# NAME Linux::AtaSmart - XS wrapper around libatasmart # VERSION version 1.0.3 # SYNOPSIS use v5.10.1; use Linux::AtaSmart; use Linux::AtaSmart::Constants qw/:all/; my $atasmart = Linux::AtaSmart->new('/dev/sda'); if (!$atasmart->smart_is_available) { die "Drive not SMART capable"; } say 'Disk size in bytes: ', $atasmart->get_size; say 'Awake: ' . ($atasmart->check_sleep_mode ? 'YES' : 'NO'); say 'Status: ' . ($atasmart->smart_status ? 'GOOD' : 'BAD'); say 'Bad Sectors: ' . $atasmart->get_bad; say 'Temperature ��C: ' . $atasmart->get_temperature; say "Power Cycles: " . $atasmart->get_power_cycle; say "Powered On: " . $atasmart->get_power_on->pretty; my $status = $atasmart->get_overall; if ($status != OVERALL_GOOD) { say "STATUS NOT GOOD!"; } # all of the above and more $atasmart->dump; $atasmart->self_test(TEST_SHORT); # DESCRIPTION This is an XS wrapper around the Linux-only library, [libatasmart](http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/being-smart.html). To read SMART info from a drive you will need to run as root, or have CAP\_RAW\_IO (which you will most likely have to set on your `perl` binary). __HAVING GROUP WRITE PERMISSIONS IS NOT ENOUGH!__ # ALTERNATIVES You may already have [udisks](http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/udisks) installed, which you can query via [Net::DBus](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Net::DBus). # INSTALLATION On Debian-like systems, make sure you have `libatasmart-dev` installed. # DIFFERENCES FROM THE C API - I have removed the `sk_disk_` and `sk_disk_smart_` prefixes for brevity. - The `SkDisk` item is handled inside this module, you don't need to pass it to every method. You should create a new object to examine a different disk. - Results are returned directly by the methods, you don't have to pass references to be filled. - You don't have to manually call `sk_disk_smart_read_data` or `sk_disk_smart_parse_data`. This will be handled automatically by those methods that require it. # ERRORS All errors will throw exceptions via `confess` # METHODS ## `new(disk\_device)` Creates a new `Linux::AtaSmart` object. Requires one argument, a string, identifying the disk to exmaine, e.g. `/dev/sda`, `/dev/disk/by-label/HOME` ## `smart\_is\_available` Boolean. ## `smart\_status` Boolean, true is GOOD, false is BAD. ## `check\_sleep\_mode` Boolean, true if awake, false if sleeping. Reading SMART data will wake up the disk, so check this first if you care. ## `dump` Prints all the available SMART info for the disk to `STDOUT`. ## `get\_bad` Returns the number of bad sectors on the disk. ## `get\_overall` Returns an integer corresponding to the overall status of the drive. See [Linux::AtaSmart::Constants](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Linux::AtaSmart::Constants). ## `get\_power\_cycle` Returns number of times the disk has been power cycled. ## `get\_power\_on` Returns the total time this disk has been powered-on as a [Time::Seconds](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Time::Seconds) object. The C library actually uses milliseconds, complain if you'd prefer that. ## `get\_size` Returns the disk capacity in bytes. ## `get\_temperature` Returns current disk temperature in celsius. The C library actually uses millikelvins, complain if you'd prefer that. ## `self\_test(TEST\_TYPE)` Starts a test of TEST\_TYPE. See [Linux::AtaSmart::Constants](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Linux::AtaSmart::Constants). # SEE ALSO - [libatasmart](http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/being-smart.html) - [Linux::AtaSmart::Constants](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Linux::AtaSmart::Constants) # AUTHOR Ioan Rogers <ioanr@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Ioan Rogers. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3, June 2007 # BUGS AND LIMITATIONS You can make new bug reports, and view existing ones, through the web interface at [https://github.com/ioanrogers/Linux-AtaSmart/issues](https://github.com/ioanrogers/Linux-AtaSmart/issues). # SOURCE The development version is on github at [http://github.com/ioanrogers/Linux-AtaSmart](http://github.com/ioanrogers/Linux-AtaSmart) and may be cloned from [git://github.com/ioanrogers/Linux-AtaSmart.git](git://github.com/ioanrogers/Linux-AtaSmart.git)