#! /usr/local/bin/perl
# subnetter - calculate various things about subnets
$version = '$Id: subnetter,v 1.3 2003/02/08 05:40:04 jp78 Exp $';
# This code is Copyright(c) 1998 by Jan L. Peterson
# All rights reserved.
# You may use this program without charge, you may copy it for
# backup purposes, you may even give it away to anyone you like.
# You may not charge a fee for it.  You may charge a fee for
# a distribution mechanism (such as a CD-ROM containing it), but
# such fee must not exceed the amount required to recoup costs.
# You may modify it for your own purposes, but this notice must
# remain attached to all copies and derivitive works.
# If you make modifications that you think others would like, please
# send diffs of your changes to the author at
# <jlp+sourceforge@peterson.ath.cx>.

use Socket;
use Tk;
use Tk::Dialog;

# CPAN support

my $VERSION = 1.2;

=head1 NAME

subnetter - subnet calculator


given an IP address and subnet bits, produce the network
number, subnet mask, cisco mask, and ranges of hosts

=head1 README

This is a subnet calculator.  The idea was developed based on a PalmOS








# constants

%bg = (-background => 'alice blue');
%hilight = (-background => 'light steel blue');
%sel_bg = (-background => 'dodger blue');
%lbl_font = (-font => '-misc-fixed-medium-*-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*');
%hdr_font = (-font => '-*-fixed-bold-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*');
%lbo = (%bg, %lbl_font);
%lbh = (%bg, %hdr_font);
%can_font = (-font => '-misc-fixed-medium-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*');
%can_bfont = (-font => '-misc-fixed-bold-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*');
%slide_font = (-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*');

%class_bits = (A => 8,
	       B => 16,
	       C => 24,
	       D => 0,
	       E => 0);

%class_names = (8, 'A', 16, 'B', 24, 'C');

$about_str = qq(This is a Subnet Calculator.  I had seen applications like
it for PCs and for the Palm Pilot, but did not have one available that
would run on Unix.  Since I avoid Microsoft(tm) operating systems [sic]
like the plague, I decided to write something that would do the job
under Unix with X Windows.  I also decided that I would like to use the
Perl/Tk modules, since my preferred programming language is Perl and I
wanted to get more familiar with Tk under Perl (I had used Tk before,
with tcl, but didn't think it was suitable for this program due to the 
amount of bit fiddling required).

The tool is very easy to use.  Enter an IP address in the entry field
at the top.  Hit return, then adjust the class and subnet sliders as
desired.  The reason for different class and subnet sliders is that you
may have a /25 block from your network provider.  If you wish to further
subnet this block, you don't want to be presented with all of the subnets
that don't belong to you.  You can adjust the class slider to 25, then
play with the subnet slider to see how it affects your number of nets
and hosts.

You can click on the subnet mask, cisco mask (used for programming acl
lists for cisco routers), or the network, broadcast, and valid hosts.
Clicking on them makes them be the primary X selection, so you can then
paste them into an xterm (for example).

Any comments or suggestions should be sent to the author at the e-mail
address listed below.


This code is Copyright (c) 1998 by Jan L. Peterson.  All rights are
reserved.  Please see the source code for licensing restrictions.

This is $version.

# maintenance subroutines

# this is anoying... we need to take into account the fact
# that some machines use a different byte order than others

sub make_order {
    my $packed = pack('L', 1);

    if (unpack('N', $packed) == unpack('L', $packed)) {
	# network order is same as machine order
	eval q!sub order { my $val = shift; $val }!;
    } else {
	# network order is different from machine order
	eval q!sub order { my $val = shift; 
                          my $ret = unpack('N4', pack('L4', $val));
                          $ret; }!;

sub sanity_check_quad {
    my $ip_quad = shift;
    my (@ip) = split(m/\./, $ip_quad);

    return undef unless scalar(@ip) == 4;

    while ($octet = shift @ip) {
	return undef unless $octet >= 0 && $octet <= 255;
	return undef unless $octet =~ m/^\d+$/;


sub sanity_check_nbits {
    my $nbits = shift;

    return undef unless $nbits >= 0 && $nbits <= 32;

sub quad_to_long {
    my $ip_quad = shift;
    return undef unless &sanity_check_quad($ip_quad);

    unpack('L', inet_aton($ip_quad));

sub long_to_quad {
    my $long = shift;
    my $ip_quad = inet_ntoa(pack('L', $long));
    return undef unless &sanity_check_quad($ip_quad);


sub long_to_hex {
    my $long = shift;
    my $hex = sprintf('0x%08x', &order($long));


sub bits_to_mask {
    my $nbits = shift;
    my $str = '1' x $nbits . '0' x (32 - $nbits);
    my $mask = unpack('L', pack('B*', $str));

sub nets_from_nbits {
# given a.b.c.d and nbits
# return network, subnet mask, bcast addr and cisco mask as dotted quads
# and valid host range first addr and last addr as dotted quads

    my $ip_long = shift;
    my $nbits = shift;

    my $mask_long, $cisco_long, $network, $subnet_mask;
    my $broadcast, $cisco_mask, $first_addr, $last_addr;

    $mask_long = &bits_to_mask($nbits);
    $cisco_long = 0xffffffff ^ $mask_long;

    $network = $ip_long & $mask_long;
    $broadcast = $ip_long | $cisco_long;

    $first_addr = &order(&order($network) + 1);
    $last_addr = &order(&order($broadcast) - 1);

    ($network, $mask_long, $broadcast, $cisco_long,
     $first_addr, $last_addr);

sub find_class {
    my $ip_long = shift;
    my $class;

    $ip_long = &order($ip_long);
    if (($ip_long & 0x80000000) == 0x00000000) {
	$class = 'A';
    } elsif (($ip_long & 0xc0000000) == 0x80000000) {
	$class = 'B';
    } elsif (($ip_long & 0xe0000000) == 0xc0000000) {
	$class = 'C';
    } elsif (($ip_long & 0xf0000000) == 0xe0000000) {
	$class = 'D';
    } else {
	$class = 'E';


sub do_exit {

sub about_post {
    $about = $main->Toplevel(-title => 'About Subnet Calculator', %bg);
    my $fl = $about->Frame(%bg)
	->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both');
    $fl->Label(-bitmap => 'info', %bg)
	->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 'yes', -padx => 50, -fill => 'both');
    $fl->Button(-text => 'Dismiss', -command => [\&about_unpost], %bg)
	->pack(-side => 'bottom');
    $about->Message(-text => $about_str, %bg, %slide_font,
		  -aspect => 300)->pack(-side => 'left');

sub about_unpost {

sub err_post {
    my $msg = shift;

    my $d = $main->Dialog(-title => 'Error',
			  -text => $msg,
			  -default_button => 'OK',
			  -buttons => ['OK'], %bg);


sub do_gen {
    # get these values from something
    my $ip = $ip_entry->get;
    my $cidr_bits = shift;
    $nbits = shift;

    unless (&sanity_check_quad($ip)) {
	&err_post(qq("$ip" does not look like a valid IP address.));

    my $ip_long = &quad_to_long($ip);

    my @bits = split(m//, unpack('B*', pack('L', $ip_long)));
    my $i;
    for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@bits); $i++) {
	$can->itemconfigure("bit$i", -text => $bits[$i]);

    my $class = &find_class($ip_long);

    $cidr_bits = $class_bits{$class} unless $cidr_bits =~ m/^\d+$/;
    $nbits = $cidr_bits unless $nbits =~ m/^\d+$/;
    $nbits = $cidr_bits if $nbits < $cidr_bits;

    my ($network, $subnet_mask, $broadcast, $cisco_mask, $first_addr,
	$last_addr) = &nets_from_nbits($ip_long, $nbits);
    $this_net = $network;


    my $cbits = ($cidr_bits > 0) ? $cidr_bits :

    my $xbits = $cbits;
    my $ybits = $nbits - $cbits;
    $nnets = 2 ** $ybits;
    $zbits = 32 - $nbits;
    my $nhosts = 2 ** $zbits - 2;

    ($base_long, @rest) = &nets_from_nbits($ip_long, $xbits);
    # output these values
    $snm_label->configure(-text => &long_to_quad($subnet_mask));
    $snmx_label->configure(-text => &long_to_hex($subnet_mask));
    $cism_label->configure(-text => &long_to_quad($cisco_mask));
    $snct_label->configure(-text => "$nnets subnets, $nhosts hosts per net");

