#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Based on ns04mappoint.txt # Copyright Marius Milner 2004. # with Modification by TPEER, LaidBack, and RogerRabbit # # Perl version Copyright Sal Scotto 2004 # Enjoy # # # NOTE: Make sure the .pm files are in the same directory as the script # or you will get a "Can't locate 'modulename.pm' in @INC path blahh" # # # to turn an optional component on set the value to 1, otherwise set to 0 # this script also has several command line options to perform imports as well # to use type stumblePlugin.pl ? # use constant USE_ZOOM => 1; # use zoom controls use constant USE_SPEECH => 1; # use speech use constant USE_SIGNAL_AUDIO => 0; # use midi signal str sounds use constant USE_DEF_AUDIO => 0; # use traditional script audio use constant USE_WEP_MARKER => 1; # add wep state in voice output use constant USE_MAPPOINT => 1; # use map point use constant USE_CUSTOM_PINS => 0; # use custom pishpins use constant AUTOSAVE_MAP => 0; # set this to true if you wish to autosave your map use constant AUTOSAVE_FILE => 'C:\gps\war.ptm'; # name to autosave to, and if exists will be loaded on start use constant TTS_VOICE_NUMBER => 0; # voice number to use use constant TRACK_VECHICLE => 1; # track location progress in mappoint use constant TRACK_HISTORY => 1; # add black dots and locations history as we go (i.e. crumbs) use constant START_LOCATION => 'Atlanta, GA'; # starting location use constant ZOOM_TO_START => 1; # Zoom to starting point use constant WLAN_PINSET => "Wireless LAN Data"; use constant LOC_HIST_PINSET => "Location History"; use constant LAST_PINSET => "Last Location"; # custom pushpin icons set this path to where the icons are stored the program will look for O1 to O4.ico and W1 to W4.ico # if you do not want custom pushpins set the flag to 0 use constant CUSTOM_ICON_LOCATIONS => 'c:\development\perl'; use constant ZOOM_FILE => 'c:\gps\zoomcontrol.txt'; use constant LOG_FILE => 'c:\gps\stumble.log'; use lib 'c:\development\perl'; # if the library files are not in the same dir as the script add the path here # # Load the libraries # use mplib; use stumblelib; use waplib; use speechlib; # initialize WAP Libraries i.e. load vendor list waplib::initializeWap; # # Command line parsing # Called when run from command line # use Getopt::Long; my $didSomeWork = 0; # in/out for conversion dov for show voices, debug for verbose output my ($input,$output); GetOptions("i=s" =>\$input, "o=s" => \$output, "v" => \&doShowVoices, "l" => \&doCheckLibs, "install" => \&doInstall, "help|?|h" => \&doHelp); my $logFile; # # private script variables # my $hasGPS = 0; my %iconIds; my ($wlanpp,$lochistpp,$lastpp,$lastHighlighted); my ($lastLocation,$lastLon,$lastLat,$lastAlt); my %foundMAC; my %newMAC; my %spokenMAC; my $vehicle; my $zoom = 2; my $scanning = 0; my $initted = 0; initializeScript(); # # initialize the script # if the filename is eval, we were called via require or outside the perl cmdline # we use this fact to initialize under NetStumbler # sub initializeScript { open(LOGH,"+<".LOG_FILE); $logFile = \*LOGH; my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller; if($filename =~ /eval/) { # Setup map data if(USE_MAPPOINT) { mplib::initializeMap; # setup map if(AUTOSAVE_MAP) { if(-e AUTOSAVE_FILE) { mplib::loadMap(AUTOSAVE_FILE); } else { mplib::newMap mplib::saveMap(AUTOSAVE_FILE); } } else { mplib::newMap; } mplib::showMap; # setup icons if(USE_CUSTOM_PINS) { for(my $i=1;$i<=4;$i++) { my $sName = strengthToName($i); $iconIds{"O$i"} = mplib::addSymbol("Open