#!/usr/bin/perl # @(#) RpGet.pl Remote-printer job-retrieval program; retrieves and prints # print-data files uploaded by the RpSend.pl program. # # Copyright (c) 2020 Graham Jenkins <grahjenk@cpan.org>. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the same terms as Perl itself. Revised: 2020-05-10 use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Compress::Raw::Lzma; use Net::Netrc; use Mail::POP3Client; use Sys::Syslog; use LWP::UserAgent qw(); use Net::CUPS::Destination; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; use MIME::Lite; use Sys::Hostname::Long; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = "1.04"; # Uncompress subroutine; accepts string as parameter and uncompresses it sub uncompress { my ($z,$o); $z=new Compress::Raw::Lzma::AutoDecoder; if ( $z->code($_[0],$o)==LZMA_STREAM_END ) { $_[0]=$o; return(1) } else { return(0) } } # Check usage if ( $#ARGV != 1) { die "Usage: ".basename($0)." Pop3Server Printer\n". " e.g.: ".basename($0)." pop.aol.com HP1010\n" } # Read login details for Pop3Server my $server=Net::Netrc->lookup($ARGV[0]) or die ".netrc entry not found\n"; my ($login, $pass) = $server->lpa or die "Login or password not found\n"; # Generate a list of URLs for data files to be downloaded my $pop=new Mail::POP3Client(USER=>$login, PASSWORD=>$pass, HOST=>$ARGV[0], PORT=>995, USESSL=>1) or die "Couldn't Authenticate\n"; if ($pop->Count()<1) {exit 0} my (@urllist,@userlist); for (my $i = 1; $i <= $pop->Count(); $i++) { foreach ( my $body=$pop->Body( $i ) ) { if ( $body=~m/^Seq:/ ) { my $url=substr($body,index($body,"http")); my ($j1,$user,$j2)=split(/=/,$body); if ( defined($url) ) { $url =~ s/\r|\n//g; push(@urllist,$url); if ( defined($user) ) {push(@userlist,$user)} else {push(@userlist,"")} $pop->Delete($i) } } } } $pop->Close(); # Fork to process the URLs on the list fork and exit; while ( defined (my $url=pop(@urllist) ) ) { my $user=pop(@userlist); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$url"); my $data=$ua->request($req)->content; syslog("info","Downloaded data from $url ".length($data)." bytes"); if ( uncompress($data) ) { syslog("info","Uncompressed data from $url ".length($data)." bytes") } my ($fh,$tmp)=tempfile(UNLINK=>1); print $fh $data; close ($fh); my $cups=Net::CUPS->new(); my $printer = $cups->getDestination($ARGV[1]); my $jobid=$printer->printFile("$tmp",basename($url)); if ( defined($jobid) ) { syslog("info","Printed data from $url with jobid: $jobid") } if ( $user=~/\@/) { my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(From => getpwuid($<).'@'.hostname_long, To => $user, Subject => "Remote Printing Confirmation: $url", Data => length($data)." bytes were printed on: ".$ARGV[1]); $msg->send; syslog("info","Sent confirmation email for $url to: $user") } } __END__ =head1 NAME RpGet - Remote printing retrieval utility =head1 README Remote-printer job-retrieval program; retrieves and prints print-data files uploaded by the RpSend.pl program. =head1 DESCRIPTION C<RpGet> retrieves print-data files that have been sent by C<RpSend> to an ephemeral file-sharing website. It does this by checking for location details in email messages sent by that utility. =head1 USAGE The program can be invoked as follows: =over 5 RpGet PopServer Printer =back e.g. RpGet pop.aol.com HP1010 If a print-data file has been compressed for transmission, it will be uncompressed automatically after it is downloaded. C<RpGet> always forks the file-download, uncompression and print operations so that it may be called repeatedly without significant delays. C<RpGet> should be called at appropriate (e.g. 10-minute) intervals through a 'cron' or equivalent utility. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Networking UNIX/System_administration =head1 AUTHOR Graham Jenkins <grahjenk@cpan.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 Graham Jenkins. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut