKoMa TeX.
SVG generated from this sample is available in {Samples} directory. 

General approach for adding animations is in using SVG-special which is used in SVG generation, but ignored for other output formats.
SVG-special has syntax: \special{svg:...}

Body (...
) of SVG-special will be send to SVG output, with proper wrapping groups managed by BaKoMa TeX.
There is simple example: 
   \special{svg:<g opacity="0">
      <animate attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity" 
         from="0" to="1" fill="freeze" 
         begin="0s" dur="2s"/>}%
      This text should be appeared in 2 seconds
Alternative approach is in extending Postscript interpreter by svgmark
This operator may be used inside \special{ps: ...}
special or inside Postscript graphics.
Previous example may be recoded with svgmark: 
   [ /opacity 0 /g true svgmark
   [ /attributeType /CSS /attributeName /opacity
     /from 0 /to 1 /fill /freeze
     /begin 0 /dur 2 /animate svgmark
      (This text should be appeared in 2 seconds) show
   [ /g false svgmark
Version 5.40 (9-May-2003)

Updated TeX and Omega
  * Updated TeX for version 3.141592. 
  * Updated Omega for version 1.23.5 based on TeX 3.141592.
This implementation (in comparison with previous one) supports: 
    * Dynamical Preview; 
    * DVI Search marks generation; 
    * Automatical generation of BB-files for imported graphics;  In other words, Omega supports all features as TeX and e-TeX, except of TCX, because it has own transliteration feature. 
Added support for: 
  * TrueType fonts (Type42) embedded into imported Postscript graphics (Postscript Level 3). 
  * FlateDecode filter (Postscript Level 3). 
  * Import of Enhanced Metafiles (EMF).
Geometry is calculated automatically. In this reason, to import EMF just \includegraphics{foo.emf}
is enough. 
  * Refined handling of Omega Unicoded fonts (OFM/OVF). 
Version 5.36 (22-Apr-2003)
This version has Patch status and may be freely installed by holders of NON-UPGRADABLE license for BaKoMa TeX 5.30. 

Fixed eventual crashing of DVI Viewer at reopenning files. 

Version 5.35 (7-Apr-2003)
This version has Patch status and may be freely installed by holders of NON-UPGRADABLE license for BaKoMa TeX 5.30. 

Main improvement is support of Expert fonts by Font Setup Wizard: small caps, old style figures, and other glyphs from Expert encoding are supported. In advance, for OpenType and TrueType fonts direct access to TS1 glyphs (such as Euro) is supported. Fonts with glyphs from expert encoding are generated with suffixes: 9e (T1), 9t (OT1), and 9c (TS1). Conventionally, these fonts are accessed via LaTeX font family with suffix `x'. So, for example, to access expert fonts, you must use `\fontfamily{padx}
' instead of `\fontfamily{pad}

ATM compatible (PFB/PFA) expert fonts comes in two font files. First have standard encoding, and second has Expert encoding. For such fonts installation order is important. Font with expert encoding should be installed after font with standard encoding. In other case expert encodings T1 (*9e), OT1 (*9t), and TS1 (*9c) will be missed. 

Version 5.30 (23-Mar-2003)
  * {Fonts - Support for OpenType fonts with Postscript outlines (OTF)} 
  * {PDF - Searchable PDF (ToUnicode CMAPs)} 
  * {Other Improvements} 
Fonts - Support for OpenType fonts with Postscript outlines (OTF)
BaKoMa TeX 5.30 includes support for OpenType fonts with Postscript outlines, whose have extension OTF OpenType fonts with TrueType outlines have extension TTF. In following, to avoid mixing OpenType fonts with Postscript outlines will be refered as `OTF-fonts'. 

To install OTF-fonts under BaKoMa TeX user can use Font Setup Wizard available via: `Options|Install OpenType, TrueType, and Postscript fonts for (La)TeX' text editor menu command. The wizard properly do configuring fonts, generating proper TFM files; and creating/updating LaTeX Font Definition (FD) files. In other words, it enables using your OTF-fonts for LaTeX documents in almost one-click. 