AP: $sName",CUSTOM_ICON_LOCATIONS . '\\' . "O$i.ico"); $iconIds{"W$i"} = mplib::addSymbol("Closed AP: $sName",CUSTOM_ICON_LOCATIONS . '\\' . "W$i.ico"); } } else { for(my $i=1;$i<=4;$i++) { my $sName = strengthToName($i); $iconIds{"O$i"} = $i + 33; $iconIds{"W$i"} = $i + 49; } } # setup pushpin sets $wlanpp = mplib::addPushpinSet(WLAN_PINSET); if(TRACK_HISTORY) { $lochistpp = mplib::addPushpinSet(LOC_HIST_PINSET); } if(TRACK_VECHICLE) { $lastpp = mplib::addPushpinSet(LAST_PINSET); my $startLoc = mplib::findCity(START_LOCATION); $vehicle = mplib::findPushpin(LAST_PINSET) or $vehicle = mplib::addPushpin($startLoc,LAST_PINSET); my $zloc = mplib::getPushpinProperty($vehicle,"Location"); mplib::setPushpinProperty($vehicle,"Symbol","82"); mplib::setPushpinProperty($vehicle,"Highlight","1"); mplib::addPushpinToSet($vehicle,$lastpp); if(ZOOM_TO_START) { mplib::gotoLocation($zloc); } } AddItemContextMenu("doHighlight", "Highlight on map"); } # End use Mappoint if(USE_SPEECH) { speechlib::initializeSpeech; speechlib::setVoice(TTS_VOICE_NUMBER); my $vd = speechlib::getVoiceDesc(TTS_VOICE_NUMBER); speechlib::speak("Voice feedback activated, using voice $vd"); } $initted = 1; } else { doCMDLine(); } } # # Net Stumbler Hooks # sub OnEnableScan { $scanning = 1; } sub OnDisableScan { $scanning = 0; if(USE_MAPPOINT) { mplib::gotoPushpinSet($wlanpp); if(AUTOSAVE_MAP) { mplib::saveMap(AUTOSAVE_FILE); mplib::setSaveFlag; } } close($logFile); } sub OnScanComplete { my ($foundNew,$seenBefore,$lostContact,$bestSNR) = @_; my $fMacs = keys(%newMAC); if(USE_SPEECH && $fMacs > 0) { my @vals = values(%newMAC); foreach(@vals) { speechlib::speak($_); } %newMAC = (); } if(USE_DEF_AUDIO) { if($foundNew > 0) { PlaySound("ns-aos-new.wav"); } elsif($lostContact > 0) { PlaySound("ns-low.wav"); } elsif($seenBefore > 0) { if(USE_SIGNAL_AUDIO) { if($bestSNR >= 60) { PlaySound("ns-signal-6.wav"); } elsif($bestSNR >= 50) { Playsound("ns-signal-5.wav"); } elsif($bestSNR >= 40) { Playsound("ns-signal-4.wav"); } elsif($bestSNR >= 30) { Playsound("ns-signal-3.wav"); } elsif($bestSNR >= 20) { Playsound("ns-signal-2.wav"); } elsif($bestSNR >= 10) { Playsound("ns-signal-1.wav"); } else { PlaySound("ns-signal-0.wav"); } } } else { PlaySound("ns-tick.wav"); } } } sub OnScanResult { my($sid,$mac,$flags,$signal,$noise,$ls) = @_; my $osid = $sid; if(USE_SPEECH && !$spokenMAC{$mac}) { if($sid eq "" or length($sid) <= 1) { $sid = "Hidden SID"; } $osid = $sid; if(USE_WEP_MARKER) { if(stumblelib::isWEP($flags)) { $sid .= " is Closed"; } else { $sid .= " is Open"; } } if(!$foundMAC{$mac} && USE_MAPPOINT && $hasGPS && $scanning) { my $pp = mplib::findPushpin($mac); unless($pp) { $pp = mplib::addPushpin($lastLocation,$mac);} mplib::addPushpinToSet($pp,$wlanpp); # Cust icon code here my $snrL; my $snr = $signal - $noise; if($snr > 20) { $snrL = "4";} elsif($snr > 18) { $snrL = "3"; } elsif($snr > 12) { $snrL = "2"; } else {$snrL = "1"; } if(stumblelib::isWEP($flags)) { mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Symbol",$iconIds{"W$snrL"}); } else { mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Symbol",$iconIds{"O$snrL"}); } # $foundMAC{$mac} = $pp; my $note = createNote($osid,$mac,$flags,$snr); mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Note",$note); if(AUTOSAVE_MAP) { mplib::saveMap(AUTOSAVE_FILE); mplib::setSaveFlag; } } $newMAC{$mac} = $sid; $spokenMAC{$mac} = 1; } } sub OnScanStart { # starting scan cycle } sub OnGPSTimeout { $hasGPS = 0; } sub OnGPSNoFix { $hasGPS = 0; } sub