Greetings Perlfolk,

** What is this?

AI::NeuralNet::BackProp is a simply back-propagation,
feed-foward neural network designed to learn using
a generalization of the Delta rule and a bit of Hopefield

** What's new?

From the POD:
This is version 0.89. In this version I have included a
new feature, output range limits, as well as automatic
crunching of run() and learn*() inputs. Included in the
examples directory are seven new practical-use example
scripts. Also implemented in this version is a much cleaner
learning function for individual neurons which is more
accurate than previous verions and is based on the LMS
rule. See range() for information on output range limits.
I have also updated the load() and save() methods so that
they do not depend on Storable anymore. In this version you
also have the choice between three network topologies, two
not as stable, and the third is the default which has been
in use for the previous four versions.

Checkout the nifty HTML-format docs in "docs.htm"

** What do you think?

Now I know you people are out there that are using the module...
I can hear the fists hitting the keyboards in frustration. :-) Relieve
some of that frustration by e-mailing me and letting me know what
you think of the module and any suggestions you got. Especially you
guys in HP Labs and at Xerox! :-)

Use it, let me know what you all think. This is just a
groud-up write of a neural network, no code stolen or
anything else. It uses the -IDEA- of back-propagation
for error correction, with the -IDEA- of the delta
rule and hopefield theory, as I understand them. So, don't expect
a classicist view of nerual networking here. I simply wrote
from operating theory, not math theory. Any die-hard neural
networking gurus out there? Let me know how far off I am with
this code! :-)

        ~ Josiah Bryan, <>

Latest Version: