POEx::ZMQ - Asynchronous ZeroMQ sockets for POE

      # An example ZMQ_ROUTER socket ->
      use POE;
      use POEx::ZMQ;

        inline_states => +{
          _start => sub {
            # Set up a ROUTER
            # Save our POEx::ZMQ for creating other sockets w/ shared context later:
            my $zmq = POEx::ZMQ->new;
            $_[HEAP]->{zeromq} = $zmq;

            $_[HEAP]->{rtr} = $zmq->socket( type => ZMQ_ROUTER );


            $_[HEAP]->{rtr}->bind( 'tcp://' );

          zmq_recv_multipart => sub {
            # ROUTER received a message; sender identity is prefixed,
            # parts are available as a List::Objects::WithUtils::Array ->
            my $parts = $_[ARG0];

            # Handle the usual ZeroMQ message framing scheme by capturing
            # prefixed identities including empty message delimiter, followed
            # by our message body:
            my ($envelope, $body) = $parts->tail;

            # $_[SENDER] was the ROUTER socket, send a response back to origin:
            $_[KERNEL]->post( $_[SENDER], send_multipart =>
              [ $envelope, 'foo' ]


    A POE component providing non-blocking ZeroMQ <>
    (versions 3.x & 4.x) integration.

    See POEx::ZMQ::Socket for details on using these sockets and the
    zmq_socket(3) man page regarding behavior of each socket type.

    See the zguide <> for more on using ZeroMQ in

    Each ZeroMQ socket is an event emitter powered by
    MooX::Role::POE::Emitter; the documentation for that distribution is
    likely to be helpful.

    This is early-development software, as indicated by the "0.x" version
    number. The test suite is incomplete, bugs are sure to be lurking,
    documentation is not yet especially verbose, and the API is not
    *completely* guaranteed. Issues & pull requests are welcome, of course:

    If you are not using POE, try ZMQ::FFI for an excellent loop-agnostic
    ZeroMQ implementation.

    Importing this package brings in the full set of POEx::ZMQ::Constants,
    and ensures POEx::ZMQ::Socket is loaded.

      my $zmq = POEx::ZMQ->new;
      # POEx::ZMQ::FFI::Context obj is automatically shared:
      my $frontend = $zmq->socket(type => ZMQ_ROUTER);
      my $backend  = $zmq->socket(type => ZMQ_ROUTER);

    This class can be instanced, in which case it will hang on to the first
    "context" created (possibly implicitly via a call to "socket") and use
    that POEx::ZMQ::FFI::Context instance for all calls to "socket".

      my $ctx = POEx::ZMQ->context(max_sockets => 512);

    If called as a class method, returns a new POEx::ZMQ::FFI::Context.

      my $zmq = POEx::ZMQ->new;
      my $ctx = $zmq->context;

    If called as an object method, returns the context object belonging to
    the instance. If none currently exists, a new POEx::ZMQ::FFI::Context is
    created (and preserved for use during socket creation; see "socket").

    If creating a new context object, @_ is passed through to the
    POEx::ZMQ::FFI::Context constructor.

    The context object should typically be shared between sockets belonging
    to the same process. However, multiple contexts may exist within the
    same application (and they may have their own respective library
    "soname"). A forked child process must create a new
    POEx::ZMQ::FFI::Context with its own set of sockets.

    The context object provides access to other useful ZeroMQ functionality,
    such as library version number retrieval and CURVE key pair generation.
    See POEx::ZMQ::FFI::Context for details.

      my $sock = POEx::ZMQ->socket(context => $ctx, type => ZMQ_ROUTER);

    If called as a class method, returns a new POEx::ZMQ::Socket using
    either a provided "context" or, if missing from arguments, a
    freshly-created POEx::ZMQ::FFI::Context.

      my $sock = $zmq->socket(type => ZMQ_ROUTER);

    If called as an object method, returns a new POEx::ZMQ::Socket that uses
    the POEx::ZMQ::FFI::Context object belonging to the instance; see "new"
    & "context".

    @_ is passed through to the POEx::ZMQ::Socket constructor.

    Convert::Z85 for encoding/decoding CURVE keys (see zmq_curve(7) on

    ZMQ::FFI for a lower-level, non-POE interface to ZeroMQ sockets.

    Jon Portnoy <>

    Significant portions of the POEx::ZMQ::FFI backend are inspired by or
    derived from ZMQ::FFI (version 0.14) by Dylan Cali (CPAN: CALID).

    Licensed under the same terms as Perl.