    &clear_table(0, 10);
    $sb->set(0, 1);
    return if $nhosts < 1;
    &load_table(0, ($nnets > 10) ? 10 : $nnets);

sub clear_table {
    my $start = shift;
    my $end = shift;
    my $i;

    for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
	$tb{$i,'arrow'}->configure(-image => 'blank', %bg);
	$tb{$i,'network'}->configure(-text => '', %bg);
	$tb{$i,'broadcast'}->configure(-text => '', %bg);
	$tb{$i,'first'}->configure(-text => '', %bg);
	$tb{$i,'hyphen'}->configure(-text => '', %bg);
	$tb{$i,'last'}->configure(-text => '', %bg);

	$tb{$i,'network'}->bind('<1>', [\&noop]);
	$tb{$i,'broadcast'}->bind('<1>', [\&noop]);
	$tb{$i,'first'}->bind('<1>', [\&noop]);
	$tb{$i,'last'}->bind('<1>', [\&noop]);

sub load_table {
    my $start = shift;
    my $end = shift;
    my $i, $tlong, $arr, %b;
    my $network, $subnet_mask, $broadcast, $cisco_mask, $first_addr;
    my $last_addr;

    for ($i = $start, $ty = 0; $i < $end; $i++, $ty++) {
	$tlong = &order($base_long) + ($i << $zbits);
	($network, $subnet_mask, $broadcast, $cisco_mask, $first_addr,
	 $last_addr) = &nets_from_nbits(&order($tlong), $nbits);

	if ($this_net == $network) {
	    $arr = 'arrow';
	    %b = %hilight;
	} else {
	    $arr = 'blank';
	    %b = %bg;

	$tb{$ty,'arrow'}->configure(-image => $arr, %bg);
	$tb{$ty,'network'}->configure(-text => &long_to_quad($network), %b);
	    configure(-text => &long_to_quad($broadcast), %b);
	$tb{$ty,'first'}->configure(-text => &long_to_quad($first_addr), %b);
	$tb{$ty,'hyphen'}->configure(-text => ' - ', %b);
	$tb{$ty,'last'}->configure(-text => &long_to_quad($last_addr), %b);

	$tb{$ty,'network'}->bind('<1>', [\&make_selection]);
	$tb{$ty,'broadcast'}->bind('<1>', [\&make_selection]);
	$tb{$ty,'first'}->bind('<1>', [\&make_selection]);
	$tb{$ty,'last'}->bind('<1>', [\&make_selection]);
    &clear_table($ty, 10);
    if ($nnets > 0) {
	$spct = $start / $nnets;
	$epct = $end / $nnets;
    } else {
	$spct = 0;
	$epct = 1;
    $sb->set($spct, $epct);

sub do_scroll {
    my ($type, $distance, $what) = @_;

    if ($type eq 'moveto') {
	# $distance is a percentage
	$distance = 0 if $distance < 0;
	$distance = 1 if $distance > 1;
	$first = int($distance * $nnets);
    } elsif ($type eq 'scroll') {
	# $distance is an offset from cur, $what tells if units or pages
	my ($cur_first, $cur_last) = $sb->get;
	$first = int($cur_first * $nnets);
	if ($what eq 'units') {
	    $first += $distance;
	} else {
	    $first += ($distance * 10);

    $first = 0 if $first < 0;

    $last = $first + 10;

    if ($last > $nnets) {
	$last = $nnets;
	$first = $nnets - 10;

    $first = 0 if $first < 0;

    &load_table($first, $last);

sub initialize {
    $main = MainWindow->new(%bg);
    $main->title('Subnet Calculator');
    my $f1 = $main->Frame(%bg)->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'x');
    $f1->Button(-text => 'Exit', %bg, -command => [\&do_exit])
	->pack(-side => 'left');
    $f1->Label(%lbh)->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 'yes', -fill => 'x');
    $f1->Label(-text => 'IP Address:  ', %lbh, -anchor => 'e')
	->pack(-side => 'left');
    $f1->Button(-text => 'About', %bg, -command => [\&about_post])
	->pack(-side => 'right');
    $f1->Label(%lbh)->pack(-side => 'right', -expand => 'yes', -fill => 'x');
    $ip_entry = $f1->Entry(%bg)->pack(-side => 'right');

    my $f2 = $main->Frame(%bg)->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both');
    $can = $f2->Canvas(-width => '19.5c', -height => '4.5c', %bg)
	->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both');

