is a QUICK and easy way to display smallish (although there is no limit to the
size of the data displayed except for what Perl/TK can handle) amounts of data.
The idea behind the application came when I found myself searching 
through a lot of old perl files to find a snippet of code I had previously
written.  Now I have a mydb database which I an quickly call up, select the
snippet of code I want to see and voila!.. the code snippet is displayed.
I can then highlight it and past the code into my editor...   

The mydb package can be fetched via CPAN - 

Usage: [database]   The database may or may not contain the ".db" extension.
   mydb expects to find a database of the "[given name].db" in the $HOME/.mydb directory.  
   If no database name is found matching the name given, the user will be prompted to create
   a new database.



mydb./pl uses

Tk::SplitFrame from $CPAN/authors/id/D/DK/DKWILSON/Tk-DKW-0.01.tar.gz
This is a great package containing a lot of really nice widgets.  I highly recommend
getting this package anyway...


The Buttons:

"Add Item"  - Spawns an "add" window which allows the user to make a new entry into the
"Edit Item" - Spawns an "edit" window populated with the current item.  Edits can be made
      in this dialog, and when the edits are accepted, the new record is merged into the 
"Delete Item" - Allows the user to delete the current database item

"Search" - Allows the user to search through the database topics.

"Load" - Spawns the open-file dialog to manually select a database file to load.

"Cancel" -  Exits the application.


Thats just about it.. The product is pretty simple and (hopefully) intuitive.

Any comments/suggestions for mydb would be appreciated.

Monty Scroggins