
               A Wrapper around GD to easyly graph chart

            OO interface

        Create a new Chart

            my $graph = Graph::Chart->new( \%options );

              %options could be defined like this:

              size => [ W, H ]                                                      # the size ( Width, Height ) in pixel of the real graph ( without border ) 
              bg_color => '0xfffff0'                                                #  an ARRAY with all possible section
              frame  => { color => '0xff00ff', thickness => 1 },                    # an optional frame around the real chart
              border => [ 150,  80,            100,      100 ],                     # extra space around the graph in pixel [ left side, right side , top side, bottom side ]"
                  grid   => {                                                       # a grid over the graph
                      debord => [ 5, 20, 10, 30 ],                                  # some extension of the grid size ( same order as border ) B<test>
                      x      => {                                                   # vertical grid
                        color  => '0xff00ff'                                        # color of the grid ( hex HTML value )
                        number => 5,                                                # number of grid division
                       thickness => 1,                                              # size of the division's line ( default = 1 )
                       type => log,                                                 # create a log graduation (only one modules). If missing, normal graduation.
                        label  => {                                                 # an optional label on the left side
                            font  => '/usr/lib/cinelerra/fonts/trebucbi.ttf',       # a TrueType font to use
                            color => '0xff0000',                                    # the color of the label
                            size  => 10,                                            # the size of the font
                            text  => [ 'toto', undef, 'truc', 'bazar', 122 ],       # the text to render ( a undef element is not ploted, this allow to skip some label )
                            space => 80,                                            # an extra space between the division and the text
                            align    => 'right',                                    # align the text on the right ( = aligned on the division )
                            rotation => 30,                                         # a rotation of the text in degree
                            kerning_correction => 0.85,                             # a kerning correcting to correct align of text when rotated ( default 0.91 ) 
                            surround => { color => '0x0000ff' , thickness => 1 },   # create a frame around the text with the specified color and thickness
                    x_up      => {                                                  # vertical grid on the upper half of the graph ( to use with up_ graph)
                        color  => '0xff00ff'                                        # color of the grid ( hex HTML value )
                        number => 5,                                                # number of grid division
                       thickness => 1,                                              # size of the division's line ( default = 1 )
                       type => log,                                                 # create a log graduation (only one modules). If missing, normal graduation.
                        label  => {                                                 # an optional label on the left side
                            font  => '/usr/lib/cinelerra/fonts/trebucbi.ttf',       # a TrueType font to use
                            color => '0xff0000',                                    # the color of the label
                            size  => 10,                                            # the size of the font
                            text  => [ 'toto', undef, 'truc', 'bazar', 122 ],       # the text to render ( a undef element is not ploted, this allow to skip some label )
                            space => 80,                                            # an extra space between the division and the text
                            align    => 'right',                                    # align the text on the right ( = aligned on the division )
                            rotation => 30,                                         # a rotation of the text in degree
                            kerning_correction => 0.85,                             # a kerning correcting to correct align of text when rotated ( default 0.91 ) 
                            surround => { color => '0x0000ff' , thickness => 1 },   # create a frame around the text with the specified color and thickness
                    x_down      => {                                                # vertical grid on the lower half of the graph ( to use with down_ graph)
                        color  => '0xff00ff'                                        # color of the grid ( hex HTML value )
                        number => 5,                                                # number of grid division
                       thickness => 1,                                              # size of the division's line ( default = 1 )
                       type => log,                                                 # create a log graduation (only one modules). If missing, normal graduation.
                        label  => {                                                 # an optional label on the left side
                            font  => '/usr/lib/cinelerra/fonts/trebucbi.ttf',       # a TrueType font to use
                            color => '0xff0000',                                    # the color of the label
                            size  => 10,                                            # the size of the font
                            text  => [ 'toto', undef, 'truc', 'bazar', 122 ],       # the text to render ( a undef element is not ploted, this allow to skip some label )
                            space => 80,                                            # an extra space between the division and the text
                            align    => 'right',                                    # align the text on the right ( = aligned on the division )
                            rotation => 30,                                         # a rotation of the text in degree
                            kerning_correction => 0.85,                             # a kerning correcting to correct align of text when rotated ( default 0.91 ) 
                            surround => { color => '0x0000ff' , thickness => 1 },   # create a frame around the text with the specified color and thickness
                        label2 => {                                                 # an optional label on the right side
                            font  => '/usr/lib/cinelerra/fonts/lucon.ttf',          # a TrueType font to use
                            color => '0xff0000',                                    # the color of the label
                            size  => 10,                                            # the size of the font
                            text  => [ 'toto', undef, 'truc', 'bazar', 122 ],,      # the text to render ( a undef element is not ploted, this allow to skip some label )
                            space => 50,                                            # an extra space between the division and the text
                            align => 'right',                                       # align the text on the right ( not really useful )
                            rotation => -30,                                        # an rotation of the text in degree
                            kerning_correction => 0.85,                             # a kerning correcting to correct align of text when rotated ( default 0.91 ) 
                            surround => { color => '0x0000ff' , thickness => 1 },   # create a frame around the text with the specified color and thickness