    my $f3 = $main->Frame(%bg)->pack;
    my $f3a = $f3->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');
    $f3a->Label(%lbh, -text => 'Subnet Mask: ', -anchor => 'e',
		-width => 15)->pack;
    $f3a->Label(%lbh, -text => 'Cisco Mask: ', -anchor => 'e',
		-width => 15)->pack;
    my $f3b = $f3->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');
    $snm_label = $f3b->
	Label(%lbo, -text => '', -anchor => 'w',
	      -width => 15)->pack;
    $cism_label = $f3b->
	Label(%lbo, -text => '', -anchor => 'w',
	      -width => 15)->pack;
    my $f3c = $f3->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');
    $snmx_label = $f3c->
	Label(%lbo, -text => '', -anchor => 'w',
	      -width => 10)->pack;
    $snct_label = $f3c->
	Label(%lbo, -text => '', -anchor => 'w')->pack;

    my $f4 = $main->Frame(%bg)->pack;

    my $f4a = $f4->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $f4b = $f4->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $f4c = $f4->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $f4d = $f4->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $f4e = $f4->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'y', -expand => 1);

    $f4a->Label(%lbo, -text => ' ')->pack;
    $f4b->Label(%lbh, -text => 'Network', -anchor => 'w')->pack;
    $f4c->Label(%lbh, -text => 'Broadcast', -anchor => 'w')->pack;
    $f4d->Label(%lbh, -text => 'Valid Hosts Range')->pack;
    $f4e->Label(%lbo, -text => ' ')->pack;

    my $f4d1 = $f4d->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $f4d2 = $f4d->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $f4d3 = $f4d->Frame(%bg)->pack(-side => 'left');

    my $arrow_str = q(
#define arrow2_width 10
#define arrow2_height 7
static char arrow2_bits[] = {
   0x60, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x00,
   0x60, 0x00};
    $main->Bitmap('arrow', -data => $arrow_str);
    my $blank_str = q(
#define blank_width 1
#define blank_height 1
static char blank_bits[] = {
    $main->Bitmap('blank', -data => $blank_str);

    # prime the table
    my $i, $j, $tf;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
	$tf = $f4a->Frame(%bg)->pack;
	$tf->Label(%lbo, -text => ' ')->pack(-side => 'left');
	$tb{$i,'arrow'} = $tf->Label(%bg, -image => 'blank', -width => 15)
	    ->pack(-side => 'left');
	$tb{$i,'network'} = $f4b->
	    Label(%lbo, -width => 15, -anchor => 'w')->pack;
	$tb{$i,'broadcast'} = $f4c->
	    Label(%lbo, -width => 15, -anchor => 'w')->pack;
	$tb{$i,'first'} = $f4d1->
	    Label(%lbo, -width => 15, -anchor => 'e')->pack;
	$tb{$i,'hyphen'} = $f4d2->Label(%lbo, -width => 3)->pack;
	$tb{$i,'last'} = $f4d3->
	    Label(%lbo, -width => 15, -anchor => 'w')->pack;

    $sb = $f4e->Scrollbar(-command => [ \&do_scroll ])
	->pack(-expand => '1', -fill => 'y');

    # prime the canvas
    my $bit, $x1, $x2, $xs, $xt, $titem, $tx, $tb;
    for ($i = 1, $bit = 0; $i <= 15; $i += 4.5, $bit--) {
	($x1, $x2) = ($i, $i + 4);
	$can->create('line', "${x1}c", "2c", "${x2}c", "2c");
	$can->create('line', "${x1}c", "2.5c", "${x2}c", "2.5c");
	for ($j = 0; $j <= 8; $j++, $bit++) {
	    $xs = $j * 0.5 + $i;
	    $titem = $can->create('line', "${xs}c", "2c", "${xs}c", "2.5c");
	    ($tx, $ty) = $can->coords($titem);
	    if (($j < 8 && $i == 1)
		|| ($j > 0 && $i == 14.5)
		|| ($j > 0 && $j < 8)) {
		$bit_xs[$tb++] = int($tx);
	    $xt = $j * 0.5 + $i + 0.25;
	    $can->create('text', "${xt}c", "2.25c", -anchor => 'center',
			 -tags => "bit$bit", %can_font)
		unless $j == 8;
	if ($i <= 10) {
	    $xt = $i + 4.25;
	    $titem = $can->create('text', "${xt}c", "2.25c", %can_bfont,
				  -anchor => 'center', -text => '.');
	    ($tx, $ty) = $can->coords($titem);
	    $bit_xs[$tb++] = int($tx);

