LWP::UserAgent::Mockable - Permits recording, and later playing back of
    LWP requests.


    Version 1.10


        # setup env vars to control behaviour, allowing them to be
        # overridden from command line.  In current case, do before
        # loading module, so will be actioned on.
        BEGIN {
            $ENV{ LWP_UA_MOCK } ||= 'playback';
            $ENV{ LWP_UA_MOCK_FILE } ||= 'lwp-mock.out';
        use LWP;
        use LWP::UserAgent::Mockable;
        # setup a callback when recording, to allow modifying the response
        LWP::UserAgent::Mockable->set_record_callback( sub {
            my ( $request, $response ) = @_;
            print "GOT REQUEST TO: " . $request->uri;
            $response->content( lc( $response->content ) );
            return $response;
        } );
        # perform LWP request, as normal
        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
        my $res = $ua->get( "" );
        print $res->content;
        # when the LWP work is done, inform LWP::UserAgent::Mockable
        # that we're finished.  Will trigger any behaviour specific to
        # the action being done, such as saving the recorded session.


    This module adds session record and playback options for LWP requests,
    whilst trying to introduce as little clutter as necessary. When in
    record mode, all LWP requests and responses will be captured in-memory,
    until the finished method is called, at which point they will then be
    written out to a file. In playback mode, LWP responses are
    short-circuited, to instead return the responses that were previously
    dumped out. If neither of the above actions are requested, this module
    does nothing, so LWP requests are handled as normal.

    Most of the control of this module is done via environment variables,
    both to control the action being done (LWP_UA_MOCK env var, allowed
    values being 'record', 'playback', 'passthrough' (the default) ), and
    to control the file that is used for storing or replaying the responses
    (LWP_UA_MOCK_FILE env var, not used for 'passthrough' mode).

    The only mandatory change to incorporate this module is to call the
    'finished' method, to indicate that LWP processing is completed. Other
    than that, LWP handling can be done as-normal.

    As the initial impetus for this module was to allow mocking of external
    HTTP calls within unittests, a couple of optional callback (one for
    each action of the valid action types), to allow for custom handling of
    responses, or to modify the response that is returned back to the
    client (this is useful for simulating the requested system being down,
    or when playing back, to modify the mocked response to reflect expected
    dynamic content).


    As there is only a singleton instance of LWP::UserAgent::Mockable, all
    methods are class methods.

    finished() - required

      Informs LWP::UserAgent::Mockable that no further requests are
      expected, and allow it to do any post-processing that is required.

      When in 'record' mode, this will cause the playback file (controlled
      by LWP_UA_MOCK_FILE env var) to be created. When in 'playback' mode,
      this will issue a warning if there is still additional mocked
      responses that haven't been returned.

    set_record_callback( <sub {}> ) - optional

    set_playback_callback( <sub {}> ) - optional

      These optional methods allow custom callbacks to be inserted, when
      performing the relevant actions. The callback will be invoked for
      each LWP request, AFTER the request has been actioned (see
      set_record_pre_callback for a method of short-circuiting the LWP
      fetch). They will be passed in 2 parameters, an HTTP::Request and an
      HTTP::Response object. For the record callback (which is used for
      both 'record' and 'passthrough' mode) the request will be the
      HTTP::Request object used to perform the request, and the response
      the HTTP::Response result from that. In playback mode, the request
      will be the HTTP::Request object used to perform the request, and the
      response the mocked response object.

      When the callbacks are being used, they're expected to return an
      HTTP::Response object, which will be treated as the actual reply from
      the call being made. Failure to do do will result in a fatal error
      being raised.

      To clear a callback, call the relevant method, passing in no

    set_record_pre_callback( <sub {}> ) - optional

      This callback is similar to set_record_callback, except that it will
      short-circuit the actual fetching of the remote URL. Only a single
      parameter is passed through to this callback, that being the
      HTTP::Request object. It's expected to construct an return an
      HTTP::Response object (or subclass thereof). Should anything other
      than an HTTP::Response subclass be returned, a fatal error will be

      This callback will be invoked for both 'record' and 'passthrough'
      modes. Note that there is no analagous callback for 'playback' mode.

      To clear the callback, pass in no argument.

    set_playback_validation_callback( <sub {}> ) - optional

      This callback allows validation of the received request. It receives
      two parameters, both HTTP::Requests, the first being the actual
      request made, the second being the mocked request that was received
      when recording a session. It's up to the callback to do any
      validation that it wants, and to perform any action that is

      As with other callbacks, to clear, pass in no argument to the method.

    reset( <action>, <file> ) - optional

      Reset the state of mocker, allowing the action and file operation on
      to change. Will also reset all callbacks. Note that this will raise
      an error, if called whilst there are outstanding requests, and the
      finished method hasn't been called.


    The playback file generated by this is not encrypted in any manner. As
    it's only using Storable to dump the file, it's easy to get at the data
    contained within, even if the requests are going to HTTPS sites. Treat
    the playback file as if it were the original data, security-wise.


      * LWP::UserAgent - The class being mocked.

      * Test::LWP::UserAgent

      * HTTP::Request

      * HTTP::Response


    Mark Morgan, <>


    Michael Jemmeson, <>


    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    bug-lwp-useragent-mockable at, or through the web interface
    I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
    progress on your bug as I make changes.


    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc LWP::UserAgent::Mockable

    You can also look for information at:

      * RT: CPAN's request tracker

      * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation

      * CPAN Ratings

      * Search CPAN


    Copyright 2009 Mark Morgan, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.