                    },              "
                   y => {                                                           # horizontal grid
                       color     => '0x00fff0','                                    # color of the grid ( hex HTML value )
                       number    => 8,                                              # number of grid division
                       thickness => 1,                                              # size of the division's line ( default = 1 )
                       label     => {                                               # an optional label on the bottom side
                            font  => '/usr/lib/cinelerra/fonts/trebuc.ttf',         # a TrueType font to use
                            color => '0xff0000',',                                  # the color of the label
                            size  => 12,                                            # the size of the font
                            text  => [ 100, undef, '20', undef, 1585, undef, 555 ], # the text to render ( a undef element is not ploted, this allow to skip some label )
            #               space => 10,                                            # an extra space between the division and the text
                            rotation => 45,                                         # an rotation of the text in degree
                            kerning_correction => 0.85,                             # a kerning correcting to correct align of text when rotated ( default 0.91 ) 
                            surround => { color => '0x0000ff' , thickness => 1 },   # create a frame around the text with the specified color and thickness
            #            label2     => {                                            # an optional label on the top side
            #               font  => '/usr/lib/cinelerra/fonts/trebuc.ttf', # a TrueType font to use
                            color => '0xff0000',',                                  # the color of the label
                            size  => 12,                                            # the size of the font
                            text  => [ 100, undef, '20', undef, 1585, undef, 555 ], # the text to render ( a undef element is not ploted, this allow to skip some label )
            #               space => 10,                                            # an extra space between the division and the text
                            rotation => 45,                                         # an rotation of the text in degree
                            kerning_correction => 0.85,                             # a kerning correcting to correct align of text when rotated ( default 0.91 ) 
                            surround => { color => '0x0000ff' , thickness => 1 },   # create a frame around the text with the specified color and thickness
            #             }

                    reticle => {                                                    # when the Chart's type is of any circular shape, create polar division 
                    debord => 30,                                                   # the extra debord of the division
                    color => '0xff0000',                                            # the color of the division
                    number => 10,                                                   # the number of division
                    label_middle => {                                               # the label to write between 2 division
                            font  => '/usr/lib/cinelerra/fonts/lucon.ttf',          # a TrueType font to use
                            kerning_correction => 0.85,                             # a kerning correcting to correct align of text when rotated ( default 0.91 ) 
                            color => '0xff0000',                                    # the text color
                            size  => 10,                                            # the font size to use
            #               space => 10,                                            # an extra space between the division and the text
            #               rotate => 'follow',                                     # rotate the text to be following the division direction
                            rotate => 'perpendicular',                              # rotate the the to be perpendicular to the division
                                                                                    # if missing write the text without rotation
                            text => [700031220,45,90,135,180,225,270,31500 , 1 ,2], #  the text to render ( a undef element is not ploted, this allow to skip some label )
            #       label => {                                                      # the label to write at the division
                            font  => '/usr/lib/cinelerra/fonts/lucon.ttf',          # a TrueType font to use
                            kerning_correction => 0.85,                             # a kerning correcting to correct align of text when rotated ( default 0.91 ) 
                            color => '0xff0000',                                    # the text color
                            size  => 10,                                            # the font size to use
            #               space => 10,                                            # an extra space between the division and the text
            #               rotate => 'follow',                                     # rotate the text to be following the division direction
                            rotate => 'perpendicular',                              # rotate the the to be perpendicular to the division
                                                                                    # if missing write the text without rotation
                            text => [700031220,45,90,135,180,225,270,31500 , 1 ,2], #  the text to render ( a undef element is not ploted, this allow to skip some label )
            #               },      