Advanced feature of BaKoMa TeX is that OTF-fonts may be used also under Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0 (even without ATM installed) for preview and print on any Windows supported printer. 

OTF-fonts are properly used for generating PDF and Postscript files. 

Another improvements in Font Setup Wizard
  * Improved updating of FD-files: handling `\endinput', copying modified files to LOCAL tree, that avoids forgetting user fonts added to common FD-files. 
  * Win 9x skewing support - new option in Font Setup Wizard.
It enables work around for displaying slanted fonts under Windows 95/98. Commonly, this option is checked automatically, when it is needed. Under Windows XP/2000 this option will be always checked off. To produce font configuration suitable for several systems (for example Windows 2000 and 98) we recommend to install fonts under Windows 98. 
PDF - Searchable PDF (ToUnicode CMAPs)
BaKoMa TeX 5.30 can generate PDF files that permite search and copy-paste of text with international (for example cyrillic) characters. This feature may be enabled by `Support Copy-Paste and Search in PDF files' option available in PDF generation dialog. 

This feature is implemented via embeding into PDF file ToUnicode CMAPs, whose map characters of every text font to unicode codes. These CMAPs are generated automatically from font encodings. In this reason, this feature works for fonts with custom encodings. It works without any additional packages. 

Other Improvements
  * `Insert|Indexing Stuffs' lets you choose Index Style for current document. In advance, it forces automatical running of MakeIndex after every TeXing, and marking inserted commands with bookmark #9. 
Version 5.25 (12-Feb-2003)
This version has Patch status and may be freely installed by holders of NON-UPGRADABLE license for BaKoMa TeX 5.20. 

