[](https://github.com/localh0rst/OpenSearch-Perl/actions) # NAME `OpenSearch` - Unofficial Perl client for OpenSearch (https://opensearch.org/) # SYNOPSIS use OpenSearch; my $opensearch = OpenSearch->new( user => 'admin', pass => 'password', hosts => [ 'http://localhost:9200' ], secure => 0, allow_insecure => 1, pool_count => 10, clear_attrs => 0, async => 0, max_connections => 10, ); my $cluster = $opensearch->cluster; my $remote = $opensearch->remote; my $search = $opensearch->search; my $index = $opensearch->index; my $document = $opensearch->document; # DESCRIPTION `OpenSearch` is an unofficial Perl client for OpenSearch (https://opensearch.org/). Currently it only supports a subset of the OpenSearch API. However, it is a work in progress and more features will be added in the future. Currently, the following endpoints are (partially) supported: - Cluster - Remote - Search - Index - Document # IMPORTANT This module is still in development and should not be used in production unless you are willing to accept the risks associated with using an incomplete and untested module. It heavily relies on [Moose](https://metacpan.org/pod/Moose) and [Mojo::UserAgent](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AUserAgent). Due to the use of [Moose](https://metacpan.org/pod/Moose), startup time is slower than other modules. However, the use of [Mojo::UserAgent](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AUserAgent) allows for asynchronous requests to be made to the OpenSearch server. CERTIFICATE AUTHENTICATION IS NOT YET TESTED! Feel free to test it and report back to me. # METHODS ## new Creates a new instance of `OpenSearch`. ## cluster Returns a new instance of `OpenSearch::Cluster`. ## remote Returns a new instance of `OpenSearch::Remote`. ## search Returns a new instance of `OpenSearch::Search`. ## index Returns a new instance of `OpenSearch::Index`. ## document Returns a new instance of `OpenSearch::Document`. # ATTRIBUTES - user The username to use when connecting to the OpenSearch server. - pass The password to use when connecting to the OpenSearch server. - hosts An array reference containing the hostnames of the OpenSearch server(s). - secure A boolean value indicating whether to use HTTPS when connecting to the OpenSearch server. - allow\_insecure A boolean value indicating whether to allow insecure connections to the OpenSearch server. - pool\_count The number of connections to pool when connecting to the OpenSearch server. - clear\_attrs A boolean value indicating whether to clear the attributes of most objects. - async A boolean value indicating whether to use asynchronous requests when connecting to the OpenSearch server. This will return a [Mojo::Promise](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3APromise) object instead of the actual response. - max\_connections The maximum number of connections to allow when connecting to the OpenSearch server (see [Mojo::UserAgent](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3AUserAgent)). - ca\_cert The path to the CA certificate to use when connecting to the OpenSearch server. - client\_cert The path to the client certificate to use when connecting to the OpenSearch server. - client\_key The path to the client key to use when connecting to the OpenSearch server. # CAVEATS I am not affiliated with OpenSearch. This module is not officially supported by OpenSearch. # PERFORMANCE/BENCHMARK If you need to make a lot of requests to the OpenSearch server, you should consider using asynchronous requests in combination with the `bulk` method of the `OpenSearch::Document` class. For benchmarking purposes, I have included scripts in the example directory. - `benchmark-bulk-async.pl` - `benchmark-bulk-sync.pl` - `benchmark-index.pl` - `benchmark-index-async.pl` # BENCHMARK RESULTS These are the results from my local machine: `benchmark-bulk-async.pl` script: Pool count: 10 Max connections: 50 Bulk doc count: 500 Count before: 0 Count after: 234019 Duration: 10.4876799583435 Docs per second: 22313.7053122817 `benchmark-bulk.pl` script: Pool count: 10 Max connections: 50 Bulk doc count: 500 Count before: 0 Count after: 92699 Duration: 10.0426659584045 Docs per second: 9230.51711407584 `benchmark-index.pl` script: Pool count: 10 Max connections: 50 Count before: 0 Count after: 1513 Duration: 10.0066809654236 Docs per second: 151.19898448126 `benchmark-index-async.pl` script: Pool count: 10 Max connections: 50 Count before: 0 Count after: 8614 Duration: 10.0460240840912 Docs per second: 857.453648119465 # AUTHOR `OpenSearch` Perl Module was written by Sebastian Grenz, `<git at fail.ninja>`