                    overlay=> {                                                     # add an overlay to the graph (useful to show an alert period )
                      layer => 10,                                                  # the layer where the data is plotted ( the lowest number is the deepest layer ) If missing, the layer is created by call order of the method data 
                      set   => \@alarm,                                             # a array ref with the data ( the number of dot plotted is the number  W provided by the size parameter/method
                      type  => 'pie',                                               # the type of graph ( dot, line, bar, up_dot, up_bar, up_line , down_dot,down_line, down_bar, pie, target, radial )
                      color => '0xFFD2D2',                                          # color of the plotted element
                      type => 'pie',                                                # if missing normal overlay are used, if present use a polar structure ( data are in the range of 0 to 360 �� ) 
                      merge  => 1,                                                  # if present and not = 0 all overlay are overwrited by the overlay from a higer layer
                      opacity => 100,                                               # when merge is missing, the overlay % of opacity copied on the chart
                      debord => 50,                                                 # the debord of the overlay. if missing use the full graph height and in polar ( pie ) use the smallest vertical border ( top or bottom ) 
                      glyph => {                                                    # add some ornament on the graph like line, text or polygon
                    x     => $graph->{x}{min}+200,                                          # the origin of the glyph, all other position are relative to this origin
                    y     => $graph->{x}{max} ,                                             # either in pixel  x =>0 , y=> 0 = corner lower left
                                                                                    # see the active method
                    type  => 'filled',                                              # type of glyph ( missing = open polygyn, 'filled' = filled polygon, 'text' = text )
                    color => '0x00FFff',                                            # color of the glyph
                    data  => [                                                      # if one of the polygon type, the data is a set of point to plot ( value relative to the origin )
                        [ 0,  0 ],
                        [ 8,  10 ],
                        [ 0,  10 ],
                        [ 0,  10 + 20 ],
                        [ 0,  10 ],
                        [ -8, 10 ],
                        [ 0,  0 ]
                    glyph => {      
                       x     => 100,
                    y     => 'active_max',
                    type  => 'text',
                    color => '0xff0000',
                    size  => 12,                                                    # if the glyph's type is 'text', this is the font size 
                    font  => '/usr/lib/cinelerra/fonts/lucon.ttf',                  # the TrueType font to use
                    data  => [                                                      # the data set contain an array with all the text to plot followed by the relative position + the optional rotation
                         [ 'hello world', 0, 0, 30 ],                               # 
                         [ 'hello universe', 100, 0, 0 ], 

            all these parameters are optional except the size

            my $a = Graph::Chart->new( size => [ 800,400 ] );

      get a set of data as input and return the data to fill the array with the plotting values
      if more input data then the dot in the graph, process by averaging for a sample calculated on the target size
      if lower input data then the dot in the graph, repeat the input data in the slice related
      if called in array context return a ref to the array with reduced data and a ref to a hash with the statistical data
      in sclar context return a ref to the array with reduced data
      my $dr= $graph->reduce( 
              start => 5,                           # start to fill the destination array at that element ( optional, default = 0 )
              end => 50,                            # fill the destination array until that element ( optional, default = plot width )
              data => \@dot,                        # the input data set 
              init => 0,                            # a default value for the destination set if not filled ( optional, default = undef )
              type => 'line'                        # type of interpollation if lower element in the input data set then in the target
                                                    # default = step, the value is duplicate to fill-in all the destination dot for the slice
                                                    # if line, the dot are filled with an increasing/decreasing step created by the to adjacent value/ by the number of dot in the slice 
                                                    # if nrz = keep the previous value if now value == 0
             percentile =>  0.90                    # a percentile to use (default = 0.95 )

