NAME Time::Consts - Define time constants with specified base SYNOPSIS # Define all constants. use Time::Consts qw/ :ALL /; # Define just MIN and HOUR. use Time::Consts qw/ MIN HOUR /; # Set MIN to base, i.e. SEC = 1/60, MIN = 1, etc. use Time::Consts qw/ min SEC MIN /; DESCRIPTION "Time::Consts" can define time constants for you. Those available are MSEC SEC MIN HOUR DAY WEEK and are provided as arguments to the "use()" statements. An ':ALL' tag is provided to export all of the above. Default base is seconds, but that can be changed by supplying a lowercase version of any of the constants to the "use" statement. Note that giving a lowercase base doesn't mean that the corresponding constant automatically will be defined. If you at any time would want to have any of the constants in another base than the one given to the "use()" statement just divide with that constant. E.g. "WEEK / HOUR" will always return 168, i.e. the number of hours per week. If you do calendar math consider using a module designed for that. DIAGNOSTICS Bad argument(s): %s (F) Self-explanatory. Too many units: %s (F) Self-explanatory. AUTHOR Johan Lodin <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2004-2005 Johan Lodin. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Time::Seconds