TeX4HT improvements:  
  1. Improved appearance of imported graphics in HTML4 output mode.
Imported graphics is split into two classes: (1) directly copyed images (GIF, PNG, JPEG) and (2) converted images (Postscript, TIFF, BMP, WMF, etc.).
Copyed images are inserted into HTML documents with scaling, derived from `includegrapics' parameters. In this reason, they are inserted in such way that clicking the image in HTML document will show the image in natural size.
Converted figures are inserted into HTML without additional scaling, because they are properly scaled at conversion. Farthermore, avoiding additional scaling noticably improves image quality. 
  2. Fixed copying images from Common Picture Directory. 
  3. Sets background color in css to keep it consistent with background of images, because browsers may have own defaults. 
  4. Fixed tabbing translated via picture in HTML4 output mode. 
Other fixes:  
  1. Updated Mathematica support, added styles: wrisym, notebook2e, and notebook. 
  2. Buffer overflow (RunPL) at launching TeX4HT for documents in too deep directories. 
  3. External links opened in HTML, generated by DVI2HTML, now overloads frameset, to avoid mixing outline of one document with referenced document. 
  4. Fixed translating of URL directories (terminated by `/') to PDF and HTML (DVI2HTML). Sometime they was mixed with generic links. 
  5. Added Belleek fonts to PSFONTS.BKZ 
Version 5.22 (23-Jan-2003)
This version has Patch status and may be freely installed by holders of NON-UPGRADABLE license for BaKoMa TeX 5.20.
This version has following bug fixing and refinments:  
  1. Saving settings under accounts with names which include international symbols. 
  2. Changed format of date embedded into PDF file (Now use D:20030123....) 
  3. Fixed configuration for BibEdit (Win98 limitations) 
  4. Refined Outline generation in DVI2HTML (corporating bugs) 
  5. Refined configuration of cyrillic (LH) fonts for TeX4HT. 
  6. Fixed driver for HyperRef package (Extra `}' before \begin{equation}
  7. Recent Files List is reimplemented via dialog. 
Version 5.20 (5-Jan-2003)
  * {User Interface} 
  * {BibEdit - New Application} 
  * {DVI Viewer} 
  * {TeX4HT} 
User Interface
  * Font Setup Wizard (`Options|Install TrueType/Postscript fonts for (La)TeX' menu) 
    * supports installation of Postscript Type 1 in advance to TrueType/OpenType fonts. 
    * works faster, because of using dynamic update of ls-R files.  
BaKoMa TeX 5.20 includes improved `Insert' menu: 
  * `Complete Word' (Ctrl+Enter) LaTeX Syntax completion command.
Our implementation of this command is context sensitive. So, if you try to complete string `\...
' dictionary with LaTeX commands is used. If you try to complete `\begin{...
' dictionary with LaTeX environment names is used. 
In case of collision completion dialog is displayed. This dialog lets you to (1) add your favorite commands; (2) removes unuseful commands to minimize collisions; (3) define default arguments for environments, extra suffixes for LaTeX commands, and default package options. 
After completion of such commands as `\cite', `\ref', `\pageref', `\includegraphics', and `\usepackage' you can press Ctrl+Enter again to launch proper wizard which will help you to choose arguments for the command. 
Advanced users may add handling of additional commands via PLUG_INS. 
  * `LaTeX Environment ...' (Alt+Enter) now it is implemented as dialog instead of submenu (as in previous versions). Advantages: (1) you can add/remove environments immediately in dialog (2) you can modify default arguments for environment. This command shares the same dictionary which is used for complete LaTeX environment by `Complete Word' command. Farthermore, all GUI buttons and popup menus uses this dictionary to get default environment arguments. 
If you want to bind some favorite environment to some keystrokes, we recommend to record they into Macro, and then assign desired key for this recorded macro. Another way is in binding it in Centaur.MNU file like to `verbatim' environment. 
  * `Edit Bibliography ...'
Searches bibliography in your document. If it comes from BIB-files it launches {BibEdit} program. If it is defined in `thebibliography' environment it just opens it. If nothing is found, it opens dialog which helps you to create Bibliography list in your document. 
  * `\cite' (Alt+C) command launches Citation Wizard (when bibligraphy is embedded into your document with thebibliography environment) or {BibEdit} (when Bibliography comes from BIB files) at second call. The way is the same as with referencing commands. First call inserts `\cite{}
' command at cursor location, and second call finds that it is already inserted and then lets you way to insert bibliography key for required document. 
  * `Insert Indexing Stuffs' command inserts into your document makeidx, \makeindex, and `\printindex' commands in one click.