    # some bindings

    $can->bind('subnet', '<1>' => [\&can_select_subnet]);
    $can->bind('class', '<1>' => [\&can_select_class]);
    $can->Tk::bind('<B1-Motion>' => [\&can_move_selected]);
    $can->Tk::bind('<Any-ButtonRelease-1>' => [\&can_release_selected]);
    $ip_entry->Tk::bind('<Return>' => [\&do_gen]);

    $snm_label->bind('<1>' => [\&make_selection]);
    $snmx_label->bind('<1>' => [\&make_selection]);
    $cism_label->bind('<1>' => [\&make_selection]);

sub noop {

sub clear_selection {
    if ($cur_selection) {
	if ($cur_selection->SelectionOwner) {
	undef $cur_selection;

sub handle_selection {
    my ($offset, $max) = @_;

    return undef unless ($cur_selection);
    substr($cur_selection->cget('-text'), $offset, $max);

sub make_selection {
    my $c = shift;
    my $e = $c->XEvent;
    my ($x, $y, $W, $K, $A) = ($e->x, $e->y, $e->W, $e->K, $e->A);

    $cur_selection = $W;

    %s_bg = (-background => $cur_selection->cget('-background'));

    $cur_selection->SelectionOwn(-command => [\&clear_selection]);

# canvas support routines
sub can_select_subnet {
    my $c = shift;
    $selected = 'subnet';

sub can_select_class {
    my $c = shift;
    $selected = 'class';

sub can_move_selected {
    my $c = shift;
    return unless defined($selected);

    my $e = $c->XEvent;
    my ($x, $y) = ($e->x, $e->y);
    my ($cx, $cy) = ($c->canvasx($x, "0.25c"), $c->canvasy($y));
    my ($ox, $oy) = $c->coords($selected);
    my $offset = &x_to_offset($cx);

    if ($selected eq 'class') {
    } elsif ($selected eq 'subnet') {

sub can_release_selected {
    my $c = shift;
    undef $selected;
    &do_gen($current_cbits, $current_nbits);

sub x_to_offset {
    my $x = shift;
    my $i, $tdistance, $distance = 25000;

    for ($i = 0; $i <= 32; $i++) {
	$tdistance = abs($x - $bit_xs[$i]);
	last if $tdistance > $distance;
	$distance = $tdistance if $tdistance < $distance;

    $i - 1;

sub create_tri {
    my $tag = shift;
    my $label = shift;
    my $offset = shift;
    my $apex = shift;
    my $end = shift;

    my $fudge = int($offset / 8) * 0.5;
    if ($fudge <= 0) {
	$fudge = 0;
    } elsif ($offset == 32) {
	$fudge -= 0.5;
    } elsif ($offset % 8 == 0) {
	$fudge -= 0.25;

    my $ax = ($offset * 0.5) + 1 + $fudge;
    my ($bx, $cx) = ($ax - 0.25, $ax + 0.25);

    my $ay = 2.25 + $apex;
    my $bcy = 2.25 + $end;

    $can->create('polygon', "${ax}c", "${ay}c", "${bx}c", "${bcy}c",
		 "${cx}c", "${bcy}c", -tags => $tag);

    my $tx = $ax;
    my $ty = 2.25 + ($apex * 2);

    $can->create('text', "${tx}c", "${ty}c", %slide_font,
		 -anchor => ($apex > 0) ? 'n' : 's',
		 -justify => 'center', -tags => $tag,
		 -text => $label);

sub can_draw_class {
    my $cbits = shift;
    my $class = $class_names{$cbits};
    my $label;

    if ($class) {
	$label = "Class\n$class";
    } else {
	$label = "CIDR\n$cbits Bits";
    if ($cbits != $current_cbits) {
	&create_tri('class', $label, $cbits, -0.35, -0.6);
	$current_cbits = $cbits;

sub can_draw_subnet {
    my $nbits = shift;

    if ($nbits != $current_nbits) {
	&create_tri('subnet', "$nbits\nSubnet\nBits", $nbits, 0.35, 0.6);
	$current_nbits = $nbits;

if ($ARGV[0] =~ m,^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\/?(\d+)?,) {
    ($net, $mask) = ($1, $2);
    $ip_entry->insert(0, $net);
    &do_gen($mask, $mask);