OnGPSPosition { my($lat,$lon,$alt) = @_; if(USE_MAPPOINT && $scanning) { if(sprintf("%.4f",$lastAlt) == sprintf("%.4f",$alt) && sprintf("%.4f",$lastLon) == sprintf("%.4f",$lon) && sprintf("%.4f",$lastLat) == sprintf("%.4f",$lat)) { return; } $lastAlt = $alt; $lastLon = $lon; $lastLat = $lat; $lastLocation = mplib::getLocation($lat,$lon,$alt); # Drop breadcrumbs if(TRACK_HISTORY) { my $pp = mplib::findPushpin("$lat $lon"); unless($pp) { $pp = mplib::addPushpin($lastLocation,"$lat $lon");} mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Symbol","16"); mplib::addPushpinToSet($pp,$lochistpp); } if(TRACK_VECHICLE) { mplib::setPushpinProperty($vehicle,"Location",$lastLocation); if($scanning || !$hasGPS) { if(USE_ZOOM) { my $nloc = mplib::getLocation($lat,$lon,doZoom()); mplib::gotoLocation($nloc); } else { mplib::gotoPushpinSet($lastpp); } } } } $hasGPS = 1; } sub OnGPSSpeed { my $speed = shift; } sub OnIPChange { my($addr,$mask) = @_; } sub OnPositionChange : locked method { my($sid,$mac,$flags,$snr,$lat,$lon,$alt,$fixed) = @_; if(!$scanning) { OnEnableScan(); } if(USE_MAPPOINT) { print $logFile "$sid\t$mac\t$flags\t$snr\t$lat\t$lon\n"; my $nloc = mplib::getLocation($lat,$lon,$alt); my $pp = $foundMAC{$mac}; if($pp) { mplib::setPushpinProperty($foundMAC{$mac},"Location",$nloc); } else { my $pp = mplib::findPushpin($mac); unless($pp) { $pp = mplib::addPushpin($nloc,$mac);} mplib::addPushpinToSet($pp,$wlanpp); # Cust icon code here my $snrL; if($snr > 20) { $snrL = "4";} elsif($snr > 18) { $snrL = "3"; } elsif($snr > 12) { $snrL = "2"; } else {$snrL = "1"; } if(stumblelib::isWEP($flags)) { mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Symbol",$iconIds{"W$snrL"}); } else { mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Symbol",$iconIds{"O$snrL"}); } # $foundMAC{$mac} = $pp; my $note = createNote($sid,$mac,$flags,$snr); mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Note",$note); } if(AUTOSAVE_MAP) { mplib::saveMap(AUTOSAVE_FILE); mplib::setSaveFlag; } } } # # Private subroutines # # # Do conversion Work # sub doCMDLine { mplib::initializeMap; # setup map unless(defined $output && $input) { unless($didSomeWork) { doHelp(); } else { exit 0; } } if(-e $output) { mplib::loadMap($output); } else { mplib::newMap mplib::saveMap($output); } #mplib::showMap; # setup icons if(USE_CUSTOM_PINS) { for(my $i=1;$i<=4;$i++) { my $sName = strengthToName($i); $iconIds{"O$i"} = mplib::addSymbol("Open AP: $sName",CUSTOM_ICON_LOCATIONS . '\\' . "O$i.ico"); $iconIds{"W$i"} = mplib::addSymbol("Closed AP: $sName",CUSTOM_ICON_LOCATIONS . '\\' . "W$i.ico"); } } else { for(my $i=1;$i<=4;$i++) { my $sName = strengthToName($i); $iconIds{"O$i"} = $i + 33; $iconIds{"W$i"} = $i + 49; } } $wlanpp = mplib::addPushpinSet(WLAN_PINSET); # load the summary if(stumblelib::isSummary($input)) { my $counter = 0; open(FH,$input); while(<FH>) { unless(/^#/) { my @line = stumblelib::parseNSSummaryLine($_); print "Processing AP $counter\n"; next unless @line; my $nloc = mplib::getLocation($line[0],$line[1]); my $pp = mplib::findPushpin($line[4]); unless($pp) { $pp = mplib::addPushpin($nloc,$line[4]); } # Cust icon code here my $snrL; if($line[6] > 20) { $snrL = "4";} elsif($line[6] > 18) { $snrL = "3"; } elsif($line[6] > 12) { $snrL = "2"; } else {$snrL = "1"; } if(stumblelib::isWEP($line[9])) { mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Symbol",$iconIds{"W$snrL"}); } else { mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Symbol",$iconIds{"O$snrL"}); } my $note = createNote($line[2],$line[4],$line[9],$line[6]); mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Note",$note); mplib::addPushpinToSet($pp,$wlanpp); $counter++; } } close(FH); mplib::saveMap($output); } elsif(stumblelib::isNS1($input)) { my @lst = stumblelib::parseNS1($input); my $aref; my $counter = 0; for $aref ( @lst ) { print "Processing AP $counter\n"; my $nloc = mplib::getLocation($aref->[0],$aref->[1]); my $pp = mplib::findPushpin($aref->[4]); unless($pp) { $pp = mplib::addPushpin($nloc,$aref->[4]); } # Cust icon code here my $snrL; if($aref->[6] > 20) { $snrL = "4";} elsif($aref->[6] > 18) { $snrL = "3"; } elsif($aref->[6] > 12) { $snrL = "2"; } else {$snrL = "1"; } if(stumblelib::isWEP($aref->[9])) { mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Symbol",$iconIds{"W$snrL"}); } else { mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Symbol",$iconIds{"O$snrL"}); } my $note = createNote($aref->[2],$aref->[4],$aref->[9],$aref->[6]); mplib::setPushpinProperty($pp,"Note",$note); mplib::addPushpinToSet($pp,$wlanpp); $counter++; } } } sub createNote { my ($sid,$mac,$flag,$snr) = @_; my $vendor = waplib::getVendorForBBSID($mac); my $note = "SSID\t: $sid\r\n"; $note .="BSSID\t: $mac\r\n"; unless($vendor) { $vendor = "Unknown"; } $note .="Vendor\t: $vendor\r\n"; if(stumblelib::isWEP($flag)) {$note .="Secure\t: WEP\r\n";} else { $note .="Secure\t: OPEN\r\n";} if(stumblelib::isAdhoc($flag)) { $note .="Mode: AdHoc\r\n"; } else { $note .="Mode\t: Infrastructure\r\n"; } $note .="SNR\t: $snr\r\n"; return $note; } sub doShowVoices { $didSomeWork = 1; my %list; my ($key,$val); %list = speechlib::getVoices; foreach $key (sort(keys(%list))) { $val = $list{$key}; print "Voice $key: $val\n"; } } sub doCheckLibs { $didSomeWork = 1; eval { print "MS MapPoint installed: "; if(mplib::hasLibrary) { print "True\n"; } else { print "False\n"}; print "MS VoiceTTS installed: "; if(speechlib::hasLibrary) { print "True\n"; } else { print "False\n"; } }; } sub doHelp { print "Usge $0 <options...>\n"; print "\t-i <input file> This should eb a netstumbler 0.4 summary export file\n"; print "\t-o <output file> This should be the name of the map you wish to save\n"; print "\t Please note: if this map already exists it will be updated and saved\n"; print "\t-v Show all installed voices\n"; print "\t-l Show your installed libraries\n"; print "\t-install Install this script into netstumbler assuming current directory\n"; print "\t--help|-h|-? This screen\n\n"; exit 0; } sub strengthToName { my $str = shift; if($str == 1) { return "Poor"; } if($str == 2) { return "Moderate"; } if($str == 3) { return "Good"; } if($str == 4) { return "Excellent"; } } sub doZoom { open(FH,ZOOM_FILE) or return "2"; my $line = <FH>; chomp($line); if($line =~ /\d+/) { return $line; } else { return "2"; } } sub doHighlight { my $mac = shift; my $sid = shift; $lastHighlighted = mplib::findPushpin($mac); my $bool = mplib::getPushpinProperty($lastHighlighted,"Highlight"); if($bool != 0) { mplib::setPushpinProperty($lastHighlighted,"Highlight",-1); mplib::setPushpinProperty($lastHighlighted,"BallonState",0); } else { mplib::setPushpinProperty($lastHighlighted,"Highlight",1); mplib::setPushpinProperty($lastHighlighted,"BallonState",2); } } sub doInstall { my $key= new Win32::TieRegistry "CUser/Software/Bogosoft/NetStumbler/Settings", { Access=>KEY_READ()|KEY_WRITE(), Delimiter=>"/" }; my $scriptFile = Win32::GetCwd() + "\\"+$0; $key->SetValue("Script Name",$scriptFile); $key->SetValue("Script Type","0x00000002","REG_DWORD"); }