  * `\ref' (Ctrl+R) and `\pageref' (Ctrl+P) commands launch Referencing Wizard at second call. It is because, at second call, the command is already around the cursor, but referencing commands can't be included in each other. Referencing Wizard shows all labels defined in your document, including these whose are defined in included files. It lets you select desired label and insert it into your document by pressing Enter key. 
  * `Graphics|Graphics File' (inserts `\includegraphics
') detects that cursor is already under some `\includegraphics
' command and edit it instead of inserting another command. 
BibEdit - New Application
BibEdit is new utility in BaKoMa TeX. It is intended for browsing and editing BIB files used by BibTeX program. The program is associated with files with extension `BIB'. So, to examine or edit any Bib file you can just double click it in Windows Explorer. In other side, BibEdit is launched from Centaur Text Editor by `Insert|\cite' and `Insert|Edit Bibliography ...' menu commands when your document attaches bibliography files by `\bibliography
' command. The features: 
  * Edits several BIB files simultaneously, that is very useful to handle situation when `\bibliography
' command includes several files. 
  * Easy to use - Help window provides user with useful hints for every editing mode; 
  * Provide user with hints for preparing fields of different types; 
  * Field keys chroma coding is used to distinguish Required, Optional, and Ignored fields. 
  * Tells user when one or more mandatory (Required) fields are missed. 
  * Quick insertion of reference on string into the currently edited field; 
  * Quick insertion of citation of the currently selected entry into your document. 
DVI Viewer
  * Support for colorlinks option of HyperRef package. 
  * `Document Properties|Outline' (DVIEW) - more robust refreshing outline. 
  * `File|Read PDF' and `File|View Postscript' (DVIEW) commands check existing and date of PDF/PS file to suggest user (re)generate it if one is absent or older then DVI file. 
  * `File|Edit Source TeX File' (DVIEW) command is disabled when TeX source isn't available for currently opened DVI file. In advance, it works with non standard file extensions (DTX, DRV, LTX, etc.). Also, cursor isn't jumped into beginning of file if file is already opened. 
  * Fixed Problem with mishandling negative deltas by ExtTextOut under Win98.
The problem was found in pictures with Accurate/Readable output mode [Thanks Oliver]. 
  * Handling kerning in Readable mode was refined. 
  * Copying imported PNG and GIF images into TeX4HT subdirectory (texmf/tex/latex/tex4ht/tex4ht.fix
Version 5.10 (17-Nov-2002)
  * {User Interface} 
  * {Graphics} 
  * {Fonts} 
User Interface
  * Font Setup Wizard for installing TrueType/OpenType fonts under BaKoMa TeX.
`Options|Install TrueType fonts for (La)TeX'editor menu command opens a dialog to choose TrueType fonts files.
In advance Drop and Drag may be used to install a fonts.
The Wizard does following: 
    * Configures TrueType font for use it under BaKoMa TeX. 
    * Generates proper TFM and VF files. 
    * Creates/Updates FD-files.  In other words, this tool makes everithing to use TrueType font in LaTeX. 
In future, support for Postscript Type 1 fonts will be added. 
  * Fixed several problems under Windows 98: Alt+Space, docking crash, exit crash (Thanks NNN). 
  * Undo buffer size may be defined in `Options|Editing Settings' dialog.
NOTE: It does not effect the currently opened files. To appaly it reopen a files. 
  * Refined switching between windows under Windows XP. 
  * Document Info and Outline defined in Document Properties dialog have immediate effect. Reopenning DVI file isn't required. 
  * Improved handling of fig2dev output (target combination: `clippath + ... clip
  * Refined handling of complex clip pathes (GDI). 
  * Refined stroking on display (GDI) meterlimit, linecap, etc. 
  * Added support for arbitrary transformed text (skewing, reflection), rotated/skewed bitmaps, and elliptical pens (GDI).
These features are implemented via World Transformation that is supported in Windows NT/2000/XP. In this reason under Windows 95/98 these features are not supported, but some approximation is displayed.
`DVIEW:Options|Viewer Preferences|Display|Mark mistransformed objects by red frame' option enables marking such approximated objects by red frames. 
  * Improved text output in Accurate and Readable modes. Fixed problem with using Readable mode under Windows 95/98. 
  * Fixed CropBox in PDF files generated with Prosper package (Thanks Oliver). 
  * Mathematica fonts are ready to use (TFM/VF/FD and STY files are included)
Encoding vectors for some fonts was fixed. We recommend to erase Type 1 Font Cache (var\fonts\type1) directory, after updating BaKoMa TeX. 
  * Pazo fonts - fixed encoding definition. 
  * BBDING10 font was updated by Type1 version [LATEX2E.BKZ] (Thanks Ivan). 
  * BG font was updated for elliptical pens [GAMES.BKZ]. 
Updated Modules
  * Programs/BKMTEX.EXE (BaKoMa TeX 5.10) 
  * Macros/LATEX2E.BKZ (BBDING10, Elsevier, Prosper) 
  * Macros/LATEXDOC.BKZ (related documentattion) 
  * Macros/GAMES.BKZ (BG Type 3 font) 
  * Fonts/PSFONTS.BKZ (Pazo Font Encoding) 
QUICKSETUP.EXE includes all updates. 

