True WYSIWYG LaTeX System

Using BaKoMa TeX IDE together with MikTeX

This is experimental feature.
We can't recommend it for everybody.
It may be useful only for experienced users.

This page describes way to setup BaKoMa TeX for using together with MikTeX.
This description is applicable for BaKoMa TeX 7.20 and later.
It works under Windows 2000 and XP, but not under Windows 9x.

This feature is new and may introduce some conflicts between packages.
One known problem is related with Prosper package, which is adapted for BaKoMa TeX.
Other uncompatibilities has been fixed in BaKoMa/tex/latex/Fixed subdirectory.
Don't hesitate to send problem reports to


Installing BaKoMa TeX IDE for MikTeX will not change functionality of MikTeX, except of association of TeX files with BaKoMa IDE programs. So, TeX file will be associated with Centaur and TeXWord, DVI file with DVIEW, and BIB with BibEdit. However, functionality of all MikTeX's components will be unchanged.

In comparison, with such software as WinTeX, WinEdt, etc. BaKoMa TeX IDE provides not only text editor but also DVIEW -- Postscript enabled DVI Viewer, TeXWord -- True WYSIWYG LaTeX Editor and BIBEdit -- BIB file editor. In order to support TeXWord, Dynmaical Preview and character precision DVI reverse search BaKoMa TeX processor is also provided.


  1. Install MikTeX. See MikTeX's installation page.
    (in following we assume it is installed into C:\MikTeX).
  2. Install BaKoMa TeX Kernel. Open Programs/bkmtex.exe.
  3. Install any set of optional components:
    1. BaKoMa TeX Word -- True WYSIWYG LaTeX Editor..
    2. e-TeX -- e-TeX with full support of BaKoMa IDE features.
    3. Omega -- Omega 1.23 with fonts and support files.
  4. Attach MikTeX directory to BaKoMa TeX.
    1. Open a dialog by `Options/Common Settings/Directories...' menu command (Centaur, TeXWord).
    2. Select an item before `$TEXMFMAIN' in list box. Commonly it should be `$TEXMFLOCAL' item.
    3. Click [Attach Directory] button, choose MikTeX installation directory, and click [OK] button.
      (You should see MikTeX's directory appeared in list box).
    4. Select MikTeX's directory item appeared in list box.
    5. Click [(Re)Build ls-R] button.
    6. Close the dialog by clicking [Close] button.
  5. Setup Type 1 fonts available in MikTeX''s tree.
    1. Invoke `Options/Common Settings/Install Fonts/Install DVIPS font MAP file'.
    2. Choose DVIPS MAP file which is really used in MikTeX.
      There is one such accumulative file: `C:\MikTeX\dvips\config\`.
    3. Wait until process will be completed in appeared console window.


Upgrading BaKoMa TeX IDE

To upgrade BaKoMa TeX IDE you should just install again updated components.

Upgrading MikTeX

After adding, removing or updating a packages in MikTeX tree by the way MikTeX proveds you should do following.
  1. Rebuild ls-R file in MikTeX directory:
    1. Open a dialog by `Options/Directories...' menu command (Centaur, TeXWord).
    2. Select MikTeX's directory item appeared in list box.
    3. Click [(Re)Build ls-R] button.
    4. Close the Dialog by clicking [Close] button.
  2. If you know that Type 1 fonts in TEXMF tree has been added or removed
    setup Type 1 fonts again:
    1. Invoke `Options/Install DVIPS font MAP file'.
    2. Choose DVIPS MAP file which is really used in MikTeX.
      There is one such accumulative file: `C:\MikTeX\dvips\config\`.
    3. Wait until process will be completed in appeared console window.
  3. Erase font Cache in dialog opened by `Options/Font Convertor Cache...''.


We do not recommend to install BaKoMa TeX from QuickSetup or install macro packages coming with BaKoMa TeX, because macro packages of different versions may cause conflicts.

We do not recommend to attach MikTeX tree after $TEXMFMAIN tree, because we want to use PFB files from MikTeX tree.

Anyway, after changing position of MikTeX tree in tree list you should import from MikTeX tree again. font files in $TEXMFMAIN and MikTeX tree may have slightly anothe rencoding.


  1. BaKoMa TeX will use only PostScript Type 1 fonts available in MikTeX tree.
    In this reason, BaKoMa TeX will not generate TeX PK fonts on the fly.
  2. BaKoMa TeX uses DVIPS compatible special interface.
    In this reason you will not able to use packages hard tuned for other drives such as PDFTeX. However, when choose is available select DVIPS output driver.
  3. It works under Windows 2000 and XP, but not under Windows 9x.

BaKoMa TeX Distribution > Using with MikTeX Copyright � 1998-2009, Basil K. Malyshev.