            set the grid 

      use the same parameter as the new()
      if the option is already present, overwrite this option

            set the reticle 
            the reticle are the division when using a polar chart ( pie, target .... )

      use the same parameter as the new()
      if the option is already present, overwrite this option

            set the frame 

      use the same parameter as the new()
      if the option is already present, overwrite this option

            set the size ( this is the only mandatory option ) 

      use the same parameter as the new()
      if the option is already present, overwrite this option

            get the active border size

     return a hash ref with 
      $ref->{ x }{ max }  ==> left border of the main graph
      $ref->{ x }{ min }  ==> right border of the main graph
      $ref->{ y }{ max }  ==> upper border of the main graph
      $ref->{ y }{ min }  ==> lower border of the main graph
            set the bg_color
            set the background color of the graph

      use the same parameter as the new()
      if the option is already present, overwrite this option

            set the data to be plotted 

              layer => 10,                  # the layer where the data is plotted ( the lowest number is the deepest layer ) If missing, the layer is created by call order of the method data 
              set   => \@dot,               # a array ref with the data ( the number of dot plotted is the number  W provided by the size parameter/method
              type  => 'pie',               # the type of graph ( dot, line, bar, up_dot, up_bar, up_line , down_dot,down_line, down_bar, pie, target, radial )
              bar_size => 1,                # if any type of bar used, this is an extra width of the bar created, if not defined, the bar width= 1 if set to 1 the size of the bar became 3 ( 1 before, 1 for the bar and one after )
              color => '0x0000ff',          # color of the plotted element
              thickness => 1,               # for any type of dot and line, the thiskness to used ( default = 1 )
              scale => '90%',               # a vertical scale on the value provided ( a decimal number scale all the data value using the value ( data could be outside of the graph) 1 = 100%
                                            # a percent value like, '90%' scale the graph to that percentage ( lower then 100% = some data are plotted outside the graph )
                                            # missing or '100%' resize the graph using the maximal value 
                                            # 'auto' or '110%' allow to always have a small extra gap and never reach to extremity of the graph area, 
              max => 3000,                  # a maximal value to use to create the graph ( if missing, max = maximal value from the data set )

    sub data { my $self = shift; my $object = shift;

        if ( $object )
            if ( exists $object->{ layer } )
                $self->{ data }[ $object->{ layer } ] = clone( $object );
                push @{ $self->{ data } }, clone( $object );
        return $self->{ data };


    ### ### method to put an overlay on top of the graph ###

            method to put an overlay on top of the graph ( to show alarm period ... )

      use the same parameter as the new()
      if the same layer is already present, overwrite this layer

            method to put a glyph on the graph ( to show the latest data polled, or a trend value, ... )

      use the same parameter as the new()
      if the same layer is already present, overwrite this layer

            method to add a png data TAG 
            This tag is not a PNG standard, but allowed by the RFC
            see code in 
            my $png_out1 =$graph->png_zEXt( { eerer => 1, ggg => 'zed' } );
            this overwrite the png TAG data with the new value and return the new image

            render the chart and return a png image

      my $img = $graph->render( \%tag )
      the hash ref contain data to put in the PNG meta tag.
      the tools allow to see the result.
      the tag is serialized in the png
      the returned value could be writted in a file like this:
      my $png_out = $graph->render();
        open( my $IMG, '>', $file ) or die $!;
        binmode $IMG;
        print $IMG $png_out;
        close $IMG;

COLOR format
      the color could be in the form of html hexa value '0xff00ff' of simple the hexa value 'ff00ff' all must be read as a string 0xff0000 = 16711680
      it is also possible to use an array with multiple color to create a 'gdDtyled' color ( see doc )
      color => [
    *   A good for the install

    Fabrice Dulaunoy <>

    june 2010

    Under the GNU GPL2

        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public 
        License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, 
        or (at your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; 
        without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 
        See the GNU General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; 
        if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

        Proc::Forking    Copyright (C) 2010 DULAUNOY Fabrice  Proc::Forking comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; 
        for details See: L<> 
        This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;