Version 5.0 (3-Sep-2002)
  * {(La)TeX to HTML Conversion} 
  * {Dynamical Preview Improvenets} 
  * {Window Docking} 
  * {Misc} 
(La)TeX to HTML Conversion
BaKoMa TeX 5 supports several ways for conversion of (La)TeX documents into HTML files. 
  * `TeX|Generate HTML ...' text editor menu command lets you launch `TeX4HT' convertor with numerous options. 
  * `File|Generate HTML ...' DVI viewer menu command lets you convert pages of a DVI file into PNG files wrapped into navigation HTML pages. This approach is useful for documents with complex graphics. such as slides. 
In advance, BaKoMa TeX is ready to use HEVEA and/or TTH convertors. Launching of these convertors will be available via extra TABS of `TeX|Generate HTML ... editor command. See Internet Links under Support group. 

Dynamical Preview Improvements
  * New flexible way for managing windows provide much more optimal use of display space in Dynamical Preview mode. So, console and DVI window may be reattached to different edges of man window. Commonly it is based on new {Docking approach}. 
  * TeX Daemon is running in separate console. It enables running TeX (or another utilities) without terminating Dynamical Preview. 
  * Text in Dynamical Preview window is automatically justified into the window. 
  * GUI Control Bar was extended to simplify Visual Design of math formulas with help of Dynamical Preview. 
Window Docking
Centaur supports docking another windows at any edge of own window. It supports four docks: Left, Right, Bottom, and Top. Dockable windows have `Docking' option in context menu activated by clicking right mouse button in the window. This option enables choose desired dock for a window, including virtual `None' dock, that disable docking of the window. Currently, dockable windows are:
  * Console Window 
  * Messages Window 
  * Any DVI Window !!! 
It is important, that every copy of DVI Viewer has own docking settings. So, you can choose different docks for regular document Windows (Dview-0, ... Dview-5), Character Map (Dview-F), Partial Preview (Dview-P), Dynamical Preview (Dview-B), Help Viewer (Dview-H), etc. 

In advance, BaKoMa TeX 5.0 introduces different consoles for compiling regular documents (Console), for Dynamical Preview TeX Daemon (Console-B), and for generating Postscript files (Console-G). This approach enables: (1) choosing different docks for running these processes, and (2) compiling entire document without stopping Dynamical Preview. 

Sizes of window docks may be adjusted under Docking tab of dialog opened by `Options|Appearance ...' editor menu command. You can specify which dock will occupy bottom corner of the editor window. So, for example, right bottom corner may be occupied by right dock or bottom dock. Height of bottom dock and width of other docks may be adjusted by dragging rulers whose divide docks from another window space. 

Top dock is slightly non standard object. It is positioned at right top corner of editor window. It shares top area of window with control bars. It have height equal to accumulative height of all visible control bars. Width of this dock may be adjusted by dragging ruler which split top window space between control bars and this dock. This dock is small dock. However, it may be useful for managing Console Window and Messages Window on large display, that will save a lot of space for another tasks. Of course, on small displays, where control bars occupy entire display width (or about it) this dock is unuseful. 

In other side, there is option to force right dock to occupy location of top dock when top dock is absent. This option, may be useful for users who want to keep DVI Viewer window inside editor window. 

Docking for Dynamical Preview.
For Dynamical Preview two additional windows are used: (1) DVI Window (Dview-B), which is (by default) in bottom dock; (2) Console Window (Console-B), which is (by default) is in right dock. NOTE: Console-B is docked independently from regular Console Window. Also, default dock configuration is such that right bottom corner of editor window will be occupied by DVI Window. 

If your display is large enough, we recommend you redock Console-B window to TOP dock, to take more space for text windows. In other side, in case of small display, you can redock console window to bottom dock, so it will be overlapped with DVI window. However, in this solution you will need to use dock tabs to switch between these windows. 

  * Bookmarks (NEW): all commands are available via `Search' editor menu.
Features: (1) they are displayed at the left edge of the text editing window; (2) bookmark positions are adjusted at text editing; (3) bookmarks are saved when file is saved. 
  * Pasting Images (Edit|Paste): image analysing was accelerated. 
  * DVI Search: now highlights destination in DVI File by yellow ruler. Commonly, it highlights entire paragraphs. However, it is better, then entire page. 
  * Toolbars: flat buttons, extended GUI Bars. 
  * GUI Bar builder: popup menus, keystroke shortcuts. 
  * Generating Postscript: fixed compatibility with Acrobat Distiller. 
  * Dialogs: some of them are joined to tabbed dialogs, more consistent design, tooltips for all dialog controls. 
  * View PDF: is made via Acrobat DDE to avoid PDF locking. 
Versions 3.0 (12-Sep-2000) ... 4.60 (24-Jun-2002)
Changes in versions 3.0...4.60 are now history. However, they are still available in {changes3.html}. 

Versions 2.0 (1-Dec-1998) ... 2.31 (12-Jun-2000)
Changes in versions 2.0...2.31 are now history. However, they are still available in {changes.html}.